HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-01-03-Regular Minutes�1:18 ~"!aukeo lo~~n counca.L held i L!8 hall ~..rit.h f-'i:..r;rc;:.·TIee lC P:;:'8;:;i.(·~~!";'G ~ 1"iuI'I'is,and.Pc:),:'; qao.J.lfjri:O:lg meetiiig 011 J&.l:,ja:~'y>;;,1972,E~.!v the t0~/l1 C'>~Ln::i_1H;.ol1.present,:"JGT8 ~Sc;,Y-~JiY.:·'!",K:~';.l}!lC;{·.:;Bles:-d.ng, :'l';:n'l~.~'Roei3 pJ:'e,Ge~~tad ·tr.l.e p3"::..ck~ng o:,;.""dinJ.l1C88 ":::'-0t1.le counc i l .Ec ;-'11;.'J,l'j.G.Lhc '~0rr.ilIJ:Lt0C ~lav;;;l been ':<T(·,Y'l:-~l'ng on :i.e.~,11 Jr3:J.::"~~ liovadbJT Krr:u:nel",seconc'hy Blessing) Officer ~C1l:i:'X'ied:;to o.to r83.ppo.i.HLi Johrt Feltc'TI AdlTlinistrativG I'IG~/Bd bS I':oI"::>::J;J i..:eCf)PC b~r K!';:jr12l~,t.U 1':.:':c;.1i \rc and fll-::::the p8.rkl.llc:~o.cd':"':nancGs Elnd bri:.~g it 'J.p ;;tG O.J.c.:."JP1·da'~e~C{~,rI'ie(;.;r -::'0 O • .Eovr,!d bj'·~;;·c'din8.L~,58D-:no by Kl".l'!k~,(',t.o 1'8\.'8.11 the llLC~,l:'tl li1UQ().J.'vi th'D x'egulD';'"lilCGtlr:g ci'Se:pt/;mbol'13)1971)pe2t.';:;.~:~r~.ng to closir:g :;.16 fOCfG cc:,lloJ'':"dj:1CfH;,+,tc,xn.d. im':,lediatr~ly cD.td,of Lot,3,Eloc.k 1 OJ O]~'1.6ia.'-1,1 T·'1·ruj in the TC1,m c.f 1·!:..:"U~;:(-J6,D?,ll::i.s C\)i.P1 Ly',10"iv':-1~Carried 5 to Du l'kiVfJd b:r ;].ecG,fJc;cond 1:y Eo:c1.'is)Le'}t3,\-"e an 2hst.L'a~:t 'ul'rJi,tgbJ -,--t.fJ [,0 cL.t.s on J.-:,jY:l 10 t,~:] ~\"'JJerd the,pr-e sent I;k--:.iL.t"::n(l.l'}C\~she,d ls-..-LcLs ?a..:;-.1c11';:,BIer-I-:1 'J,02ig1.tl~),1 TC"!/~l. r.q:rried 5 to o. T}:i.()cotr::ci:disclls::;(~d the al1ey.::;!.1 1;11::2-81 S'~Y'[-:;'J"G~ .find the pl"ope:t:'ty 01[{1,I;;1'5have ~l(.'ceSB to it.l,ut the It 1,~as TBl"tully"clGsc<l years ago, tCiom t"~~::'ll conl.:!:·ols the:r~1'18Y~ '{'Ii th ;-:()i~'_;l.~t~ier busincBs bef~)r!3 the ont{;uing cO'lJJ1.eil,it.UCtu r;lo~T\Jd b;;r H0{"::~]:i c;'.)::-;-0l1(1 by 1""~,rdln01>,Lo adjCl).::,'~i.the ~'lK~Btlngo Ce.::'J.:'iod 5 to o~ I:ler1>::,Rt-::mJ Nizzi,gave the oath of {J.~.fice t;.o i,IayoI'=olec'L Ber·r'.c.rd l:k-;one,8,jxl thE'- fo 1.1m\d.ng CouTwilllien i Pnl"ry JOP'3S,Ja.ck Ca.:cpe,G~)ox'ge KrD.mo:r'>DEtIF:]Hor["Ls,2.1"ll! Dr Rona1d Blessing,a.nd s LcJ.t;(·~dt,ha.~l:1ayor and all (;uu,nc::Ll1non d'J.ly ul':H~ted.lw.d que.li.fi':Jd foY'it.s of.fiGe~The jueet.in~L,j'as tlr;:-ned over -to l~h;~r':.r·~oone for ntr.,-.; bU8iness~ N.ayor Boone a.sked £'01'l1CTvbu.sincGfL £lov'3d by Blessing,seco.nd by l1oI'I'is, Tow:0.of Hau.ku~3>CarriGG:;-e.o 0" to reappoint Renin Niz~i as'clerk fc,}." Hoyed hy Ca:~pe,Bl~cond by Jones,to :-'eappoint Pa.ul T-lnscLeecar)town attOl'llp.y .. Carried 5 to O~ l'-1o'icdby B1.c;;;slng,se':ond by KrfUTIer,to 1'8appoint Eann~lh "'Joil as town trea,sure:c" C!.:1.,:,riod 5)to 0" E!ovdd by Ho~crir:;, T01vI1 of hfaukE-)c ~ second by Blessine, Carried :)to 0 ~ to rehire Dale BooDe ,'IS an err;ploj'2fc:'of the i-Ifoved by KrulTr3r,second by Carpe,to rehi.re K.s.y'Ford n.s an -911rployeo of the -L01v0 of H,~,ukecL Cay.'ried.5 to o. l'10"l}{;U by Slassing,88COI),d b~7"~\i~8.mer,Lo :;.