HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-11-01-Regular Minutes128 of '._'~1:'ticle VII ..Section 703. BE it -;::tc"ct/;ld .~:Jbthe r:'c'~l:""1,:::ilcf -t.::e T:~w:~.,:·f rr'la".::kc~:,IC':-7,1: SECTION 1..':::~K_-t·Ar':·-':'~~la 7-:::}Sf<:ti";}r.703,Zc:r:.i:~g Ordi:::.anC8 ()f t,he r::-c,,-::-,~c::T;i,:;;"-:tk::":;"IOi,rf~,"/('::'cl;nOy,T 1 ;;~:?'.'~:::: .ssc·~.iC::2 7CJ~ Ar:CESSCRY Bt!IIDINGS 0 N:.~;_i.:;,:f~,::;;::·'~:l':;·":::'u.::.~:~.i~~iSr;hL:,l '~8 er::;,::·:~~;:1.i;1,2.nj~L"'i;~::~·:ired fron o::.~side :r?~rd,and :-:·G '~;:~:P';:~:::":',l-t1J~:i;.i_dl.~"'3?1};.s:.l 1>::'3rB(:L:::;d ~~:-:~·hl~:fiv'e (.5')feet of O';"J ether ;-,iJ.ildir:g~IA(lSESSCRY 3UILDINGS. Y:)~::';:;';')~::iE():-:T::/G:.ildi::'ES shall be erected Lr;any ::,s-,q'L'iref fron or side Y ..."..,",~a-....·,~'no c:<~·"":::lra.J...:;;.}..~,..;l?-:""'-::r -:~1-·a"l"~'C';""~yo:::,.~,,l--c.,':::'v,r Lhi.n fl·.,tp :"~'1J f'eet Ofa........,~_\..l..,...;-1:"'.....-.,,..........._;.J..l...·.o ,-',,,"_.....'_'v·.........'v ...·,~..,..L...,.,..........''''\/_...._ an:/,c~:..h:s]:,b~:"dir:g.P:'::11-J'eve!~,:10 ~t;Titl-;.s"t-6.nding any 0,tJ:c'?r provision of the ZC::::"::E ord.ir:.a.r~ce 0.--::t:18 T"-;H::~0:;'":1nlaul:ee,IC;~Ts,gar age bui Idi.nge may be :~r":::;;t,e-2.i::?-:!a:1G.R ...2 dis'!;,jric-Ls.::.,>1.le..s,~:than t:tTO (2)feet.from the side ./D,~'dli~'~H~~,::'the :'t32.l"'S-e:t.poi:~;t en sai.d g,n~'age'l::uildings. SheaDDn I:12..0s,1?1:.t ens ~';"'C',~:::,1 j 2,3,L.,and 5.Proposed change to R-2, r'~'c:'::;:-"'~ir:G ?=,,:'it ..Ti'TE~St.of t,:~,e Lhe m·J ccz-ner o~lot 4,Bleck 11,Fourth Add::"ti::,.~~t::.t 'th,:TC":7T:,..("1·!'?~·'.:k):·),...o-'!;:=:,;cn.Bnc;:;'South ~~.l/.:::ngtn8 11Jest line of 8th 8-[,:('88-1-...,3~,J.C..C ::"::',t}:e71C~~H:sst,10C.0 :t;thsDcr.North parallel to the 1~,!eE.·tl:LT:;:;::;.~'ft"h,.st.r€",~~~E':';,"id ':60 f'cd ~'JeBt '.J:~s,-;.id lir:.::~;-J.~c.C ft to a point 0.:'~'r:'='Q".".;.;-',l--:r.:.=:...J'"'-"'rc:o·\·Q~·,··;·v,·~·"i.tr'r.~:>_'••!."+}o,--,pr'~I"+of beginni"lO'~',:~_:=-~~.~·J·~;::.~·~:~:~t.c~';:,~~;,;;:i:::;~~-";'~~~~8=-~~~ir..~_'~;,~;;;L~t-~f~.h.:"}rW\l of Sect~~~ ~~"'_"7',~'_'!\T 'R_2(-,_1~T --1""+1,.,,::.'T'(",~""",.;:'"!;J~.,~1n~;~='~,llas Co~~mt.lr,IClva.,andj.,.,.-.'"..,.-..~""5 -~'-.-."v-",-;...I.;:I,.~'-J .. ·~;,)'.:":.::..2.3.n.:3:,'1pprcxirrla'tely i ~243 c;':::;"S'D,~-«-' :c.:''J':;lished upon (~)\~Berna::-d Boone }lAYOR ATTEST ~Renl.c Nizzi I The council decided to pospone procedures on the public hearing until its reg~lar meeting which 1~11 be Novemb r i,1971 .. :'Io'redby Kramer,second by Horris, tions cf the maintenance building. to accept and file specs and specifica- Ca.rried 5 to O. ~&~maYor The TOHl1.Council of the T01,rnof Waukee,Dallas County,Io"(:a,met in r8gular s2ssio~a.t the TOll1T'~Hall in said Tmrn of the 1 st da.:y·of November 1971,at 7:00 p.m. The I-ja;/c-::-' ?!'8:sent: presided and the roll being called,there were: George Kramer.,Danial Gardiner,Merle Rees,Dr Blessing, Dave Norris. None I and Aoscnt: rr:~_eco"tl.