HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-15-Regular Minutes►,� Waukee ' WI THE KEY TO GOOD LIVING WAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES November 15, 2021 (A) Call to Order — The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order by Mayor Clarke at 5:30 p.m. at Waukee City Hall, 230 W. Hickman Rd. and electronically via Zoom. (B) Pledge of Allegiance (C) Roll Call — The following members were present: Mayor Courtney Clarke; Council Members Anna Bergman Pierce (electronically), R. Charles Bottenberg, Chris Crone, Larry R. Lyon, Ben Sinclair. Absent: None. Also in attendance: City Administrator Tim Moerman, Assistant City Administrator Brad Deets, Finance Director Linda Burkhart, Public Works Director/City Engineer Rudy Koester, Planning Coordinator Andy Kass, Economic Development Coordinator Jennifer Brown, Human Resources Director Michelle Lindsay, IT Director Son Le (electronically), Police Lt. Jeremy Long, Police Officer Scott Kinney, City Clerk Rebecca D. Schuett, City Attorney Steve Brick. (D) Open Forum (E) Agenda Approval — Council Member Lyon moved to approve the agenda, removing consideration of Consent Agenda Item 11 G2; seconded by Council Member Sinclair. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (F) Presentations: None (G) Public Hearings: 1) On an ordinance to amend Chapter 169, Zoning Ordinance, City of Waukee, Iowa, by rezoning certain property from A-1 to K-MF Stacked Med and K-MF Stacked High, a property known as ARAC, LLC — Mayor Clarke opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received; City Clerk Schuett replied that none had been received in the clerk's office. Planning Coordinator Kass reviewed the application for a property within the Kettlestone Master Plan area. The applicant obtained consent signatures from the owners of 53% of the surrounding property. The Kettlestone Master Plan shows the subject property as multi -family stacked medium density; the proposed rezoning would align zoning boundaries with the adjacent LOLOWAU property, which was recently rezoned. Due to the unusual shape and dimensions of the subject property, City staff does not believe it will be developed on its own but will likely be joined to development to the east. Mr. Kass reviewed landscape buffering requirements between the subject property and adjacent residential development. The rezoning request is consistent with the Kettlestone Master Plan and adjacent zoning. Mr. Kass noted the density and building height differences allowed between the two proposed zoning districts. Matthew Hovda, representing the applicant, introduced himself in the event of questions. No comments were made by the public in attendance. 2) On a proposed Amendment No. 11 to Waukee Unified Urban Renewal Plan — Mayor Clarke opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received; City Clerk Schuett replied that none had been received in the clerk's office. Assistant City Administrator Deets discussed the plan amendment, noting that over time the plan area will get smaller as older parcels reach their 20-year TIF "sunset". He then reviewed a map showing the proposed amendment. No comments were made by the public in attendance. 3) On a proposed Amendment No. 5 to the Waukee Consolidated Urban Renewal Plan — Mayor Clarke opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received; City Clerk Schuett replied that none had been received in the clerk's office. Assistant City Administrator Deets discussed the plan amendment, stating that the plan area was a consolidation of other, older plans. He then reviewed a map showing the proposed amendment. No comments were made by the public in attendance. 4) On plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost [U.S. 6 (Hickman Road) & Berkshire Parkway/SE Waco Place Intersection Improvements Project] — Mayor Clarke opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received; City Clerk Schuett replied that none had been received in the clerk's office. Public Works Director/City Engineer Koester reviewed the project, which is a shared project with the City of Clive. Project costs will also be shared evenly between the two cities; the City of Waukee has secured $200,000 in funding from the Iowa Department of Transportation toward the project. Mr. Koester then noted the long lead times for traffic signal components. Council Member Sinclair asked who would administer and maintain the traffic signal; Mr. Koester replied that it would be maintained by the City of Clive, adding that the maintenance terms were spelled out in a previously approved 28E agreement on the project. Council Member Sinclair then asked if the