HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-12-08-Regular Minutes65 November 10--cont The council spoke about annexation properties and the city engineer indicated that they would be ready for consideration at the December meeting. Moved by Jansma,second by Spencer,to adjourn at 10;18 p.m. Carried 4 to O. Meeting adjourned. hf2 M~M~ittJ'tem .r- December 7,1981 A special city council meeting was held on December 7,1981 at 7:30 p.m.for the purpose of considering the recommendations by the Planning &Zoning Commission for the revised zoning ordinance,zoning map,and Comprehensive Plan.The meeting was also held to authorize the publication of the notice of hearing by the city council on the above matters. The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m.by Mayor Copeland with all councilmen present exceut Irwin Jansma. Visitors present were:Jerry Alt,John Grubb,and Steve Grubb. Frank Hoifeldt of the Planning &Zoning Commission presented the recommendations from a hearing held December 4,1981. Moved by Oetting,second by Scott,to approve the revised zoning ordinance,subdivision regulations,zoning map,and Comprehensive Plan and publish notice of hearing to be held December 29,1981 at 7:30 p.m.The City Clerk is hereby authorized to publish this notice in the DalTa's Goui:ltiNews.A roll call vote was taken as follows: Yes: Nay: Higgs,Oetting,Scott,Spencer None recorded Carried Lf toO. Moved by Scott,second by Oetting,to adjourn at 9:00 p.m.Carried 4 to O. Meeting The regular December council meeting was held on December 8,1981 with Mayor Copeland presiding and all councilmen present. Guests at this meeting were:Greg Ruble,Dennis Patrick,Jack Bryan,Mike Bryan,and Charles Black. Moved by Jansma,second by Scott,to approve minutes of November 10,1981.Carried 5 toO. Moved by Higgs,second by Scott,to approve the treasurer's report. Carried 5 to -0. Moved by Jansma,second by Scott,to approve the following bills in the amount of $10,014.47 ---_- 66 December 8---cont R 0 Blackledge Brown Supply Co Roberta Burkhead Business Communication Casey's General Store Curtis Industries Dallas County Sheriff Farmer I s Co-Op Fisher Controls Gronert Electronics Harvey's.Uptown DX Iowa Power Iowa State Commerce Camm. Law Enforcement Equipment M &M Sales Co Martin Marietta Matt Parrott &Sons Midwest Calculator Midwestern Electronics Municipal Supply Northern Munic.Defense Northwestern Bell Pitney Bowes R &C Office Supply R &R Welding R-\'iTayConcrete Roto-Rooter Sande Lumber Snyder &Associates Storey-Kenworthy Traffic Marking Service U S Leasing Utility Consultants Waukee Hardware· Waukee l1unicipal Gas Carried 5 toO. city hall lettering compression tees Nov 3 election radio repair coffee,cups shop supplies small claims suit gasoline regulators radio repair police car tow electricity assessment siren calculator repair 3/4 commerciai gas &water ledgers NP200 toner battery 3"water meter Group--legal fees telephones meter rental office supplies demurrage 5 carners sewer misc engineering white pads painting mailing equip lease Nov testing misc consumption $45.00 199.91 419.06 59.50 8.01 393.07 22.40 242.10 310.81 100.91 27.00 2726.54 38.26 232.25 55.00 125.94 173.61 101.21 70.46 445.00 672.60 371.68 48.00 50.45 4.40 1365.00 180.00 164.47 582.00 12.15 132.60 63.50 110.00 35.42 426.16 Erwin Jansma presented the results of·a fire protection meeting held with the townships on December 3. Moved by Higgs,second by Oetting,to execute the fire protection agreements with Boone,Van Meter,and Walnut Townships using a charge of $.28 per one thousand dollars valuation in the covered sections.Carried 5 to O. Greg Ruble and Dennis Patrick spoke to the council regarding 6 new pagers for the First Responders. Moved by Scott,second by Jansma,to purchase 6 Motorola two- tone pagers and 3 maintenance agreements in the amount of $1921.50 for the First Responders.Carried 5 to O. Roger Buffington of Snyder &Associates gave an update on the annexation of City properties.He indicated that he had contacted two adjacent property owners and that one had been fauorable to annexating a portion of his property in addition to the road - right-of-way. Councilman Oetting introduced an Ordinance entitled:"An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 609,Other Crimes". It was moved by Councilman Jansma,and seconded by Councilman Higgs,that the Ordinance entitled:"An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 609,Other Crimes"be now read by the City Clerk.The Mayor put the question on the ~otion,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes:Spencer,Oetting,Higgs,Jansma,Scott Nays:None recorded IVhereupon,the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. '--,67 December 8---cont It was moved by Councilman Scott,and seconded by Councilman Oetting, that the rules that an ordinance must be received and filed at two meetings prior to the meeting when final action is taken or,if published in summary,be received and filed at one meeting prior to the meeting of final action,be dispensed with.The Mayor put the question on the motion,and the roll being passed,the following named councilmen voted: Ayes: Nays: Spencer,Oetting,Higgs,Jansma,Scott None recorded Whereupon,the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. It was moved by Councilman Higgs,and seconded by Councilman Jansma, that the Ordinance entitled:"An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 609, Other Crimes"be now put upon its final passage and adoption.The Mayor put the question on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance,and the roll being called,the following named Council= men voted: Ayes: Nays: Spencer,Oetting,Higgs,Jansma,Scott None recorded Whereupon,the Mayor declared said Ordinance duly adopted and passed,and signed his approval to said Ordinance. Moved by Scott,second by Jansma,to approve request for reimbursement from EPA in the amounts of $2663.85 and $2915.60 for the SSES Study.Carried 5 toO. Moved by Jansma,second by Higgs,to approve the release of $2900.00 received from EPA to Kirkham,Michael &Associates.Carried 5 to O. A discussion was held concerning the acceptance of work done on the 50M water tower.It was agreed that the acceptance would not be granted until after spring when it could be determined if the exterior paint job had been faulty. Moved by Higgs,second by Jansma,to pay Watertower Paint &Repair half of the $23,215.30 bill.Carried 5 to O. Councilman Scott presented several longevity pay plans. Moved by Higgs,second by Oetting,not to enter into a longevity pay plan at this time.A roll call vote was taken as follows: Ayes: Nays: Oetting,Higgs,Jansma Spencer,Scott Motion carried 3 to 2. The city administrator presented a letter from Supt.of Schools, Clair Eason,concerning gas service for the south half of the high school. Moved by Spencer,second by Jansma,to provide interruptible gas service to the south half of the high school.Carried 5 to O. It was agreed by the council to close City Hall at noon on December 24 and 3:00 p i m,on December 31. Brian Redshaw presented the administrator's report.He read a letter of resignation from Jerry Brown,zoning administrator effective December 31,1981.The council unanimously accepted this letter and authorized advertisment for replacement. Moved by Oetting,second by Jansma,to adjourn.Carried 5 to O. Meeting adjourned.