-r'lciltook up and eonsidered the proposed constru.ctior~cf a sewer :!"E.irtenance ~::uilding in connection lri th an extention of the sanit2.Y·y . s's~l.Jer sJ ...~,tem of the Town of Waukee,Iowa Councilman Dr Ronald Blessing introduced and read the fcllowing resol:l"tio;:",~rj.al~einafter set out entitled:HResolutio:o to provide fo~a notice of hearing on proposed plans and specifi,cations a.nd proposed :c!'rr..cf cont.:;:·act for the cons traction of a SBi:ier !T'..aintena~lce building 1:1 the T01il1 of 1rJe:t:kee,100,Ta,arid t.he tat:'ing or bids for su~h con,struction:, 2.T,d iiJDVed its a.doption,seconded b;)r Ccn~.,cilrflar~}Ie:"le K.,,?;6S.After due con.sidera tioD "t.1:e:."ec'fby the Cou!1.cil}tr£:·~;for P~lt the question.upon the ::;.ctiCD an~l the roll being called,the follo""Ting named COUr-CilrilE,~":1 ~roted: i3"yes:!31essi:-::.g,;}:?,rdincr,Hee;?,I':orris,and Kl"am-sr ~T::\,/c :!'Tens I I I \"Jhe:r;:!upon,the Es.y.::-:'de~l:.~"..s c sn.,;,.G i;~ct:L:::d:.~:.~-'Cct:r:'2.d.and 82.2.0.::'-'e2cl~jJ,5_0Tl e,dopt8C as £'02.101-;r8; P':::S8':' ;;Of:f';.j ,...,'"y •..., ~...,~i~C\·\~:tee cl :;'8,!::2.~:-~~Q:,Y~p::c:.- ?,':~;:-~~pc.c:"_~:'~::-:'-"","..:;:.:.':":tJ3.j;J:.'O- ....,.1,.•_~,~_•..:. .L '.":. t.~,,:,'.'.;'.~,-.,~','" 'ref.'._c :';,r~';'ke-s,_C'"l:'T2.)[:'.:."']:'-U.13 ···-'·-~-··b -.:..;f ;::i':..;::;:C'-:::.-.~."i.i:""::-.-:-~f'~:,::"'.;l.:.::.J,..JL:>:~<> ,..,~.~.-'.'..,.,.~ ..:>-,,~-~oJ t:1&t s2.id ,s,s,ni.!;:',2:::'y::r,";';'o::"c.':'s+':--':'s+'":',e 8:;:tene.ad.:"·:r :0!~;:~:'::"·u.,~·:,i~:::"c·~::se·,:"2~:' ::':~.::"r:tc<:~:;:,r.:~8 :':.1.iIdi·<:::";;-.-::,:~_C'~.'':J'~e~\·2..t.:-l:le::;.-t L:1G m ..,..~,_c.::,~T".TZ,:::{·2:8 ....::::::.<;i,~: ~:c'r:~8,('ti:;:-~-,:::.tl'l ':~,h:J :::,'2';":,,::3:'}"-t>;,1.7i.te:-:;E.'n":':';-,?.c:c...:...2~·,..:"__S.:'8:'c:-:.:.:~:'"L::'I7'2~:~:"d 3e~,i7~2"'systc.:~;::.,;),;7'f'.:'.....ni;::;l.i:;~,;;.:.l:":-,:o:~,::r:i.:....~',:':::C::ID_~:::~,~'fer ;;C?13"':.':·C,':<~.-...;~::..;:~ ;:,·~.id se;;,rer mp.'i::;.tE::;~F.'.~~::",:;·~:":':,:'i:::g S:;::,~':';:;",.:l~·::'e11~r/~,""'~0Y~~,S8.:"::~':C,;:;::,:':''''L/::'':r beir:g :~r:i",-ri.sn.~·_:2.'32':~:j :-~,~CC'SSS.TY :c:-:::the 11-3st·.~':~,.'20,;:t:::o .'.c,·:,}:'7o :;:::":,tt"}a..... ::.f Gt'.ic1 :>:::'n:::j~::;:"~1(::tic,:.-:'8 ,I-""~.,,,,,::,~~";;,c~:<>::,.~:,::,:<,c::C'::::;:_i,;...2:':.:::a2G:.':""c.':,r ~,:;.~".'.'.', \,J;-:""E ::rE.,~"S,i':"....~:1-2;2·;;'?EL:~,~,.,'-"..,;:'ix 3 :p:''"D:t>:::S2;c'pl~.ns ;:.~::1c.S::Y:;·~::":~ir:3.