signal would synchronize with other Waukee signals along the corridor; Mr. Koester clarified that Waukee's system was not yet fully adaptive, adding that the City was still collecting traffic data to assist in signal timing and that City staff would present an update on the traffic synchronization project at a future work session. No comments were made by the public in attendance. (H) Public Hearing Action Items: 1) Ordinance: Consideration of approval of an ordinance to amend Chapter 169, Zoning Ordinance, City of Waukee, Iowa, by rezoning certain property from A-1 to K-MF Stacked Med and K-MF Stacked High, a property known as ARAC, LLC [introduction; first reading] — Council Member Crone introduced the ordinance and moved to approve the first reading in title only; seconded by Council Member Lyon. Council Member Bottenberg referenced some resident concerns included in the Planning and Zoning Commission minutes, stating that while he understood that the current site plan approval process does not include a provision for notification of surrounding property owners, he believed some of the best development comes as a result of community input. He then asked how the City would let the neighborhood know about a future site plan. Planning Coordinator Kass reviewed the current notification process, which includes posting agendas and plans on the City website for public review. He added that some other communities require signs to be posted on properties but that he was unaware of any Iowa cities that mail notices for site plans to surrounding property owners. Mr. Kass noted that City staff sometimes recommends to developers that they hold neighborhood meetings on development plans, but added that it is not a requirement. Mayor Clarke expressed concern that neighbors are told during the rezoning process that the site plan will be considered later, but then public comments are not taken during site plan approval. The council asked to discuss the notification process at a future work session. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. 2) Amendment No. 11 to the Waukee Unified Urban Renewal Plan A. Resolution: Considerationof approval of a resolution determining an area of the City to be an economic development and blighted area, and that the rehabilitation, conservation, redevelopment, development or a combination thereof, of such area is necessary in the interest of the public health, safety or welfare of the residents of the City; designating such area as appropriate for urban renewal projects; and adopting the Amendment No. 11 to the Waukee Unified Urban Renewal Plan — Council Member Lyon moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Council Member Bottenberg. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (Resolution #2021-475) B. Ordinance: Consideration of approval of an ordinance for the division of revenues under Section 403.19, Code of Iowa, for Amendment No. 11 to the Waukee Unified Urban Renewal Plan [introduction; first, second, third (final) readings] — Council Member Crone introduced the ordinance, moved to approve the first reading in title only, waive the second and third readings, and place the ordinance on final passage; seconded by Council Member Sinclair. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (Ordinance #3009) 3) Amendment No. 5 to the Waukee Consolidated Urban Renewal Plan A. Resolution: Consideration of approval of a resolution determining an area of the City to be an economic development area, and that the rehabilitation, conservation, redevelopment, development or a combination thereof, of such area is necessary in the interest of the public health, safety or welfare of the residents of the City; designating such area as appropriate for urban renewal projects; and adopting the Amendment No. 5 to the Waukee Consolidated Urban Renewal Plan — Council Member Sinclair moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Council Member Lyon. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (Resolution #2021-476) B. Ordinance: Consideration of approval of an ordinance amending Ordinance Nos. 2948 and 2942 for the division of revenues under Section 403.19, Code of Iowa, for the Waukee Consolidated Urban Renewal Plan (Removing a Split Tax Parcel) [introduction; first, second, third (final) readings] — Council Member Sinclair introduced the ordinance, moved to approve the first reading in title only, waive the second and third readings, and place the ordinance on final passage; seconded by Council Member Bottenberg. Assistant City Administrator Deets noted that the proposed ordinance corrected an earlier plan error related to certain lots near the Hickman Rd./Alice's Rd. intersection. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (Ordinance #3010) C. Ordinance: Consideration of approval of an ordinance for the division of revenues under Section 403.19, Code of Iowa, for the Waukee Consolidated Urban Renewal Plan (2021 Ordinance Parcels) [introduction; first, second, third (final) readings] — Council Member Crone introduced the ordinance, moved to approve the first reading in title only, waive the second and third readings, and place the ordinance on final passage; seconded by Council Member Sinclair. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (Ordinance #3011) 4) U.S. 6 (Hickman Road) & Berkshire Parkway/SE Waco Place Intersection Improvements Project A. Resolution: Consideration of approval of a resolution approving plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost— Council Member Lyon moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Council Member Bottenberg. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (Resolution #2021-477) B. Ordinance: Consideration of approval of a resolution rejecting bids — Council Member Crone moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Council Member Sinclair. Public Works Director/City Engineer Koester reviewed the bid tabulation, noting that three of the bids were unresponsive as they did not acknowledge an addendum. The City of Clive did not open the non -responsive bids. The lone responsive bid was much higher than the engineer's estimate. As a result, City staff recommend rejecting all project bids and rebidding in the near future. Council Member Crone asked if the responsive bidder (Minturn) was a contractor the City of Waukee has used before; Mr. Koester replied in the negative, but that they have done work in the metro area. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (Resolution #2021-478) (I) Action Items: 1) Consent Agenda: Council Member Lyon moved to approve the Consent Agenda; seconded by Council Member Sinclair. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. A. Consideration of approval of 11/15/2021 Bill List; 11/12/2021 Payroll: Total Unpaid Bills Presented for Approval : Total Checks Issued Prior to Council Approval: (A) Prior to Last Council Meeting (B) After Last Council Meeting (C) Payroll Taxes & Reimbursements (D) Utility Refunds Payroll Checks Issued: (E) 11 /12/2021 FY 2022 Fund Recap: 010 General Fund 011 General Fund-Hotel/Motel Tax 060 Road Use Tax Fund 070 Firemen's Association 080 Library Foundation 085 Asset Forfeitures 090 North Residential TIF 091 Hickman West Indust Park TIF 092 Enterprise Business Park TIF Fund 093 Waukee Urban Renewal Area TIF Fund 094 Gateway Urban Renewal 095 Autumn Ridge Urban Renewal 096 Waukee West Urban Renewal 097 Southwest Business Park 098 Waukee Central URA 110 Debt Service Fund 111 Special Assessments Fund 210 Employee Benefits Fund 211 Local Option Sales Tax 212 Public Improvement Fund 327 Capital Projects 330 City Wide SA Sidewalk Project 510 Water Utility Fund 520 Sewer Utility Fund 521 University Ave Trunk Sewer Project 522 Waste Water Treatment PI 523 E Area Pump Sta Treatment 540 Gas Utility Fund 560 Storm Sewer Utility Fund 570 Utility Bill Fund 590 Solid Waste Collect & Rcycl Fund 750 Golf Course Fund 810 Equipment Revolving Fund $2,751,364.26 3,756.78 549.48 394,460.23 4,389.12 281,506.80 'TOTAL` $3,436,026.67 Expenditures Budgeted Year To Date Revenues Budgeted Year To Date $16,326,795 $5,529,737 $16,767,357 $5,823,793 13,800 4,804 48,100 16,833 3,266,914 814,753 3,127,850 866,080 91,444 - - - 758,806 - 819,208 483,310 6,949,333 791 4,344,814 2,075,667 1,991,977 269,061 2,610,558 719,725 492,992 - 716,298 357,426 2,500 - - - 93,000 26,219 93,182 10,222 176,800 - 179,086 - 14,538,957 1,672,584 16,172,409 2,472,483 - - - 15,830 2,600,000 - 2,651,127 1,214,500 1,097,969 - 3,176,500 671,769 - - - 1,232 45,120,941 9,751,148 22,315,000 2,235,142 - - - 950 8,197,060 2,286,653 6,397,300 5,534,210 7,179,626 3,400,386 6,460,900 3,032,623 - - - 460 - - - 32 9,400,209 2,704,082 8,554,950 1,200,112 1,306,771 247,206 1,192,200 457,784 442,610 120,533 417,600 167,917 1,528,400 539,529 1,527,500 516,715 582,532 213,377 600,000 385,948 30,000 - - 145 'TOTAL' $122,189, 436 $27, 580, 864 1 $98,171, 939 $28, 261, 021 CHECKS ISSUED PRIOR TO COUNCIL APPROVAL 11/15/2021 41MPRINT INC ZIPPERED VINYL PORTFOLIOS $549.48 ANDERS, CHELSEA J UTILITY REFUND 38.94 BASS, SOLOMON UTILITY REFUND 71.48 BIALZAK, MAUREEN L UTILITY REFUND 68.12 BRIGGS, KAREN S UTILITY REFUND 44.82 BROWNING, TONI UTILITY REFUND 38.80 CITY OF WAUKEE HEALTH INSURANCE DEDUCTION 13,302.28 4 DIEMER, NOAH W DOLL DISTRIBUTING, LLC EFTPS FIERRO-RODRIGUEZ, RAYEMUND