HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-09-09-Regular Minutes.10 Type of objections at this meeting.
Two bids were received by the Town of Waukee.
August 21 1968
The Waukee 'Town Council held a Special meeting August 1968 at 8:00 Pm at the Waukee
Town Council,,with Mayor Howe presiding and counciL~an present Applegat,Rees,Meyer
Absent Davis and Boone.
This meeting was held for the hearing and letting the bids for project #1 streets 1968 •
Mid-State Const Co Baxter,Iowa $37,474.50
Minutes of this meeting registered on the Regular Street Poject #L 1968 file.
Moved by Meyer seconded by Applegate to issue a beer class ~rermit To the Golden
Spur.Carried 3-0.
Moved by Meyer seconded by Applegate to grant a liquuor permit to the Golden Spur providing
the Liquor Commission complies with the same.Carried 3-0.
The Waukee Council voted by ~ballot for the vacancy on the town council.Daniel Gardner
the 3rd received 3 votes Dan Gardner 3rd was elected to fill the vacancy on the Council.
Meeting adjourn d~·D/-
Mayor Town o:~~
Attest Clerk Town of Waukee
August 26 1968
The Waukee Town Council held a Special Meeting August 26,1968,with Mayor Howe presiding
and All councilman present except Gardne~
This meeting was called to award contract and approve bond.
Moved by applegate and seconded by Meyerctb award
of $23,i75.00 Papiam Bros of Des Moines was given
the contract the low bidder in amount
Meeting Adjourned
Attest Town ClerklHHPA"*666
September 9 1968
The Wauke e Town Council helds its regular meeting September 9,1968,with Mayor
Howe presiding and all Councilman present.
Moved by Applegate and seconded by Meyer to approve minutes as read.carried 5-0
Dr Chas Howe Mayor,of the Town of Waukee admininstered the oarth of office to
Daniel Gardinerll11 ,who was elected to fill vacancy on the Council.
The Clerk read the following letter from Oakes Engineering"We hereby certify that
the Sanitary Sewer,Water Mains and the concrete paving in Corene ~cres Plat #3
are complete and were constructed in accordance with the approved pians and
Moved by Applegate seconded by Meyer
water,sewer,and streets in Corene
to approve vakes Engineering
Acres PIa t #3 Carried 5-0.
certificcation of
Moved by Applegate
Amy Hoffstat
Amy Hoffstat
Clif Corbett
Paul Hushcer
seconded by Boone that the Following Claims be paid
Streets were ais,;ussed by tc,e Cou.icf.L
r '7 o
Sept Meeting Cont.
Darrell Merical
Hannah Weil
Remo Nizzi
Dr Chas W.Howe
Raymond Bainter
Dale Boone
John Cain
American Business Firms
Joe Lee
McKesson Chemicals
Janet Mullins
Citizen State Bank
Brenton Bank
Remo Nizzi
Dale Boone
Ray Bainter
"anna h Weil
Reobert Sebeniecher
Brenton Bank
Finestead J.nc
Brenton Balik
Robert Sebeniecher~~,,,'Vi..jell
~~Ieetiilgacij Durn
$255.3 5
$2000.00:/I 106.25I§i~86~~