HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-05-31-Special Minutes10 At the time and place,tho scdd Council will aLso consider bids for fur- nishing of nc.tul'c.l gas at YJholesi,;Llerates.It is estimated that tno town will require 50,000 IJIcf per J0o.r with maximum da.i Ly usage of 600 LIef. By special elGctiol1 bold in tho to·wn on tho 22110.dc.y of L'Iaroh,1966,the electors approvod u co.rt.ruc t bet'weon the torin and NorthGrl1 N'utlJ.l'ul G<lS Company for tbe furnishi~g of ~Qtur~l gas. Tbis imprOV8L1(;!lt is bci;:::.g conanruct cd by D.uthori-cy granted tho I:mnicipality by Chapter 397 of tho Code of Iowa. Published upon tbe order of the Tarin Council of WaLLi"oe,IOVH:l.I 'I'own Clerk Section 5.A_I rcsolutioils or parts of resolutions in conflict hcrcTIith be and tho S2J:l0 Qro Dsreby repealed. (S:::AL) Recorded in the records of said Tonn tbis 12th day of May,1966.I The Wuukee:TU;-J:l Cou.ic.i L h e Ld a Spcci3.1 meeting l:Io.y 31,1966,at the Town Hull VJitb Li3.yO:C'K:r:'<:\.ille:c)residi:1G and 0.11 Oounc.i Iraen present excert JOh~lStO:1. This ineeting 'was culled to orgD.~1.ize the PlannL1B;Cotl'llission.Officers C1.Te us follor.'s: J.S.Keller, Gene ii.mIllon Joe Neubauer Cho.irmo.l1 Vice Chairman Secretary Goorge Eutcbi~'lg of Des 1'.'loillCS ·W.:lS intervieY~ed for tbe position of Gas l''.'1an;:.~ge~for thE:coming L1L1.nicipal gas system.IStreetswerealsodiscussed~t this tbQe.It was decided to put gravel on top of the Oil on Ashworth c.na 6th Street. Bob Scbend.cke.r of Hamburg sent in an application for job as Gas l"Ji:~nagero The Council instructed tbe Clerk to make an appo.irrtn.c.rt with Bob for an interview at c.lnter date. IJre'3ting r~jour-nod.