HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-10-Regular Minutes95
August ie.1982
The August,1982 regular city council meeting was called to order at
7:35 p.m.by Mayor Joseph A Neubauer.A roll call was taken as follows:
Present:Jansma,Oetting,Scott,Rees and Christianson.Absent:None
Moved by Oetting,second by Jansma,to approve the minutes of July 13 and
29.Carried 5 to O.
Guests at this meeting were as follows:Keith Hartje,Mark Etchen,
David Reed,Jim Higgs,John Weir,Wes Swallow Jr,Wayne McKinney,Bud
Gray,Dwight Keller,Mark Casey,Dick Applegate,Karen vfuite,Art Spencer,
Beth Dalby,Janice Jordan,John Jordan,Bob Heddinger,Bob Christianson,
Jim Berner,BOD Applegate,and Rick Huscher.
Janice Jordan spoke to the city council regarding rusty water at her
residence.The City ,Administrator advised the council that a letter
had been sent to Hunter Insurance Agency on July 23 in regard to the
claim that had been submitted.The City Council instructed the City
Administrator to contact Doug Brickert in regard to the claim,check
into cleaning the ground storage tank,and flush hydrants in the west
end more often.
Wayne 11cKinney of McKinney &McKinney represented the Waukee Businessmen
before the City Council regarding the City's Open Burning ordinance.
The council instructed Rick Huscher and Wayne McKinney to draw up a
proposed amendment to the Open Burning ordinance and present it at the
next regular council meeting.
Mark Etchen and Keith Hartje of Iowa Power spoke to the
an "amended version of the proposed franchise ordinance.
deferred action on this item until Paul Huscher arrived
the proposal.
Bud Gray of Bud Gray Construction spoke to the council regarding Plat 10
public improvements.Some discussion took place concerning an article
which appeared in the July 29 editi6n"of the Dallas County News.He
was advised that preliminary Plat 10 had expired and,would require an
extension.The City Administrator discussed with the council a misunder-
standing on the bidding of the storm sewer apron repair resulting from
the definition of rip-rap.The City Council instructed the City Adminis-
trator to advertise for new bids on the project.
council regarding
The council
and could examine
Paul Huscher arrived at this time and discussion resumed on the franchise
ordinance.Councilman Jansma introduced Ordinance Noo ZG13.
Councilman 'Scott presented for the Council's consideration and caused
to be read Ordinance No.2013 entitled:
"An Ordinance granting unto Towa Power and Light Company,its
successors and assigns,the right,franchise and privileg~for a period
of twenty-five (25)years from and after the adoption anq approval
hereof,to acquire,construct,operate and maintain in the City of
Waukee,Iowa,the necessary facilities for the production,distribution,
transmission and sale of electric energy for public and private use;
to use and occupy the public streets,highways,avenues,alleys,bridges,
and public places for such purposes;and prescribing the terms and
conditions thereof,"and moved that it be voted on for passage.The
motion was seconded by Councilman Oetting.Following consideration
of Ordinance No.2013 by the Council,the Mayor put the question upon
the motion and the roll being called,the vote on the motion was as
Jansma,Oetting,Scott,Rees and Christianson
None recorded
Whereupon,the Mayor declared the motion duly adopted and declared that
Ordinance No.2013 had been given its initial passage.
Councilman Rees moved that the statutory rule requiring that a franchise
ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two Council
meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be finally passed be
suspended;that Orainance Noo 2013 be regarded as having been considered
and voted on for passage at two prior Council meetings;and that said
Orainance be placed upon its final passage.The motion was seconded by
Councilman Scott.Upon roll call,the vote on the motion was as'follows:
Whereupon,the Mayor declared the motion duly adopted and Ordinance No.
2013 was place upon its final passage.
Councilman Scott moved that"'Ofdinance"No."20I3,entitled "An Ordinance
granting unto Iowa Power and Light Company,its successors and assigns,
the right,franchise and privilege for a period of twenty-five (25)
years from and after the adoption and approval hereof,to acquire,
construct,operate and maintain in the City of Waukee,Iowa,the
necessary facilities for the production,distribution,transmission,
and sale of electric energy for public and private use;to use and
occupy the public streets,highways,avenues,alleys,bridges and public
places for such purposes;and prescribing the terms and conditions
thereof,"be approved and adopted.The motion was seconded by
Councilman Jansma.upon roll call,the vote on the motion was as
Whereupon,the Mayor declared Ordinance No.2013 duly approved and
Councilman Jansma introduced and caused to be read Resolution No.
4 entitled,"Resolution calling Special Election on the matter of
granting an electric franchise to Iowa Power and Light Company and
directing publication of Ordinance no.2013 and moved its adoption.
Councilman Oetting seconded the motion.After due consideration
of the Resolution by the Council,the Mayor put the question upon
the motion and the foIl being called,the vote on the motion was as
\Vhereupon,the Mayor declared the Resolution duly adopted.
