HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-04-17-Regular Minutes�._--------------~- Hr Batt,les t.o ~eck Hi th c Le.rk,Remo Nizzi,1iLore to install them. Changing the or-df.nance ll2[)discussed by the council..A.LLor-ney ,Paul.Flusche r to d~a~ap an amendment to the zoning ordinancG~ Gil Stanley -'rep1'9senti.ng Planning &Zonirl.g Com.ni.as.i.on,cUsc:u;3sed the ," upstc.drH apartment owned by Jerry 11Jrighti.Stc:nley state that this HHS in violation of our zoning ordinances. ~'raYD.eHoon r-es i.gned as night,Hatchman effective 3-15-72.Accepted by-·tho council. Clerk,Hemo Nizzi,pre serit.ed ~vhe COlLl1Cil Hi th a skot.ch of romode Li.ng town ha l L.The 1;'JQI'kis to be done by t ovn emp'Lcyees .This Has approved by·the counnil. llioved by Norris,second by B'Ie ss.Lng,to sponsor summer-concerts :)nights this sumner'at a cost of $200.00 and $50.00 for music.Carried 5 to 0. Hoved by Jones,second by Carpe,to sponsor 6 'meks of roller skatd.ng at a cost of $Lr5 .00 per week.Carried 5 to O. hoved by Kr-amer ,second by Norris,to appoint Remo Nizzi as representative to the Central Eoua Regional Planning Cormnission for a term of 5 years. Carried 5 to O. llirkland development was discussed by the council. Dave Hor-r-i.s gave a report about a doctor being interested in corning to 1'hmkee and a survey will be taken by the town. A.pril 17,1972 The '·Jaukee Town Counc.l.I held iLls rog'_J.lar meG-ting on A.pril 17,1972,at the t01m hall with Hayor Boone presiding and all councilmen pr-e sen t . Clair Eason met ·vlith the cou ...nc i,L reg8.::cding the backstop and s.i.deva l.ks along hth Street. Guests 1'erl'y Kurtz and Junior Allen met Hith the C01U1Cilregarding a Jay- Cee building 50 by 20.They sta.ted that they could get 3.gr anb of $)1,000.00. They stated they need a lot to build their bui.Ld.i.ng.They first thought t.hey c:..-uJ..dmove the depot but after checking it out,it.would be too costyy. The council told the Je.y-Cees tc get more t'ac te together then come back and talk to the ccunni1.There could be a chance that some ground at the lagoon could be made available to them, Th,'3 ~·"TB.ukeecounc i.L discussed the parking ordinances ~.A feH changes "'tJGre made.Jack Carpe and Har-ry Jonos to pepor t backLo council at the next meeting. Lots on 5th StreetJ O1vlledr~by the Lo~,·m,HB.S discussed.It was decided to keep the lot and not.put it up for sale. 10 Clerk Niz2,i discussed t.he remodeling of the t.orm hall.Tl3 stated that iG lJc1.8 sImos b complete.Some office l'tc."niture W-8,S needed-i -map file,desk,and ai:c condi.tionin~.Gost for equipment approximately $SOO.OO--air conditionimg approximately $~aJ.64. I·IGved b;l Kr ane r ,second by B'l.esc.i ng ,to approved the equi.pmen t.and air conciLionin:,:-Carried;;to O. Clerk to check \vith Nancy Paul Li.n and Wayr13 Erdman about gettinG an easemen.t.to P'lJ1fi't.h-.now outfall }.ine in. i loved by Blessing,second by Norris,to grant a cigarBtte permit t;)Xal'Bn's I'airy S-\'J8et..Carried 5 t.o 0, The counc i.I diGGussed hirinG Q new policeman for the TOH:'1of ~\r~_u:(ee. :hOV8ct by BlessinG; Crine Commission. second by Jone s ,to remat.n I;:Lth the Dallas County COL'ded ;;t.o O. GD Stanley'talked to the ccunc i L about 2 lights in the alley behind the l'iethodist Church and also a pa.ck.i.ng lot off Ash1rwrt.h J.el.. The l'Jau.kee council .i.nst.r-uct.ed attorney,Paul Huscher ,to >rcl te to Dallas Coun.ty Supe rv.i.sor-s to object to proposed closing of Lhe I\1inn .:?.oadfrom Unive:csi ty 1ib Hi.ghway 6. clerk 1'JIa;;5,1972 The l:Jauke8 to;;1Tl1 council he Ld .~special meeting on Hay:;,1972 at the tow"n hall l,rlth E~l~ror Boone presiding and Councilman Jcne s ,Carpe ,and l'lcrris pre serrr.,. ."",Nelson 1'ToOU.B met wiL.h the council :cegarding g;:Lcaago in Ha.ul(ee, C'Ier-k,-Heino Ni.z ai.,reported of his findings -;;-Jhenhe met.~·..-ith tho Sout.h Da.llcu::County Landf'Ll.L.To join,Waukee tror.Ld have to pP.y $3~OO per load to dump plus pro rated east of membership fee of rS100.00 and 220 per popuaatd.on of 1577 in 1970 at a total of $hh6.'})~ l1Gv,=~dby"l'"Iorris,second by .Iones J tc p,s.y I'-b:'s Nanc:/,PaulJ.in $500.00 for eaeemcnt on the :n81tJ outfqll line going d01'Jl1 trth Str'eet aCCOSt]l~lrG PC1ullin's p:copert;l t,o the 13goon.C~_:cried 3 Lo O. £'lseting ad·;u-cned.