HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-14-Special Minutes'1";"'"+1),1"~i?"...-·Gu.>-.'U -.J .7-- Tbe co unc.i L of T'l,su1<::f.l8J IOtria,mel;in spec l.a L session,at the t01>rD.'),jll, vJeukee,IC'>vJ2,at 7 :00 b:.m.,pursuant,to pr~~\ricus resc1uticn and pub- lished nc td.ce .The llleet:LTlf;TJ/at:(>:;11eclto order b:>T the l":ayor pro-tam and the roll being called,ther-o V8:r-e IX:'8fi9tTt,George Kr-amer,l'-"JJ,:/cr pro-tem,in the chair -'and the following named members of the counc.l.L. J2ck C21'pej Dr lionald Bl.o ae.lng ,Harry Jenes . .Absent:i-I2~Jor Bernard Boone and David norris Upon investig::j.ticD.,it "WiS found that no persons had appear-ed BJ.'.d fIle ObJ0C-sio!.l3 to t.ho proposed.plans,spec i.Li.catd.ons or c onsract, fcc or cost of the improvement.' Council member Car-pe introduced c.l1C road the follow:i_ng r-cso.Iutri.cn and moved its ,-:>.dcpt.ion,second by Council meI11ber Blessing;and after due consideration thereof by the COU.i1Gil.,Lhe 1iayor pro t.em put thE:question upon the mcLi.cn and the r-oLL being c2,1:.":nJ,tile fol~_:)l;ving named Counc i.L nJBmbe.T's vo'Ledi AY'(';f]~Car-pe ,Blos::31ng,Jone s ~Ja:y;::;;none 1'Jl1er8upon,the l1r-;,yor fJrc·~tf;:T!dec Lar-ed the said.motion.d.nI;,.caz-r.i.ed ~\Yl(the r-e so Lul.i.on adop ted as following:: :JBsolut.ion FLnaLly approving and coni'irwirig pl::ll1sj Lpecificatiorls and form ai.'ocnl.r-ac t I,v.hexer ~:.~t.hir::C-ouncil h ~s h(:retofor-8 appr-oved plans, and form of contr~ct for the pro"osed constrnction cf imp:':-<Jvt!ments ..s C~)sc:t:'ihed in.the resolution dec]ar i.ng ordering C0Dstructj.on,fi_n~lly passed end f:lpprnved on day "f Tuly,1972 j and specifieations sfmita.ry sm"rer necess:L ty ..nd the 2hth ~\. \t1JheI'sas,hp.3rin.g hAS b"een held on objectinns ·-t/i the proposed p10.ns, spe~:t!'tC2.t-ton8 anocoofm o·r cont:rn~t ''1nd to the ecst Df the propeseoCl imp.iVovernents::lnd all cbjections theret,(")h?-VB heen c;v~;rrnl;)d; N01..,.,the re fore,it.is resolved by the Gcnr.cil of 1ifaukee,IO"HJ an folloHs: Tbat.the plans,npecifiCc"-JLions 2nd .LOrI,1 of cnntr:?,;;.-c,fcferrGcl to in. the preamble hOl~eoi'bo and tho same ure h9reby finally appro,,:red 9.ncl the pr.ior 2ction of -the CounciJ.approving thmil is hr~rehy finally confirmf:~d " P~Tssed B.nd apPl"o"'iJ,~d this 11.r:'h d;ly of A1)gns t,1972/ It lEIS moved by Council m:.Hllho.r Jones :-,lDd soccnd,::;cJ "b~f Council m,;;J.rJ)!..·::t' G3rpe t~-1D.tt.ho EG;y~}r f:nd t,he Sle:ck pl'-Jcc;ed ~,!iLb the 0pCl1in[; oi'~"J.('.h .f',::,'cpos'-ils pn r;.:.:id he:;!)fi."l:?ld,!"1~t2r'first :lS(,i.::;·'Ld.ning that, t.he r8qui ...'ed hic:ccc ....1..::·5.L,:/::'.I::~onJ.pTnit:d c:;:.ch :3:1rb p:.~np0~':)1.Th(-~ }~~Jycr proq·tl.:;m pu!:..t})C qucri\:,icn on the mo"Licn ~-'.Ldth8 1'ull b~i.Cb c8.J.lcc1,thD fnll':..iu·ing n3~nGdr.o','Jlcil filmubel:'vct-::d ~ A.y(~s: Thereupon,the Ma~,rorpr[)-tem declersd t.he s~3id mot i.on du::'y ca:rried nnd Lhe I1clyor prr--Lem and thc:c Le rk prccC::8dnd B~c0:rd~~ngly. NEl.llir:and ,4.dd.r.ess of Ridd8r Amount of Bid flection no ,1-I\eratio!l 1i'~1ci1itiBS Hankoye Ccns tr-uct.l.on T.'la1J.ksc,Im-J3 C 1 C!lccoll Co DeB Haines,10H8 $h7,460.00 Buchan Con8t Co Perry,low'!$57,7u7.0C Section No.2 Outfall Line Fur-na Id Cons t Co .Ind i ano La ,lO1'Ja $23,859.CO ~~!;}.rl"'en·~NGLsan lr!03"1:.DDD }~oinef:,Io"t,JO $30,1(]0.10 F L 1~hr:l'en Const Inc l.vintex'set,IU~';2 H-3.c'Tlceye Ccnst Ha-J..ko (),101-72 $37,Jho.50 H Pet-orson Canst Go Den I~oinGG,IC;1Tl $37,8Cl~JO It ·~'Z';1Sl'iclv()d by Council l!l~Eilbe:c BJ..:::ssing a1":,0.seconder'h--;l Counci L me ml")o 1:' Jones that t~li:s iii88t:1..n[;be ndjourned to the 22nd d:1:r of A.-:'J.gnst,1972,ac 7:00 p.m.,at tOlJTI hall,\t-To.U~WB,IO"I:-;r'1,at l·mich time and place th.e CQID1cil "vril1 InCG L GO fl:j:thel"ccnsider Duell pr-oposa Ls . The Hayc r pro-tem put.the qudst.i.on on the mot.Lon and tho roI 1 bn:Lng called, the followi.ng named Counc i.L fIl<3mrn:cV0t8d~ A'~,rss;Car pe ,B1.css:Lng,JCTli0S N~y.~~;nona Tho Du?,pX'GX pInt ~Tas d.iccuaecd by tho Counc i L 1·ri-Lh cngineCl1'Hcnry Or'J~3S. Discussion ~'-Ias~_bou·~dra:t.ning thoir lots.It Has suggested Lo r-un ~";j. 16"storm sz:n-Jer f'r-om .31·C and No:"thvip'~,f t.c High~'.T.9;)1 6 and t.Le intoLhe 2h il F Lorn!S81,rer on 6th St. R~-1.YCJ.a.1.....1{met."lith the c01.:m.Gil .:cegarding h,~.v&ng a dance,;:;ponsc:·od by the:!\CTS zroup,OE ,street north 0;'the tJ:i0.ngle on AshT'TO!:,thbetH8eD 6th and 5th Street.Council.ga.-'Ie it I~;porm.:..c}sion. l~Gting ~djourn0d. 25