A GIPSON, COREY L HARWOOD, NATALIE A HOLBEN, JEREMY S ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 IOWA BEVERAGE SYSTEMS INC IOWA DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES IPERS ISOLVED BENEFIT SERVICES, INC JACKSON,JOHN JOHNSON, ABIGAIL K JOHNSON, JOY KETTMAN,JOE KLABUNDE, KIERSTEN R LESLIE, DALTON J LOCHER,TRACY M MEALS FROM THE HEARTLAND MUNFORD, TIMOTHY NIEFT, TAYLOR R OREILLY, MICHELLE POINDEXTER, SHIELA M RAJARAM, MADHANKUMAR RALEY, BROOKE M RJ LAWN SERVICE INC SCHERBER, MICHAEL L SMALL, MCKAYLA M SNEDDEN, JEFF T SUBSIN, ALEXANDER W THOMPSON, GINA E ARNETT TREASURER STATE OF IOWA UNITED WAY CENTRAL IOWA US POSTAL SERVICE WAUKEE AREA CHRISTIAN SERVICES WAUKEE BETTERMENT FOUNDATION WAUKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY FRIENDS FOUNDATION WOLLESEN, MARYJO *TOTAL* UTILITY REFUND BEER DELIVERY FICA TAX WITHHOLDING UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND ICMA RETIREMENT BEER DELIVERY CHILD SUPPORT IPERS DEDUCTIONS SECTION 125 MEDICAL DEDUCTIONS UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND MEALS FROM HEARTLAND DEDUCTION UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND STATE WITHHOLDING TAXES UNITED WAY DEDUCTION OCTOBER 2021 REGULAR BILLING WAUKEE AREA CHRISTIAN SERVICES DEDUCTION WAUKEE BETTERMENT FOUNDATION DEDUCTION LIBRARY FRIENDS FOUNDATION PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION UTILITY REFUND UNPAID BILLS PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL 11/15/2021 LANYARDS/TOTES/PENS/WATER 41MPRINT INC BOTTLES/CUPS/CRAYONS ABSOLUTE CONCRETE, INC. PAY EST #3-NE DOUGLAS PKWY EXT ADEL AUTO PARTS TRICO ICE BLADES AHLERS & COONEY PC IOWA CLINIC DA PAY EST #7-SE ASHWORTH RD ALLIANCE CONSTRUCTION GROUP CORRIDOR AMAZON.COM GRILL AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP DUES- LARSON AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NOV'21 VISION INSURANCE PREMIUM ANGELA DOLECHECK 6 HOLE MINI GOLF ARDICK EQUIPMENT CO., INC. STREET SIGNS AXON ENTERPISE, INC TASERS BAX SALES INC NUTS/WASHERS/DRILL BITS 48.37 446.25 104,093.87 24.73 85.74 26.82 25.75 10, 368.20 134.70 392.31 202, 718.32 8,713.87 83.99 4.07 67.64 100.00 87.50 65.23 37.98 46.00 532.47 73.24 231.64 129.49 132.21 83.97 1,868.01 80.45 62.68 58.33 78.68 74.00 54, 633.56 41.67 3,175.83 62.24 7.91 63.97 $403,155.61 $46.20 120,375.03 532.28 4,812.00 876,166.79 1,972.53 228.00 2,477.04 250.00 1,179.90 18,443.80 58.65 5 BING BANG BOUND TREE MEDICAL BRICK GENTRY BOWERS SWARTZ BSN SPORTS BUSY BEE CONSTRUCTION C L CARROLL CO INC CALHOUN-BURNS AND ASSOCIATES, INC CALLAWAY GOLF CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY CHRISTOPHER HAVRAN CINDY SANDVIG CINTAS CORPORATION CITIES DIGITAL, INC CITY OF DES MOINES CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE - AR CITY OF WEST DES MOINES CLAYTON ENERGY CORPORATION COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING COMPANY CONCRETE CONNECTION, LLC CONCRETE TECHNOLOGIES. INC. CONFLUENCE CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS ENTERPRISE SERVICES INC CORE & MAIN LP CRYSTAL CLEAR BOTTLED WATER D & K PRODUCTS INC. DANA RICH DAN'S OVERHEAD DOORS 4 DAVIS EQUIPMENT CORPORATION DEMCO INC. DES MOINES PRINTING DES MOINES WATER WORKS DINGES FIRE COMPANY DIRECTV DISPLAY SALES DOG WASTE DEPOT ELDER CORPORATION - CIP ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING CO EPIC OUTDOOR CINEMA, LLC FOREMOST PROMOTIONS FOTH INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENT LLC GALL'S INC GRIMES ASPHALT & PAVING GROEBNER & ASSOCIATES INC HAWKEYE POLYGRAPH HAWKEYE TRUCK EQUIPMENT HEARTLAND CO-OP HOMETOWN VALUES, LLC HOTSY CLEANING SYSTEMS INC. KETTLESTONE PROMO VIDEO EMS SUPPLIES OCTOBER 2021 STATEMENT HOCKEY GOALS/STICKS PAY EST #2-TRANSITE WATER MAIN PHS 2 PAY EST #3-WELL REHAB PHS 2 DOUGLAS PKWY EXTENSION GOLF BALLS PAPER TOWELS/DISINFECTANT WIPES FIRST AID SUPPLIES AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT REFUND FIRST AID KIT SUPPLIES ADDITIONAL LASERFICHE LICENSES CONTRACT HAULERS OCTOBER 2021 STATEMENT SEP 2021 SE ASHWORTH RD- PARKVIEW TO GLACIER WESTCOM NOVEMBER 2021 OCTOBER 2021 RESERVATION PROJECTOR MAINTENANCE PAY EST #1 - SUGAR CREEK PARK PAY EST #10-WARRIOR LANE PHASE 1 KETTLESTONE GREENBELT IMPROVEMENTS OCTOBER 2021 STATEMENT- PUBLIC WORKS METERS WATER FERTILIZER- SUGAR CREEK FURNACE REBATE SERVICE DOOR REPAIR MUFFLER BOOK PROCESSING SUPPLIES ENVELOPES OCTOBER 2021 STATEMENT FIRE HOSES OCTOBER 2021 STATEMENT HOLIDAY LIGHTS DOG WASTE BAGS PAY EST #6 - NW 2ND-VENTURE TO NE DOUGLAS PKWY 2-WAY RADIO LABOR MOVIE SCREEN GLOW BRACELETS SCHOOL CAMPUS ANNUAL MONITORING SHIRTS/BADGES/JACKETS/PANTS- BORICH CONCRETE WG EHS PE45MIL YLW 2500' REINFORCED APPLICANT POLYGRAPH AIR CHAMBER/BALL JOINT/MOLY GREASE OCTOBER 2021 STATEMENT- PARKS RENTAL INSPECTION REFUND-1340 SE FLORENCE #20 HOSE ASSEMBLY 2,275.00 505.07 13, 938.00 289.00 107,456.23 244, 568.00 40, 816.69 92.22 156.00 802.88 276.00 746.30 7,673.42 389.93 8,774.51 26, 550.00 60, 330.44 51, 318.66 260.00 167,742.45 62,159.70 1,100.97 603.24 157.15 8,252.00 75.00 101.00 230.54 517.06 298.00 200,634.67 2,707.30 110.27 772.00 331.65 1,858,185.38 47.50 7,691.93 308.97 2,729.28 2,150.36 1,205.96 2,262.60 300.00 804.00 99.73 50.00 308.00 I. ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION INDUSTRIAL SALES COMPANY INC- WF INFRASOURCE CONSTRUCTION, LLC INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES IOWA DEPT OF AGRICULTURE & LAND STEWARDSHIP IOWA DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES IOWA ONE CALL IOWA SIGNAL INC J & K CONTRACTING, LLC JEREMY DYVIG JESS HARRELL JOELLEN HUDSON JOSH MAURER JOYCE PETRO KENNY & GYL COMPANY KIMBALL MIDWEST KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA INC LANDS END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS LARSON CONSTRUCTION CO INC LEO GARREAU LIBERTY READY MIX LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY INC MARK STUCHEL INC. MARTIN MARIETTA AGGREGATE, INC. MENARDS MERCY CLINICS OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE CLINIC MID AMERICAN ENERGY MI -FIBER, LLC MOBOTREX, INC MUNICIPAL SUPPLY INC. NAPA AUTO PARTS STORE NATIONWIDE OFFICE CLEANERS LLC O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL INC. OLSON'S BODY & PAINT, INC. ORKIN PEST CONTROL PALMER GROUP PAPER ROLL PRODUCTS PLEASANT HILL POLICE DEPT PRAIRIE ROSE WAUKEE, LLC Q3 CONTRACTING RANGEMASTERS TRAINING CENTER RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. RICHARD RAMOS RJ LAWN SERVICE INC RYAN BLACKARD SANDRY FIRE SUPPLY LLC SDS BINDERWORKS, INC. SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP SIOUX SALES COMPANY Q4 2021 401A PLAN FEES METERS HAMILTON RIDGE/JIFFY LUBE/HICKMAN RD BOOKS PESTICIDE APPLICATOR LICENSE RENEWAL- PATTERSON ANNUAL WATER USE FEE SEPTEMBER 2021 STATEMENT CAMERA REPAIRS PAY EST #4-LITTLE WALNUT CREEK N SWR PHS 2 FURNACE REBATE FURNACE REBATE FURNACE REBATE FURNACE REBATE STAR GARLAND AND CONE TREE CANCER RIBBONS RIVET/RIVET NUT TOOL PRINTER MANAGEMENT ANNUAL CONTRACT JACKET- LINDSAY PAY EST #13-TRIUMPH PARK FURNACE & THERMOSTAT REBATE CONCRETE PATCHER RENTAL BUTANE GAS TORCH/DIE GRINDER ROAD STONE TOTES PRE -EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL OCTOBER 2021 STATEMENT NOVEMBER 2021 STATEMENT- PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAMMABLE CODED EMITTERNISIBLE LIGHT FILTER METERS PGB HUB BEARING CLEANING SERVICES- PUBLIC WORKS TRUCK REPAIR VEHICLE REPAIR PEST CONTROL- PD CONTRACT LABOR- HOLT, WEEK ENDING 9/19/21 8 1/2" X 100' STANDARD ROLL, 1/2" CORE, 36 ROLLS BALLISTIC VEST- BORICH DEV DEPOSIT REFUND -PRAIRIE ROSE PLAT 1 PAY EST #1 - 2021 UNIVERSITY AVE PAVEMENT PATCHING FIREARM SIGHT- BORICH BULLETPROOF VEST- SCHULTZ THERMOSTAT REBATE WEED CONTROL- PUBLIC WORKS FURNACE REBATE FIREFIGHTING GLOVES 1-YEAR SDSPRIME FOX CREEK PAVILION PAINTING I PAD BELT CLIP/HOLSTER 125.00 9,968.18 34,434.96 13, 070.98 15.00 95.00 1,153.60 8,512.50 642, 313.70 75.00 75.00 75.00 150.00 142.00 244.75 200.58 2,451.60 70.91 1,369,008.16 180.00 2,466.00 8,202.00 330.95 1,430.71 96.87 1,076.00 21,829.20 753.90 1,486.00 54,361.50 393.37 1,930.27 406.40 2,042.70 196.99 1,500.00 255.90 949.00 2,500.00 141, 543.61 562.77 658.99 30.00 2,213.18 200.00 1,058.95 1,370.00 232.84 2,386.34 122.90 rA SKOLD DOOR & FLOOR COMPANY INC SPLAW PROPERTIES, LLC SPRAYER SPECIALTIES INC STIVERS FORD SUBSURFACE SOLUTIONS LLC SUNFLOWER FINE ART LLC. TEAM SERVICES INC TELEFLEX LLC TERMINAL SUPPLY CO. TERRY GARNER THE FILTER SHOP THE HOME DEPOT PRO THE WALDINGER CORP TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC UMB BANK NA UMB BANK NA UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNIVERSAL PRINTING SERVICES US CELLULAR US POSTAL SERVICE UTILITY SAFETY AND DESIGN INC VEENSTRA & KIMM INC WANDA SCHAFER WASTE SOLUTIONS OF IA WASTEWATER RECLAMATION AUTHORITY WAUKEE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT - FUEL WAUKEE HARDWARE & VARIETY XENIA RURAL WATER DISTR ZORAN PAJIC "TOTAL" PAYROLL 11/12/2021: ABRAMOWITZ, LEVI ADKINS, COREY ADKISSON, JENNIFER AHRENS, ELIZA ALDRICH, SHAWN ANDERSON,SARA ANNIS, JEREMY ARIAS, HECTOR BAKER, RANDY BASYE,JONATHA BAUMAN, LISA BECKNER, HALEY BEDFORD,SAMANTHA BERG,BROOKE BORICH, CHELSEA BOYLE, GAVIN BROOKS, AMBER BROWN, ANGALEA PUBLIC WORKS DOOR REPAIR NOVEMBER 2021 ANNEX LEASE HOSE/NOZZLE/TEEJET CAPS & TIPS FILTERS BATTERY PACKS