HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-05-12-Special Minutes!May 12,1966 The Town Oounca.L of tile 'I'ownof Waukoe met in Special Socsion,with Mayor Krumer presiding and all Councf.Inen present at the Town Hall May 12,1966. Moved by Moyer seconded by Johnston to pay the following claims pr0sented by the Clerk: Waukee Post Office District Director Ia Public Employoes State of Iowa Ia Ernpl.Sec.Comm, Ray Bainter Paul Huscber Geo rge Kramer Amy Hoffstat .Hannah Weil Remo Nizzi Carleton D.Beh Cb. Iowa Des Moines National Bank Carleton D.Beh Co. Highland Park State Bank Keystone Savings Ia Des Moines Nat.Bank Carelton D.Beh Co. C.Corbett C.Corbett Pat Garland Brenton Bank Ray Bainter Marilyn Davis Donna Steffen Alden Laug Waukee Skelly Rural Fire Dept. T.K.Insurance Co. United Freight Lines Des iiloinesHcc:ister J{JattParrott Om"'ha W.l'ld Herald Co-Op Elevator Air Products Waukee Vet Clinic Frz.n.k Rieman Steffey Illusic Iowa Power,Ligbt Concrete w~terials Llonroe Co. Br-own Supply Don Lawhead State Lab National Tank lfJainte;lance Bach Chemical Waukee Hardware Wilhite Plumbing Iowa.Des i,loinesHat.Bank Continental Ill.Nat.Bank Bre:lton Bank Da Ll.as Co.Nevis Ed M.Feld Stamps Withholding Ipers Sales tax Social Security Sala.ry Attol'p;ey Mayor Cle",ning Treasurer Clerk I:1terest Interest Intor8st lcoterost Interest Interest Interest Cleaning Cleaning Repairs Interest Salary Census Taker Census Tal~er Meter Hefund Gas Per Contract Package Insurance Freight Ad Supplies Ad Cas Propane Chemical Dog Care Music idusic Power reo oJ!: Chairs Supplies Wiring Vlater Sample Per Contl'<J.CG Chemical Supplies Repair on Bel-air Interest Interest Interest Publicatious Supplies 15.00 261.00 106.05 91.36 142.31 148.32 60.00 40.00 25.00 35.00 125.37 30.00 224.00 25.00 30.00 60.00 62.50 46.50 37.50 18.00 69.30 488.90 148.32 54.66 47.31 25.00 23.70 125.00 ')29.17 4.68 :;.00 105.96 3.20 ".L47.44 3.00 3.00 3.00 22.95 79.122 284.18 119.55 56.68 187.81 4.00 275.00 8.10 0.54 660.00 32.00 840.00 12.50 409.17 656.96 I I After due consideration Qud discussion,Couuoibrrnu Johuston introduced and read and moved the adoption of the reso Lut.Lon next hereinafter set out. the motion was seconded by Couucilrn"n Boone and passed with record vote es follows:I Ayes:Leonard,Boone,Howe,Johnston,Meyer Nays:None Thereupon,the resolution was declared adopted. There beiug no further business to come before the meeting,it wus upon motion adjourned. Scaled proposals will be received oy the Town Glerl~of t~c TOTIU of Waukee, Iowa,at tbe TownClerk's office in said Town untd L 1:30 o'clock P.Iii.,CDT,on I the 21st day of June 1966,for -the cOi1struction of e..munici?al ge.s works distri- bution system as dsscribed in the plQns and sJccificatio~lS thorefore now on file in tbe office of ke TovJnClerk.Pro,Josals will be acted u~Jonby t:10 Town Coun- cil of sc:id TovJnat a meeting to 'oe beld at tbo Waukee TownHall,ill said Town, on tbe day and hour ,"bove specified or such 111ter time as may then be fixed,at said time and plc.ce hcaring \1ill be hold on the proposed lJlallS,specification;:.; and form of contract for said gas works distribution system,and at snid henring any interested person may nppear and file objections thereto or to thG cost of suid improvements. The reec Iutton ref(;1'red to i:l the foregoing ll1i~J.l.rt.as is F.ESOLUTION DirectinG publicQtion of notice of hearing and tcking pLans and specifications and.form of contract covering proposed nQt~rQl g~s distribution systom. of bids on tb e TO~il1n 1 s WIIEF..E,AS,heretofore and in strict comp Lfunoa with Cbapt cr 397 of the Code of Iowa,1962,this Tow~by more than-Q majority vote-of its electors was authorized to establish and construct a natural gas distribution system to be paid for sololy ~nd only out of the earnings of s~idsystem,at u cost of not to exceed ;;>120,000;una ~'ITiEREAS,the:roc.fter and on t~lG 22:1d day of Murch,1966,pursuant to an election dUly held tho said electors did approve a contract between tho Town and Northern