The date of this special election will be September 28,1982.
Moved'"by Oetting,second by Jansma,to approve a temporary extension
of the preliminary Plat 10 until October 15,1982 subject to the
requirement for access to the City's storm sewer apron.Carried 5 to
Moved by Jansma,second by Christianson,to approve the treasurer's
report.Carried 5 to O.
Moved by Oetting,second by Rees,to approve the Yollowing bills:
ABC \,relding
Adel Photography
All Makes Office Equip.
American Cast Iron
Blue Cross-Blue Shield
Curtis Industries
Des Moines Register
Dresser Manufacturing
Electronic Engineering Co
Energy Economics
Farmer's Co-op
G A Finley Inc
Grimes Asphalt
Harvey's Uptown DX
Herrington Display
Hunter Insurance
International City Man.
Iowa Concrete Pro.
Iowa Power
Iowa State Industries
J .E .L.Lab Inc
John's Auto Service
Harry N Jones
-fire truck repair $
police dept developing
desk repair
3 hydrant ext.
8-1 to 11-1-82
shop asst.
52 weeks subscription
1 hydrant ext.
antennae repair
gas meter repair
fill sand
Type A Asphal t
car wash
police car striping
work compo audit
municipal yearbook
6-24 X 2 rings
July testing
voltage reg.
August 10,1982--cont
K-L Parts,Inc.
Law Enforcement Equip,
Matt Parrott &Sons
McAninch Aspahlt
Northern Natural Gas
Northwestern Bell Tele Co
Olson Bros
Pilkington Equipment
Pitney Bowes
Brian J Redshaw
Richards Sanitation
Rick's Road Service
Snyder and Associates
South Dallas County Landfill
State Chemical
University Hygienic Lab
Water Products Co
Waukee Hardware
Waukee Municipal Gas
Carried 5 to O.
J.D.air filter
mise equipment
gas bills
cold mix
6-27 to 7-27
mise MF parts
equip maint.agreement
landfill charges
engineer services
QE 6-30-82
sewer solvent #7
water samples
sewer parts
mise items
July 82 bills
Fire chief,Bob Applegate,discussed the proposed fire station with
the City Council.Roger BuffIngton of Snyder and Associates presented
a preliminary cost estimate.
The Mayor appointed the following individuals to serve on a committee
to appraise the condition of all City facilities:John Winkler,
Jim Higgs,Jim Berner,Gordon Christianson,and Bob Christianson.
Jim Berner of Bishop Engineering spoke to the council about the.right-
of-way adjacent to Guy's Car Wash on the east side of 5th Street.
He indicated that Guy'Blair was interested in purchasing a triangular
tract of land within the right-of-way.City attorney,Paul Huscher,
advised the Council of the legal requirements in this situation.
The City Administrator was instructed to fulfIll the legal requirements
and pursue the sale of this land.
The City Administrator indicated the need for a larger capacity gas
meter to meet the increased load at the high school.
Moved by Jansma,second by Christianson,to direct the City Administra-
tor to contact the firm redesigning the piping and attempt to use the
5000 cfh meter 'already on hand,but if this is not feasible,to purchase
a Rockwell 10,000 gas meter for $2834.00.Carried 5 to O.
The City Council considered the renewal of the Class C liquor license
for Bob's Tap.Police Chief,Larry Phillips,presented a report
concerning the situation.Bob Heddinger was asked various questions
about the operation of his business ..·
110ved by Scott,second by Chr::'stianson,to renew the Class C liquor
license for Bob's Tap.Carried 3 to 2.
Moved by Jansma,second by Scott,to adopt Resolution No.5 entitled:
"A Resolution Naming Depositories".
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of fhe City of Waukee,in Dallas
County,Iowa:That we do hereby designate the following named banks
to be depositories of the City of Waukee funds in amounts not to
exceed named opposite each of said designated depositories and the
City Treasurer is hereby authorized to deposit the City of Waukee funds
in amounts not to exceed in the aggregate the amounts named for said
banRs as follows,to-witY
Brenton State Bank \iTaukeeBranch
Dallas Center,Iowa
Raccoon Valley State Bank Adel,Iowa $400,000.00
August 10--cont
The vote on the resolution was as follows:
Moved by Jansma,second by Christianson,to adopt "Resolution No.6
entitled:"A Resolution Directing the City Clerk/Administrator to
Invest Funds Not Needed for Current Operating Expenses".
WHEREAS Chapter 453,Code of Iowa 1977,makes prov~s~ons for the
investment of funds not needed for current operating expenses;an4
WHEREAS the City Council of Waukee,Iowa,finds it in the best
of the citizens of Waukee to invest these funds not needed for
operating expenses;Therefore be it
1.The City Clerk/Administrator is charged with the responsib-
ility and directed to prompted invest any available idle public
funds as per the provisions of Chapter 453,Code of Iowa,1977,and
including such other funds as may be legally invested under state
law,as such funds become available,to maximize earnings within
prudent limits and maintain adequate current available cash.
