HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-04-27-Special MinutesI I 57April11,1989---cont The City Attorney presented an amendment to Section 301.15ELj., pertaining to the separation distance required between a mobile home and an accessory building.The present requirement is 10'and the proposal would amend this disuance to 6'. Hove d by Gruber,second by Brown,to set May 9,1989 for a rrub H,c hearing on the above proposal.A roll call vote was taken asfollows: Ayes: Nays:Scott,Gruber,Brmvn,Hoifeldt,Barrett None recorded Hoved by Brown,second by Scott,to direct the City Clerk to prepare plans and specifications for Southfork Plat #2 arid Seven Pines addition gas projects and district regulator station,Carried 5 to O. It was decided that the deadline for applications for Dart-time police position would be April 19.Personnel Committep to Reet 4-21-89. Hoved by Brown,second by Hoifeldt,to set April 27,1989 at 7:00 p.m.for a special City Council meeting to meet with Tom Nehl of Ruan Securities.Carried 5 to O. Bob Barrett gave the Utilities ComrD.ttee report •.The Council reviewed an administrative order from the Department of natural Resources.The City Attorney was directed to appeal the order because of its chlorination rEjquirements .. Hoved by Gruber,second by Hoifeldt,to appeal the administrativeorder.,Carried 5 to O. lfuved by Brown,second by Gruber,to adjourn at 10:13 p.m.Carried5toO. Heeting adjourned. April 27,1989 A special meeting of the lJaukee City Council was called to order on April 27,1989 at 7:00 pvm ,by Mayo r pro-tern,Jerry Br own , Brian J.Redshaw ,,7aspresent and taking minutes. A roll call was taken and the following Councilmen were Dresent: Gruber Brown and Hoifeldt.Absent:Scott,Barrett and Mayor, Rosenkranz, Guests present were:Tom Hehl,Bill West and Al HunsterI'lan, Bob Barrett arrived at 7:10 p.I'l. Tom Mehl of Ruan Securities spoke to the City Council r-egardil\).g various proposals for bonding for recent water and'sewer .nrojects. Curtis Scott arrived at 7:30 p.m. '. The COlmcil took up and considered the question of whether the maturity date of the outstanding warrants issued for the purpose of paying costs in connection with the construction o;E the Waukee, Iowa-Wastewater Lagoon Expansion Project-1987,should be extended. After due consideration and discussion,Council Member Hoifeldt proposed the resolution next hereinafter set out and moved its adoption.The motion was seconded by Council Member Barrett, and passed with '.recordvote as follows: Ayes: Nays: Barrett,Hoifeldt,Brown,Gruber,Scott None recorded .. 58 WHEREAS,the City of Waukee,Iowa (the "City"),has previously issued Warrants in the aggregate principal amount of $700,000 (hereinafter referred to as the "Warrants")bearing interest at the rate of Seven and One-half Per Cent (7 1/2%)per annum for the purpose I' of defraying costs in connection with the construction of the Waukee,",,'. Iowa -wastewater Lagoon Expansion Project -1987 (hereinafter referred to as the "Project");and April 27,1989---cont Thereupon,the resolution was declared adopted.Such resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION NO.J 0 \ Extending the Maturity Date of outstanding Warrants issued for the purpose of paying costs in connection with the construction of the Waukee,Iowa -Wastewater Lagoon Expansion Project -1987 WHEREAS,the Warrants were made payable on or before May 1,1989; and WHEREAS,the City intends to refund the Warrants through the issuance of bonds,but the bond proceeds will not be available to the City by May 1,1989;and WHEREAS,the owners of the Warrants are in agreement to extend their maturity date to August 1,1989,on the condition that accrued interest on the Warrants be paid on May 1,1989,and that the Warrants will continue to bear interest at the rate of Seven and One-half Per Cent (7 1/2%)per annum from May 1,1989,to their maturity on August 1,1989; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,as follows: Section 1.It is in the best interest of the City to extend the maturity date of the warrants to August 1,1989,and the same is hereby extended,the accrued interest on the Warrants to be paid on May 1, 1989,and the