Natural Gas Company for thE;purchase and sale of Natural gas atwholesale;and VflIBRCA5,no election has been called or hold pursuant to Sections 397.29 et seq,and the b:::.nagcmunt and control of the said proposed gas distl~ibutiou system £H4S been and is nOV1 in this Council;and ~'JHLr£AS,it is now decr.ed advisable and i16CeSSQlry ~tnd for tile best interests of tho I'own c..nd its inbabito.nts that c.hoaring be held a:'ld bids received upon and pursuu~t to pl~ns,specificQtions una form of contract ~s provided in Sec- tions 397.16 und 397.17 of said Iowa Code;and ';Ir~E:::;EAS,the TaVEl has heretofore employed Iil1cClul'eEngineering Conpany of Fort Dodge,Iowa as engineers of scf.d project,who have prepared and filed such plans,spocifications uild fonn of contrQct;nov therefore BE;IT ?LSOLV:::nby theToVinCouncd.Lof the TOi'mof Waukee,Dallas County,Stato of Iowa,us follo~s: Se ctd.on 1.That tb",p.Lane,specifications and f'crm of cont rac't referrod to in the preamble boreof bo <....ad the saae are !Jcre";JYapproved subject to t~le final i1eQ.ri~lg t[)ereon. Sectiorl 2.That this Council will meet in theTho Waukec TOY/i1Enll in the Town on tho 21st day of JUi1e,1966,at 2:00 o'clock p.M.,CDT,at which time and ~)lace it will bold a l1eo.riJlg upon the said p.Lans,spccificc.tiol1.s and form. of co.rtz-act,and will receivo and co~siae:r all bids or propo sa Ls filed purs-uant theroto. Section 3.Thut the ToY/nClerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of such hearing and taking of bids as provided in said Section 397.16 of the Code by ;?ublication of nctd ce once each week for two su.ccessive weeks in the Dullas County Nens,a ~eTIspa)er of g8nerul circulation in the Town 2nd ?rinted who Ll.y i::'l the EnGlish Lo.nbuL~ge,and like publication in tho Des l',,1oincs Robister the first of which pub Li.ca'td.on iB said newspapers shull be on a day not less than 30 days prior to the time fixed in tho preceding section of t;Jis resolution. Section 4.Such not Lco stall be in f'orra s,.bstantinlly as follows: ~OTICEOF PUBLICELARI:iG ONPROPOSEDPLAi·JSANDSPECIFICATIONS Al'JD .2H0.20SED FOr~,1 OF CC::TF-..~CT FOI\CO~qSTEUCTING A L..flJNICIPAL GAS WOrtKSDISTRIBUTIONSYSTEi.II.:aw FORTi.b TO,a OF \iAU:::C:C,IOWA, luJD TEL TAKI:JG OF JIDS liT OOAlJECTION Tlill?:EWITE. The eNtent of the \'lark a:ld t:~e kind of materic,ls involved in tLe construction of said v~orks distributioi1 SJTsteLlis described in goneral c..s fol10vl8: I I I I I 4--}"steel pipe 211 steel pipe 1"steel pipe 411 valves w/oox 2"'Ta1ve w/box Regulators Me-Gors 5,250 L.F. 23,000 L.F. 15,000 L.F. 3 each 13 each 255 each 254 each Together with ne cessar'y and incidental work and materials required in completing the above work. Bids will be received and contract uwarded on the basis of the entire project as a single contract. Work under the proposed contract,inclUding de1i'Tery of n~cessary equ i.pmerrt ,materials and supplies sna Ll,be commenced on or before the 15th day of July,1966,a.id shall be completed no later tban the 30th d ay of SeptGmber, 1966. Paymerrt for said impro'Tements will be made in cash or in revenue pledge orders,which said revenue pledse orders will be payable solely and only out of tbe net earnings of said gas worksdistributicn system,bearing interest at the rate of 4 3/4 %,and iIi<l.turingon or at any time bef'ore December 1,1968,at the option of the Town.Neither tbe Town Council nor the Town of \'I:mkee,Iowa, shall incur any general obligations and such r evenue obligations shall not con- stitute a general obligation of the Town or be payable in any manner by taxation, and under no circlli~stancesshall the Town or Town Council be in any manner liable by reason of the failure of the said net earnings to be sufficient for the pay- msrrb thereof. Pa]'illentas above provided will be made thirty (30)days after completion and final acceptance of the gas works distribution system by the Town Council subject to the conditions and in accordance with provisions of Chapter 573 of tbe Code of Iowa. Said