HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-02-21-Special Minutes162 1'e oy 21st 1:)38 ~'~, ~c,SpeciaL 'I:1eeting"of the "Town C,oulli:::il of :iaukee,Io'Na. jJieetiif0'held in the Brenton Stute Bank , .ui,eting was Galled to order by ."-cting i,j;;yor MounO'and the following counc i Lman were present and answered the roll call. iilloll,J:.oose ,and .c.:allenoack,COLl.n"LLtna.nliowe entered the mee ·ting after the roil Q<:..ll..:.i:hi's mee ta ng was Q.contirH1.U-Gion of the meeting of ll'eoy 17th a nd "as ad jo r ne d ttutill ~chis cat e , Frank Buck met wi ti::che COl1noil inregard to 'che buying o'f a pump f01'the,Town lIell. Councilman Loose offered the following resolution and moved the adojtion thereof,I Be it Resolved 'bhat the Town of ,iaukee llurcj,Lse from Frank 'Suck. one Gould P~~P as per spe~ifcutions on contract ior the yrice of ;,:;'11Z.12 .;;or2pletely inste.ll§d LYlG test given c,na i1cceptedby the Town Joun::il of,·iaUkee,Iowa."The above resolution was a s c ond e d by iilloll a.nd on 0",11 of the e cunc LL the above resoul tion was d e cLr.r cd oarried. €Jp1ll1cL.manLoose offered ·the following resolution and .no ve d tlle Bdojtion thereof, Be it resolved that ·che.i:ov;n of «auke e truniil±'er \18UOO.from the Light fund to the general fund or fire fund as the .oucg e t direet may designate :':or the pur ehese of fire truok,hose,bu.ilding to house ,he S2-illeLnd l;ru.mpfor the well anc for such other ne ec s as the purchase of eQuipment for truck and well as iG needed a1nd cle,rk "be in::J-CTJ..Gted no pre.;.,;·are the sume inc suomi t to t.h e budget direetor for his apjrovt:l. T~e acove resolution was se~onCed by Councilman Kallenback ana on vote of tne COUYh;il the ;layor declared the resolution oarried. ;,iovedoy Loose ;:,nd aec ono eu by iiowe th",t the Clerk drLW a Warnmt .1 fOl"'c"cne '::lUlTill'l of ~p6~2.6~to ~8rp ..s.uto 00 in 'payri"i.ent of Chevrolet traCK to be delived the the Be~~e~Boyer ~ire Appara~,us 00 Logc.ns,Jort Ind.Seconcied by Howe,"lotion oarried. G?1ll1:~lm.il~,.t!.o~-ve,",Oz,lerec.the :f'ollowing resolu.tiOD u:'IlQ mavee.the aaoy~~on ~nereoI, Be it resol veci th8 t the 'lown of "aukee c ontrc,et with E.G.Crispin Attorney illi:fact for .u£,ry.A•.i.lunoan for the pur"haile of Lot 21 B:toclt 11,1st addition to the 'i'own of ,laUkee Iowa together With theouilding on the SI2.~Je for the prioe of ;;;1250. ~2DO.to be pa,id on signing the contract and balance to be paid on aJceptance of the Town eouncil when mer~h2ntable abstract and warrante deed is delived to the Town. The above reoslution was seconded by Councilffi8n Loose !il.ndand call of the Council the iiayor ueell.ared the resoultiol1 carried. 1ib ved oy Knollt:nc seGon6.ed by J.;:allenOaek th7t the elGrk be instraeted to araw a warr.'nt for tne sum of ~2DO.payable to B.G.OrisJiu,Attori'le~l in ft'~ot :l,:'oJ:;'iiitlr'J.,fu DUnC8.li when contract was signed E.G.Gri~8in and the b~yor ~!Q Olerk for the '1gwn of ,iaukee,I011·;;all of the Counoil the 1ill;y-ord eoi1.are6.the mO"Gionearx·ied.· llove6.by Ku,llen'oawL £1no.seconded b~7 Loose th[~t the YAeetiiJ.g adjorn • .botion Oarried.