HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-12-Regular Minutes188 '-iii ~ l"iarch:t2',1'97'9 • The regular council meeting was held on March 12,1979 at 7:30 p.m.with Mayor Boone presiding and the following councilmen present:Luke Gruber, Rugh Grandfield,Rarry Copeland,Dennis Thompson,and Robert Reddinger. Also present:Remo Nizzi,clerk and attorney Paul Ruscher.The following citizens were present:Dr Dwight Keller,Jerry Brown,Mr &Mrs J A Neubauer,Mr &Mrs Larry Oetting,Mr &Mrs Jerome Volkmer,Kenneth Spahr, firemen--Randy Applegate,Art Spencer,Doug Pogge,Robert Applegate,Bud Gray of Gray Construction,Engineer Ron Jackson from KMA,representing Judy Ann Estates--Tom Gratias,Doug Gratias,Jim Berner,Charles Ross, Dave Smith,attorney Richard Margulies,and Frank Peeler representing the Old Bank. Moved by Grandfield,second by Copeland,to approve minutes as mailed. Carried 5 to O. Jim Berner presented the preliminary plat for Judy Ann Estates and drawing of lift station.A lengthy discussion and questions was held regarding condominiums,zoning,Cherry St needing repair,surface of 8th St were discussed.This parcel of ground of Judy Ann Estates consists of 10+ acres zoned R-3.The developers are asking approval of plat consisting of these 10+acres to be developed into 2 lots--A &B,on which condominiums are to be built.Lift station to be built and maintained by Judy Ann Estates personnel except an extension of 8th St,which would be paved by the developer and dedicated back to the City.All maintainance,upkeep, snow removal,lift station and utilities would not be the city's responsibility.P &Z has given their approval of the preliminary plat at their March 5,1979 meeting voting 6 to O. Moved by Gruber,second by Reddinger,to approve Judy Ann Estates pre- liminary plat as presented.Votes:Ya:Reddinger--Nay:Thompson,Gruber, Grandfield,and Copeland.Motion lost 4 to 1. Clerk to make arrangements to have a meeting with Oakes Engineering regarding this plat. Bud Gray presented final Plat #9 consisting of 4 lots.This plat was approved by the P &Z on March 5,1979.Discussion was held regarding the company of Oakes Engineering representing the City of Waukee and also platting for Bud Gray. Moved by Thompson,second by Copeland,to approve Gray final Plat #9. Votes:Ya:Reddinger,Copeland,Thompson,-Nay:Gruber,Grandfield. Carried 3 to 2. Fire chief,Robert Applegate,representing the fire department,talked about pagers for the fire department and the grant of $1700.00 matching funds from Title IV.Discussion was who would do the dispatching. Moved by Gruber,second by Thompson,to contact the Dallas County Sheriff and Board of Supervisors and get commitment on dispatching.Carried 5 to O. Remo Nizzi gave report on utilities. Ron Jackson,engineer from KMA,gave an update on the new agreement with ClRALG which the City must sign to be elibable for federal grants and must complete the SSES study and plant facilities.~~KliHMR¥ .------------------------------------189 March l2---cont Paul Ruscher,Remo Nizzi,and Ron Jackson to review more information on agreement and present at next meeting. Paul Ruscher presented 12 ordinance to the council for study and report back to him.; ;-t '.1 Dispatching police out of the city by~Dallas County--what is our authority and liability?City c Le rk to ge t rLriforma t Lon from Dallas County's insurance company regarding this issue and get a report in writing. Moved by Grandfield,second by Copeland,to reappoint Remo Nizzi as commissioner to ClRALG.Carried 5 to O. Vacancies on P &Z board.Don Faust and Claire Chedester will be going off.Council to research individuals for these 2 vacancies. Moved by Gruber,second by Copeland,to certify the budget for year 1979-1980 to county auditor.Carried 5to O. Moved by Chrysler Gruber,second by Grandfield;.t o for police car.Carried _5 to,-a,., approve $5156.00 to Ade1 ,.".';'.; ,, Moved by Reddinger,second by Thompson;to sell the 1973 police car to the highest bidder and use the 1975 Plymouth police car for administrative use.Carried 5 to O. Moved by up specs letting. to have Oakes Engineering draw 8th St and 5th St and plan for Gruber,second by Reddinger, and plans for storm sewer on Carried 5 to O. Approval was given to the Waukee Manor 8-p1ex apartments on Laurel St to be sold as condominiums. Moved by Thompson,second by Copeland,to adopt the following resolution: "BE IT RESOLVED,that the City of VJaukee,Iowa,accept a VJarranty Deed from Nancy Fern Paullin to the following described real estate: Beginning at the South Quarter Corner of'Section 33,Township 79 North,Range 26 VJest of the 5th P .M':;Thence South 89 deg 47'West,along the South line of said Section 33,366 feet; thence N 1 deg 33'West,along the East line of Waukee Cemetery, 922.34 feet;thence North 89 deg 47'East,390.94 feet to the West line of Corene Acres Plat #5,an Official Plat now included in the Town of Waukee;thence South 0 deg 0',922.1 feet to point of beginning.All of the above described parcel being in Section 33-79-26,Town of VJaukee,Dallas County,Iowa,and containing 8.01 acres. And that the City of VJaukee accept said Deed in full oerformance of a real estate contract between the grantor and the City'of Waukee filed for record at book 519 pag 194 of the Dallas County Records." Votes:Ya--Reddinger,Gruber,Thompson,Grandfield,Copeland.Carried 5-0. Moved by Gruber,'second by Thompson,to rezone the following in Jo-Lane Mobile Estates: The south 800 feet of the North 930 feet of the West 445 feet of SE\NW\of Section 34,T-79 N,R-26W of the 5th P.M.,City of Waukee,Dallas County,Iowa,and contains 8.17 acres more or less. 190 March l2--cont Rearing on above rezoning to be at 7:00 p.m.,April 9,1979.Carried 5 to O.I Mayor March 20,1979 A special meeting was .held on March 20,1979 at 7:30 p.m.with Mayor Boone presiding and the following councilmen were present:Rugh Grandfield,Rarry Copeland,Luke Gruber,Dennis Thompson,and Robert Reddinger. Guests:Engineer Renry Oakes,Paul Ruscher,Mr &Mrs Joseph Neubauer, Renry Leonard,Richard Margulies,Mr &Mrs Kenn Spahr,Rosemarie Volkmer,Mr &Mrs Larry Oetting,Ron Jackson representing KMA,Norma Franks,Steven Venard &Jim Berner rep Bishop Engineering,and Dave Smith. Minutes were approved as mailed.Carried 5 to O. An open discussion,question and answers was held regarding Judy Ann Estates i.e.lift station with stand by generator,storm sewer, and sanitary sewer. Motion by Reddinger,second by Copeland,to accept preliminary plat for Judy Ann Estates.Voting:Ya--Copeland,Grandfield,Gruber, Thompson,Reddinger.Nay:none. Agreement with ClRALG was explained by Ron Jackson. Motion made by Gruber,second by Thompson to Bdopt the following resolution: WHEREAS,the City of Waukee has been advised by representative or ClRALG that no state or federal funds will be available for improvement or repair of the Waukee sanitary sewer system unless following resolution is signed The council approved a resolution approving an agreement to provide for the joint implementation of an areawide waste treatment plan and final management plans--see attached resolution. Voting as follows:Ya--Copeland,Grandfield,Gruber,Thompson,Reddinger, Nay:none.Motion carried. Move~by Reddinger,second by Grandfield,to employ KMA to do SSES study.Carrled 5 to O.