HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-01-12-Regular Minutes-----_._----~~----._---121 TlH-::regular meeting of t,h(~Hauke:.::City Coimc iL 1'7::',6held -on lb.nuer:l 12,1976 ~::,t 7~30 p.w.::"tt the Hauk:2 city hall,L£i.yorBoone ID'2sidcd end t.h,:follOl·ring councilmen 1·rerc:present:Jac1i:Carps,iIugh Grandfi;c:ld,Lez'Yin )JoJnlii81,EaI'l~" Cope La..nd,and lonuld Lar-son ,Absent:None it l'oved by'BommeL,second by Copeland to GpprCY8 minut8G 8,5 pr-ese nt.ed b~f the clerk.C''-rd.r-,d 5 to O. }/loved by Lar-son;second by Gr-andf'Le Ld ,to appz-ovc Varnct-Pump Co f'J.nu L payment of $27 ,1387,,32.CQl"ri.ed 5 to 00 Fovea by Larson,second bY'BOmHt':-~J.,to GpprCV8 Coiene Acr-es Plat 117 1'fith except.Lon that no building permit if)1~.O be gi.v:~n on Lot~1-7It Thi;;lot !GU be kept open f or future street if dove lO{JH1l::nt is d8v.~10ped ::::.9.8:9of t.his Lot ,C:J.l'ricd:5 t.o O, }lioved by BommeL,second by Car-pe ,to have a ~(~c:{rins:on Fe1Jru:~'a';y '),1976 at.7 z30 p sm ,for proposed rezonirE,:of Plat.7 from n~·1 t.o J.1~·2.Carried 5 to O. Pafld.ng on Northvie;;hottree n 3rd and Itth l'iore st.udy Hill be made on this sub je ct , streets was discussed by the ccunca.i., No action t akcn at this tim?" Hoved hy C2,rp,;,second by BommcL,that,being no other old bus.lneae t.o come before the oUUgoing C':OUI1Cil,t.1JB.s::net~t.ing he Rdjourned and let nevr C01T'.1cil prnG(;cd. Carried 5 to 0; }~8oting ad jcur-ncd, I'H~ting clerk,::lema Nizzi,took over t.he rn:'~8t.ing and answering roll call FGI'3 councilmen aJ.{~~etHugh Grandfield,H~,rry Copela.nd,Ron L.:ll:son,Luke Gt-nbcor, and Dennis Thompson,all duly elected and qUHlified as counc:Umen.1\1so answering roll call 1'iD.H duly elected mayor,Bex'nard Boene.Clerk Nizzi gn,v8 the oath of office to Nayor elect Bernard Boone and the folJmdng councilmen: Hugh Graadfi.eld,Harry Copeland,Hon LeTson,Luke C'ruber,and Dennis 'fhompson and stated that lCawor Boon'"and eou.ncilmem..Grandf",elcl,CopGland,Larson,Gruber, and Thompson duly electGd and qu.alified fox'these offices ~The Illf~et.:Lng 'N.'U3 turned ovpr to Ha.yot'Roone, l-;:ayor Bonne called the ~('oll and 8nsvJerinrr 'tV'8re t.he followinG councilmpD.:Hugh Grandfi.eld,Harry Copeland,lion 1':>.rson,Luke Gruber,and Dennis Thol:lpson. Absent;none. Yayor Boone presented t.he narf!