HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-08-Regular Minutes'-----;'"-------------------------~I...."..., IJay 8 J 1972 The Uaul,:ee 1~ON11.counci.I held it I S regular meeting ·IIay S,1972 at the t.ovm ha Ll,with Iiayor Boone p~~e8iding and all counc.i.Lraen present. Parking or-d.Inancee 1'Tel~e discussed by the co-uncil. Clair }l~nsonJ super-f.ntendent of the school,Homer Judkins and Don Parry, aamber s of the schoo L board,and Chuck L21:lis ne t,hri Lh tho counci.L regen-ding the coming summer-program, SChOO~L anne.caLi.cn 'lIas discuc,se-d by'-t.he c o.....inc i.L,i:;ap aLLcn teas missing.Pos Lponcd unt.i.L ti10 June Hooting. or Haved by Car-pe ,second by Jonas,to a.ppoint Bob Applegate and JerT"J'Stone to BO.:J.rd of P.LdJ~stment.C':trried;;to OQ Noved by :ti,o~({'is,,5,3 G ond by Carps,\:'0 sponsor the firsT'Turks lor the tith 01" Ju.ly ce18bration.Carried 5 tc D. E':l.yor Boone appo.inted P8.D~Tlu[-ichc::."as cha.ir-mar,of the amplhit.heat1'8 COli.i.mit..t.ee. He is La r-opor-L hacl;to the counc i L. }lo\'-ec:by Kramer,second by B13Gsing,t.o inst.&.ll carpet at.t.he mai.nl.enancc building office C:.t2 cost.of $115.00.C9.I'I'iec;;to O. Counc i.Iraan K:ca-mer introduC8c1 _~J.nOr-di.nance ~.esitJ.u t~i(;n entitled ~II/unending Sewer Ordinance f! It Has moved by Counc.i Lman Iior-r.i s ,and seconded by Councilman Blessing, t.1F-:J"~t~le Ol"'lRin2.11c8 'Jer::olutiC'D err~it18c1 ~u }\nensing SS"'Jer C~cdinancell JO no»read bJi the TO:T.!l Clerk.The ~-~-!-)Y01'put t/_18 q-_l8sticm.O:J the motion, and the ro}_l being called,the f()J.lm·.ring n::;,:uec.Councilmen voted: AJ~es :KrarwT,Jane s ,CaI'pe,l:iol'ris,DIe ssing Nays:nODe ~.\rhe:""eUpG!l.,the }!layo::,declared the lllctl-c:l1 duly car:ried. It 1,,y8.S movod by Counci~mQn Carpe,and WGconded by Cou.L"lcilman Jone8,that -Lhe rule requiring an OI'lE.iance to be read.on three separate days be dispensed with.Tho Hayol'put.the question on the l&)tiol1,and the roll beinG called,the follo~,!ingnamed c01Jncilmen voted~ ~~:le;::}{rarI181',Carpe,J one s,Norris,Ble S 3ing . }'Jo.;y"s:none lJhe::c'ov_pon,the l'-iayor declarsc the motio~1 dL1_~Ycarried ~ It ,,\Tas moved by Councilman Jones,aile).seconded by Cuunc:LJJilan l>lorris,that the Ordinance RDsoJ.ution 8ntitled~1i13lmendir...g Sf.ft-r8r Crdinc:ulcell be nON'put upon it.s final passage and adoption.The IJ;:~~yorput the q"28stion on the final passage and adoption of fJaic.Ordinance !1<jsc:lution,and the roJ.l being caJled,th8 follo1ving nan:ed CounciJ,j-aen voted: Ayes;Kr'-';-,1ll0r,Carpe,J(;lleS,Blessing,NorriE. Nays:rwnB ) l':heI'trUp011,the La;;mr decJ_B.I'Bd s_:\id Ordin2.nCE:F.esclutioll c1u2.y adopted and ) passed,and s:LSl1ec1ilLs approval to said OrdIina,nce ~1esoluticn_. 111-2 !I I ORDINANCE NO.;£O-O--AN ORD INANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE RELAT ING TO THE SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT OF WAUKEE,IOWA,PROVIDING FOR SEWER RENTAL AND REGU- LATING CONNECTIONS WITH THE TOWN SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM,BY AMENDING SECTION XXII THEREOF. BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OFWAUKEE,IOWA: SECTION I.That Section XXII of the Ordinance relating to the sanitary sewer district of Waukee ,Iowa,providing for sewer rental and regulating connections with the Town's sanitary sewer system,is hereby amended by deleting all of Section XXII and inserting in leiu thereof the following: SECTION XXII.UNLAWFUL DISCHARGE: A.A II storm,surface and ground water connections,inc Iud ing foundation drainage to the sanitary sewer system are prohibited on all construction started after the effective date of th is amendment. B.No owner or