HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-23-Special Minutes27 It is f"\:':",;tJ~-:,'r-a soIved that the oont.r-ict.s for the construction of said improvem8nts be and the SC1.meare her eby 8.TJifarded tf)the contractors ~ above named at "total estimated cost of $38,650.00 as to Sec"sion No. 1,and aj-,a tot,Cll est·iLllatsd Ci);:;"t,of $28.859.00,as to Section No.2, t.he final se t.t.Lemcrrt to be made on the basis of the urriL prices therein set out and the act.naL fina~.quant.Lt.Los of 83Ch c l.aas of Idateri::tls f'ut-ni.ehed ,the:!m;.id con t.r-:ic ts to be sub jacL to the t.ermr.i of tho ;lfor8d~~nt:Lonod r-a so l.ut.Lon declaring necessit.y Hue or-de r.irig cons t.r ucLiou,and the notice of h'3~.l:Y'iD.Cand let-:-.Jing t:~u:;plans and specific8tions '.)TIC the tGrm,s of the bidde:cr,T :-·n:'it-Len.pr-opor.ul; the Hayo:'."and Clc_ck be e;_'lI]tl1~~yar-e her-eby 8-utherizcd -1.~d ordered to en-::·c2 into 'oi~rittGn contr8ctc ~,,-ith the ccnLr-ec Lcrs t~>,:)v2r'ing such ccnstr-ucki on ,the c0:J .:~ract not.to bo binding unt.i L appr-oved by t-e sol.ub.l.cn of th:i.fj Counc l L, Be it flU"'c,hEJ:'recolved th~?ct the:amount of the con-~i:ac;LGrsl conct:cuGtion and i"il.aintentll1CC -:n':tI'otJT c,onc1s are hereby fL{cd at $.-::B.t65c.oo,as -L\~) (:0;::,.,.1..;,.,-,Nc "and ....\-$0A Pco 2r''1'"~-,C'~"'c·L·i -n N-'1 ,-'M"L"'1'·__"_Jl..U..L.'...:!~'.,<Col .",\..1 "'_-v,v.-/,I'.;;,',--,\..Ie.0,-,v __v U.L,,"j,_'__.f.13 cqui vo.Lcn t to -~hc~t,f)"G8.1 Ci.,;t.il~-:r:t8d (:G81,c'['oach ccnt,I'!;;"c t Pasf-:,~'d :::nd .'?,pprovcrJ t~:Ls 22nd d::::::/of Au.g;;,s-L,1972. A:4:llS t.23, ':fun lJ,,!ul::ec Ten,tn Coun.cil held i'~_T s lndget ht:'8.:('i..n~;on August 23,1972 1~r:i.011 l-i~;)r()I'Roone presiding and .::'.11 counGilHlc;;l'l p.'.:'escn'~~, rk:v~;d by Ic-t;:)_mer,s8!'?oad bJT BJ..csGinG,that 1,1y;,clerk b:?inst::....ucted LtJ C~-)i...t.if;)-,..the .f'ollowinf,b'.ld.2o~:':1 Lc Ccu'n:t,y A1Jdi·~o=:'. TI18 lrom!of T\7aukee 2(".08Pted the rf)sign~tinn of Jmnes Gilbreth e.f!.';...1-72 1;'-,-'38t~~llgElc\jG?Y'ncd.- The 1nhlJl((;c TG~·rn_Counc:!.l he]d it.T S reguJ 0-1'~'llee tinz on A_UgURL ?9,1 :;72, lTith E8::rcr B(')cne p:cGsiG.i.r:{;a~ld all (,o-llnciillen pr'7!8Gnt ~xenpt n-: RO!1eld BlsssinG. Ernest Dupre?'anc',G-::TY Peggs ril2t.1·rith the CGllncil r-?earding ·:.he Dup~:'ez 21-~~_(;F:.!l.f-Lnr'?Tong di8CUsr:~L~:n,ito 1::'::-·.8 dccidr:,;d te·l\;:fl-"':!,Duprez l:"lla'~ h~;;l~.t.o H.8ukee F1D,nning (~',?'cn:I.ng. :!lev-2-d L'Y r~or d.s,PPC'O:!1.C by Jar-lOS,tel Gce,n-c GG:::.den ,Sp~lr e liquo_:"'licenREl. Cc,:::-ried h to 0