HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-01-20-Special Minutes18H ,,"Jan,20th 1938
Special meeting of the Town Oouncil of W~ukee,Iowa.
Meeting was oalled by The Mayor.
Ioleetingwas called to order by Mayor Young and the following
COQncilman answered the roll call.
Loose,Anoll,~allenoack,Carter &uavis.
Meeting was called for the pnrporse of estaolishing
a rate for the w~ter sold to the school house.
Mr &night met With the Council and gave a report on the system
and the operation Il.llereof.llJi1dthe amount of water being used
and the pr oa o.l,ecost of"the same for delivering it to the
echo of house.
After much disscussion the price of 47 and One half cents per
thousand gallons was finaly estimated for the committe to
work on With the committe from the school board.
Kallenback offere,d the following resolu ti on liI.ndmoved the
adoption thereof.
Be it resolved that the Town of Wa.Qkee erect a pipe on the triangle
according to the specifcation of Mr Anight for the purporse of
selling water to consumers.
The above resolQtion was seconded by Davis and call of the coUncil
the Mayor declared the moti on carried.
lloved by Garter meeting ad jorn,aec onu ed by iCnoll,Motion carried.