HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-12-11-Regular Minutes182 Veeemb~II,1978 The teegU£aJL eounm meeting wcu held on Veeemb~II,1978 w;;th Mayote Boone pteeoicUng and alf eouncLtmen pteeoent. Cha!l1-eo ROM and Vave-SnU-th mu wah the.eounm teegaJLcUng ehanging :the zoning Mom IA :to R-3 on :the noLtowing paneel On gteound: Beginning at :the SW eoten~On :the SW~NW~06 See:tion 33-79-26;:thenee N 0 deg.00'alOYlg the.WeJ.>:tUYle-On stu d.SW~NW~to a UYle-whieh woU£d be an ex:teYlJ.>ion On th«J.,Quth uYle On CheMy S:ttce-u iYl :the TowYl 06 Waukee, Iowa,a fu:tanee on about 437 ne-u;:theYlee Ecu:t alOYlg :the eueYlJ.>ioYl On :the sourh.une On Chf'-My S:ttceu 716 neu;:the-Ylee-South panalfel t»tne.Weo:t UYle On Eighth stxeet:iJ.>e-uended:to :the-Muth UYle-On J.>aid SW~NW~,; :thenee-Weo:t alOYlg :the Muth une On J.>aid SW~NW~ro ths:point On be-giYlnIYlg Moved by CopuaYld,J.>eeoYldby HedcUng~to teeZOYle :the-above deoetcibed paJLeu On laYld nteom I A t»R-3 and pubffih iYl :the Valfcu County NeW).,to have he-aJLiYlg on teezoning Oyl Veeemb~29,1978 at 6:00 p.m.CaJLtcied 5 :to O. 5 cA;UzeYlJ.>on :the Cay 0 n Waukee mu wah :the eouYlm teegancUYlg :the paJLlziYlg Oyl :the ecu:t J.>ide On 4th S:ttceu along Middle SehooL The eauYlm J.>:tated :the-y woU£d :ttcy :to eome up wah a Mlu.:tioYl :to :tw pMblem aYld a joint meetiYlg On :the eouYlei.t aYld :the- Wauke-e Sehool BOaJLdwcu J.>uggeJ.>:te-d. The eounei.t aeeep:ted :the teeoignatioYl On C~Sea:t:t e-nnee:tive Veee-mb~31,1978. Re-zoniYlg on :ttcai.t~eou.tc:t wcu fueuMed by :the eOUYlm.EYlgiYle-~:to give wy fu- etciptiOYl :to teeZOYle-note adcU:tioYlal 55·:ttcai.t~. The-eounei.t tee-euve-d bidJ.>note a pouee-eaJL;Adu ChtcYJ.>l~wcu law bidd~.Move-d by ThompJ.>oYl,J.>e-eoYlde-dby CopUand :to pu.nehcue-a 318 -2 baMel Plymou.:th note $5350.00 Adel ChtcYJ.>l~.CaJLtcie-d 5 :to o. Cay eouYlei.t fueuMe-d w;;th atiou.nne-y Paul HUMh~eOYle~niYlg :the-updating On alf wy otecUYlaneeJ.>and eOcUng On J.>ame-. Mayote Boone-appointe-d Ve-Yl~ThompJ.>onaYld Luke Gteub~cu a eommi:t:te-e :to J.>:tudy:the J.>a£a!Lieo n0lt ye-aJL 1979. Bagby mu wah :the-eounei.t tee-gaJLcUYlgW pMblem eOYle~niYlg incUvidualJ.>haJLcuJ.>inghim. A.tJ.>0cuke-d about pouee-de-paJL:tme-nt. Admi~teatote Cl~k Ray Nizzi teepotc:ted :to :the-eounm about :the heaJLiYlg benotee :the- Pubue Employme-nt RelatioYlJ.>BOaJLd on ThuMday,Ve-ee-mb~21,1978 at 9:30 A.M.tee-gaJLd- ing :the Waukee-Pouee-Ve-paJL:tme-ntand aLI eily employe-eJ.>e-xee-p:t Cay Admi~:tt(ttdte and eonnide-ntial employeeo. Meeting adjou.nne-d. t6~I0~HrnLMaljaJt I