HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-18-Special Minutes�,.----_.~------- Jack Car-pe socondad the motion and after due conai.der-a I',ion by COlIDCil,the ~1ayor put the question on the motion and t.IlI:::r-o lL called,the f'o Llowl ng named Council nember:voted' Ayes'Dr Blessing,Jack Capre,Dave Norris,Harry Jones Nays.none t,he being NOVl,TffEREFOJJE,Be it resolved by the Council of Waukee,Eowa,as I'o ll.ous r Section 1.That this C01l.Y1cilmeet at the TCWD Hall,~'h~ukde,Iowa) on the 30th day of CcLober,1972,at 7:00 p.m.,at which time and place pr-ooeedi ngs ~JilJ.be inst::i..tuted and action taken for the i.ssuance of $8J,OO~_~Gener a.I Obliga t.::'on Bonds fer the purpose of constructing scwe r Lmpr-ovement.s . Section 2.TheL the c ler k is h3:~'Gby di:c2cted t.o gi ve no t.l cc of the proposed ar t.i.cn for0he issuance cf the bonds ,sett,ing fort.h the amount and purpose thereof,the -l.:,ime when and place 1-fherc the meet.Lng 1:1"iJl be held,by publication at.least onee not less Lhan ten (10)days before the mcel.i.ng ,Ln tho De.l.Ias County i·rC"~.Ts".:1.Lagu L newspaper of G('"3~'18ralcirc':..~:.at~J;rl(·therein tho.'.:lr;';)'-l __l.c~.palj_ty. The counci L inS!Tucted the;c Lerk to l·Yt'ite 3.lett.er to bho Dal.Las :'-\:-m"ltyZoning Commis:::;ioYl cbject.ing to ChRnliG of zoning of pr'Jperty l:)c::ited in S3C+,jOD 26 of l131nut Tounship J'rc:a i~-1 l'DiUburaba.n Residential to C-Corr:m8I'ic:l ..::l.1D:~:::d,-,:,,"'i.ct,Lega l De sc r-Lpt.Lon r cf ')'(l'oer"y 1'<'"l'or't of -th'"0':"J1,"1"S~'tl'(''''-vr.T"~'--'ll~"t,r;lC'Tl~h·i,.j:1 -1 ._i.,.....::'~'t .)c •.,_.',;;lJ~~-"-lC/.I ol."~[l c,),hd ..!t-,_l,..l..~J."-:j ~'l'l~ rrh:i.:-::i being -9Tproximate 33 ..·1/3 acres,and 8.1so objecting t.o zoning change from R-1 Sub1.:rban Residential District to I-Inc1u8 t.l~5.al Distrj.ct.IBgal clRscrip-'cio:-l:Zast ~2of th0 NE\,Section 35, T-79,R-26 '\oJest of the 5t.h P.ll.compri.sing of approxLmaGe1.;y-80 aCI'8S.l:"1'1ssonsfor objection is that.this liould appoar to lW as spot.zoning detr'in:ont.al to tore best.interest of the 0itizeus of the Toym of Waukee,Iowa. Cent.:r21 IOHa lbgional Planning ":lD,S discus:o;;::;d h~\ltbp.council and it. 'hT9.S the opinion cf the CotU1ctl thC;.t they 1'18r8 oPPosf:d to M:1yor Olsen I s plan for reorganizing Central IovlB.Regional Pla:::lning. Hoved by Blessing,second by Morris,'en sign agreemen'l~Hit.}:]South Dallas County Landfill. Octcber 18"1972 The 1-18 ukee To-;·Jl1Counci.l he Id a sp9cial hearing on Oct-abB.l"18,1972 at $;~O p.m.Nith Ha,yor Boone presidi.nG and all councilmen prssent except Kr:J.1L8.:'. Hcved b]Blessing,:::ec;ondhy iIcrl'is,to rezone lets 96,97j 98,99, in Gray ;~ddit..ion,Plat At6 f'('c")"(I;R~1 to proposed R-2.Hottor·em:,:ciod I-J.to O. At this il1Geti..n.g,there I-J;3r<J no Obj9C·t5_or:s,oral or Hrittan,on.changing 0.1 this zonine. 3511 II I clerk 60ller 30,1 972 Tho Council of,Jauke'3,IC\"a,ineL on Lhe 30Lh day of Oct.obe r ,1972, at 7 ~oo p.m..,at the town hAJJ in the Hunicipality,pur-snan'.t.o to prior action of the Council and to Ja1rT,fo~C'the purpose of receiveing and cunvas ai.ng bids and cons Lder-Jng and pas sine a resolution pr-ovi.d.ir.g for the award of ,$80,000 Gener',}Obligation 8m,lier Bonds and fer the pur-pose of Lnsl.L Lut.Lng proceedings ar.d taking action for the issuance of the bonds and the trR.ns8ction of such other buef.no ss as 1i1H~r come before tile meeting. The meeting was catLed to ordor by Hayor Bernard Boone and the f'ol l owl.ng counci.Imen were present:Dave Morris,Harry Jones -'Dr' Ronald Blessing.Absent were,-Jac k Carpe and George Kramer. Bids ware received as follows~ Nome and address of bidder final bid First Federal StaLe Bank 2hth &Un.i.ver-s il.y Des Moines,Iowa Carlton D D0h Co Des Moines Bldg Des Haines,IG~'Ja 4 .ho~~premi,um Tv11creas,upon finp.J canvacs of ::Ill bics,tho bid Cof Fi:i.~st,Federal State Bank of Des f:T,Jines,IC)1/J"fl.is the lligh8S-L,and bo st.,beinG a pries not.less than par and accrued inte:cest..Befer t.o mi.mrtes G-·1559 GBI, minutes on issu1ng $80,000 GO hond. ~filltam Ki.rkland mot ~Jith the council rogarding building scrne conrrneI'ciaJ buildings east.of vl<1uk88 on Highlrf8.Y 6,appr-oxi.mate Iy one nri.Je from the corporate Lf.mi,t.s . ~~,@J~ mayor '!O"c''''on "11>1 °7".,'v ~J:tI)'~_l J),7 ,_ A RDguJat'council meeting lias he 'l d O~1November 13,1972 -v...,j.th l~ayor Doone presiding and all councilmen pres8Dt except George Kr-amer-, Hoved by Ifor:cis,second by Blessing,that the pr-ev.i.ous minutes bW approved as read.C"l'ri".:l L!to O. Dong German ,a junior Ln thE:~~ankee School met Hith the council about ,1 b.i.cycIe o~~'di__-ranco that the council has bee n wor-ki.ng on for the Town of 'tlaukee