HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-01-15-Special Minutes1 "'I Li.quDr .~1c~1dUsc Special A3seSS~0nt rr:r-ust p{AS'.:'il c:y Pr-oposed Ss-vmr Project t 5~OO..OO TOI'flAL 19000.00 1 soo.00 350,,00 DCCJJeCO $327,110"OG Pr'JjG'~t[)fo.t'1972 ~-;r':T'C disc!JS0ed~ follm,ring meeting ~Tho fcllol;-rlng f\.I.~~~talog of pr-i.or-Lt.Lcs .'11:'8Pl'ojE~GLB fo'..'1 Si'{2: ;'[::.11 bo made 1 ~E;ril()dc;l t·:::n·\111:)9,11 &lib:~"ary 2..Solidf;!'~;.f::·:$ 3 <>Pollce ca - ,II~I-TOJ.1l0tU Lnduel.r.i.a L 81 ~:~'35.park 6"in~,rc;:d':'igite 0tl.i.t~::-·me.ms p "H',d...er-;;.~1.d tieinG in :ind Loop.ing ':-EL.(;:,:,raaa,n 7.~T,-1lY;Hi.':):':{'cc:;:'t~,~d.:.:i.-Jnin ccnjuuct,i.t)n "':\ti..ur,[:(;}-:,(.>.)1 S.s-Gr8C"t,progr·'-3-:T. 10 .. ,1I•• 12. 1 "~. 1 !.I." 1 r: /' 1o" pa Ln td.ng c f ~-!2.tor-Di)ildinE lab J'or ;:;c=:r,.rcrand t-Ta:tCl:" C'~Cl'~ilrJr;~i.1L upgr ad nff "Pu.e·--v~.0 ,-..... sof'Lcne r-for truck ditching machf.n..~ a-moxat.lons ctre8t tJigns, ·~l:-:).te:"system .. .1\.Special :llee tiJJg of the tC:ffi Council G_-':t~18 'Pm'ID cf 1rlaukee,in :')a,11CJ.s C01J1YL:r,IO-~';a, 'iTS.S he Ld ;;:.t,1;~OOavm..,en the 15fh day of ';anllE.l';:r,1972,at t.otrn hall,H~l~!kee.'Io(-w. PU{';::uur.t.·!..,,:,-J~he1"i..1198 of th.e Oouncil ..·-The ~12.;;r(H"prc;5id.ed ;lnd t11'.)cell ~'1':'1S c~ill£c1 shoufng aerncor-present)and absent as folluhT3: Present:Geroge I\:r.';:),Irro:;:',HaYTJT Jcne s,Dr-!?£J1J.B,1.dB~~esf~inz,Jac:'~Ca rpe ,and D:;('/0 I:kn'l'i~.. 'I.bSf3Y!..~,~non8 It W·2.8 moved.b:l Ce,rl-iu,second by Krc.l.mer,1 'Lhat,7 :0-J p.m.,on the 3th day of Fp;1~;'.'·uo.·r·~t, "1972,fit the UE,-ul:"':.~eTO';'Jn Hall,1:f~Hlk8e;IO'\fn.,be fixed :%s 1,h8 time f~nd place fG:'.~c receiving 2,11(:.c,;lJ:nr.;:<~sinsbidA nnd cons1del"ing ,qnd paS~3ing r:-.rc:.snl ...lLion Ie!'t118 9:H,J,~~d of $2~~,OOO r'r<:~~.1f:)r21Ob~_ig.?..!::,iG:;'1 SCfuur Bonds :f t~1e 'l:'u:,m of li";':Hl~:3'3,Ieid:,;liha"L -thR rcun·~il mee-!.i·,o;;t :S'::.id time aHd place :e'or.S1J.d1 pl.l:cpose and that the ~'(;T\rn Clt:~d{ ~je C1.utho:cized and direct.ed to publish notice 0:·thG f.,?id ::-~J.lein.cl3.bs-Ganti::..llJ'·-Lh<:.: form hereina.=ter set out,in b,n01'!~_~r--8.pf~rprint.