Warrants to continue to bear interest at the rate of Seven and One-half Per Cent (7 1/2%)per annum from May 1,1989,to their maturity. Section 2.The City Council hereby reserves the right to prepay the amount represented by the Warrants individually at anytime prior to the maturity thereof with accrued interest to the date of such payment,all as authorized by applicable laws of the State of Iowa. Section 3.The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into whatever legal documents are required by the owners of the Warrants to effectuate the provisions of this resolution. Section 4. conflict herewith such conflict. All resolutions or orders or parts thereof in be and the same are hereby repealed,to the extent of Passed and approved this 27th day of April,1989._ Ho ved by Gruber,second by Barrett,to enter into 3 letters of intent with R G Dickinson.A roll call vote was taken as follows: Ayes:Scott,Gruber,Brovm,Hoifeldt,Barrett Nays:None recorded 'Ie'".. I I April 27,1989---cont 59 Council Member Hoifeldt in troduced the resolution hereinafter next set out and moved its adoption,seconded by Council rfu~ber Scott;and after due consideration thereof by the Council,the Hayo r pro-tern put the question upon the adoption of the said resolution and the roll being called,the following named Council Members voted: Ayes: Nays: Scott,Gruber,Brown,Hoifeldt,Barrett None recorded ,fuereupon,the Hayo r pro-tem.declared the said resolution duly adopted,as follows: RESOLUTION NO.102----:- To fix a date for a public hearing on a $310,000 loan agreement for the wastewater Lagoon Expansion Project -1987 WHEREAS,the City of Waukee,in the County of Dallas,State of Iowa (the "City"),proposes to enter into a loan agreement (the "Loan Agreement")in the principal amount of $310,000 pursuant to the provisions of Section 384.24A of the Code of Iowa for the purpose of paying the cost,to that extent,of constructing works and facilities useful for the collection,treatment and disposal of sewage and industrial wastes in a sanitary manner,including the refunding of outstanding Warrants previously issued by the City to pay costs in connection therewith,and it is necessary to fix a date of meeting of the .Council at which it is proposed to take action to enter into the Loan Agreement and to give notice thereof as required by such law; NOW,THEREFORE,Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City ofWaukee,Iowa,as follows: Section 1.This cou cil s al~eet on the 23rd day of May,1989,at the C:,OL I ,in the City,at '7:~o'clock ~.m.,at wh h time and place a hearing will be held and proceedings will be instituted and action taken to enter into theLoanAgreement. .Section 2.The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed action on the Loan Agreement setting forth the amount and purpose thereof,the time when and place where the said meeting will be held,by publication at least once,and not less than four nor more than twenty days before the meeting,in·a legal newspaper which has a general circulation in the ·City.The-notice shall be.in substantiallythefollowingform: NOTICE OF PROPOSED ACTION TO INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS TO ENTER INTO A LOAN AGREEMENT AND BORROW IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $310,000 (GENERAL OBLIGATION) MONEY f W uk IOii will meet on theTheCityCounciloftheCity0c.,:+;e~c<..'r in the City, 23rd day of May,1989,~t t~~purpo~e of instituting proceedingsat----Z'QC)0'clock ~.rn,,or e a reement (the "Loan Agreement") and taking action to enter.into i 10~~ntgof $310,000 for the purpo~e of and borrow money in the pr1~ciia o~constructing works and facilit1es paying the cost,to th~t ex en,t and disposal of sewage and useful for the cOllect10n'ilreatme~er including the refunding of industrial wastes in a sa~arly~a ued'by the City to pay costs inoutstandingwarrantsprev10usy1SS connection therewith. .tit te a general obligation of the.This Loan Agreedm~ntbw1;;t~~~~in~o pursuant to authority containedCityandispropose0einSection384.24A of the Code of Iowa. 60 April 27,1989---cont Section 1.This Cou~cil eet on the 23rd day of.J!~.