SEPT- OCT 2021 ART CLASS LITE AVE & ASHWORTH EMS SUPPLIES LED MINIBAR FURNACE REBATE 20X20X1 STANDARD CAPACITY PLEAT- MERV 8 TOILET PAPER AMBULANCE CORD DROPS/DUPLEX RECEPTACLE DROP OCT'21 WATER EXCISE TAX OCT'21 SEWER SALES TAXES OCT'21 GAS SALES TAXES OCT'21 STORM WATER SALES TAXES NOVEMBER 2021 ONLINE UTILITY BILLING 2021 B- BOND FEES 2021A- INTEREST SHIPPING OCTOBER 2021 INSERT OCTOBER 2021 STATEMENT STANDARD BULK MAIL PERMIT 10" PROJECT OCTOBER 2021 STATEMENT FURNACE REBATE WASTE REMOVAL SERVICE/PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTAL DECEMBER 2021 FEES OCTOBER 2021 STATEMENT- PARKS RED DOT BATTERY FOR FIREARMS NOVEMBER 2021 STATEMENT FURNACE REBATE $2,072.42 1,578.88 344.33 1,352.01 1,959.89 1,545.36 459.64 2,623.34 1,733.55 1,564.89 1,352.25 1,504.70 1,393.34 447.38 1,905.22 626.57 364.62 1,792.10 1,251.00 4,504.83 138.93 333.48 719.23 360.00 2,483.24 1,165.50 305.04 150.00 59.61 91.94 2,829.50 37, 201.13 4,416.66 3,952.37 2,390.46 175.00 300.00 1,867,475.78 222.95 824.11 529.52 265.00 8,265.00 20,552.60 75.00 190.00 126, 362.00 826.76 5.99 276.44 75.00 $8, 340, 385.61 A BROWN, JENNIFER 2,445.55 BROWN, NATHAN 2,129.56 BRUENING, BENJAMIN 276.69 BRUNS, RACHEL 2,275.79 BURKHART, LINDA 3,138.72 BURKHART, MARK 433.19 CAMPBELL, SCOTT 2,561.34 CARPENTER, PAUL 1,719.00 CARROLL, JOSEPH 2,125.65 CHRISTENSEN, ABAGAIL 1,352.50 CICHOSKI, KELLI 2,418.76 CLAYTON, EMMA 101.67 CLEMEN, ANTHONY 2,319.44 COGGESHELL, LEE 1,578.59 CORKREAN, JENNIFER 1,646.84 COUGHLIN, TONI 1,031.33 COX, BENJAMIN 303.96 CRAVEN, GAYLA 179.55 CRONE, ERIN 342.74 CROSS, JONATHAN 751.16 CUNNINGHAM, SCOTT 2,866.88 DANIEL, COLE 1,386.78 DEBOER, MELISSA 2,238.53 DEETS, BRADLY 3,774.33 DEZEEUW, DAVID 2,360.04 DODGE, JUSTIN 1,933.59 DOWNING, ROBERT 106.18 EDWARDS, DANAE 2,215.65 EVANS, SUMMER 2,712.05 FLUGGE-SMITH, JAMIE 1,725.71 FREDERICK, JUSTIN 2,115.73 FREDERICKSEN, BROCK 1,298.64 FROEHLICH, WILLIAM 414.73 FURRY, ALISSA 309.44 FYFE, JUSTIN 1,337.22 GARLICH, ELIZABETH 317.25 GAVIN, HALEY 1,048.86 GIBBS, AUSTIN 1,388.26 GIBSON IV, WILLIAM 1,718.40 GILCHRIST, NICHOLAS 1,391.75 GILMORE, JOANNA 474.39 GITZEN, ROBERT 2,890.07 GOINS, ANDREA 2,358.09 GROVE, BRIAN 223.18 GUESS, CHRISTOPHER 1,447.95 GUESS, KATHRYN 2,358.16 HANSON, LAURA 1,652.37 HEIMANN, RONALD 2,010.78 HENTGES, ERIC 2,091.67 HERRICK, ROBERT 1,982.71 HILGENBERG, ADAM 1,854.98 HOWELL, GABRIELLA 87.23 HUSTED, TROY 1,842.46 HUTTON, JOSHUA 2,063.89 JACKSON, COLE 1,643.09 JERMIER, MATTHEW 3,129.83 KAMMERER, EMMILY 309.20 KAPPOS, SARA 2,746.19 9 KASS, ANDREW 2,606.83 KASZINSKI, BRETT 376.65 KELLER, CHRISTOPHER 1,974.88 KICKBUSH, CHRISTOPHER 2,163.53 KINNEY, SCOTT 1,860.76 KLEINWOLTERINK, COLE 1,848.46 KLEVER, JUDY 1,180.58 KNEPPER, AARON 138.80 KOESTER, RUDY 3,427.25 KREFT, ALEXUS 616.27 KUHLMAN, TERESA 12.13 LARSON, KENNETH 588.23 LARSON, KRISTINE 3,056.54 LAUGHRIDGE, DANIEL 1,958.21 LE, SON 3,133.04 LEMKE, NEIL 2,033.42 LEVSEN, BRYAN 2,673.67 LINDSAY, MICHELLE 1,942.98 LONG, JEREMY 2,992.28 LYNCH, JEREMY 1,278.80 MAGNUSSEN, JACK 225.30 MANNING, JOSHUA 2,004.12 MAREAN, JOSHUA 1,391.84 MAREK, JAMES 1,507.73 MCCAY, BRENDA 278.13 MCCOY, CARA 869.00 MCKERN, DOUGLAS 90.32 MEEKER, BRYCE 1,825.46 MELLENCAMP, JEFFREY 2,803.16 METTEE, WILLIAM 1,884.01 MINAR, VANESSA 1,182.52 MINIKUS, JOSHUA 1,978.31 MOERMAN, TIMOTHY 4,518.39 MONA, RACHEL 137.50 MORRIS, ASHLEY 1,539.33 MURRA, BRIAN 2,462.46 NELSON, DAVID 1,339.55 NEWBURY, NICHOLAS 1,804.99 NICHOLS, ANDREW 1,756.35 OLBERDING, MCKENNA 1,854.01 OLDHAM, JAMES 2,105.89 OLSASKY, JOHN 584.23 OSBORN, RYAN 309.08 OSBORN, SARAH 37.72 OSTRING, KATHLEEN 1,704.87 OWENS, TANNER 1,024.16 PARISH, TONJA 1,521.03 PATTERSON, KEVIN 1,414.65 PAYNE, THOMAS 1,782.44 PERKINS, JACOB 1,794.83 PETTIT, BRANDON 2,630.27 PIZINGER, JAMES 1,400.00 PORTER, NICKOLAS 651.72 PURVIS, KATHRYN 1,484.40 QUAM, BRADLEY 1,536.58 QUICK, TIMOTHY 106.92 QUINN, JOHN 3,669.37 RASH, RONALD 2,081.76 10 RICHARDSON, DACE 1,432.57 RICHARDSON, ELIZABETH 1,627.77 ROBBINS, CORBY 1,763.12 ROBINSON, CLINT 3,648.53 ROBINSON, NATHANIEL 484.61 ROSSMAN, BENJAMIN 350.75 ROTH, TITO 1,462.65 ROTSCHAFER, CARMEN 1,462.65 ROYER, TIMOTHY 3,005.61 SAENGKIO, DONNY 2,058.97 SCHAUFENBUEL, KARI 1,121.12 SCHETTLER, RODNEY 2,296.17 SCHUETT, REBECCA 2,460.80 SCHULTZ, JEFFREY 1,881.38 SEDDON, JOSH 1,589.85 SEELY, AUSTEN 737.05 SHAFFER, CHET 401.76 SMITH, BLAKE 1,753.63 SNOW, SUSAN 69.40 SOFEN, NATASHA 34.42 SPOSETO, MACKENZIE 2,528.74 STEINKE, KURT 612.51 STEPHENS, CLINT 684.72 STEWARD, ERIC 1,848.12 STIFEL, DALTON 2,331.46 STONE, GREGORY 130.90 STOTZ, MELISSA 927.97 SULLIVAN, RYAN 347.72 TAYLOR, CHRISTINA 185.95 THAYER, CHANDLER 1,641.66 THIES, ROBERT 32.44 TRUMAN, GRAHAM 175.40 TYSDAL, THOMAS 2,968.89 