·3d v.1boll:l .1r:che ~ngliGh ID.Yl.E"J.a.gc, published and loc.:d:>sd il':i.Dr:k.l::~s CounLJf"Io-;,:ra J once e;~>.cllHAel-::f0I'-tMO slIccessi ve 1'JeOk~3,as required by la't'T..The gayor put the question on the motion Rud the 1'(}11being called,the follmving named Council members voted: !eyes: Nayc.: G8urge Kramer,D~ve Horris,Dr Ron.ald Blef;Bing,J,qek Ca:rpe,.9,nd Har:cy J'ahes p.8ne 4 Counci.Lman Kramer il1~,roGJ.uced and the TOi'TDCl.2;-ck read the resolution next hOl'Binaft.er G~~t out and tho ~~.:dd Counc i L l·Ien~boJ:'moved its o dopt.Lon , seconded by Counc i.Iraan Jack G<J,rrJ(3;and ~3.fter due cons.l.do r-a t.Lon t,b.ereof by the Counol I ,the :r-:ayorput the quos l.Lon upon tho adoptd on of t:h.n :::aid re so Iuto.on and t.he r oL'Lbeing ca l Ied ,tha fol101-rinr:named Co-mc.i,-:H0mbe roB ',-~voted: Il;yes:Georgi.?Kramer,Jack r,3.:."p~),Dr Ronald B183~:Lng,Harpy Jones,and Dave Norris. Nayt>:nrno ~1,':SO LUT ION To fix D.date of meeting :.'t ···rhich it is proposod t.o -'--,"""T;-o·,r·+-!Oll -('fir'lh"I'~<o:p!incn OI'"~k'J'JOlj('r~nC>-"'.~ll",_~.•'....-..-......oJ_~•."~."'_..1 ...~)....",.,~....,__c_,...._,,~",_,C;>. 01:~.l.ga t5..on ~B1.'I1'8:r·Bond.s and tc prov.Ldc for the le'tTY of an annua L t2X t.c pay the J.J'.t·ertJst.G':'1 and p:::'.L:"cipa1 of tl':"8 S;2'.i,-1.b(Jnds ~ T\rr{gEEi~S'the TUI,m.of "'hLtkG<:~,ImiD.}proposes to issue General Obl.Lgat.i on Sl?1,rrJr RO:1ds pur suanf to t.ho pr-ov.l.c.l.onc cf'Se ct.Lon 396022 of the Code of Io,;,n;1 971,a.s amended,for t.he purpose ()f oonrrtruct.Lng se'~Jer impVDVGlrlOn"t.s in the 'I'otcn and it is necessary to fix 3.da te cf meeting of the Ccunci.L of the TOHna:.Hhich it iu proposed to taka action for the issuance of the bonds and to give notice -thvreof 8.S required by Chapter 2)of the Code of ION?"1 971 s ES amended j r~GrIC~8F N!];FiTIJ\'n Tt'OR IS,SUANCE OF GENFRJlL OBLIG1tTION Sm11~3.BC}IDS NOT-!,THE REFO.R.E,It if!J.1e[:olved by the Town Council of the T01cJ:.l o::'='1~!;?ltkGe j I()l~:),~2.::';£ollOH8: Secti·:)n 1.Tha:r this Council meet on the 13th day of FooY·ua:.:-y,1972,at (':00 p ~.m.•,at the 'boij"m h9.1l,l.vaukee,I lila,at.'HlI!.ich ti:Il<:';3.nd place pro·." ceed.i.ng[:~H111 be in:3ti tuted and action taken for t.hE'iS2uance of $22,COO GeneI'::1.1 01::-:1igation SEnYC~~Bonds for the p'J2."pOfiC 0.:pa.yi":'lS the cost to that amount of constructing se~lTerimprovemontD in the Town 8.nd for pru'T.~din[; fOj:~,n f1.nnl1:~.llevy upon all the taxahle property in tho TOlm sl~£'f:Lci8nt. to ap'~r the int.erest en e.;rlct P2:'i:1cipa~_of thA said bcndG. Section 2.The Tmm Clerk is hereby directed to giv8 .DyLicE,of the proposed El.;:'tiol1 fC:'.."tbFi iS2uan8e of ~Jl)3 said bondG,nett:i.~'!3 fo-;·th t.he D.J~OlL.'1t,Ftnd pW.