occupant of any new structure shall discharge or permit to be discharged into the sanitary sewers any substance which will clog the pipes, produce explos ive mixtures,destroy or materially damage the pipes or other joints,or inter- fer unduly with the sewage disposal process. C.No owner or occupant of any existing building or structure shall discharge or permit to be discharged into the san itary sewers any surface water or other substances which will clog the pipes,produce explosive mixtures,destroy or materially damag the pipes or other joints,or interfer unduly with the sewage disposal process. SECTION II This amendment shall be in effect after its final passage,approval, and posting or publication as provided by law. Passed by the Council on the f;(day of --!:.lzz~"'17'~7----'1972 .and approved this /57 do'of d&'::kn8~----'1972. 1_ RK Counc~)m2n Norris introduced an OrG.inance Hesoltuion entitled; Ordinance:\mending the Zoning Ordinance Df the:TOlTIl of Hankec, ITT ~(-'«+l·~'ll ~'J'-"I1i'_,'...."-',_.u""V '- !tAn Art,iGL~ It 1-i':'tS moved b;T CC'i.ul.ciJ..rflRTI Carp8,sec ondec b~y Counc.i Iman J"o:-n:::;s,that the O:cd.inanc'2iDsn:.ut.icn eEtit,J-8d~"1\:O::-'CiD.EtDC8 I'lDcnding the Zoning Crdine-nee of the Tc-;;"nof \r!8..ukeeJ.tcticle VI,S~~ction SOC!!be notr l'82d oJ t.118 T01'nl Cle:i.~k.'I'he ECt;)ror put the question on the mct.i.on , and the l'D11 be i.nr;ca lLed,tIE;follm·ring named Counc.i.Lnen voted: Ayes:LOTl'-Lsj 13lessi.L;.t;,~{i:'8Jri8r,JOLes,Carps N3J"S:none It 1.10":1,3 moved by Coul"le-ill;i.2,ll i.or.c.i s ,'.11lC:'seconC:cd h;;r CmIilcilm;:~n 1J10[;:2~.n[" t.hat tLe fU~..8 .I'ecpir'ing C'.~"l ():;:'Cina::tC2 Lo be :r.'G::"-IC~en -[,;.11'(:8 uepc:rate da,Ys be dispeni:iC'c ·~,ri-c.h.The l-~L!,YGr p:::.t.the qU3st..io!!on Lhe lfDticT,c--:..nd the :,:,:)11 Daing called;the i'cJ..J.DT-Jingna.liicG.ccur.cl Lmen voLed ~ '~yes~l..or-r-i s ,BJ.essing,Kr-amer,Jones,C2..::-'pC Na,:ls ~none 11h3.10 10.00 9901 G 75.00 395.22 "j JO~00 207.02 35.20 19L55 11).70 902.ol(5.:;6 61+.25 502180 42.08 6112.81 1].135 1).25 225.00 90.00 98)~6 55·hl It 1JJ2.S moved.b;r C:ou.nci~ji18.11 IU"'.'J.Tiler,s8ccnd by Counc l lman Car-pe J th[~t ·the Crdi::lance TLesc.l]-cttion entitled;':.\n Ordinance Amendij:lg :the Zo:aing Ord~~ Lnance of tho TOt'Tn of lr'!2').kee,_~:cticlG VI,section 60011 be nO'~Jp ut. upon iGS Iin::::-tJ,passr~'Le and adoption.11'118 :;:·I.c.ycI'put,ti18 ~a.J[)L,lO·l 011. 'c,he final passage and adoption o.f [j,'1id Ordina.nce .:1e[~Glution,cUld the 1'011 being called,the felloving named COlUl.r:ilmen vot,8d~ .~.~:c8[;~Iiorris J Bler;sing,ZTufller,J'ones,CD.rpe Nays;ne-De vJho:ce-.lp:lD,the }:E.yO:t'dsclal'8r;Gaid OrdiD.811ee Resolution duly adopted. and passed,and signed ~"l~_S dPPI'U\TC~ill tc said Ordinance B.esollltion" !lli'!X:1'1i,IJ;:KIiliXIDiffXjfKXaXr;1XX:1!"HfZY:i{~XKGi)J<l[IDl See OrdinaT.ce pages 15 e.nd 16 CJ.aims ~, Astronord.cal Inc. CIlPC Great Gentr21 l\cctU'"ate Inc, Cl"'Br;K~r Bloc O,Jkes Engineering Becbnan B~'us ~l Y IIcDol1ald City Ph1T,lbing B:~"cf.m Suppl:7 l~lUlicip3,i SV1Jply E<:tli~}~e:le !\k~l,jEngJ.2"nG Forms rCD.C:c8te l'i8-'Ger'iaIs C:1rpet. dues insErance office GupplieEl install elee maps &:(;)ng supplies gas supplies plumbing ~'1!:ltr2r supplies s upp He s G9.fety eq office supplies rock repairs elee repair oil.t:gas safe feeight ~aiDtenance bonds mex'ch E 'E Long 100\I"a POHer fL Light Skil ::;orp Skelly Eoslel' '1ock6t TI'ansfel' Plain ~f[.lk l-Ja ukee II,q:"c1"h',':'.re -e------ G .'\Finley T;T U Gr3inger rrllo~~pe';:Tel] I'enrri.s Supp Iy l:J8.nlcid Globe Thermal Co Carpontel' f'E-l,nde LV.mb~'l~ Gu:,{'s Auto sez-v North St,aI' ili.chae I Kennedy IOHa Public Systern 1a fie cur-L try CO:':)l.