HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-08-27-Regular Minutesl I 1i1i I RESOLUTIO~NO.~b A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE GOVERNOR TO DESIGNATE TilE CENTRAL IOWA REGIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL GOVEmllmNTS THE REGIONAL AGENCY FOR CmlPREHENSIVE PLl\NN1NG IN 'rilECENTRAL 1m'7A AREA. l'lHEREAS,the Central Tovra Regional Association of Local Governments is an areawide agency created bv and responsible to the municipal corporations and counties in the central Iowa areaiand, vmEREAS,various state and federal progr~~s call for the certification of such an areawide agency to coordinate or anminister such programs,including area~,ide Dlanning,A-95 review and comment, criminal justice,environmental rruality,'rural development,andaging;and, i'lliEREAS,Section 28E.15,Code of Iowa,1973,states: "28E.15 District agency.A clanning commission, council of govarlli~ents or similar organization formed unr1er the provisions of this chapter aha Ll ,upon desig- nation as such by the governor,serve as a district, regional or metropolitan agency for corn~rehensive planning for its area for the pUrpose of carrying out the functions as dcfin8d for such agency hy federal,state and local Law s and regulations.11; Ii, i and, l'lHEREi\.S,this local government <'leernsit necessary that in the interest of obtaining coordination and unity in providing state and federal services to central Iowa's citizens the Governor should designate Central Iowa Regional Association of Local (",overnrnentsas regional agency for Co n t al IOI'Ta.NOl'1,THEREFORE,(J....-. IBEITRESOLVEDBY _-Jt"""~>=::.A"",,r..u,,,,-·;=~z....:~='~:=..-,IO\va: That the Governor of the State of Iowa is requested to designate the Cen,ral Iowa Regional Association of Local C,overnments as the regional agenoy for comprehensive planning for the central Iowa area for the purpose of carrying out the functions as defined for such agency by federal,state and local laws and regUlations. PASSED AND APPROVED this August 27,1~73 The regular meeting of the Waukee town council was held at the town hall w.l.thMayor Boone presiding and the follow.l.ng councilmen present:Carpe, Jones,Gardiner.Absent:Dr Blessing and George Kramer. Movedby Jones,second by Carpa,to approve minutes as read.Carried 3 to O. The follow.l.ng people attended the council meeting:Robert Gallagher, Ray Clark,Barbara Stone,Mrs I~fin Ievor-son,Jim Berner,Gil Stanley, Jerry Wright,John Connally,Dr Charles Johnson,and Engineer Bob Veenstra. Jim Berner stated that the Fall Festival vrould be held on September 22 and 23.Jim also inquired about putting up a trailer at lagoon site for a meeting place for the Jay-Cees.A lengthy discussion was held on the matter.No action taken. Movedby Jones,second by Gardiner that the officer in charge of the fire call be given the authority to send out the fire trucks on that fire.Carried 3 to O. Movedby Gardiner,second by Carpe,that the school not permit bicycles to be parked on Locust Street.Carried 3 to O. Movedby Jones,second by Carpe to void the ordinance for one-way traffic on Forth Street.Carried 3 to O. Movedby Gardiner,second by Jones,to table the following recommendations on schoel safety: Item,:Change parking around school from no parking at any time to parking after 5 :00 so !!lore parking nIl be available for school events but orderly parking Item 6:No parking from 7:00 to 5:00 or no parking at any time on the follow.l.ng streets:Northvievr,Bel-Aire,Waukee. Item 7:1 way from Bel-Aire to Park road south w.I.th no trucks or buses from Ashworth to Park road. nem tJ:Park road 1 way east onlY'. Item 9:The following additional stop signs: a.Ashworth &4th----4 way b.2nd St &Ashworth.3 way c.East St &Ashworth--5 way d.2nd &North'Tiew---4 way e.2nd &Bel-iire----4 way CGuncilmanGardiner introduced an Ordinance Resolution enti tl.ed: "Amendmentto Parking Ordinance to allow no parking on 3rd St" It was moved by Oeuncdlman Gardiner,seconded by C01lllcilmanJ nes, that the Ordinance Resolution entitled:AnJendmentto Parking Ordinance to allow no parking on 3rd St"be now read by the TownClerk.The Mayor put the question on the motian,and the roll being called,the following Councilmen voted: AY'Ss:Carpe,Jones,Gardiner .Nays:none 68 Whereupon,the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. It was moved ey Councilman Jones,and secended ey OeunefIman Gardiner, that the rule requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days be dispensed with.The Mayor put the question 011 tm motion and the roll being called,the following nam'ld councilmen voted:. Ayes: Nays: Jones,6arpe,Gardi.ner none Whereupen,the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. It was moved by Councilman Carps,and seconded by Councilman Jones, that Ordinance Resoltuion entitled:"An AmendmenttG Parld.ng Ordinace to allow no parking on 3rd Street"be now put upon its final passage and adoption.The Mayor put the question on the final passage, and adoption of said Ordinance Resolution,and the roll being called, the foliiwoing named Councilmen voted: Ayes:Jones,Carpe,Gardiner Nays:none Whereupon,the Mayor declared said Ordimance Reslillution duly adopted alld passed,and signed his approval to said Ordinance Resoltuion. Bob Veenstra and Johm.eonnally and Dr Charles Johnson met with the council regarding Dr Charles Johnson's drainage dispute.A lengthy discussion was held on the matter.Attorney Connolly stated that he would wri tEl the council iii ledlter stating their demands to be met. Moved by Gardliner,second by Jones,to grant the Golden Spur a liquor licence.Carried 3 to O. Movedby Il£arpe,second by Gardiner to permit Boy Scout to have ceremony in the east parking lot at the park.Carried 3 to O. Moved by Carpe,second by Il£ardiner,to purchase a V plOl1Tfor 4:s56iO,o--o snow removal.Carried 3 to O. Whirl-A-Way to givon gas according to gas ordinance. Moved by Gardiner,second by Jones,to send HemoNizzi,to water school at a cost of $30.00.Carried 3 to O. Homerule discussed by council.Attorney to draw up ordinance. Ridgeway property discussed by council.The council suggested that a lift station be used. Petition by citizens of Waukee on having bus service from Waukee to Des Moines was presented to council.Mayor is to check with Grey- hound and other bus companies to see what arrangement could be made.J ~~ 6I'e~;~1' Meeting adjourned. ~1&t)1-e~ Mayor