(~of Hugh G:-candfj eld 'ms made by Harry Copeland,second by Ron L'1rson. for mayor pro ..,t.em. Carried;;to O. The motion Voved by Grandf:i.elcl,second by Copeland,to appoint ReinO Nizzi as city clerk·· admi.nistrator.C8-rried 5 tJO o. Moved by larson,sr,cond by Copeland,to pay L?mnoNizz:i.,clerk-administrator $1210.00 per month.Carried 5 to O. ¥oved by Grandfield,second by Thompson,to have council nBetings on the 2nd I10nday of each month at "{:30 p.m.Carried S to O. I'oved by Copeland,secol}d by Gruber,to name Brenton Bank as official depository for $250,000.Carried ~to O. I-'nv'·'0.hy 'l'hompaon ,8~'eond by (l-2"1JJJt;,r'j tc :;:-~pproYe AJTJ 1>-;F\11·(,~~'.1.C~)Co fn:.,:"s8cutity bn:r~dB for offic:i,:'ll::,of the:;r:i..I~Ye CO.:cr5cd j tD ()" 'c,ved lly Copeland,r;~;colJ.d lJy G-c'ancFi::.'Jd,tn J:'c;:.1ppoint P:?,1:,1 ThJ.f:·ch.i?'r a s CJ.GY :it"(/:'T'n<'l"::'~:.~)"]'!~)..CU IJ:,:t'~u)1"rr,ho C~lJ'T'~L0.r:;to C;>I~~cvcc1'try L".l'[3oll,fj"G()~c;d by (.~Y'1:1y:J:',to ;S~!1PP()'i.Tlt nr~rY'Y Jnnsp ;:,.t H S'l~f;:'Y of 1""·,;:onth..C~,l'I':i.()d 5 to (j" r'-.r C ';.' ,,v,::n by n"1:11'y,1',f-.;:::'cond by 'l'r)()wpson,to r·;_'~:~.i)})(d..:).t nClrl.':-=:-J:'Boll ,"J.t *02:;"OC p(:·'I.' n.orrl.h II C,':Jr:cJc [I :~;to 0 oJ roved by Cope~_,tnd,second l)y GTFm(1.f-J..::"Jd,to i·':~R.PP()5.rc-t.th";.f.'ollm-rlui([)nl'i.('.nn;n~ r,11T'l::.:1.Bf~neott nt,$8.2),,00 .P,-':l:'mont.h ,·U.c~1;u:·(l 7()min'=,n.-t.,$U:JOllUO 1)(.'1"ttiCiTd'h, RfVl V_~,~-;t.~t;)7()U~CO po r I:LOnth o.nd C'xtr'~pc~:i,cc 2t :~J!'1I00V:r t,.c'u:('"C::p'!,:i.e:d.S t(.1 \.1" r'-ov~d hy 'I'hompson , ~)I!.O~:,~oOD tiL'1'liio-n.tl.,e sc:.(~on(1 1);,/j ~'.-cHon, r;;1,1~ilic;r]r;t,n D II r'~;vcr1 b:r f'.:i:'11'nCY'3 f~('::c('ind Ly Copc:::l"'-.i.ld,to ,"::~tppGint J'()b:(~F\-.:l-r,nY[,',18 !').dn£1.11if;t;(,,Tt·,·tv~; nfficur of Pl,wmi.nB ?'.Zcntng ;'))(1 pC,j'"lIn:i.ts 0-[,$}l.,CC:p::r 0e"1.r"C;:i.t'.,.·,j,.::d {~'1:'0 00 J':ov8d l..,y Ll.rson,sc;,:c:Ol1rl 11y (\:>"lJlx:l',to r;;;:·,ppoi:oi:. en.l,'r'ted r;to 0", tiolrcd hy Lar~iOn,D'2cond.by n:r:'ub(;:~'j to 'G;~<Pl)Gint 1.3'S Ir'i-rLn J,?,nSl1J.:J.to 'L]."'2 ~Uh::"~:ry 1)°'l.T,n.0 (:(1.1:p120:~to 00 Th<?,cOlm.cil <l-1.sclJf--;p,.::-d v;·~ep.nc:L:,s un the Pl<1,lming D.Dd Zon,il1f;;lud on tr[l_~R)8.rd of .f\,rljnst~'ii;:::nt..1\-:'V'~8C:v;.JCtll:.c:i.cn to be f~Lllcd n,:'x:-(,L:on"t,b Q Tl:1C cJ ::J+:prG f-ir;-;Jt'~d jJl'O jc els for ·Uv:?:~"'~~'U'1 97C. t;r~~:f)!::proJc;cts J'I-,n,·::,-:.:t liT;C [",'1:01"':0 Loverl by n·.p:~.r~c1:;:"icJ..d;8~;cond by Cop;:~~L-:'-l.nd,tc'~)nthoT'5.'!,2 ~"~'J'm:"Ik:rnard Flo one -r,o ~-!.C!.J PT(~"J.pp:L:i.c::d-,Jon foY'fnd2"!~:}.l ;:;f-lf-.::1..p,-f)"lnC;2 en ~.rl.ditionaJ 1.,rdpr fd',f);';'lZ'"':,~i~~d.yr.1.t<::r :U.n,::;:=:, 'r"_'d"-~T't.\]f1Jnrl:Lng~J=:·tJnOj OOOoCOl>C_~rI'J.cr1 r~to ()o "1_'08c'(':or,10 hy 11f'ulxr:c,