pa~nents to the contractor Shall bo made in accordance with and ~s provided by Section 397.9 thru 397.19,both inclusive,of Chapter 397 of the Codo of Iowa. Each proposal shall be made on a form furnished by tne engineer andffiust be accompQnied ina spearate sealed envelope by a check drawn on and certified to by a ba~~in the State of Iowa,payable to the Town Treasurer,Waukee,Iowa, in an amount equal to ten per cent (10%)of the total amount of the bid,as security that the bidder,if his bid is accepted,will enter into a contract in accordance therewith,and ni11 furnish a perforance and maintenance bond in the full amount of the contract price.No bidder may withdraw a proposal within 30 days after the date set for opening. By virtue of statutory authority a preference will be given to products and pro'Tisions grown and coal produced within tho State of Iona;and preference will be given to Iowa domestic labor. The Tmm Council reserves the right to reject any or all proposals,and to enter into such contracts as it shall deem to be of tilebest interest of -the Town of Waukee,Iowa. The successful bidder will be reqUired to furnish a bond in an amount equal to 100%of the contract price,said bond to be issued by a responsi1be surety approved by the Town Council and shall guarantee the faithful perforance of the contract and the terms and conditions therein contained and the maintenance of such gas works distribution system in good repair for not less than one year from the time of acceptance of.the improvement by the Tm<JnCouncil. Plans and specifications giverning the construction of the proposed gas works distribution system have been prepared by McClure Engineering Company, Fort Dodge,Iowa and Heag1er and Company,Ro •.La ,I/Iissouri,proposed form of contract and proceedings of tbe Town Council referring to and defining said proposed Lmpz-ovemezrts ,are hereby made a part of this notice by referenco a.id tho proposed contract shall be executed in compliance therewith.Copies of said plans and specifications are now on file with the Town Clerk in Vluukee,Iowa,for examination by the bidd0rs.Copies of said plans and specifications Will.be mailed to irrberested bidders upon the deposit of $20.00,all of wfuich will be refunded to bona fide bidders.Copies of said plans may be secured at the office of the engineer,1~cC1ure Engineering Company,M-21 Warden Building,Fort Dogge,Iowa. 10 At the time and place,tho scdd Council will aLso consider bids for fur- nishing of nc.tul'c.l gas at YJholesi,;Llerates.It is estimated that tno town will require 50,000 IJ1cf per J0o.r with maximum da.i Ly usage of 600 LIef. By special elGctiol1 bold in tho to·wn on tho 22110.dc.y of L'1aroh,1966,the electors approvod u co.rt.ruc t bet'weon the torin and NorthGrl1 N'utlJ.l'ul G<lS Company for tbe furnishi~g of ~Qtur~l gas. Tbis imprOV8L1(;!lt is bci;:::.g conanruct cd by D.uthori-cy granted tho I:mnicipality by Chapter 397 of tho Code of Iowa. Published upon tbe order of the Tarin Council of WaLLi"oe,IOVH:l.I 'I'own Clerk Section 5.A_I rcsolutioils or parts of resolutions in conflict hcrcTIith be and tho S2J:l0 Qro Dsreby repealed. (S:::AL) Recorded in the records of said Tonn tbis 12th day of May,1966.I The Wuukee:TU;-J:l Cou.ic.i L h e Ld a Spcci3.1 meeting l:Io.y 31,1966,at the Town Hull VJitb Li3.yO:C'K:r:'<:\.ille:c)residi:1G and 0.11 Oounc.i Iraen present excert JOh~lStO:1. This ineeting 'was culled to orgD.~1.ize the PlannL1B;Cotl'llission.Officers C1.Te us follor.'s: J.S.Keller, Gene ii.mIllon Joe Neubauer Cho.irmo.l1 Vice Chairman Secretary Goorge Eutcbi~'lg of Des 1'.'loillCS ·W.:lS intervieY~ed for tbe position of Gas l''.'1an;:.~ge~for thE:coming L1L1.nicipal gas system.IStreetswerealsodiscussed~t this tbQe.It was decided to put gravel on top of the Oil on Ashworth c.na 6th Street. Bob Scbend.cke.r of Hamburg sent in an application for job as Gas l"Ji:~nagero The Council instructed tbe Clerk to make an appo.irrtn.c.rt with Bob for an interview at c.lnter date. IJre'3ting r~j our-nod.