~,::,r.r.s :i;:."':,:nride fs,]'t.h3 '~~"'~ki:~,,J:c f ":,,;1..:::s ':·b:~':',::;cf; ::-:'7:-:::al:d P;-d,~,~:; ·~"J.:d ~:''::'~':BC-j.f::Y':.:. 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BE it enacted by the Council of the Town of Waukee I Iowa: SECTION 1.That Article III Section 2011 adopting and identifying the Official Zoning Map ofthe Town of Waukee I lowa ,is hereby amended as follows: A.The following described real estate within the Town of Waukee I Iowa I is hereby zoned as a "C -I"commercial district: Beginning 502 feet West of the Northeast corner of Section 33-79-261 said Northeast corner being on the center line of East Road I thence West along the North I ine of Section 33-79-261 said line also being the center line of U.S. Highway #6 I 2321 feet to the center I ine of 4th Street; thence South along the center I ine of 4th Street 462 feet to the center line of Laurel Street extended;thence East along the center line of Laurel Street extended 2321 feet; thence North 462 feet to the point of beginning;all of the above described parcel being located in the Northeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of Section 33 I Township 79 North I Range 26 West of the 5th P.M'I in the Town of Waukee I Dallas County I Iowa I and containing approximately 24.61 acres. I ,B.The following described real estate within the Town of Waukee I lowa , is hereby zoned as an "R -2"residence district: A parcel of ground in Lots 11 21 3~nd 5 in Shearon Place , Plat One described as beginning 70 feet West of the Northwest corner of Lot 41 Block III Fourth Addition to the Town of Waukee I Iowa;thence South along the West line of 8th Street 340 feet;thence West 160 feet;thence North parallel to the West line of 8th Street and 160 feet West of said line 340 feet to a point on the South line of Locust Street;thence East 160 feet to the point of beginning;all of the above described parcel being part of the Northwest border of Section 331 Township 79 North I Range 26 West of the 5th P.M.I Waukee I Dallas County I lowa ,and containing approximately 1.248 acres. C.The following described real estate within the Town of Waukee I lowa , is hereby zoned as an IR-2"residence district:I, The South 100 feet of the North 290 feet of the East 143 of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33 I Township 79 North ,Range 26West of the 5th P.M'I in the Town of Waukee I Dallas County I Iowa. SECTION 2.That said Article III Section 2011 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Waukee I Iowa I and the Zon ing Map referred to therein I shall I except for th is '---~~~~~------~---------------- I I -.-----181' R.esclut:"cr:eT~e~.:.:...eQ: s,?