2.The City Clerk/Administrator is also hereby directed to
submit a monthly report to the City Council showing the funds
invested,where the funds are invested,and the rate of interest.
Carried 5 to O.Passed and approve this 10th day of August,1982.
The utilization of part-time help was discussed by the council.
The Mayor indicated that he would require work orders to be signed
by individual councilmen when specific-projects are requested.
l10ved by Christianson,second by Oetting,to allow Randy Applegate
a maximum of 39 hour per week on an as-needed basis to be determined
by the City Administrator.Carried 5 to O.
Moved by Jansma,second by Christianson,to approve 21 hours pay
for Jane Brown for cataloging at current wage levels and to allow
30 additional hours to complete the project.The funds will be
taken out of the regular City budget for the library.Carried 5 to O.
Various changes were discussed regarding the placement of school
stop signs.An amendment to the traffic ordinance will be presented
at the regular September meeting.The City Administrator was
instructed to contact Supt.Easbn regarding a sign at 6th &Locust.
Moved by Oetting,second by Rees,to accept the $50.00 bid on the
1965 Dodge van from Carl Laughman.Carried 3 to 2.
A discussion was held concerning the employement of Officer Richard
Harney who was employed on October 9,1981.Police Chief Larry
Phillips gave a report indicating his recommendation.
Moved by Scott,second by Jansma,
1.To hire Richard Harney on a pe~anant full=time basis
2.To allow him to attend the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy in
3.To require him to sign a contract in which he would agree to
reimburse the City for Academy expenses if he fails to remain
in the employment of the City of Waukee for 1 year after the
completion of his Academy training.
A roll call vote was taken as follows:
Motion carried 3 to 2.
Moved by Oetting,second by Christianson,to accept the $50.00 bid
on the 1965 Dodge pickup from Bob Heddinger.Carried 5 to O.
August 10--cont
Brian Redshaw presented the Administrator's report.
Moved by Jansma,second by Christianson,to adjourn at 12:38 a.m.
Carried 5 to O.
Meeting adjourned.
August 30,1982
A special meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order at
7:30 p.m.by Mayor Joseph A Neubauer.A roll call was taken and all
councilmen were present.
Guests at this meeting were:Dave White,Art Spencer,Randy Applegate,
Dennis Riggs,Dennis Hathaway,Frank Hoifeldt,Harold Jensen,Roger
Buffington,Deb Elsbecker,Dan Gardiner,Beth Dalby,Bill Erickson,
Darrel McCleish,Jim Higgs,Gary Shirm,Karen White,and Arnold
A lagoon inspection report was presented by Harold Jensen of Jensen
and Company (Marshalltown).He presented a contract proposal in
the amount of $9575.00 to do the necessary repairs.He anticipated
the use of Roger Anderson on this project.
Moved by Christianson,second by Rees,to accept the proposal from
Jenson and Company in the amount of $9575.00 for cell iFl lagoon
repairs.Carried 5 to O.
Dennis Riggs and Dennis Hathaway d/b/a S &D Enterprises Ltd.requested
a Class C liquor license and cigarette permit for Skinny Dennys'Place
(formerly The~Golden Slipper).The clerk declared that all the papers
were in order and that he had received a favorable investigation report
from the Police Chief.
Moved by Oetting,second by Christianson,to approve a Class C liquor
license and cigarette permit for Skinny Dennys)Place.Carried 5 to O.
A zoning change hearing was held as published in the Dallas County News.
The City attorney indicated that the utilities billing list notification
had been done incorrectly and that this would not constitute a valid
zoning hearing.Comments by Dave White and Gary Shirm were heard in
opposition to the proposed zoning change.
t10ved by Scott,second by Jansma,to reschedule the zoning change hearing
for October 12,1982 at 7:30p.m.and publish same in Dallas County News.
Carried 5 to O.
The FY 81-82 audit report was presented by Dan Gardiner of Gardiner &Co.
Moved by Jansma,second by Rees,to accept the FY 8l~82 audit.Carried
5 to O.
Moved by Jansma,second by Rees,to approve the statement of Gardiner
and Co.in amount of $4600.00 in payment for the FT 81-82 audit.
Carried 5 to O.
The City clerk/administrator advised the council that City personnel
were involved in the cleaning of the 200,000 gallon ground water storage
tank.He indicated that he would be getting proposals on the repainting
of the interior in time for the next regular meeting.
Only 1 bid for the Plat 10 storm sewer apron repair was received by the
City clerk.
Moved by Christianson,second by Rees,to approve the bid of $2000.00
from Bud Gray Construction Go.to do the necessary repairs on the
Corene Acres Plat 10 storm sewer apron as per specifications prepared by
Snyder &Assoc.Carried 5 toO.