HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-02-07-Regular Minutes159
l!'eby 7th 19;)8
Regular meeting of the Town Counoil of iiaukee,Iowa.
Meeting held in the Brenton State Bank.
In the absense of Mayor Davis Counoilman Loose nominated
Ooun~ilman Young to Act as Mayor during the meeting.
The ..bove mo t i on was seconded by Kallenbaok und motionwascarried."
I Acting Mayor Young called meeting to order and the following
Counoilman answered the roll oall.Knoll,Kallenuaek,HoweandLoose.'.
The minnuttes of the previous meeting waa read and a;Jprovedasread.
The treas report was read and approved as read.
lJioved-by KallenbaliJkand aee onc ed oy Knoll that the following
bills be allowed and orders drawn on the treas for the same •
R.A.Howe Labor bUilding "oHet
New York Underwriters Ins Go,Ins on Town Hall
SImler Ooal Co 10000 lbs e oaL
Iowa ~ower &Light Go Street lights,Jan
S.M.Nissly Salary for Jan
Brenton Lbr '00 .Aocount to Date
B.N.Overman Salary for Jab
John Gunderson Gas &Oil
Sam Hurwitz Groceries for Transitsu
6.20 ..15.;31
JiIIr Gardner met with Ooun ..il'in reg2.rds to the purchaseofiiifiretruiilk.
Mr Painter met wi th the council Ln regards to the purchase
of fire Extinguishers.
Moved by Loose the Town of #aukee pureh~se three
2 ,.andone~half gallon F;:reJ!'ytherInstant tanks and
tbree eomplete refills at the purehase priee of ~121.25.
Seeonded by Howe,i,lotionearl'ied..
lIoved by Loose th",t the Olerk be instructed to draw a
warrent for ~121.2i in payment for the Fire equipment
purchased from Mrb pa.inter.Seconded lly Ka.LLenoaek ,
Motion earried.
l:iir1!'rankBuck me t with the GouniJil t:t '"his time inregards
to a fire truck.Same was reffe lored to the fire C o=ic'l;ee.
j,["vedby howe meeting .S.djorn!ileconded by Kalleno,,-ck."j,[UtiO;g.earried