\ctj~~Jn 7'83.Ccunc.i.Iman Dles,sing 2.n"t.:::"':::·':iJ.c·:)(l :i_'~!J;lE:ndi!1g t:-:l8 Z'::T,.i~-lg C2<~in2:.L:~G, It vas lY;.C1Ted1.:::r C~,u:cci:r;~,~::l'::cr'ris,and seconded 8J7 0C:Gn~~LlF:B.nReGs, that the!OrdinaY188 Rz sol·~"Ltion8nti:'led:!:JIJ;lending t~-~3Z~ring Ch-'>(li:r:.::.::,:e ;~,rt.icle VII.Sectj.O::1 1'J31:be nov read by"the T()';\"11CJ.,?~:,lr"The :'I?;r:T P'_l~~'she q"'J.est::ton en the moticYl;3.De:':.:':'8r:Jll bei:J.g caTl.ed ,tl~~8 :Gllo.':~~;\g ~"l3,T!8d (;O\1....·'1c:.lmen vo..'c.ed.; '~"J"'es::Horris,Kramer,Ble.2,·3i:.~~g,:908,3.2,CO.:'C:i:-::Cl" N;,ys :none =:t was moved by Counc i Lman G£~~··di:J.sY,s.nd seconded C;'l C':Y.1::1::i~i:..a:;,KI'amer, that -C:-l8 r'...'..le requi.X'·er..g an C~C~i}-:~2,ncet.c be lY,c.C,on three scp3.r?_tc,da::rs be dispensed with.T'ne I~c;,~;rorVG.t the c;,',:~oeti2:11 Q:~;tl:'2 1·:"::.l,:,i0~~'.)c.::-~d'~!.:e :":11 being called.,the !.',:)1::'~~·7ing:1o.!':ec.CJ)·i,;':'1Cj.J5,16?1 voted: A:res:Horr'is,Bless:':'J.g"ICJ.~0.~:8':-G2,J~diner ,R.ees Nays :none It 1,,;':.1.[;~n.Qvei by Ccn.:;r,:::i~·.:.~~.:-~eecj;nd seconded the O~""clin3.n~e ',;[scn:"u"t,iC;I"l.,:.:~ti t-l2:;;~,~"It;~le;]di:'12 iTT:'J ..._....., !'iE.yep p:rt the que st.i.on '):1 ?Bso:~tion,and the rc:"l being cs~:sd, by CcrG;ci:i..r.:.2.~'l Bls.ssi:-:g,that the3 ZcniT',g Ol'din2.:'l'::S,A::."t.i-::le adoptioYlQ The 'Toted: rl.~TeS : NSi,j....S: I(x>amer,2':oI'::'is,BIc sping -':t'7.es,G8.rdi!'~er nc:J.e 1.'Yb.ereupon, passed ei.rld the IJia:ror ceclarBd s:iid O:rdir..ance Resoluticn d:J.ly e,dopt.ec.a:''1d signed his .:?,pprcYal to sc;,id O:"c:inance 1?B~l·::;l'J.tion. -, ~ . ,', "" j ....•. _I ORDINANCE NO._ An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Waukee t Iowa, Article VII,Section 703. BE it enacted by the Council of the Town of Waukee,Iowa: SECTION 1.That Article VII,Section 703,Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Waukee,Iowa,which now reads: Section 703. ACCESSORY BU ILDINGS. No accessory buildings shall be erected in any requ ired front or s ide yard,and no separate building shall be erected within five (S)feet of any other bu i Id ing . Is amended to read: Section 70.3. ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. No accessory buildings shall be erected in any requ ired front or s ide yard,and no separate building shall be erected within five(S)feet of any other bu i Id lnq ,However,notw ithstand ing any other provision of the zoning ordinance of the Town of Waukee ,Iowa,garage buildings may be erected in R -1 and R -2 districts not less than two (2)feet from the side yard line to the nearest point on said garage building. SECTION 2.This amendment shall be in effect after its final passage,approval and posting or publication as provided by law. ." Passed by the Council on the /:u1 day of _~=/="~~t'_:<_"·_'.::c/#:..:.