HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-11-07-Regular Minutes.182 <.,.<.',•.",..,':
1'101'7th 1938
Regular meeting of the Town Oouncf L of iIaukee,Iowa.
Meeting called to order by-~or Young.
The;following councilman ~swered the roll o2ll.
Carter,Kallenb_ck,Davis,Knoll1 and Loose.
~e minnuttesof the previ.ous meeting were read and approved as
read.Thetrea.S report W&s read &.Xld approved as rep.d.
The fOllowing b:i118 werere2.d by the CJ-.erk.
John W.CQ'ter.Furnance for :fire Station·
C.O.Bennett Electric wireing fire station
JOhn Gunderson MealS for transits
Iowa Power &Light C~Street lights Eat
Harold BOone WOrko~crossings
H.Dallam &son 4100 1bsaoalS.M.Nissly Salary for Oct
:Brenton Lbr 00 Aacount to date
B.111.Overmm Salary for OctJ.H.Oarte;r &:Sons Account to date
John Gund,e.raon Gas &:.011 .
Chas Schle~Repair workJ•.a.Snyder Side WalkS &.lldGutter
Ma01aryHar~ware 00 Fordson tractorHonierlie~o.lds Work on fire station
Letter w&eread from Mrs Earp and placed on file.
Framk Buck met wi th council :md quoted price on .a wate r tank
between $250,and $300.
M&yorYo~left meeting at this time and appointed councf Laman
Davis to act as Mayor till hie return.
Acting M:a.yorDl/.vis appointed Loose lill.I.dKa11enback as ..oollllllitte
to see Mr Shuler in regaxd to seouring ll,Wl/.ter (lontr~at :J;Qr
the aolill mine.'"
Requets of R.E.Morrill for a reduction a.n h:j.s taxes on personl
property for the ye~r 1938.was read by the Olerk.
qlerk was instruatedto Write Mr Morrill and have get his lots
oleaned up and his request would be granted •..Mayor Y~ung entered the meeting and took chai'ge.t .
Clerk was instructed to write Sines in regard to his aide walk.
lIe:veQ-G Louis Forret and his speoial il.gent met 'lI:ith the.,c ounail
in regard to insurance on .the the local J!'ire Department.No
..ction w ..s taken.
Clerk I 1
Moved b~Carter meeting adjorn,Seconded