HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-27-Special Minutes------------------------~
Special ~·leeting--No'lmllber 27,1.?72,
'I'he Ivaukee T01m Council held a special meetfung on Nov-ember 27th at 7 P.J.!.at tho
T01m Hall.
Th.Ls special mee t.Lng was request.ed by James A.Ot Ca Ll aghan ,aLt.or-ney,repreSBl11JLng
D1'.Char Ie s O.Johnson and 11a"7 C.-Johnaon .The Johnson's nrc,approximately 15.71
acres,SE corner of Section 33 in the 'I'oim of vlHuke8.
l'Ieeting was called to order by r1a:rOI'Bernard Boone arid B.t the open Lng of the moet.-
ing counc i.Iuen pr-cserrt 'ttJ8re Davi.d ?ilor'Tis :jncl Dr,E{onald B'Ie sa.l.ng ,Councilmen Harry
Jones and Jack Carpe came in during the meeting.Dr.Blessing had a call and had
to 189\1",9 the mce t.Lng •George Kr-amor-\r!~:J absen b •
Others pr-o senc ['Jere;Henry Oakes,Eng.l.neer-,Paul Huschsr ,tor'ln attorney,~{emoNizzi,
-~OftJ11 clerk,Dr.Ch:.t1"188O.Johnson,Nary C..Johnson,James A.0 I Callaghan,at.t.or-ney ,
and Bob V3e·nstf~··"'of Veenstra'&I([rmn'.Engiv.c81;oing.
}1ayc'r'BOOD8 opened the meeting and introduced J,').mes 0'Callaghan.In his r-emarks
f~.O'Callaghan st'3.ted that he Has har-e r-epr-e sent.Lng Dr.Charles Johnson and Hary
Johnson c once rrd.ug a 1vater run off into the Johnson pr-oper-Lyj this being created
s i.nce cons br-uct.i.on of ;J.s t.orm sew"er in Corene Acres plat :~t6.Hr.01 Callaghan stated
that his c Li.en t.s were noL told of this and since the consLr-uct.Lon of this storm
setrer-in plat./J6,a great,denL of 1rlRtOI'is being diverted on Lho Johru30Il property
creating a future l.q;).shavray and a lso dumpi ng grass,dirt,rubbish and siJ..t into the
Johnson property and Lnbo the Johnson pond.He remarked that the situaticr2 must.be
Nr.O'Callaghan introduced Bob Veenstra of Veenstra &Kirnm Engineering firm.He
presented to tr,G councf.I pictures of the sLorsn sewer and stated that the water should
!1e.ve been drained to the south.
1l;ngineer Oakes remarked that the water has a Iways H"8nt thr-ough this draw.
Hay-m,Ber-nar-d Boone remarked that he was Hell acquainted l-rith this gr'oUl1d and that
Lhe water has a.lways 1'\1ent that way.
Dr ~Charles Johnson rernarked that he also had other problems 1.Q th Hr.Gray.A
piece of fenes on this south pT'operty line 118.8 removed and filJ brought in and the
fence put back on the filled ground.He also stated that rubbish and cans was
being hnrned south of his property.He Also asked if H3nry Oakr;;!s was reprasent.inG
the TONIl of vJaukee.
AttcrneJ'-01 Ca,l.laghan stressed that time TNas a very important issue aL ttis time.
Paul B:nschl~r)tONTl atLol"ney,remarked that the complaint has nOftI been registered
~;Jit,h Lhe coth'1cil and that the council should be giYen time to look over ~)he matt.er
and study t'ne si.,1:;Liation.
It,was 8.g.~~eedthat,this lllatter 1.flll be put,on the egenda for t.he December 11t.h
regul.9.I'council ll!.8etir:.g.
Neeting adjO\lrned,