HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-05-10-Regular Minutes12'1 April 12,1976 cont-- the council agreed that a permanent easement for utilities should be secured.Ron Larson stated that he felt a sidewalk should be installed between Lots 4 and 5 to East Street.No action was taken at this time. Moved by Copeland,second by Grandfield,to have Oakes Engineering draw up a survey regarding the pie-shape lot at the end of Northview and Ashworth which is now owned by George Gray who wishes to dedicate this property to the city.Carried 5 to O. Moved by Thompson,second by Gruber,to approve construction of under- ground cable by Northwestern Bell Telephone Co to go by the city maintenance shop and the new water building.Carried 5 to O. Paul Huscher reported on legality of not issuing building permits for houses in Corene Acres as per petition filed with council. Moved by Gruber,second by Thompson,to republish notice on $150,000.00 G 0 water bonds and alter date to sell same as April 26,1976 at 6:00 p.m.Carried 5 to O. The vacant lot on the corner of 7th &Locust was discussed by the council with following building requirements:25'set back and 7'from property line on the east and 127,'from property line on the west. May 10,1976 The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Boone and all councilmen present. Moved by Larson,second by Gruber,to approve minutes as read. Carried 5 to O. George Gray met with the council regarding Plat 7A of Corene Acres. Moved by Copeland,second by Thompson,to approve Plat 7A as presented on drawing #1741 zon~d as R-1.Carried 5 to O. City administrator,Remo Nizzi,discussed with the council,office equipment consistin~~of a recording system for meetings and to be used for dictation ~~the office with a total cost of $314.47 complete with 2 microphones.The council did not approve this expenditure. The police department requested an additional 10 channel scanner for their office,also to be used in other police car.Moved by 128 May 10,1976--cont Grandfield,second by Copeland,to purchase a 10 channel scanner at a cost of $185.00.Carried 5 to O. The Jay-Cees met with the council regarding the fireworks for the 4th of July.Last year,$450.00 was allocated for fireworks and they would like $750.00 for this year.Moved by Thompson,second by Larson,to allocate $750.00 for the fireworks.Carried 5 to O. The council appointed Verle Wright to the Board of Adjustment which has had a vacancy for some time. Moved by Copeland,second by Larson,to sponsor Band concerts at a cost of $200.00 for the season and Red Cross swimming.Carried 5 to O. Moved by Gruber,second by Thompson,to adopt the following resol- ution: Resolved:Should the SSES report show that is is effective to re- move foundation drains,this city council will make a maximum effort to: a)Inform and educate the citizens of the necessity of their actions; b)Abide by the results of the SSES and implement the recommendations to the best of their ability. Carried 5 to O. Moved by Larson,second by Gruber,to apply to the state for a 5% refund on payment for sewer aeration project.Carried 5 to O. Clean-up Day to be May 27 and 28th. The City of Waukee will spray for mosquitos in July at a cost of $500.00.Carried 5 to O. Water standing on 3rd Street was discussed by the council. Temporary help for general maintenance was discussed by the council. City administrator to have the authority to hire additional help by the day when needed. New water rates were discussed by the council.New rates must be established to meet requirements of the bonding attorney. We will have an annual expediture of $50,000.00 for paying off revenue bonds and utilities.ICouncilmanLarsonintroducedanOrdianceResolutionentitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.4l0--AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAILERS AND TRAILER PARKS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA,AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. It was moved by Councilman Gruber and seconded by Councilman Thompson that the Ordinance Resolution entitled:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.4l0--AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAILERS AND TRAILER PARKS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE, IOWA,AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF 129 May 10,1976--- be now read by the city clerk.The Mayor put the question on the motion,and the roll being called,the following named councilmen voted: AYES NAYS Copeland,Gruber,Grandfield,Larson and Thompson. None.Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Gruber and seconded by councilman Thompson that the rule requiring an Ordinance to be read on three seperate days be dispensed with.The Mayor put the question on the motion,and the roll being called,the following named councilmen voted: AYES:Copeland,Gruber,Grandfield,Larson and Thompson. Nays:None.Motion carried. It was moved by councilman Gruber,and seconded by councilman Larson, that the Ordinance Resolution entitled:"AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.4l0--AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAILERS AND TRAILER PARKS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WAUKE~,IOWA,AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF BEnow put upon its final passage and adoption. The Mayor put the question on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance Resolution,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: AYES:Copeland,Gruber,Grandfield,Larson and Thompson. NAYS:None.Motion carried. The council discussed moving a water hyrant on Ashworth Drive.It was decided not to move it at the present time. Proposed projects for the year and employees handbookand upgrading of ordinances were discussed by the council. Mike Blizek met with the council regarding enlarging for a Beer Garden behind his place of business. Moved by Thompson seconded by Larson to grant permission to Mike Blizek DBA Old Bank with these restrictions:Mike must control the following: No excessive noise,no littering,no signs in alley,must be well lighted and must be closed by 10 P.M.Carried 4 to 1. Meeting adjourned. May 17,1976 II This meeting was called to issue$75,000 Revenue Water Bonds. REF:Water bond minutes. The council met in special session May 17th with Mayor Boone presiding and all councilmen present. Moved by Gruber seconded by Grandfield to purchase a roller from the Dept.of Transportation for $400.Carried 5 to O.