~poGe th;:;Jreofj the time ~..ihfJn and p}.a('e 1,,1hero t11.8 SE~=i.Cl"i.r:;-:;t.i.ng 'Ilt.i.1 be ht~ld,b:Y'pltcliC:Tti011 <":l.t.loast (..nee ~}.:·-J.da t·least.ten days b3fnrc the said In(;eting,in The ngJ.l3.~)C()1JrrGje"n::hf~,~.,D leg~.l ne'iT5p~tpGr p:c:b.1,·;:'Ctl14'hol:.Y'in t,he Englis1:1 1,:-I.D[;1J.~:,go,publishccl in De,lIas County ;11'.0 Gi'genera 1 cil"Gul;;,t3~CE in t·h'·~'f>~fl\Tn 0::H.,.,'"J-;.e8,;t.he no Lice t(i l)f~in S-~lbEt.:Jn·:.ii2.11.;,1'the fL::,J.lcvi1·lG :leI'Hi .. rp1.1:;Te1,:m Cnaucil or th8 T01.-,r::;(>f'1'h ul"'~t~O,n:t.lla,G Count.y·"IO\.r:.,Trlill IllGG L:>;.-!'. tC1F!1 }i311,~··!E.ul(G'?,IO;'Ja,on 'L110 (3"~b d,::.y 0:1"Fsr:n'u8.ry,1)72,at 7~O()p~mo" o.t ,;·;:hic~-;t.Lme!:l:·",d r::1LtGe pJ:'C',:;c;:c'c1ingG ·...rill bi'-"ini:ti t;:.~_t.8d and aet~~on t..?~k:cr. .,......",".'J-.I-~.;•·...~·,l'..nr'<...,~.ftL·~')?nno G·0.....,py·'~,J (jl'·1:<~·i;"n S~~.;P~'D-)j"..:lc ......,,1'-J.hp.n,,·,'~'P"'·""":'..\."'~.l ..........WWi,.\.Ct 'V",-'•...,.'I-',-,.<,...,~.....~........'.'.'"'-lJ~.',,-,,,,",,.J ...~.>'~',.'.."'.•u,..,'",,,_v ....·,t'............'h~ 0.1 ...)2,::riDG the eC'st to tho.-i:,rtmC1Jn+·l'f con8t.!.'n~+,ing r:81:.mc i~r~pl'o"!Tetl!3nt;_::l,:-:.the 1'C',-,Tr'of ::'r:-~'pi"'T,,-idi.ng fr.'l.~.~n1 D.1'J.r:.~J.H.lle'7J 1]~r-:<;ncl:t,he t.s,x':'.tln L:L'Cpe-.l."ty :L:t ·':,h:l rl\:lc,ffi :,·~.ff5.Gieb.t I»~j?).::4.'J"th',)In.!,;.;·)rest,()11.and principe,}ex s:~,id 1:.)Qnd~:;.. ;\t rJ,rr:/t:Lrfl8 befoI'B -!-,h'::'(;].l.·.e fix:ec..f0~~t.he iS8".E;r~ce cr tl1·~1~(.'!~dfi i:'lteref'ted Cb,j0C:;'t':'i"f:li1aJ'f~,-13 [1,,~,e.f.,it~ocn in thf~cffice of t:':IO T'~':1-mCJ.,~n··kset.t.ir~G fi;;"th ·!-.ht;i I~'JbjPct :_0115 i'.hereto. 5 /'i 1 ~ ,,:~a;:r.e 'r'c<::.oln..l:.:,:LDER or pa:C~':"8 cf I'8Sf):uL:"ons -'.-ce hereby r-epea lee t;)t::--::::e'::;Lt/'·;~-!~,of in.conf'Li c t.h8l""ef:l:l--1)1. sueh confl:Lc-:,~ 1-,rj8.:.~r:;'uponJ the ~-I~!,YC:Tc8cler(c;c:t3.1C f,.:~i(l J1D~,j..O!1 c;uly C:':~'_r_i.'ie ~.d8pted,~n follo~'f;3: 1 972 ~ The t.0~·m e::Hl:.ic5.1 of 1'lal1:--~2c,I01>Ta,met 0"0.r,L:s 8L'1 or Ti'cbrl1e"I'J"),'97'2,at, 7 :OC p .m,a'.tho tC:'"!ATrl 1"'2:1,IYJ.I'Sl1ClT,t to pr-Lor ~',GL:"cl {\f thr:".(:0-~.l.rn..~il a~ld GO :i.m,.rfor J:,hs rnJ::'popc ,):~I't~cei "'cYing 2:;::l.(~(>?..nV~·LS{3ir..g bJ,d~';::~::~dccmsidering 3nd p ......":,,·i ......lJ'.",·~o-""n]·l+l·nYI ···I···('1J·'i..J~)lf/.poc"'".I,-r.p ""N~l"-'1 o".'~??00"G,-"l'I~'''''·~l011:l"Uqt-,"on;;";'_,='__.IU ..,J.lJ.__(.v _.'.__1"'''"~_Co,,__.'-'..\.I ,_,J....._~.,Q .•.~~••-,'-'-,J <,--~\-••~"----0'",..,- SeT'Jer Bonds L1.:1dfa:c the PU.2:'lJOSe 'J£'iPi3tituting p_:-'oceedingf:'o.1:.,:l t[1.