-,1989,at the C\"-t--;c.c r in the City,at 7:OC; o'clock 12.m.,at which tim and place a hearing will be held and proceedings will be instituted and action taken to enter into the Loan Agreement. I At the aforementioned time and place,oral or written objections may be filed or made to the proposal to enter into the Loan Agreement. After receiving objections,the City may determine to enter into the Loan Agreement,in which case,the decision will be final unless appealed to the District Court within fifteen (15)days thereafter. By order of the City CoUhcil of the City of Waukee,Iowa. Section 3. herewith be and conflict. Passed and approved this 27th day of April,1989. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in confli the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such Council Member Hoifeldt introduced the resolution hereinafter I set out and moved its adoption,seconded by Council Hembe r Scott;'. and after due consideration thereof by the Council,the Mayor pro- tem put the question upon the adoption of the said resolution and the roll being called,the following named Council Members voted: Ayes: Nays: Scott,Gruber,Brown,Hoifeldt,Barrett None recorded Whereupon,the Mayor pro-tern declared the said resolution duly adopted,as follows: RESOLUTION NO.jO---"=; To fix a date for a public hearing on a $400,000 loan agreement for t Wastewater Lagoon Expansion Project -1987 WHEREAS,the City of Waukee,in the County of Dallas,State of Iowa (hereinafter referred to as the "City"),did heretofore establisl a Municipal Sanitary Sewer System (the "Utility")in ahd for the City which has continuously supplied sanitary sewer service in and to the City and its inhabitants since its establishment;and WHEREAS,the management and control of the Utility are vested in the Council and no board of trustees exists for this purpose;and WHEREAS,the City proposes to enter into a loan agreement in the principal .amount of $400,000 (the "Loan Agreement"),pursuant to the provisions of Section 384.24A of the Code of Iowa,for the purpose of paying the cost,to that extent,of constructing improvements and extensions to the Utility,including the refunding of outstanding Warrants previously issued by the City to pay costs in connection therewith,and it is necessary to fix a date of meeting of the Council .at which it is proposed to take action to enter into the Loan Agreement ·and to give notice thereof as required by such law; NOW,THEREFORE,Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,as follows: Section 2.The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed action on the Loan Agreement setting forth the amount and purpose thereof,the time when and place where the said meeting will be held,by publication at least once,and not less than four nor more than twenty days before the meeting,in a legal newspaper which has a genera~circulatiDn in the ·City.The notice shall be in substantially the following form: I I 61April27,1989---cont NOTICE OF PROPOSED ACTION TO INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS TO ENTER INTO A LOAN AGREEMENT AND BORROW MONEY IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $400,000 (SEWER REVENUE) The City Council of the City of Wa~kee,owa,will meet on the 23rd day of May,1989,at the C-I~.,in the City,at ~;CXJ o'clock ~.m.,for the pu pose of i stituting proceedings and taking attion to enter into a loan agreement (the "Loan Agreement")and borrow money in the principal amount of $400,000 for the purpose of paying the cost,to that extent,of constructing improvements and extensions to the Municipal Sanitary Sewer System of the City,including the refunding of outstanding Warrants previously issued by the City to pay costs in connection therewith. The Loan Agreement will not constitute a general obligation of the City,nor will it be payable in any manner by taxation,but together with any additional obligations of the City as may be hereafter issued and outstanding from time to time ranking on a parity therewith,will be payable solely and only from the Net Revenues of the MunicipalSanitarySewerSystemoftheCity.' The Loan Agreement is proposed to be entered into pursuant to authority.contained in Section 384.24A of the Code of Iowa. At the aforementioned time and place,oral or written objections may be filed or made to the proposal to enter into the Loan Agreement. After receiving objections,the Council may determine to enter into the Loan Agreement,in which case,the decision will be final unless appealed to the District Court within fifteen'(IS)days thereafter. By order of the City Council of the City of waukee;Iowa. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict the same are her~by repealed to the extent of suchSection3. herewith be and conflict. Passed and approved this 27th day of April,1989. Council Member Hoifeldt introduced the resolution he re Snafit.er set out and moved its adoption,seconded by Council Member Scott:and after due consideration thereof by the Council,the Mayor pro-teo put the question upon the adoption of the said resolution and the roll being called,the following named Council Members voted: Ayes: Nays: Scott,Gruber,Brown,Hoifeldt,Barrett None recorded \fuereupon,the Mayor pro-tern declared the said resolution duly adopted,as follows: RESOLUTION NO.~ .$SOO 000 loan agreement for theTofixadateforapublicheair~~g °j~C~and the 1988 Walnut Ridge Water1987AnnexationAreaWaterManro Main project k i the county of Dallas,State ofWHEREAS,the City of Wau ee,'n "Cit"did heretofore establish Iowa (hereinafter referredtto ~~hth;utilily~)in and for the City which a Munici~al waterworksliS~s ~r a~d water service in and to the Cityhascont~nuously supp e wa e t.danditsinhabitantssinceitsestablishmen,an t 1 f the Utility are vested inWHEREASthemanagementandconro0thispurpose;andthecouncil~nd no board of trustees exists for 62 April 27,1989---cont WHEREAS,pursuant to a resolution adopted and approved by this Council on May 17,1976,there have been heretofore issued $75,000 Water-Revenue Bonds,Series 1976,of the City,dated April 1,1976,allof.which bonds are now outstanding;and WHEREAS,pursuant to a resolution adopted and approved by this Council on August 27,1979,there have been heretofore issued $71,000 Water Revenue Bonds,Series 1979A,dated August 1,1979,of which bonds .in the amount of $25,000 are outstanding as of June 1,1989;and WHEREAS,pursuant to a resolution adopted and approved by this Council on August 27,1979,there have been heretofore issued $189,000 Water Revenue Bonds,Series 1979B,dated August 1,1979,of which bonds in the amount of $40,000 are outstanding as of June 1,1989;and WHEREAS,the City proposes to enter into a loan agreement in the I"principal amount of $500,000 (the "Loan Agreement"),pursuant to the '.'.'provisions of Section 384.24A of the Code of Iowa,for the purpose of paying the cost,to that extent,of constructing improvements and extensions to the utility,including the refunding of outstanding Warrants previously issued by the City to pay costs in connection therewith,and it is necessary to fix a date of meeting of the CoUncil at which it is proposed to take action to enter into the Loan Agreementandtogivenoticethereofasrequiredbysuchlaw; NOW,THEREFORE,Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City ofWaukee,Iowa,as follows: Section 1.This Counc~l sha 1 ~eet on the 23rd day of May,1989,at the elf'I I ,in the City,at7!0() o'clock P.m.,at which time nd place a earing will be held and proceedihgs will be instituted and action taken to enter into the LoanAgreement. Section 2.The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed action on the Loan Agreement setting forth the amount and purpose thereof,the time when and place where the said meeting will be held,by publication at least once,and not less than four nor more than twenty days before the meeting,in a legal newspaper which has a general circulation in the City.The notice shall be in SUbstantiallythefollowingform: NOTICE OF PROPOSED ACTION TO INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS TO ENTER INTO A LOAN AGREEMENT AND BORROW MONEY IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $500,000 (WATER REVENUE) .The City Council of the City of"Wau~ee,Itta,rill meet on the 23rd day of May,1989,at t~Crt-l!Q..I ,in the City,at 7;QQo'clock _.m.,for he purpose of instituting proceedings and taking action t enter into a loan agreement (the "Loan Agreement")and borrow money in the principal amount of $500,000 for the purpose of paying the cost,to that extent,of constructing improvements and extensions to the Municipal Waterworks System of the City,including the refunding of outstanding Warrants previously issued by the City to pay costs in connection therewith. The Loan Agreement will not constitute a general obligation of the City,nor will it be payable in any manner by taxation,but toget~er " with previously issued Water Revenue Bonds,Series 1976,of the c~ty, dated April 1,1976,currently outstanding in the principal amount of $75 000'Water Revenue Bonds,Series 1979A,of the City,dated August 1,1979;outstanding as of June 1,1989,in the principal amount of $25,000;and Water Revenue Bonds,Series 1979B,of the Ci~y,.dated August 1,1979,outstanding as of June 1,1989,in ~he pr~nc~pal amount of $40,000,and any additional obligations of t~e c~ty ~s may be . hereafter issued and outstanding from.time to t~me rank~ng on a par~ty therewith,will be payable solely and only from the Net Revenues of theMunicipalWaterworksSystemoftheCity. 1 I I April 27,1989---cont 63 The Loan Agreement is proposed to be entered into pursuant to authority contained in Section 384.24A of the Code of Iowa. At the aforementioned time and place,oral or written objections may be filed or made to the proposal to enter into the Loan Agreement. After receiving objections,the Council may determine to enter into the Loan Agreement,in which case,the decision will be final unless appealed to the District Court within fifteen (15)days thereafter. ey order of the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa. Section 3. herewith be and conflict. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such Passed and approved this 27th day of April,1989. Linda Hensen spoke to the Council regarding use of the tennis courts during the SUmTIer for lessons on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Mr.Clair Eason will check into insurance.The Council had no pro- blems with Hr s ,Henson's proposal. The Council reviewed a Walnut Ridr,e street lighting proposal.The price for ,~·-6000Luman HP so d Lum fixtures is $6150.00 without resodding and P650.00 with resodding of trench.Brian Redshaw vJill send letters to Walnut Ridge residents indicating a preference for $6150.00 pro- posal and not for fixtures si~ilar to the Southfork addition.The Council intends to make a decision on May 9 at 7:30p.m. Moved by Gruber,second by Scott,to approve the hiring of Patricia King at $5.00 per hour,effective 5-1-89,for part-time police help with 24 hours maxim=per week.Carried 5 toOo Al Munsterman spoke concerning the proposed 142nd St.project.Jerry Brown indicated constituent opposition to paving ltf2nd St.beforepavingEastSt. Brian Redshaw presented a propopal from ConTec for materials necessary to construct a guard rail on the west side of the trailer court entrance 70'to the southeast corner of the district regulator station at a cost of $960.53.The Council decided to defer action to May 9 to allow Council members to visually inspect the site. Al Munsterman of Snyder &Associates gave a report of a meeting with the Des ~fuines Waterworks on April 21 concerning the cost allocation formula for a west side storage facility involving Urbandale,Clive and Waukee.The next meeting is scheduled for April 28. Moved by Scott,second by Gruber,to approve an expenditure of $330.00 for 5 ice cream socials in 1989.Carried 5 to O. Moved by Barrett,second by Gruber,to adjourn at 9:05 p.m.Carried5toO. I regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order on 9;1989 at 7:lf2 p.m.by Hayor Floyd Rosenkranz. A roll call was held and the following Councilmen were present:Scott, Boifeldt and Barrett.Absent:Gruber and Brown. The following guests and staff were also present:Brian Redshaw, Ann Fo'r"d,Paul Buscher,Al Munsterman,Verle Smith,Cecil Revnolds, Bob McKinney,Hark Gruber,Rick Ross,Harvin Berger,Harry Jones, Guy Lamar,Harvin Cross,Tom Davis,Bart Weller,Lloyd and Rosie Royer, Kurt Sorenson,Jeff Abbas,Wade Kragel,Carolyn Chase,Sherry Cone, Donna Johnson,Elaine ahd James ,fuittemore,Norman Brott and DennisGardiner.