~ehi.rf3Delmer Boll as an employee of the t.u;;vn of 1~!aukGc.C2.I·~"'i,:;d5 to 0" �._--- 2 110Yed 'by DIBGGing,second b:>-TNorris;to :::-ehir8 Clifford Gorbett l()r c Learrlng , CarT'oLeo.)Lo O. Ncved by nfficer~ MOY'.'cis,second by Cac'riad !:i to O. to appoint Dr Ronald T31e~,.:8j_ngas heaLth(Jones j The Counci.L discussed Noel Rapex'and de c Lded 0.11 empIoyue ~;'eachil1g tho age of 65 should rr:~t,_l.:·e;:::.8 a full time en.pLoyee ~ }lov-3d hy Kramer,second by Carpe to reappo Ln c Amy JIoffxte L and Hannah 1~k:Ll as librarians..Carried 5 to O~ Hayor Berna:cd Boone appointed George Kramer as Nayor pro Lem.. Ho,ted by K:~"'8.::ler,cccond "by Hl.e as.l.ng ,that all part ..-t.Lmo help be rebirEda Carr'i;:~d 5 to 0" i-Ioved by YL:';J.mer,second by Blesuing,to reh~_l"13 C8(:il B~l.:LIGY as policeman .. C::J.rrioa 5'to 0 .. I"iovad by Blessing,second by Kr-ame.r ,to rehire Dar-re L l"ferieal as exl.r-a police. Ca~-.~.cled 5 to 0 & l10ved by Kramer,second by Car-pe,to 'C}ppoint Brenton St,s_f,.;Bank 8..'3 offieial depository and aillount..,$150,ooo.OO limit.Carried:)to O. Noved b~r Hor-r i.s ,:::6c(Jnd h;yr Blee:TLng,t.o hG.V9 COlU1C:t.l mcet.i.ng en the second 1'-1onday of each month qt 7 ;00 F .m,G:u'ri0d 5 to o. Hoved by £-101:'1:'i8,seond b;l ,.Ton.As,tCi approve S00UI'ity bond for cf'f'Lc'i.a Ls of 'I'otm ofl'fD.l.lk8.-)"Car...·riDd:;tc 09 l1':)ved by Blessing,second by Carpe ,to name the DalLa s Coun l.y N(;:J~.1as officIal paper:for publica Li·,)11.r:.Gqr.':,ied.;;to 0 .. Ho\"ed :.:y RrEim::,l',~~0cond by Carpe,to reappoint 1rJobstel'Jones ,·,:).nd .Ruth Aldrich on IJihco.r~:rBoaT'd-~·-·t.etv:1l8 ';:-ndirz in 1975 and -:Jore8.ppoint,June Gilhan;f~o Library n.:<:.l.-:,"d....~ter·m endiTlg in 1978.Caj~ried 5 to 00 :Moved r}Jr Carpe,sec'Jnd by TIlefw.-Lngj LfJ re!";."(.J\'J"subncription to the Legisla.'Liv8 Bul13tin ~.t~cosj~of 1i'rO.OO.C,,-:~riec ')to O. EOVBd by ,HorriG,sel_'ond '!-)y Blesfii-:-,gj emp2.oye8s 0 r~.::::"13d;;tD O. be given to all tm-ITl:raise Kr::.:.r:l~:C, 1 >72 : H::'I':cop;;sed 73025'.oc' 1 2.l-t95 ~SO 1770C,,(-0 1 ::<:0 ..00 J.tOOC~;)J 1 08ho.·0 \l.~CC":)0 .3?OOC ..CO 950CG.CC 2jCOO"oc )6::".)0 }~'ilbli.~S~L£'et,Y ·S~.!"':iLa tio?1. J\ri.ti.icipnl ErrtCt'I~·.!.