HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-09-13-Regular Minutes288 August 23,1988---cont NOW,THEREFORE,IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,as follows: Section 1.The bid for the Project submitted by the following contractor is fully responsive to the plans and specificiations for the Project,heretofore approved by the Council,and isin the best interests of the City,such bid being as follows: Name and Address of Coritractor Amount of Bid R GElder &Son Co 5088 E University--Des Moines,Iowa $74,090.35 Section 2.The contract for the Project be and the same is hereby awarded to such contractor at the total estimated cost set out above,the final settlement to be made on the basis of the unit prices therein set out and the actual final quantities of each class of materials furnished,the said contract to be subject to the terms of the'aforementioned resolution,the notice of hearing and letting,the plans and specifications and the terms of the bidder's written proposal. Section 3.The Mayor pro-tern and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and ordered to enter into a written contract with said contractor for the Project,said contract not to be binding until approved by resolution of this Council. Section 4.The amount of the contractor's performance and/or payment bonds is hereby fixed and determined to be 100% of the amount of the contract. Passed and approved this 23rd day of August,1988. Moved by Gruber,second by Oetting,to adjourn at 8:07 p.m. Carried 2 to l--Gruber voting No. Meeting adjourned. September 13,1988 The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order on September 13,1988 at 7:30 p.m.by Hayor pro-tern,Floyd Rosen- kranz. Councilmen present were:Gruber,Rosenkranz and Oetting.Absent: Brown and Hoifeldt. Guests ans staff at this meeting were:Brian Redshaw,Rick Ross, Paul Huscher,Ann Ford,Ben Phillips,Candy Hathaway,Jeff Abbas, Bart Weller,Don Henson,Jack Wearmouth,Clyde Cornelius,Nick Gruber,Greg Hansen,Dick Applegate,and Hark Broderick. Moved by Gruber,second by Rosenkranz,to approve the minutes of August 9 and 23.Carried 3 to O. Dick Applegate,Fire Chief,asked for permission to block off both north and south sides of the trianble for the street dance on September 17,keeping R-22 open to traffic. Hoved by Gruber,second by Oetting,to a I Low the fire department to block off both sides of the triangle for the street dance.A roll call vote was held as follows: Ayes:Gruber.,Rosenkranz,Oetting Nays:None recorded Absent:Brown and Hoifeldt Frank Hoifeldt arrived at this point in the meeting. September 13,1988---cont i289 Moved by Rosenkranz,second by Hoifeldt,to approve the Treasurer's report.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Gruber,second by Rosenkranz,to approve the following bill presentation: Aller's Auto Upholstery Richard Applegate B &B Sanitation Bates &Associates Elf Asphalt Blue Cross/Blue Shield Br'own Supply Co Herman Brown Co Business Communications Case Power &Equip. Opal Clark Custom Code Corp Dallas County News Decoursey Business Systems Des l10ines Chrysler Ed Feld Equip. Electronic Engineering Energy Economics Farmer's Co-oP Elev. Fisher Controls B Diane Findlay Mark Gruber Hallett Construction Paul E Huscher Rick Huscher Interstate Batteries Iowa Paint Iowa Power &Light Harry N Jones KAR Products Law Enforcement Equip Landmark Equip.Inc. League of Ia.Municipalities Martin Marietta Aggregates l1att Parrott &Sons Means Services,Inc. McCoy Auto Supply l1idco Supply Co ~ioss Bros. 11unicipal Supply National Chemsearch U.S.West Comnunications Olson Bros. Payless Cashways Pitney-Bowes R &R Welding R-lJay Concrete Rumley's Systems Inc. Sears &Roebuck Seifert Ribbon Simmering-Cory,Inc. Sioux Sales Co Snyder &Associates Sophir Co. Triplett Office Essent. University Photo Utility Consultants Utility Equipment Co "Ivater Products Waukee Hardware Haukee Mun.Gas Haukee Vet Clinic VJestpointe Car lJash Carried 4 to O. 87 Ford repair FD air conditioner 8-88 pickups J,;CTS pipe 330 gal.Styief 9-1 to 10-1 couplings/boxes Gorman-Rupp pump PD radio repair 580K backhoe 8-88 congo meals s o f twar e support 7-21 to 8-25 copier paper 85 Ford &77 Dodge FD nozzle radio repair gas meter repair 8-88 statement gas regulators 34.60 mi.