HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-06-06-Regular Minutes68
June 6th 1932
Regular meetin~of the Town Council of Waukee Iowa.
Council met in regUlar session on the above date with Mayor
Davis and the following councilman,
~t ,r
Knoll,Howe,Cook,McMahan,and Loose.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved
as read •The ~reasuers report was read and approved as read.IMovedbyCookandsecondedbyLoosethatCigarettepermits
be granted to R.E.Morril.W.P.Kent and VanDeventer &Decker.
Motion Carried.
Moved by McMahan and seconed by Cook that the follOWing
bills be allowed and orders drwn on the tress for the same~
Motion c sr-r-Led ,
Brenton Lbr Co Tile and lime $.>24.88.
Waukee Oil Co
May salary
II II J.O.00
J.11.Carter &Sons
Waukee Cafe'
Iowa power &Light Co
Discussion about resurfacing streets with gravel but ~~~
action taken •
'Motion by McMahan to sdjorn seconded by Loose.Motion carried
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June 10th 1932Speci~l,_me et f nsr of the Town Council on above date Liin the
,N,orth\;:est"room''of,-the:'Bank .0T Waul{e:e·:'..,The reavor
~nd four councilman present.Howe ,Mc1v1ahan,Cook absemtKnollandLoose.'
Moved by McMahan that the Coucil accept the DroDosition 'Iof~fered by the ~.&.St R.R.to widen the crossing west
~f the depot to 24 feet if the town would put in the grsdeSeconoebyCook,;"at,ioncarried.
Move~~y.Coo~thet.th~Council accept the bid of B.N.Overmen
ta fll~.In tne graoe on the Esst and west side of the street
on the horth_side of sai6 crossing for $lO.OO.Seconoed by Howe,motivn carried
Motion to ad,Joornby fucMahan and secono'ed b HY owe,Motion csrried.'
It was aggreed by all that there would be no charg.,efor "o's t'cm,mee mg