~l.se Jrj'~:::CBat,io::'1 Utiliti.:1S Gb,:S '-'!a,t,?"c .CJ2H'.::1'J)..::n"t,;-:tJ 1 "'I Li.quDr .~1c~1dUsc Special A3seSS~0nt rr:r-ust p{AS'.:'il c:y Pr-oposed Ss-vmr Project t 5~OO..OO TOI'flAL 19000.00 1 soo.00 350,,00 DCCJJeCO $327,110"OG Pr'JjG'~t[)fo.t'1972 ~-;r':T'C disc!JS0ed~ fol101,ring meeting ~Tho fcllol;-rlng f\.I.~~~talog of pr-i.or-Lt.Lcs .'11:'8Pl'ojE~GLB fo'..'1 Si'{2: ;'[::.11 bo made 1 ~E;ril()dc;l t·:::n·\111:)9,11 &lib:~"ary 2..Solidf;!'~;.f::·:$ 3 <>Pollce ca - ,II~I-TOJ.1l0tU Lnduel.r.i.a L 81 ~:~'35.park 6"in~,rc;:d':'igite 0tl.i.t~::-·me.ms p "H',d...er-;;.~1.d tieinG in :ind Loop.ing ':-EL.(;:,:,raaa,n 7.~T,-1lY;Hi.':):':{'cc:;:'t~,~d.:.:i.-Jnin ccnjuuct,i.t)n "':\ti..ur,[:(;}-:,(.>.)1 S.s-Gr8C"t,progr·'-3-:T. 10 .. ,1I•• 12. 1 "~. 1 !.I." 1 r: /' 1o" pa Ln td.ng c f ~-!2.tor-Di)ildinE lab J'or ;:;c=:r,.rcrand t-Ta:tCl:" C'~Cl'~ilrJr;~i.1L upgr ad nff "Pu.e·--v~.0 ,-..... sof'Lcne r-for truck ditching machf.n..~ a-moxat.lons ctre8t tJigns, ·~l:-:).te:"system .. .1\.Special :llee tiJJg of the tC:ffi Council G_-':t~18 'Pm'ID cf 1rlaukee,in :')a,11CJ.s C01J1YL:r,IO-~';a, 'iTS.S he Ld ;;:.t,1;~OOavm..,en the 15fh day of ';anllE.l';:r,1972,at t.otrn hall,H~l~!kee.'Io(-w. PU{';::uur.t.·!..,,:,-J~he1"i..1198 of th.e Oouncil ..·-The ~12.;;r(H"prc;5id.ed ;lnd t11'.)cell ~'1':'1S c~ill£c1 shoufng aerncor-present)and absent as folluhT3: Present:Geroge I\:r.';:),Irro:;:',HaYTJT Jcne s,Dr-!?£J1J.a1.dB~~esf~inz,Jac:'~Carpe ,and D:;('/0 I:kn'l'i~.. 'I.b3f3Y!..~,~non8 It W·2.8 moved.b:l Ce,rl-iu,second by Krc.l.mer,1 'Lhat,7 :0-J p.m.,on the 3th day of Fp;1~;'.'·uo.·r·~t, "1972,fit the UE,-ul:"':.~eTO';'Jn Hall,1:f~Hlk8e;IO'\fn.,be fixed :%s 1,h8 time f~nd place fG:'.~c receiving 2,11(:.c,;lJ:nr.;:<~sinsbidA nnd cons1del"ing ,qnd paS~3ing r:-.rc:.snl ...lLion Ie!'t118 9:H,J,~~d of $2~~,OOO r'r<:~~.1f:)r21Ob~_ig.?..!::,iG:;'1 SCfuur Bonds :f t~1e 'l:'u:,m of li";':Hl~:3'3,Ieid:,;liha"L -thR rcun·~il mee-!.i·,o;;t :st:.id time aHd place :e'or.S1J.d1 pl.l:cpose and that the ~'(;T\rnClt:~d{ ~je C1.utho:cized and direct.ed to publish notice 0:·thG f.,?id ::-~J.lein.cl3.bs-Ganti::..llJ'·-Lh<:.: form hereina.=ter set out,in [-'I,n01'!~_~r--8.pf~rprint.·3d v.1boll:l .1r:che ~ngliGh ID.Yl.E"J.a.gc, published and loc.:d:>sd il':i.Dr:k.l::~s CounLJf"Io-;,:ra J once e;~>.cllHAel-::f0I'-tMO slIccessi ve 1'JeOk~3,as required by la't'T..The gayor put the question on the motion Rud the 1'(}11being called,the follmving named Council members voted: !eyes: Nayc.: G8urge Kramer,D~ve Horris,Dr Ron.ald Blef;Bing,J,qek Ca:rpe,.9,:nd Har:cy J'ahes p.8ne