HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-05-18-Special MinutesTI 63 Special Meeting May 18,1968 The Waukee Town Council held a Special Meeting May 18,1968,with Dr Chas Ho~e presiding and Council present Meyer,Applegate,Davis,Boone ,absent Rees , Present at this meeting was Henry Oakes of Oakes Engeering.Oake's Engeering representing the Town of Waukee regarding street work to be done by the Town. Mr Duffus, Lighting system with rate same of Iowa Power and light,&George Gray and Mr Lint,presented a for Gray Plat #3,175 Watt Mercury Vapor light on steel pole as present system.Under gound wiring to be paid by Developer. The following Resolution was introduced by Appleagate and seconded by Bernard Boone.To instruct the Mayor to notify Geo Gray of the Following:Be it resolved that the Town Council instruct the Mayor to advise Gray Construction Co.Inc, that streets,sewer and water mains in Corene Acres Plat #3 will be accepted by the Town,as soon as the Specifications of the Subdivision Ordanance thereto are complied with Motion Carried 4-0.Rees absent. Mr Bill Hillis of Hillis Construction met with the Council regarding street repair for the Town of Waukee. Frank Haberman,George Winfield and Ralph Chambers met with the Council regarding 4th street and also what is being done about sidewalks in the Town of Waukee. The Council disgussed street and sidewalks,with these citieens of the Town of Waukee. Henry Oakes of Oakes Engeering disgussed the street program for the year 1968 with the Council. Moved by Councilman Meyers seconded by Councilman Applegate,that Oakes Engineering Company,Consulting Engineers of Des Moines,Iowa,be and the yare hereby employed as Engineers in connection with the proposed Street Improvements Project No 1 for the Town of Waukee,Iowa Motion Carried 4-0.Rees absent. Councilman Meyer moved the adoption of Resolution NO 600 ,the same being a Prelimina ry Resolution,pursuant to Section 391A.5 of the Iowa Code,covering proposed Street Improvements Progect No.1,1968.Seconded by Council Bernard Boone.Carried 4-0. Rees absent. RESOLUTION NO 600 PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 5 OF CHAPTER 391A OF THE IOWACODE COVERING STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO.1,1968 WHEREAS,it is deemed advisable that certain streets and avenues of the Town be improved with curb,gutter and surfacing in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 391A of the Iowa Code,and the cost thereof to be assessed to the property benefited thereby,and WHEREAS,the City has arranged with the Oakes Engineering Company,Consulting Engineers of Eles Moines,Iowa,for engineering services in connection ,,'1 th the said improvemnts:now therefore IT IS RESOLVED by the Town Counc il of the Town of Waukee,Iowa,as follow: Section 1.That the following streets shall be improved as a single improvement, and such improve ments shall be located with termimal points and of materials and sizes as follow: Sectionl.Concrete Pavement Widing Assessable Construct 6-inch non-reinforced concrete pavement widening with \ integral curb and other work as may be incidental thereto on and along the following streets,to-wit: Northeast side of Ashworth Drive (20 feet wide)from a point 55 feet Southeast of the East line of Sixth Street to the West line of Fifth Street. Southwest side of Ashworth Drive (20 feet wide)from the point 25 feet Southeast of the East line of Sixth Street to a point 185 feet Southeast of the E st line of Sixth St. West side of Sixth Street (15 feet wide)from a point Noortheast line of Ashworth Drive 1 SECT ~,: '.......,...,',. •;-,_,I..J'_6-inc ".;c :ccd.··;~·,":.cre t.e pa"'/'2;rnent ma'-'be ...;~.;~deT';.ta:' widening thereto on !":or!-.::'2 c:.:".he No '~h225t side -; Ast <):::"~.:1 D:(i \'-~2 :-:om"'_'int.55 feet:Southeast of the East line -,"~,x :StJ:'ee''::-t.o t.h e Wes"t..i r ne of Fifth Street S'::t;side C,;c he Eas t line ~,;.:\ S v utheast;'l~;t.,:'-2t \L.0-·-...,t ~ine "._~.ixt~Stree~ We :'5 t;s i o.e-C)f 51..::<':'1":.0. 1--" ""i F';~ Coris t r ucc ::')-i.·:iC"....'l','."i.C ._egr :orb an«c u t.r.e r s e c t.i.on on each 'side of ,th,::.:.fo,l,l.,:),:,:~:.ngs cre e r s ~i:-~i..::'C:.121:'I,\'<;,[k t.h a t,may be incident:~"· t.ne r e t c on and a:c.ng's a id s t.r e e t s to-vllt:~said streets are to be 27 feet wide,b2Ck tc b~c~of rurbj r f-;-:h Street .to t.ne East\-'~e;:;.'-,--_,.c' :Jf SE.'<':1 -,:':::3 Seco~ld /;.~;,·~'O(...t.n i.n.::i\'2 t.o a point 1':~);,-thline of Northview Drive ,L:.l. No.t'tlJ Sixt.t"t S':..(eet. ! th(~Northetis cline r I l~ne of u.s.Hwy.No~(J .f e tt.;the South -3Ci-lNCH C>?E3 A~~D ~3UTTE:P_]>1G :?C-P:.JOT ASPHALT -ASSESSABLE ·i ~~t f'"3scti.on o~.each 2 :~~',:':.L'~r;::':){),.:;r e ;~e en ,-::,,;5 ()',~l>_\".~:.""k as may be ,",:.'" ,.;:,.~'-' ,.:J, ',.,:(ng S"-,:(,32:'5 ~~c..::·-w1_t: f".~.l"_i'"'2 St"eet to the South ""2 C<Tl t:c~e La,si:J.'';J~I')~F()urth Stree't to a.point ~43 £e~':E ,S~~.t~1e East line of Fourth Street eTC',':..:['2 ::<-e':L r;r,~'"f E':'urth S-:::::2e~,:to a poin:t 314 feeT:~';est~;ji~:)'c':~"lest 'Line of Fourt,l1 9treet 64 f ( ) ) Meeting of M,lY 18,1968 C ont , The Council disgussed the method of assessemments on 4th Street which is a local street and came to this agreement.Curb and gutter to be assesed 100%.and the 20 foot asphalt mat 70 %by the property owners and 30%be paid by the ~Town. Moved by Applegate and seconded by Boone to purchase a 1968 tractor and back hoe from Finestead's of Granger at a total cost of $6944.00,ne w Massey Ferguson. Carried 4-0. I I (I