-,-/~~,--_,1971,and approved this i.i rday of /:'1'£<""';:,,1971 .. ATTEST:c2 '?' .....,.•••·'1v/...."./' Town-cler.< 132 '. !l!JJllsndirlg Sect.ion ::::-:'"'?t!.s ~:r~"7;,~d.»s CO'C"!"1cil:'~;::"";Xr,~.r::.er,and ::2~>:'nd8t:':bji Cc-.2:.:il:ii?~::.:':c:':t>is,ttE.t ·t-l·~;;Orc,::'~-~?_tt::">2nB 2;<Luticr-.en+.i:.:"ed ~~!A}r.!.8~::-1i..:J,gt.\,..::?:():-:'i:-:S~C:~c~i:lc.:nceG.:.Ghe rr~·"·r::-tcf ·hT-s.~~'.ke9,,;",,':J';',Artic}·:'''.iT:..SSGt:.\~'Y'l~/:':=:·;"~<2'~~"I~.:'~8,::d b:/t:"18 Tu-m Clcl"~'~"The ~·:;;.~lG:;".I.;L1.-;-~-L.:~:!q:'i.est:L:J:J.C:':.·:':.:"t,2 l1.C·t.LC:-~,t,;.••.j"\).;~.l.o,si::Z ce.lled -',;,:;'1[;;.:':':-:'1.:.:.-"':,...l..~~Gn2.~-;~2·:::CJ::.v:~:"l:,lC::-:,;":;+,:~,'::~: n,:.r;,.,:c:';:CT:,~,r'e£',:'~C:T'is,Bl~8c~"-,o' ~T;::~~rp.:c'"':"::<? Ithat :is;::;T ,~,"C'<~~-"-~~ :-:'{;:'-i2,':'t.~"lc;z~j .l":":le ..,_.•1..:..>"~sr >:> :~;"):J.::"">T2.L.g :·::'::'.~~?dt:".::'J ~'v''....·:::ts :rr~;-,~·;i.,~.., .';.~·..::,.c':~·,:e~.:,.--::...~-:,(': the ~.,-. ~~.'..1j'..",..:...~..-i;~;";\,...:...."''. "'1 ~".':''.:','...G':-~J."di;:18r s O::""dinHt:ce ss i:',~);~,:~.,.8:5,"c:7" .:",;.v·:;.C1j~":1g ::r -:t2.~n ~':::<),.,._~!"T.T,,·_,'~':;". -.....'"',:.....:::,~.;-~[..d ;.'t..,..,. ~""'~:.~_:'.:_~ m!...,~".:; up0:.1.its......,".-.....l.;,.i.;;;- 1i:118i',S"--~P0~:,ths E8,~,70T df.'(~'ls.l"::c;. passe,'o,~',::d ~;.:;::"gnsc }~...-: ·?,~~ic.Or:1i~·.G.r..C'3 Pu8sclu':,ion -:1,-:.:';,.-c:.dcpted and to s?id O::."'di"-:.a::lc2r280~U·:1.'.:;1., I I ;-- ORDINANCE NO.---- An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Waukee,Iowa, Article 17I 'Section (P(rO • BE it enacted by the Council of the Town of Waukee,Iowa: SECTION 1.That Section tPCro ,Article -a:,line 5 on page 25, of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Waukee,Iowa,which now reads: Line District Use 5 "R-2"I-family I s amended to read: Line District Use 5 "R-2"I-family Width Area sq.ft.Area per fam ilysq.ft. 50 6000 6000 Width Area sq.ft.Area per family sq.ft. 60 6000 6000 SECTIO N 2.That said Article tJZ ,Section &6-a ,of the Zoninq Ordinance of the Town of Waukee,Iowa,shall,exc~is amendment changing the width/of R-2 lotsfrom50to60feet,remain unchanged. SECTION 3.This amendment shall be in effect after its final passage,approval andpostingorpublicationasprovidedbylaw. Passed by the Council on thdt£'7"day of lJJ~,1971,andapprovedthis/s-('day of ~,1971. ATTEST: 7 ,/c:».',//L "7.':J" I I I 133 I':-;~<6:2 b:--"'"::o:cris, r2.r'rie d :;to C',, fireme:1 ins~ interest -::".,~'7~..,7 _'~'''- '");::'0 ('.,""....'......,......v 150.GC S6'JC~CC .-....!',...)'C'..::;"'...,. 12C.C~; G .'-,0 1 ~..,..,.....,... 4c:.:':'~J;'./ i,'Jr;;...G Eay Capital City H It Brct,n:Supply ?::'st Office Ferry Clean T01rel ~I-:Ir.s:u."ance :?er.G:d..t board ?T.:;r·::'b.81'Il Na bur-a'l. RJC.CT. T"Ta .....zkee H,s.:::dvmre ::-sDel."a~.:Sa£"2tj'" S'~,a t,3 of Ic-:;;:;:. SlJ.pp ....l8S st:,a.