HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-01-Special Minutes88
May 11,1982---cont
Bids on the used City equipment,as advertised in the Dallas County News,
were opened.Moved by Christianson,second by Oetting,to approve
the following bids:.
1965 Dodge van---------Duane Felt-~---------$lOO.OO
1965 Dodge pickup------Duane Felt-----------$lOO.OO
Reda Submersible pUIDp--Hughes Drilling Co---$50.00
Winchester shotgun-----Dale Eide------------$130.00
20"red Huffy bike-----Bill Herrnann---------$7.50
Sears grn 10 sp.bike--Joe Neubauer---------$10.00
Huffy 10 sp.bike------Jerry Brown----------$5.01
Kent 10 sp.bike-------Jerry Brown----------$10.75
Since no bids were received on the 1977 Dodge Monaco,the City Clerk
was authorized to obtain the highest price and sell it.He is also
directed to advertise the Meyers Spreader in the League of Iowa
Muncipalities magazine.Carried 4 toO.
The City Administrator presented various options with regard to the
City's mailing equipment lease.
Moved by Oetting,second by Christianson,to purchase the existing
equipment from U.S.Leasing for $395.60.Carried 4 to O.
Moved by Christianson,second by Scott,to approve the purchase of
a TR-200 Regency radio from C H Schutter Co,Inc in the amount of
$441.50 for use in the 4 wheel drive Chevrolet pickup.Carried 4 to O.
Moved by Oetting,second by Scott,to adjourn at 11:38 p.m.Carried
4 to O.
Meeting adjourned.
J ne 1,1982
~special meeting of the Waukee council was held on June 1,1982 at
7:30 p.m.Mayor Joseph Neubauer presided and all councilmen were
present.This meeting was called to open bids for the 1982 Asphalt
Paving Project.
The Mayor asked for any oral or written questions or objections to
the proposed plan and specifications for the 1982 Asphalt Paving Project.
None were received or expressed.
MOved by Jansma,second by Scott,to approve the plans and specifications
for the 1982 Asphalt Paving Project.Carrired 5 to O.
The following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk:
Grimes Asphalt &Paving Corp
Des Moines Asphalt &Paving Co.
The McAninch Corp.
All three bids and bid bonds were examined by the City engineer and
the City attorney and were declared to be in order.
Moved by Oetting,second by Rees,to award the contract for the 1982
Asphalt Paving Project to Grimes Asphalt &Paving Corp.in the
amount of $42,463.65.Carried 5 to O.
Moved by Jansma,second by Christianson,to adjourn at 8:30 p.m.
Carried 5 to O.