HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-04-04-Regular MinutesI
~j}ri1 4th 16;;';8 169
Regular meeting of the Town Counoil of Waukee,Iowa.
Meeting held in the Fire Station.Meeting was oalled to order
by liayor young with the following oOUIloilman present,
.Loolile,Knoll,Davia,Carter and Kallenbaok •
.Mayor Young appointed B .•N.Overman as 1,i2rshElll&Stree t COlllr;li-
1~yor Young appointed Dr T.S.Jones as Health Ehysioian.
W.i~.Loose nominated S.M.Hissly for the offiee of Town Clerk.
w.D.Davis moved that nominations oease and that the Counoil
east a unaaimuus ballot for S.M.Nissly.Seoonded By Kallenab~ak.
Motion oarried.The Mayor then declared S.M.Hissly eleoted
Town elerk for the Two year term.
Moved by Kallenbaok uno.seoonded by Loose that appointements made
by Mayor Young ce approved.Motion o:an'ied.
Counoilman Loose offered tne following resolution and moved the
adoption thereof.Be It Resolved th[,t tbe Town of ,iaukeehire
B.N.Overman as a general employe of the Town at a salary of
;jji50.00 over and above his fees eLl.eeted as marsh[lll and street
eommililsioner.Seoonded oy Kallenbaek.On ".:.11 of the Couniolil
the aoove resoultion was deelared "arried.B.n.Overman was
preseAI and aooepted.
,Constttution and by laws of the vOMultecr fire Dpt were read
"oy tne Mayor.
Moved by Kallenba~k ana seconded Loose that Offieers of the
volenteer Fire Dpt be Approved.Motion earried.
Arl Ordinanee for the Orginization of A vos~~eer fire Dpt
and rules and regulations·for the same was read by the i~yor.
idovedby Davis that the rUles be suspended and that the
Ordinanoe as read be adopted.Se conde d by Carter.Motion oarried.
The Mayor then declared the ordinace adopted and clerk was inst-
ucted to draft the same amd post in three pUblic places two '
of which was the Offiee of the Mayor and the Eost Office.
The Mayor declared his office to be the Fire Station.
The minnutes of the previous meetings were and approved.
The treas report was ralld and approved.
The following bills were read.
National Fire Insurance Co,Ins on Fire Stati~n
B.H.Overman Salary for j,[aroh
New Amsterdam Causalty Co Bond of Mayor,Two years
S.M.Nissly Salary for iiliareh
Nile Earp Fan belt for traotor
Farm Mutual Telepone Co Tolls
Iowa Eower &Light Co Streets lights for li2reh
J·ohn Gunderson Gas &Oil
Amerie~n Surety Co Bond of Treas for two years
R.E.Morrill Rat poison
Messenger 2rinting Poll books
Robert B.Frush Attorney fees
il!il.umeeCafe kieals for tr",nsits
jj'.Snow YearlySll.lar.:ras TreasTownofAdelFirecallforDallamfire
Bi~Lateral Fire Eose Co Eose for fire wagon
Ele~tion Board Clerks &JUdges of Election
Mayor &Town Couneilaman Salarys for year ending 3-31-38
Sam Hurwitz Groceries for transits
F.B.Young Tele~)hone Call to Attorney
C'·11.00 I
'Ii'70.00 i
1.53 ,
3.68 !40.00j•
35.00 '
21.00 i
170 1Ioved.Q~l 1JOBe 411U -">8''';onc e d UJ"~:.J..lIGrliJi,j,";K ·l"h~·lJ the bill;;;)De
all owe d and OI':...<G r;.;;dr~n...'1 OIl t.no tret:..8 for tilo aame ,:;:.~otion e a r r Le d ,
Petition ~~Jn8 filed JO01"the JOQll~i.l ":00 s"QotJit ""GOtile :.tJ801Jle a
~8oe0i~1 elc0tiolllOT the pur20ce of DQilQing,e~uijing ~ud
LiaintQ.ining ;,:;,.'~~-atGr Sys,tem for the Town 0::'d'2,.U>'::'00,IQ~v8...
lille J?oti t.i on wa;:;sig'neo.Dy 112 vo t ez-e of the J:own of'~iD..ukee.
~ov~d oy ~arter th~t.Oou~il tzke the pe~ition unaer edvisement
to 0e cet6Q on ut a l~ter d~te.SecnondeQ oy ~ullenuaQk.
}';i.otion \J8.rried ..
~iove6.Dy LOOd8 1;W..t JOCll1Jil ac c e p t Did of ~arl Beyers of Belle
il,uin Lowa,for a fire siron c t ti.:.e pri,,;;e of 'r.2rOl.O;J ]1.u ,B
Chi'i,;ago.Se..;:0110.66.by Knoll.~.:otion ;.;o.r:..:ied.
i~ioved 'oy Ja:.r-cer and SG0o£..c e d oy lJUVi3 thLt 0ourl(~il ad.jo:cn and
I::l;;;et us coc..r6 of'aclse8u~:J.ent c.nc reveiw.Lotion c c.r rLcd ,
3.B.Ourler assessor re~d the tax rolls.
lIovedoy OZ:l!ter and sec.on6.ed oy Kc.llenb.acl:the assessors books
be n~~e2ted.~otiOll osr~&ed.
Ilove d by .Ka.len·ot1ck that board au Jorn undreconvene as a 'j;own
Joun(;il.ae c onc ed by Garter ~,lotion 02.rried.
lEaved 'by Davis the.t ~own U:GUse feeding transi ts exc e p t s in
cases of the most extreme need and that the 'j;own Eall be locked
up.Seconded by Curter,1.iotion .:;w.rried.
hess ~:oved by Loose tht1t meeting aeljorn,SeeonCied by Surter
I,lotion c;o.rried.