@ .21 8-88 bldg.permits 24.93 T fill sand 9-88 retainer City vs.VanWerden 2 MT-3tf batteries 10 gal.thinner 7-18 to 8-12 8-10 to 9-9 flexible reflector police supplies water pump'for lIT FY 88-89 dues 114.70 T roads tone receipt books PD floor Bats misc.parts gas supplies MF backhoe repair 1 case yellow paint 1 doz.Scoot 8-10 to 8-27 7-27 to 8-27 lumber supplies 10-1 to 12-31 container R&D 1.50 yds.concrete first aid supplies PD pest control printer ribbon '88 RISE application PD supplies 8-1 to 8-31 traffic paint mailing labels PD filB processing 8-88 lagoon tests maintenance hydraulic water meters 8-88 stateBent 7-21 to 8-22- cat board charge carwashes , TOTAL $60.00 30.00 20.00 472.40 495.00 2664.77 641.17 500.00 366.50 30079.10 25.00 45.00 282.11 247.60 655.25 418.00 243.02 1009.75 958.96 2990.15 7.27 212.50 57 •3tf 375.00 97.05 89.90 47.60 4363.83 15.90 78.08 131.90 111.40 481.00 676.67 224.92 42.12 326.61 2120.52 345.51 613.89 89.87 457.51 328.27 222.34 43.50 64.01 75.75 15.05 253.00 109.71 470.00 232.86 4699.30 %2.25 53.60 4.17 98.00 342.45 387.80 349.59 31.49 35.00 90.98 $61,424.79 290 September 13,1988---cont It was moved by Councilman Oetting,and seconded by Councilman Hoifeldt,that the Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE A1'fENDING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIHITS OF IJAUKEE, IOIvA,FROH A-l (AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT)TO R-S (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP~fENT);AND PROVIDING FOR THE A1'fENmfENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP AND THE REPUBLICATION OF SAID HAP TO REFLECT SAID ZONING CHANGES"be now read by the City Clerk.The Hayor pro- tem put the question on the motion,and the roll beinr;called, the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes:Oetting,Hoifeldt,Rosenkranz,Gruber Nays:None recorded Absent:Brown "Whereupon,the Hayor pro-tem declared the motion duly carried. The Clerk read the proposea Ordinance for the 3rd time. ORDINANCE NO.d It?9 .! AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY W TH- IN THE CITY LIMITS OF WAUKEE,IOWA,FROM A-l (AGRICULT RAL DISTRICT)TO R-5 (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT);AND PROVI ING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING f1AP AND THE RE- PUBLICATION OF SAID MAP TO REFLECT SAID ZONING CHANGES. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Waukee: Section 1.Property Rezoned. The North 200.00 feet of the South 380.00' feet of the West 220.00 feet; AND The North 180.00 feet of the South 380.00 feet of the East 143.50 feet of the West 363.50 feet; AND The North 140.00 feet of the South 380.00 feet of the East 86.50 feet of the West 450.00 feet,all in the East 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 36,Township 79 North,Range 26 West of the 5th P.M.,Dallas County',Iowa. Section 2.Effective date.This ordinance s all be in effect after its final passage,approval,and pu li- cation as required by law. Passed by the approved this It was moved by Councilman Hoifeldt,and seconde Gruber,that the Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINAN ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY HITHIN THE CITY LHUT IOWA,FROH A-l (AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT)TO R-S (P DEVELOP}fENT);AND PROVIDING FOR THE A1'fENmfENT OF ZONING MAP AND THE REPUBLICATION OF SAID HPA TO ZONING CHANGES"be now put upon its final passag The Hayor pro-tem put the question on the final adoption of said Ordinance,and the roll being c following named Councilmen voted: 1988 and by Councilman E A1'1ENDINGTHE OF ,vAUKEE, ANNED UNIT THE OFFICIAL EFLECT SAID and adoption. assage