HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-12-08-Regular Minutes120 November 2}1-,1975 On November 18,1975 a rim-off election for 2 councilmen ,~ashold at the) fire station.the polls l;-ere open from 7 A.M.tD.I 9 P.I'!. I\fter the canvas of votes the result.s Here Councilmmnber (2 year term) There w're 423 ba Tl.ot.s cast. as f'o L'Lows r 2 to he elected Ili1rry Copeland 11~8rHin JanAma Honold D ..L-Tt'SOn Jerry D.Stone Bob Gallagher 127 9? 129 69 01 Janet Blair E~Rommel J.Schultz Sm'l Stone 01 02 01 01 and Harry V.Copelend and Ronald D.Lar-son 1-T8rC e Ie c be d , i'J,:;,utcc r:U',y c01.rneil ::,(;1',in :,;::'cgoJ.lr1J"S:.;SS:i.OY1.0eGn~'!lher 8th 'd~{',he c:Lt~r :r~.<Ll 1'd.t.1-:-,_D001V.:pl:'ur;:ijliJ1C "110 aLl.Gouncl~Ljll::ll .f),i.'L,SCY1t.o >'ov,~:d by C!1.Y·p~;scr:onded by Copeland to appr-ova nrl.nut.cs 1.8 rE;8.d 1;1 Carr:1,'::::dlJ Gl:'<;g Pciffr-:.I."'trf-'t,\v:i.tJi t.he.oounc-i.I.I'0g8.l'd:i.nr;J:'11.n·"'off of 1-m-Lr-n'.f:r'c;-,!pJ.'o·, pespd PJ/d~n onto h:i.R l)I'operty on Bcl,,>t:;'!.JrL:G 11a:1'Cl:Jrk 1"~t Hi.th t,}1('counciL to diRCU8R an adcn.ti('n to city b:1Jl h·}d.n.d t1-".']j.bY't-l.ry·v Long d iscuas.i.on 1-THS1'1c<1.0on thi.R f;nhj:)ct."t..,r.nr.lhi.ittcf:'frO\;l the Bi=>G;::nt.2Dnt(--lJ t.o ·,;;('~r;t l'·Ji.th :1 DOJilrdtte"Tr'OHLCOllrtC-i.:!t,n 8P.(;1\Th:d~eRn lx:~':ICC0:',tpl:iflItC(L.T\',yor P:.i.l}x'!intnd.Yon J:c1.l'S01!.!11J.d Jhrry Gopl~ln:nd.to sorve r-n tJ,:i..<:;com:rnittp;"";@ i':;OVf:d by T:.l,PWll:!S'",condro hy Cop.:J}~nd tr\aH~rd Thorpe H:<1.~:_Co 0 the contr:-1.r--r, nf ~~J.6,P7D~()O fC'~c:or:~t)lction of 1>J{~1]~-i.nd book-up ,(::?':'r:i,c;c1 ~to 0 ... T:Jovcd h.jl GX·(-l.ndficld s,...:Go:t.1.D.od a nnlary ("if $700 V=-;T r:K'nt,'h.o hy C;c pc:Jt'.2td to hire Carr:l.."'c1 ~;t,o OJ) l'.ov~:d by (;o1J81n.nd .f;(;c()nr1(-~d by TIo~i'ui-.r'l t,o i.11fd:,t'vr;t c~.'l;;Y·,'It,-j-,nrncy +,c-rh~:'lF'''l.;.p L5.hx-'i:1.X·S"nrrli.nnJlf::c ~C:n.l'r:i.rd.r)t,O C\. Cnnnc~7.1 cU.fiC1Jnsecl 2.mn0t:i.n.r-:'H.i.th Dav'.,:Alhrig;ht,Nho \''Jonld Ji~·::'0 t,n Ht.a:ct n dcv~-::lopt[]t;nt.south of "H~.uk::~co A proposed wc:;i',ing to h2 heJ.r1 n~0,o l-1Sth..,