HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-06-05-Regular Minutes194 June liith1939 Regular meeting of the Town Council of Waukee,Iowa. Meeting.held in tl:\efire station. i-l> C/) "''''.''"lI'=t"""",,>Q; Loose moved that A.B.Carter act as Mawor fori(the meeting, Seconded by Kallenbaok.Motion Garter..,Ao,"l;ingMqor Garter oalled the meeting to order withtl:1e following coundllllQ!!present and anl:\wereingthe rol~call.Kallenbaok,Loose,~noll amd Davis.' The minuttes of the previous meetings were read andl.pproved as read.Davis not Toteing on the approval of the minnuttes. The treas report was read.Moved by Loose and seoonded byKnollthll.ttreas report be accepted.W.D.Davis offeredthefollowingamendmenttothemotionthattreasreport be accepted as read if report is tendered according to lawinthafuture.Seconded by Kallenbaok.Amendement aarried.' Original motion then carried. I The following bills were read 'by the clerk.Drake Koofing 00 •New roof fire Station J.R.Oarter &Sons Account to date Ferry Granite Works Stone for Davis Fark Earp Auto 00 Gas,Oil,and repairsJohnGundersonOnemealforTransit Farm Mu.tual Telephone 00 TollsIowaFower&Light 00 Eleotrio Ourrent &StreetLights i 100.0021.03 2lii.00 3.62 .26 1.~3 Geo Culver B.]I.Over:manS.M.]lissly Fainting signs Salary for MliWSalaeyforMay 52.15 2.00 70.00 10.00 • Total'28l:i.59 Moved by Loose that the bills be allowed and orders drawn on the trees for the same~Seconded by DaviS.~wtioncarried. Applioation of'reneual.of Oiglitrettepermit o.f John Gunderson WaS.read.Moved by DaviS and seconded by Loose that permit be renewed.Motion carried.I Applioation Of Jason VanDevender for Baneual of his class B beer permit was read.sat Moved by Davis and seconded Losse that permit be renewed. Motion oarried.Fetitio~of Tom Howe and E.~.Wills for a grade and line on oherry street for the purporse of putting in side walk waS.read. Moved by Davis that Attorney be consulted befor takingactiononthepetition.Seconded by Loose.motion carried. Petition for the ereotion of a water works system WIitS read wi th 76 voters of the Town on the pe titi on.~~ved by Davis that petition be taken up with attorneyandtheplansandspeoifaotions,amount of bonds to be issued and totlitloost be submited to the voters acoording to law. Seoonded 'by Losse.Motion oarried.Knoll voteing no. Petition for repeal ofordilanoe prohipiting dancing was read With 169 signers from WaUkee,Adel,Dallas Center and Des ~oines.Long Discussion.I'Moved by Knoll that petition be laid on table till the Mayor oomes home.Seconded by Kallenbaak.DiscussionKallenbaokwithdrewhissesondandKnollWithdrew the motion. Mgved by Kallenback that danae Ordianoe be not revised. S conded by Loose.Davis pffered amendment to motion that a~torney be consulted 'befor acting on dancing. Original motion oarried.,Moved by Davis that Town books be audited up to date.Seconded by Kallenbaok.Motion oarried.Clerk was instruoted to get AUditor.Moved by Kallenback meeting adjorn.Seoonded by 100se, ~~.,