HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-01-03-Regular Minutes158
Jan '='ro.1\);.':18 -""--:'0/'>e,
Regula:r,me e t i ng of vhe :~owrJ.JoJ.liOil of .iai.:W.;:ce,Iowa.
1i~e·~,ing h e Lc in the Brer.cton Stnte Bank,
1:iieetir~;was calleo.to order b~rida:;Tor D2.vis,
The ~1011owing Oounoilm.un ansi,:\ierec.'the roll 08.11.
Young,100se,Kno Ll.,:doVie a.nc Kullenouck.
The Tninnuttes of'.tche ]!revmuus rne;Jting:3 we r e r'Gc~d and
a;proYGG as tead.I
l',:ioved.O~?':£alle,J1b;~:cl:c.n«sec,Jnded by ~loll t.h:a:t "Ghe folloviing
bills De alloweD.;:~nc.orders drawn on'the ~Gl'~;f:~Slor The SLl-~1e.
J n.Cc"rtor &S011S
Sll:lLer 000_,Go
J'ohu Gunci 01:'B on
scrn l-cur.li tz
Iowa io'.;{er &i.ig.ut Go
.u.c;,;ount to (;c,te
4600 los "081
Gus 6;0i1
Groce:cis for tri:.nsi ts
Street lights for ~ec
Snlary faT Jjec
StllD..:ry for i.Je,;;
CJUIICi:'uuG.rl Yol.ll1i;offered t.ne fol.l-o·,:,:ing :cesolution 'L:.nd
J1L'Veo.t.ne ",dpptj;nn ti18reof.
.Be i 't ~::~esolved t.i1~~t"the :.2owvl'l of :;~£.ui:::ee build f1 :.t:oilet
in o:3.ck of or :3.10'-'6 side the iown hall on the;J:oIVIlS prolJerty
SGid stru.c tur-ee to be 4 }'~5 LIlQ the Street .:.TId ~lley
c orard t t e De 2utnorized to have S£~:JG ou.i Lt c..t lo~\'est
'pOJsible c o st ,Seconc..eCi.oy .::i.alJ..enot.::.ck.I
1loved fJy ¥ou.ng 2n6.Se'(;OIl'~~e6.oy j£,c.llentHi8L th~,"~t the
insuTLn0e on'the tOwll hail t:'lIlC eoui',Jment 'be renewed for
to.terrs.of three yeLrs.'J:otal ins Cl~'a:.;lCe *~lOOO.00
l'Ioti.ln \Jc:.r:cieo.
},ioved 'b;{Young ~n6
';;lotion "arried.