~·:.-ing action .for thn iSSl1i11:.r:G of the s:~dd bonds :\_'-~J.d l.\-:i;:-the t_.:~~-ans8.,-::tionof f-.n::.d1 ,:..:d~};,,_~;1.~tns'lnef.!;:i .::IS lrl,-'3:J'(;01118 bef':-':'1.'e the lLeetin2:~ The Ill&etj.ng ':.Pi;:;(~:3.:18d to order by the Ea,Y'o::':~and Ult3 pl'G88nt.-:J\;H1.~:~J-:J.::l.C:i~G?XP8J H~u:.-,~yJcne s ,D?lre E01'J.':1.5, Tmre:D::'nOl13,ld RlaiSsing and George Kramer e r'ol.L ':'cLpg co,11,~hC80 Al:~:-~8nt C()u:o.(:illilGTJ. The Ccunc.i L :Lnvf:;s-tiga-:e;(~.and found th3.~~notd.ce of the pr-opc aed n.ct.ion !),f thn (;oU~~l('.il ,-:::.1];'·t.he ii_1G1J.aY'1.c;~o,f $22,000 General Ohligat:ton SEr\-vGl:'Bonds of thD Tm·n.1had ~:'(~8i:lpu1,-:'1-Lsht-?(1 '')X1tllG 19th jay of Janu/-.tr:r,1972,3.cccr::'d:l.:ng to 1&.~7 u.nd.;:?,~<.:ti.:'-'SI,:<:.a(:b~'t.he TUf1Tt1 r.ounc~l.,in th'~.'D.::lllaa County NeK:..i,Q.legal nevrsptlper,PI'iD.~~E,dT"rholly ia the English lallguagtjl published in Dallas rCunt,Jf,~").ndoi'general cir8ulatir:,n in tl'e 'rc"m o:~1'T8.ukee,and that no petit,inn setting forth objecti'::f:1B to the ss.:i.dp::,cposDdaction ha,s been filed in the ofl'ic(~of tl).e T01·mClerk and that the iS~nl;S:1C~~of the said bonds in the a.ggregate a"nount as publish3d may noV!be authorizec b;)'the Town Co:x'.":.-:1.1" ':'"'1.-:0Council then p:r-oc(;f;dod "':rit.h the canV2..f3S of bids c,f $22,000 GenerD.l Ohliga-f.~ion Se~·rer Bends of the sai.d TOFYl &.nd embodied i -e.s findings in the 'ce~?oluLion -rle~:.:.theY-ein2.fteJ:.~r(3f(~1'r"~~.!dto. Cou.ncilrllan CaI'I.Jc intl'ojJ:,.leed B.nd thf~(,0I.1r..cle.t:k 1'6n.d r~Ta::icluticn -snt:1 tled: flJBsolution ::'0 pr'c/':ri(;o fOT'the 3,(J2.:('C~of 1>22,0:;0 Gene:"'&.l Obligp,t~LcJfi S8w::~r Honds~,and l"11C1led that the said 2H301J.ticn be adopted,3~'!condedb;y (;G-~Xn(;ilJ.ll.,).:l I-i(:l:':cis,E~ndafter ChI'?;GOrlsid,3I"l';,L~~or_t.hn:;,"'eof by i}:.e Covnc.il,t,}v:"l:''3.i,ror put thG qU8r:'LioTI upon th_8 adoption cf t.h:1 nl':)"''::I.u~'.FIlO the roll being !:;aJlecl, the ?ollc~.T.i.rrg CC1Fi.cil 11l:smh:::r:s ,,r(1tc~d: ,~,,~retJ: Na:rs: RESOIlTTICN To p.r(r",d.d~for t.he ~':0"a.rd0_~1}?2,0-::0 0(3nert-;,1 O~.)ll.2:[:,J~,i~:-. 8e,·;u::.'"Bonds 1~JHEPF~.s,~O-~,iC2 of [sale of ;»nd~i 1~7_r;:'.ol't3-l,c;fvr,·?b,;:::c::::,fj:3,,"'Ien :tn .::~nf'f'(,JSpilpSl':; prin~_~~:~c1-:;'111(.1:1.;;'in t~'.-3 ~ng}ish la-:ig1.n,Ge-~,tJuL':i3:H~(:iL thd.lccated in Dp,.llas County,IO"h'o:l"in strict ,::()rripli~;':IG8 ,:"~:'.i:·h Ci'1,B,pter 75 of i:..he (}Jd£"Q?Ie-lv-a,1971,