and lled,the Ayes:Gruber,Rosenkranz,Hoifeldt,Oetting Nays:None recorded Absent:Brown ,'Jhereupon,the Hayor pro-tem declared said Ordinance duly September 13,1988---cont adopted and passed,and signed his approval to said Ordinance. Moved by Oetting,second by Gruber,to approve the preliminary plat for Southfork Plat #2.A roll call vote was as follows: Ayes:Oetting,Hoifeldt, Nays:None recorded Absent:Brown Rosenkranz,Gruber 7he Cv~truction drawings for Corene Acres reviewed at this time. \ Plat ~bll had.not I been After due consideration and discussion,Counc i I Hemb e r Rosenkranz introduced and moved the adoption of the resolutio next herein set out,the same being a resolution approving executed contract and performance and/or payment bonds for the 1988 Walnut Ridge Water .i1ain Project.The motion was seconded by Council lfumber Hoifeldt and passed with record vote as follows: Ayes:Gruber,Rosenkranz,Hoifeldt,Oetting Nays:None recorded Absent:Brown Thereupon,the resolution was declared adopted,as follows: RESOLUTION NO.87 Approving contract and performance and/or payment bonds for the 1988 ,valnut Ridge Hater Hain Proj ect ,nlEREAS,the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,has heretofore awarded a contract as follows: Name of Contractor Amount of Contract R GElder &Son Co.Inc. 5088 E University Ave Des Moines,Iowa 50317 for the 1988 Walnut Ridge Water Hain Project (the "Project"),and fixed the amount of the performance and/or payment bonds to be furnished by such contractor,and instructed and authorized the Mayor pro-tem and City Clerk to execute the said contract on behalf of the City subject to the approval of the Council;and InmREAS,the said contract has been duly signed by the con- tractor and by the Hayor and City Clerk,and upon examination by this Council the same appears to be in proper form;and WHEREAS,the contractor has filed satisfactory performance and/or payment bonds in the required amount,as follows: Name of Surety Amount of Bond(s) Merchants Bonding (Hutual) 2100 Grand Ave Des Moines,Iowa 50312 $7Lf,090.35 nmv,THEREFORE,IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,as follows: Section 1.The aforementioned contract and performance and/or payment bonds be and the same are hereby approved-and del cared to be binding upon the parties thereto. S.ection 2. herewith be and conflict. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such Passed and approved this 13th day of September,1988. A sample job description for a Public ,vorks Director was presented and a discussion was held.This item will be on the next regular meeting agenda. f •292 September 13,1988---cont Councilman HoiJ;e1dt introduced an Ordinance entitled:"k'" ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 203,\iTAUKEE,MUNICIPAL CODE,WATER RATE ORDINANCE.AN ORDINANCE AMENDING HATER RATES TO BE CHARGED BY THE 1;iTATER1;iTORKSOPERATED BY THE CITY OF HAUKEE,IOHA". It was moved by Councilman Gruber,and secorided by Councilman Hoife1dt,that the Ordinance entitled:"An ORDINANCE TO AHEND CUAPTER 203,1;iTAUKEE,HUNICIPALCODE,1;iTATERHATE ORDINANCE.AN ORDINANCE Al1ENDING 1;iTATERRATES TO BE CHARGED BY THE 1;iTATER1;iTORKS OPERATED BY THE CITY OF 1;iTAUKEE,ImiTA"be now read by the City Clerk.The Mayor pro-tem put the question on the motion,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes:Oetting,Hoife1dt,Gruber Nays:Rosenkranz Absent:Brown Whereupon,the Hayor pro-tem declared the motion duly carried. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance for the 1st time. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 203,WAUKEE,MUNICIPAL CODE,WATER RATE ORDINANCE.AN ORDINANCE At'lENDING WATER RATES TO BE CHARGED BY THE WATERS WORKS OPERATED BY THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Waukee: ,S~ction 1.Section 203.2 of Chapter 203 Waukee Muncipal ~ode:lS,hereby amended by deleting said section and insert- lng In lleu thereof the following: §203.2 Water Rates.Water shall be furnished at the following monthly rates per meter within the city limits: First 3,000 gallons or lesser amount per month $13.00 per month (minimum monthly bill ) Allover 3,000 gallons All per per users outside month minimum meter. the and Ci ty of Waukee'ehtle times the I 12- $.00325 per gallon per month J"f,5D will be charged $39.00 above designated rates Section 2. effect after its required by law. Effective Date.This ordinance ~hall be in final passage,approval,arid publication as Moved by Gruber,second by Oetting;to approve the Street Finance report.Carried 4 toO. l10ved by Gruber,second by Rosenkranz,to approve the Project Status report.Carried 4 to 0, The Council received a letter from Larry Crane regarding gas and water service to his home and Clyde Cornelius'home.The Council indicated that they would receive services as soon as possible and that they would withhold retainage from Rhiner Plumbing until repairs from the water line project was completed. Brian Redshaw presented bids for FY 88-89 Planning Services. The Council set a special meeting for October 6 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the prpposa1s further. Moved by Hoife1dt,second by Oetting,to pay experrse s for summer swimming to the Dallas Center pool to Hon a-Aride r s on (bus driver) in amount of $295.12 and the Haukee School (busses)in aIDount of $140.00.Carried 4 to O. Hoved by Hoife1dt,second by Oetting,to approve change order September 13,1988---cont #1 for Maguire Iron for an extension of time to June 15,1989. Carried 4 to O. Moved by Gruber,second by Rosenkranz,to approve pay estimate1f9toCLCarrollCoinamountof$3672.20.Carried 4 toO. 110ved by Oetting,second by Gruber,to pay Rhiner Plumbing the retainage of $14,672.04.A roll call vote was taken as follows: Ayes:None Nays:Gruber,Rosenkranz,Hoifeldt,Oetting Absent:Brown Moved by Gruber,second by Oetting,to approve pay estimate #2 to A &L Underground in amount of $5811.29.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Rosenkranz,second by Hoifeldt to approve regarding immediate need for the RISE application. vote 'was taken as follows: a resolution A roll call Ayes:Gruber,Rosenkranz,Hoifeldt Nays:Oetting Absent:Brown An attorney,representing Dennis Hathaway d/b/a Skinny Denny's had contacted Paul Huscher regarding a settlement of $500.00 on a delinquent utility bill. Noved by Gruber,second by Oetting,to accept the $500.00 settle- ment.A roll call vote was as follows: Ayes:Hoifeldt Nays:Oetting,Rosenkranz,Gruber Absent:Brown Subdivison gas installation was discussed for lots exceeding the 65'width.No action was taken at this time. There was no Parks Committee or Utilities Committee report. Moved by Hoifeldt,second by Gruber,to hire Kathy Manning for temporary part-time office help for 4-5 days in October at $5.50 per hour.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Oetting,second by Gruber,to adjourn at 9:43 p c m,Carried 4 to O. Meeting adj ourned. ~~1~/U=:J ._~;~r2tl/L~pro~m7/'v C1.erk(/ FLOYD W ROSENKRANZ -WAS SWORN IN AS MAYOR ON SE-PTmffiER30,1988 at 5:00 pIll! .CURTIS SCOTT WAS S1;VORNIN AS COUNCIU1AN ON OCTOBER 3,1988OcLober6,:t-99-E81-t-ffF~==::':""-=::::""';=~===~~c....::~...::::~~:::..':':.....:~-=!.::.~ A special meeting of the 1;JaukeeCitry Council was called to order at 7:10 p.n.by Mayor Floyd Rosenkranz.Bri.an J.Redshaw was present and taking minutes. A roll call was taken and the following Councilmen were present: Brovm,Scott,Ho i.EeLdt ,Absent:Gruber. Richard Glenn of Veens tr.a &Kinm fer FY 88-89 Planning Services. program and $24,000.00-26,000.00 months. presented his company's proposal His bid was $12,000.00 for a I-year for a 4 phase program lasting 18-24 Other guests that were present:Bob Schwery,11ark Casey,Bob Christ- ianson,Jack Wearmouth and Duane 11cCle11and. Jack 1;-Jearmouthof ';Jearmouth &Associates was interviewed by the Council for FY 88-89 Planning Services. l10ved by Hoife1dt,second by Brown,to set October 18 at 7:30 p.m.for