HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-09-03-Special Minutes;;15
August 13,1985---cont
Gruber,who is chairman of this committee,reported on proposed
changes to the employee handbook.A discussion ensued regarding'c'time and overtime for Brian Redshaw and Larry Phillips.
Hove d by Stork,second by Rees,to leave 'c'time for Redshaw and
Phillips as it has been.Motion failed 2 to 2--Stork and Rees
voting Yes.Gruber and Barrett voting No.Hinkson abstained.
Moved by Stork,second by Rees,to remove city provided water
from the handbook effective December 31,1985.Carried 5 to O.
Moved by Hinkson,second by Rees,to adopt recommendations of the
Personnel Committee for the employee handbook.Carried 5 to O.
Moved by Hinkson,'second by Stork,to make the new employee hand-
book effective September 1,1985.Carried 5 to G.
Ken Hopper requested that he be allowed to carryover vacation
time from 1984-85 for schooling.
Moved by Gruber,second by Barrett,to approve the carryover in
Mr.Hopper's case.Carried 4 to O--Rees abstaining.
Walt Hinkson gave the Public Safety report.
Merle Rees gave the Utilities report.
Brian Redshaw gave the Administrator's report.He requested
direction from the Council regarding turning on the street lights
at Nary Ann Estates.The Council advised to turn the light on
August 14.
The above ground electricity at Kid's Company was discussed.
The Council approve the purchase of 2-1985 Code of Iowa at a cost
of $90.00 each.
Moved by Stork,second by Gruber,to adjourn at 11:21 p.m.Carried
5 to O.
Meeting adjourned.
September 3,1985
A special meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order
at 7:30 p.m.by Mayor Gordon Christianson.
A roll call was held and all Councilmen were present.
Guests and staff at this meeting were:
Ann Ford,David Reed,Harry Jones,Nick
Henson,and Mark Casey.
Roger Anderson,Brian Redshaw,
Gruber,Harc Stiles,Don
The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the report of Energy
Economics regarding the natural gas system.They·had quoted a
price of $62,000.00 to repair and upgrade the system.The Council
discussed how much of the work the City maintenance crew could do.
The maintenance crew was directed to finish insulating all meters
and leave cards if the people are not at home for relighting pilot
TI,e City Clerk was directed to get another bid on putting in stations
and check with Energy Economics on installation of stations only.
September 3---cont
Payment of fire department radios and installation was discussed.
Moved by Gruber,second by Barrett,to approve expenditure of no
more than $2950.00 for the fire department radios and installation.
Carried 5 to O.
Walt Hinkson reported that the Department of Water,Air &"Haste
Management could not do anything with the fiberglass debris on
the private property on Highway 6.
Moved by Gruber,second by Barrett,to adjourn at 8:35 p.m.
Carried 5 toO.
September 10,1985
The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order
on September 10,1985 at 7:30 p.m.by Mayor Gordon Christianson.
A roll call was taken and all Councilmen were present.
Guests and staff at this meeting were:Roger Buffington"Ann
Ford,Brian Re dsh aw ,Howard Hilson,Harry Russell,Beth Dalbey,
Paul Huscher,Frank Hoifeldt,Nick Gruber,Dick Applegate,Ray
Clark,James Ash,and Don Henson.
Moved by Rees,second by Stork,to approve the minutes of August
13 and September 3,1985.Carried 5 to O.
The Mayor commended James Ash and Norman Brott for the spraying
of marijuana plans within the City limits and the maintenance
crew for work done on their own on the playground structure at
the Middle School.
Moved by Gruber,second by Hinkson,to approve the Treasurer's
report.Carried 5 toO.
Moved by Rees,second by Barrett,to approve the bill presentation
as follows:
A T &T Info Systems
Adel Auto Supply
Adel TV &Appliance
Baer Ag Supply
Bates &Associates
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Brown Supply Co.,Inc.
Business Communications
Dallas County News
Des Moines Chrysler
Dixie USA,Inc.
Energy Economics,Inc.
Farmer's Co-op
Grasso's Ind.lvelding
Hallett Construction
Iowa Paint
Iowa Power
Iowa State Industries
John's Auto Service
Harry N Jones
K-L Auto Parts,Inc.
Law Enforcement Equip
Majona Corp
Midwest Office Tech
Northwestern Bell
8-10 to 9-9-85
PD gas caps
FS air condo
1 gal.Roundup
drive~in anodes
9-1 to 10-1-85
outside readers
PD radio repair
8-85 publications
P-3 repair
FR supplies
gas meters
8-31 statement
gas we Ld i.ng
18.75 T sand
street paint
7-18 to 8-19-85
street signs
FR towing
emergency phone
oil filters
vinyl screen
3/4"steel rd.
8-31-85 to 8-30-85
8-10 to 9-9-85