~. State Revenue DiEt Dir -'-:h,uke(~Post orc Payroll Truro S-:"J.ppJ-JI' T Ie Insurance Nor-ther-n Natura}. Hcr-r-Lck 8~LE:"qJ.J~r Hosier n8~rl.g81'atioL Van Elastics f'thern Pershing POf3trn.a.stor LL1~"lt Kramer i1ich&,rG.c Surplus '.'!aulcee HHrdTvctl'e Ch 3mbe 1"18.in G.4rpe L Coop Shern Por-shi ng University of 101'1'8- Bot l.lobison 81'.Iiona'ld Olson Gas IB'lk SCh001_ GU.Jrl S .!\.lrGC,E)ervq clerk grJ.\Tel supplies repair gas supplies S8Hel"supp Li.e s supplies jf II II repair gas lilet-,e~l're.I'und r".3-Lir'e11l811t fiJr:tem soci:lJ sccur-i,t.y st.:::-,~o ~Tit.hho Ie.iIi.£; :CedeX'':;;l n stamps sa]_c.~.ries lon boy int.:urance gas bond.ing <-J.:Ll'condi,tiono.r plastic supplias map .file mailing dOG notice I,.che.Lr-s chair~·cl:3sk &.Lab Ie supp l.Le s }:J.;;.ring cc,rpet gas (Iv:.oil de 131.::g:c!l~i!.' home r-uIe sohoo l. Hetal'refunds r-apa ir- 37'/5 31 .9') 156.00 63.95 G1 .".0 GO.11 26.45 55.)0 2152.25 1 7 .7D 20~f <:J'j 25.00 797.70 1223.902h5,1 t!_ 1061 .50 9G,DO 1992.50 217.5'co 296.co 613J,?9 315.00 6J6.21 137.92 250.00 2)~.,26 60.00 112.00 271 .91 292.25 609.26 12i.Lh6Go.CO 50.00 20.00 328.1[6 mayor --( ([ ORDINANCE NO.,_ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WAUKEE,IOWA,ARTICLE VI,SECTION 600 Be enacted by the Council of the Town of Waukee,Iowa: SECTION 1.That Section 600 of Article VI,zoning ordinance of the Town of Waukee,Iowa,be the schedule of District Regulations which now reads "uses and structures by special exception only:filling stations,drive-in restaurants-dwelling units on first floor by owner only."is amended to read ---uses and structures by special exception only:filling stations,drive-in restaurants:dwelling units on first floor by owner and by a non-owner if not more than twenty-five per cent of the total dwelling area is on the first floor,provided however,no dwelling shatl.be -allowed on the first or second floor by the owner or non- owner in a building where food or beverage is sold. SECTION 2.Said Section 600 is further amended as provided "prohibited uses and structures dwelling units on first floor,or in basement"is amended to read "dwelling unit on first floor,or in basement,except as provided by under uses and structures by special exception only,and further provided that no dwelling shall be permitted on the first or second (:;:floor of any building where food or beverage is sold. SECTION 3.Section 600,Article VI,as amended,shall read as follows:( { 1 ARTICLE VI SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS SECTI~N 600 \ \ ! "C-1 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Permitted Accessory Uses And Structures Uses and Structures By Special Exception Only Prohibited Uses and Structures Those customarily inciden- tal to permitted principal uses. \ Filling stations,drive-in Restaurants Dwelling units on first floor by owner on Iy r and by a non-owner if not more than twenty-five per cent of the non-owners total dwelling area is on the first floor)provided,however,no dwelling shall be allowed on the first or second floor by the owner or non-owner in a building where food or beverage is sold. Dwelling unit on first floor,or in basement, except as provided under "Uses and Structures By Special Exception Only," and further provided that no dwelling shall be perm itted on the first or second floor of any building where food or beverage is sold.\ Dry cleaning or laundh, processing plants. ~SECTION 4.This amendment shall be in effect after its final passage,approval,{and posting as provided by law. P~d ~y the Council on the g.;1.day of &1J ,1972,and approved Ithis K!!l.-ray of 'Jn~,1972. ~(i ~/If~J;cJ 1~-8MLt _ MAYOR