VANDEKAMP, JOSHUA 2,174.97 VENTO, NICHOLAS 820.91 VOEGTLE, TIMOTHY 1,575.35 WASKE, CHARLES 1,999.25 WERTS, DANIEL 2,051.64 WESTON STOLL, KERI 1,927.20 WHITE, JASON 1,623.13 WHITHAM JOHNSON, JENNIFER 719.03 WIGGINS, MATHEW 2,455.88 WILLIAMS, SUSAN 1,754.91 WINTERS, TROY 2,063.01 WISE, NATHAN 2,953.19 WOOD, DANIEL 1,493.38 WRIGHT, PAUL 198.87 YOUNG, JOHNATHAN 1,473.07 YOUSO, ANTHONY 1,429.23 *TOTAL* $281, 506.80 B. Consideration of approval of City Council Minutes of 11/01/2021 Regular Meeting, 11/08/2021 Work Session C. REMOVED PRIOR TO POSTING D. Consideration of receipt and file of a Mayor's Proclamation recognizing Small Business Saturday 2021 11 E. F. G. H. Consideration of approval of a resolution approving mayor's appointment of the City of Waukee primary and alternate members to the Polk County Joint 911 Service Board for the Year 2022 (Resolution #2021-479) Consideration of approval of renewal of 12-month Class C Liquor License with Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales privileges for Gleason Gastronomy, LLC, d/b/a Gastro Grub & Pub [1378 E. Hickman Road] Receipt and File of Vehicle, Equipment Purchases: 1. Consideration of receipt and file of the purchase of a 2022 John Deere 544P Wheel Loader from Murphy Tractor & Equipment of Des Moines, IA, in the amount of $113,470.00 [Waukee Public Works Department] 2. REMOVED FROM CONSIDERATION Contracts, Agreements: 1. Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Waukee Juvenile Justice Agency Information Sharing Agreement (Resolution #2021-480) 2. Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Agreement for Professional Consulting Services with Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC [NW Meredith Drive Overlay Project, NW 101h Street to N. Warrior Lane] (Resolution #2021-481) 3. Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Barkpass Software as a Service (SaaS) Agreement (Resolution #2021-482) 4. Consideration of approval of a resolution approving various Agreements Concerning Construction of Fence (Resolution #2021-483) Change Orders, Payment Estimates, Acceptance of Public Improvements, Releases of Retainage: 1. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 1 to Concrete Connection, LLC, for the Sugar Creek Park Project in the amount of $167,742.45 2. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 13 to Larson Construction Company, Inc., for the Triumph Park Project in the amount of $1,203,318.66 3. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 3 to Larson Construction Company, Inc., for the Triumph Park Fishing Pier Project in the amount of $165,689.50 4. Consideration of approval of Change Order No. 2 to Meade, Inc., for the 10-inch Gas Distribution Main 2021, Meredith/NW 10th Street Project increasing the contract in the amount of $16,843.00 5. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 2 to Busy Bee Construction, LLC, for the Transite Water Main Replacement Phase 2 Project in the amount of $107,456.23 6. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 3 to C.L. Carroll Co., Inc., for the 2021 Well Rehabilitation Phase 2 Project in the amount of $244,568.00 7. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 7 to Alliance Construction Group, LLC, for the SE Ashworth Road Corridor Improvement Project, SE Parkview Crossing Drive to SE Glacier Trail, in the amount of $876,166.79 8. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 3 to Absolute Concrete for the Douglas Parkway Extension Project in the amount of $120,375.03 9. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 5 to Elder Corporation for the NW Douglas Parkway Construction Project, NW 10th Street to NW 2nd Street, in the amount of $804,391.76 10. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 6 to Elder Corporation for the NW 2"d Street Construction Project, NW Venture Drive to NW Douglas Parkway, in the amount of $1,053,793.62 11. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 10 to Concrete Technologies, Inc., for the Warrior Lane Improvements Phase 1 Project in the amount of $62,159.70 12. Consideration of approval of Change Order No. 1 to Q3 Contracting, Inc., for the 2021 University Avenue Pavement Patching Project increasing the contract in the amount of $38,416.70 13. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 1 (Final) to Q3 Contracting, Inc., for the 2021 University Avenue Pavement Patching Project in the amount of $141,543.61 14. Consideration of approval of a resolution accepting public improvements [2021 University Avenue Pavement Patching Project] (Resolution #2021-484) 15. Consideration of approval of Change Order No. 2 to J&K Contracting, LLC, for the Little Walnut Creek North Trunk Sewer Extension Phase 1 Completion Project increasing the contract in the amount of $28,401.50 16. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 3 (Final) to J&K Contracting, LLC, for the Little Walnut Creek North Trunk Sewer Extension Phase 1 Completion Project in the amount of $55,101.43 17. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 4 to J&K Contracting, LLC, for the Little Walnut Creek North Trunk Sewer Extension Phase 2 Project in the amount of $581,452.27 18. Consideration of approval of Change Order No. 1 to J&K Contracting, LLC, for the Southwest Area Trunk Sewer Extension Phase 2 Project decreasing the contract in the amount of $9,243.90 12 19. Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No. 6 (Final) to J&K Contracting, LLC, for the Southwest Area Trunk Sewer Extension Phase 2 Project in the amount of $5,472.00 20. Consideration of approval of a resolution accepting public improvements [Southwest Area Trunk Sewer Extension Phase 2 Project] (Resolution #2021-485) J. Consideration of approval of a motion setting December 6, 2021, as the date of public hearing on an ordinance to amend Chapter 6, City Elections, by repealing Section 6.07, Voting Precincts, and enacting new election precincts as specified 2) Resolution: Consideration of approval of a resolution to remove a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to the expiration of their term — Council Member Lyon moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Council Member Crone. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (Resolution #2021-486) 3) Mayor's Appointment: Consideration of approval of a resolution approving mayor's appointment of a citizen member to the Planning and Zoning Commission for an unexpired term ending January 31, 2025 — Mayor Clarke appointed KC Gerlitz to fill the unexpired term. Council Member Crone moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Council Member Sinclair. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (Resolution #2021-487) 4) Ordinance: Consideration of approval of an ordinance for the division of revenues under Iowa Code Section 403.19 for North Waukee Residential Urban Renewal Area (2021 Ordinance Parcels) [introduction; first, second, third (final) readings] — Council Member Sinclair introduced the ordinance, moved to approve the first reading in title only, waive the second and third readings, and place the ordinance on final passage; seconded by Council Member Crone. Assistant City Administrator Deets reviewed the proposed ordinance and those parcels to be added. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (Ordinance #3012) 5) Ordinance: Consideration of approval of an ordinance to amend Chapter 169, Zoning Ordinance, City of Waukee, Iowa, by rezoning certain property from A-1 to R-21PD-1, R-4/PD-1, and C-1A, a parcel known as the Petersen Property [third (final) reading] — Council Member Crone moved to approve the third reading of the ordinance in title only and place it on final passage; seconded by Council Member Lyon. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (Ordinance #3013) 6) Resolution: Consideration of approval of a resolution approving site plan for Home Solutions of Iowa [1225 SE Laurel Street] — Council Member Lyon moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Council Member Sinclair. Planning Coordinator Kass reviewed the plans for a warehouse/office building, including loading dock, outdoor storage area, fencing requirements, parking and exterior building elevations. The plan includes an area for possible future expansion. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (Resolution #2021-488) 7) Resolution: Consideration of approval of a resolution approving site plan for Hickman Retail [400 E. Hickman Road] — Council Member Crone moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Council Member Sinclair. Planning Coordinator Kass reviewed the plans for a multi -tenant commercial building, with the westernmost bays planned for the relocation of Waukee Dental. There is currently no tenant proposed for the remaining bays, but it is proposed for restaurant use, including a drive-thru. Mr. Kass discussed parking, ingress/egress and exterior building elevations. Results of vote: Ayes: Bergman Pierce, Bottenberg, Crone, Lyon, Sinclair. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. (Resolution #2021- 489) (J) Reports Council Member Bottenberg moved to adjourn; seconded by Council Member Lyon. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried 5 — 0. Meeting Adjourned at 6:20 p.m. 13 Attest: "Am 11l ' L)� Rebecca D. Schuett, City Clerk Courtney Clarke, Mayor 14