HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-09-12-Regular Minutes24 September 12,1966 The I'iaukeeTown Council met in regular session at the Town Hall September 12th at 8 P.M.with l!ayor Kramer presiding and all Councilmen present. Moved by Meyer seconded by Boone to approve the minutes as read.Carried 5 to O. Moved by Howe seconded by Johnston to approve Treasurer's report as read.Carried5toO. A group of citizens metn with the Council regarding the Dog Ordinance.Greg PeifferactedasSpokesmanforthegroup.Also present was Ann Ford and Bob Applegate. Moved by Johnston seconded by Boone to accept and file the petition on dogs.I Carried 5 to O. Belsford,Henderson and McCullen met with the Council to discuss the water on 3rdandWaukeestreet. Moved by Howe seconded b;l;Johnston to close 5th street for 4 hours durdng the FallFestavalandCarnival.varried 5 to O. Moved by Howe seconded by Leonard to approve the appointment of Mrs.Turek to theLibaaryBoard.Carried 5 to O. laovedby Howe.seconded bZ JOhnston to purchase a 1966 4 door PlymouthMotorsatacostof~20'r6.00.Carried 5 to O. There was a discussion held on the cement slab that was built on the from Waukee school grounds. Moved by Boone seconded by Howe to build a drive of cement at the 'later building 15 by 28.Carried 5 to O. Moved by Meyer seconded by Boone to pay the following claims presented by the Clerk: Remo Nizzi George Kramer Paul Huscher Amy Hoffsta t Hannah ~Ieil C.Corbett Robert Sebeneicher \lendell Baker Don Boll Richard Inman Lowell Camarigg George Kramer Dr.Chas I-lowe Iowa Power &Light viaukee Hardware viaukee Motors Brown Supply co. 'laukee Skelly B&M RobertSebe~eicher N.vI.Bell Telephone ,'iaukeePost'office R.A.Charles Beverly Michaels Harold Burger Don Rhodes WaQ~ee water dept. H ugh \~arren Robert Sebeniecher Ray Bainter Robert Sebeneicher Ivan Speer Duane Hoffman Jerry l1cCulJ.ough I.H.Paullin Ivan Denny Office Specialty Iowa League of Mun. Co-op N.W.Bell tel. Waukee Har-dwar-e Gobel Tra€tor Clerk Mayor Attorney Cleaning Treasurer Cleaning Salary Water Meter refund Extra Help Milealile Mileage Convention Dog care Power liisc.Purchases Repair Supplies Gas Repair Salary Calls Stamps Water Meter refund Water meter refund Repair sewer Driver for swimming we.ter (H.viarren) Meter refund Salary Salary Moving expense Meter r-efund Easement Easement Easment Heter refund Desk Dues Supplies Calls 1·1isc.Purchases Tra.ctor 125.37 40.00 60.00 25.00 35.00 30.00 211.65 15.88 117.45 20.00 20.00 7.50 9.00 423.19 50.01 18.05 46.20 10.90 54.10 10.01 69.83 29.85 25.00 25.00 288.64 66.00 10.64 14.36 211.65 148.32 170.00 25.00 l.00 1.00 100.00 25.00 91.90 50.00 683.42 21.63 39.92 150.00 I I 25 Willete Co. Asph,lt Paving Co. Merle Rees Co-op Elevator C::..npbellFlying Waukee Motors Concrete 1~~terials Booneville Gr3.vel Br-own Supply Allied Co. St~.b Lab Lov:1 Power &Ili.gh. Wilhite Co. 3rO'iJn Supp.Iy V.J.r:syC.L-· :0679.39 6.00 98.50 20.00 200.00 2.33 39.25 1125.67 484.46 13'3.26 2.CO 4::'2.35 Oiling Hot Hix Hauling trees Rent trud~ Spra.ying Repair Rock Gr:;.vel l-leters Water st~tements 1{~J..!.J.~r SdJnple;3 PovcrIRep,i~Bel aire St. Supplies Driver for swim~ing 84.84 66.00 Oc~ober 1,1966 The 'iao.keeTo''1l1 COU:Jcil :net in Speci,>l session October 1st at the Town HsLl, at 8 P.M.Mayor Kramer presided ani Councilman Boone,Johnston and Meyer present.Absent--Howe and Leonard. I This meeting was called to interview two men for t~e day job. The Two men interriewed were Bacon and Paul Woods.Paul Woods was selected providing Eowe and lleon,rd were favorable.Salary $5200.00 per year. Meeting adjourned. I