HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-03-07-Regular Minutes62 March 7th 1932
Regular meeting of the Town Council of Waukee Iowa.
Meeting called to order at 7.15 P.M.By Mayor Davis.
The following Councilman ••e.were present and answered the ro~l,
ca1l.1.Cook,Mc1Iahan,Carter and MUllens.ot~,t,J~-"I',JI"'--'\.
The minuttes of the previous meeting were read and approved as
read.The treas report was read and ap~roved as read.
Moved by Mullens and seconded by McMahan that the following bills I
be allowed and orders drawn on the Treas for the same.
Sam Hurwitz Groceries for transits and E.G.Howe Family$8.45
Public Liability Insurance on Strrets &Alleys $50.00Foft&Ellsworth
J.E.Carter &Sons Gas &Oil 10.05
R.E.Morrill Flowers for Sandmier 2.50
Iowa Power &Light Co Street Lights for Feby
Shuler Coal Co Coal for Town HallD.M.Elevator &Grain Co Coal for H.C.Howe Family
Mess¥nger printing Co Supplies
S.M.Nissly Salary for Feby
B.11'Overman "If"•
Total 'iP240.14
Mayor Davis appointed the following men as Judges and Clerks for
~own election to be held on 1~ruh 28th 1932.
Judges,,Sam Cook,John Carter,T.H.MUllens,Clerks,Fleet Snow
S.l.:l Nissly •I•
Moved by Mullens meeting adjorn ,seconded by Cook,Motion carried.