\D.ps cleal:i:lg sllpplii~;;" Lns E::l t S Ta ';78 I':':"c ';'0"';"; ;':~2::;•:~;3gas gas s"l...':.pplie:: supplies r a.re t.ruc c .....::".-')'ve;;';;.,o ":"<-:-: •",'-'.../_,J ....,'..,1;-''..,'':':'::;..~'':'':,./..',.,:; :'"'....... ;..;,..-'-..'~~::,,~.;.;, ....J.J....,...,-<,;.';.:.:...,",~:_....-::".....~ S2.=..as t2.X st';ilr..pS emp Lcyee.: gas S~:f'pli8S .:.-t8·';;:.ci~r:fui.x [r..o.irl-~e:\anC',:)..,.' ;-'-'-'-~6 ':-"~..J_.4;"~~,;"~ "',..,-,I ........:::'.._'';'~-,j,"-,' T;:aLL~ee.post office Payrcll l"y :,-18]]0D.8.1d -'1""\""',,.J")~..'"./.....'.~:,c.el S,s.Yld (.:G::--3.Y21 7er":1s Ba.·:~khce Co :':):,_:l2.S C01.L'1ty :-:'-:,':i':'"State Industries p::'epa.:"'ati~l-:i cillverts signs bathroom SUppliB3 ')r::'..,-:::-,...'....-"-- ....,,....,..,oJ,. :.::.,)l a ,:",,-' 1 7"7:'1~;••f --' r"!'7 I:'./-..;.;""'C+r :..1.r' '...'''''".-;-... 1 -..,'-,,.....,,""...,.·v.--'--',, 70"7,,:]aCcncre te EateI'i::;,~_s ~·I~:..-:,:,k~)ysCanst s~~p}:2..ies radioC'?TI9r\'il E:ee'bric 101':'0.Road Blc]gs .:...B'IJ...T"£CO ~·-T:;.1.,:}:~ee Bod.:r Shop 36 ::FeIn :'c cnevi,lIe Grn.ve 1 m.l.X c"L:.11.rerts s·:raigten:'ng fil"'e slipplie3 6::'2 ve L rock gns bills &supplies mix stripping X:~1.5::' '71 ~0 I '~...-/' ""....,1'" ;-~L:..93 202 ..70 195 ..5': Ccr:C·l"ete Hs..-c.eriaJ..s l,~:;;..):t,Pa~l"'ott ":11 (",.",,/..,(_lv"VV.....c ....,.)'Uo.J~ 251.51+ )).OC' 32 ..5,:; 655 ..6C' 33~22 1 .g ~00 .,.,r',-; ;;:;0 :;'•..1 t:'~17/./..,...,.: 69.85 10.00 Tr8.ffic I:arking U::1ited L:lb Ie:::ter Concrete Co Gost,etner :Br'C'hT_Rupplies ~}als.z::lPrinting ~,del Tree Co Star Equip ?isller Control COnS1.~;ilel"c.Supply ~tate Lab I:.;'(,ra Pm·rer liT'f,T P,e 11 Te Ie Co che:rJicals marJl01alid office supplies4meters&equip letter head stili~Pin triangle supplies 'lalve 55 gal oil samples pow'er all phones I'lowd t,y Gardiner,second by Blessing,to the old police radio.Sell :'or $150.00. see if anyone is interested in Carried '5 to o. L8tter to be sent -to all concerned using grain dryers and instruct thern that 8.screen should be installed so that it would not c~use pollution 1.11 the 8_i~. I:ove d bJt~G:?rdiner)se cond by and 2ee i:rhat the trouble is .. Krar!:8!'to Olg Ca:-ried 4 to up :r·:y.ct.le Lil1 .."'1 r S S8-vJ8r line O--Rees not voting. l-Ieet.ing h"'ith Eastern Dallas County "fn th Bob fer Wau~e ~nll be held November 29,1971 .. llickle and the sewer study !-J0ve:;-~ber2,1 971 Tdnm of lrJau.kee held its l"egular'tOi,,,rD.electiaDc Judges of e18ctior: l"Tere:T-lilliam Da.v-ld,Paul l-'lorris,2.~'1dBi~l G:"ll1.a:n.Clerk o£:e18ct.~..ot:,. ":rB!'S:=·::e.:....,yCa",tD.er,Ann FO:"'""'d,and Bstti'3 i--rC:~:'T8.