HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-27-Special MinutesThere was no Public Safety,Utilities Committee or Parks COmITlittee reportB. I 94 June 13,1989---cont Moved by Scott,second by Hoifeldt,to approve cigarette permits for the £ollowing businesses:The Bank,Casey's Store,Gilligan's Golden Spur,Home Town Cafe &Lounge,Pronto Store,and Haul:ee Emporium.Carried 3 to O. The 12"water main project was briefly discussed.The plans and specs are not completed at this time. Brian Redshaw was directed to get a list of names for summer help and report back. The.East Street water/se"er/street projects were tabled at this time. The job description for Public Horks Director has not been completed so thi s item was tab led.' A discussion of parking on Northview between 3rd &4th St.was held.No action taken. Moved by Scott,second by Hoifeldt,to adjourn at 11:55 p i m,Carried 3 to O. Meeting adjourned. June 27,1989 A special meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order .ct 7:00 p i m,by l1ayor Floyd Rosenkranz. Members present were:Gruber,Brown,and Hoifeldt.Absent:Scott, Barrett. Guests and staff present:Don Henson,Dean Davis,Jim Berner, Larry Phillips,Ben Phillips,Harry Jones,and Brian Redshaw. Council l1ember Gruber introduced the resolution entitled "Resolu- tion providing for the issuance of warrants in connection with the consturction of the N1iJ l62nd Street Paving Project-1989",and moved that the said resolution be adopted;seconded by Council l1ember Hoifeldt.After due consideration thereof by the Council, the Mayor put the question on the motion and the roll being called, the following naI:ledCouncil l1embers voted: Ayes:Gruber,Brown,Hoifeldt Nays:None recorded Absent:Scott,Barrett lfuereupon,the 11ayor declared the resolution duly adopted as follows :.I RESOLUTION NO.J 10 Resolution providing for the issuance . the construction of the NW 162nd st tOf wa~rants 7n connection with.ree Pav~ng ProJect -1989 .WHEREAS,the City of Waukee Iowa (th "f"""•~ssue warrants for the purpose f d f ,e ~~ty~,has author~ty to the construction of the NW 162 dO e ray~ng cos~s In connection with(h .ft n Street Paving Project -1989erelnaerreferredtoasthe"Project");and neces~~~E~~'i~~u~a~a;~~n~~t~orized costs of the Project it is $110,000,pursuant to the p In,t~e aggregate,principal amount of Iowa;rov~s~ons of Sect~on 384.57 of the Code of 95 June 27,1989---cont NOW,THEREFORE,It Is Resolved by the City Council of the city of Waukee,Iowa,as follows: section 1.The City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue $110,000 Warrants (the "Warrants"),as authorized by section 384.57 of the Code of Iowa,to Ruan securities Corp.,Des Moines,Iowa (the "Purchaser"),to be payable from such fund or funds as are legally available'for such purpose,including but not limited to,proceeds of the sale and issuance of General Obligation Bonds.The Warrants shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk with the seal of the City affixed and delivered to the aforesaid,dated as of the date of their delivery to the Purchaser,maturing on December 1,1989,in the denomination of $10,000 each,or any integral multiple thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of Seven and Three-Quarters Per Cent (7 3/4%)per annum,payable at maturity on December 1,1989,unless prepaid in accordance with their terms.I section 2.The Warrants shall be in sUbstantially the form as attached to this resolution and shall be payable as to principal and interest in accordance with the terms set forth therein. section 3.It is the intention of the City that interest on the Warrants be and remain excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to the appropriate provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,as amended,and the Treasury Regulations in effect with respect thereto (all of the foregoing herein referred to as the "Internal Revenue Code").In furtherance thereof the City covenants to comply with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code as they may from time to time be in effect or amended and further covenants to comply with applicable future laws,regulations, published rUlings and court decisions as may be necessary to i.nsure that the interest on the Warrants will remain excluded from gToss income for federal income tax purposes.Any and all of the officers of the city are hereby authorized and directed to take any and all actions as may be necessary to comply with the covenants herein contained. The city hereby designates the Warrants as "Qualified Tax Exempt Obligations"as that term is used in section 265(b)(3)(B)of the Internal Revenue Code. section 4.All resolutions or orders or parts thereof in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed,to the extent of such conflict. Passed and approved this 27th day of June,1989. Moved by Brown,second by Hoifeldt,to hire Danny Lee White as a police officer,effective 7-1-89,at a starting salary of $17,000.00. A roll call vote was held as follows: Ayes:Gruber,Brown,Hoifeldt Nays:None recorded Absent:Scott,BarrettI Bart \llellerapoke vt;o the Council :::-egardingthe proposed fire attack truck.The City 'Admini~trator is to ,york'the City Attorney to draft ~long term agreem~nt w~th the T:ustees and a meeting will be called ~n the future to d~scuss the var~ous options. It was moved by Counc:i,lmanGruber,and seconded by Councilman Hoifeldt, that the Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 301, WAUKEE,MUNICIPAL CODE,ZONING ORDINAnCE OF THE CITY OF HAUI~EE,IOVIA, BY REGULATING THE PLACEMENT OF MOBILE :mmms REOUIRING SIX (6)FEET SEPARATI~N FROM BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ON'ADJOINING LOTS IN "R 6" DISTRICT be now read by the City Clerk.The Mayor put the question on the motion,and the roll being cal~ed,the following named Council-men voted:' ,Ayes:Gruber,Brown,Hoifeldt Nays:None ,recorded Absent:Scott,Karrett 96 June 27,1989---cont "lVhereupon,the Mayor declared the motion dul.y.carried, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO Al'1ENDCHAPTER 301 WAUKEE CODE,Z,oning Ordinance of the City of.I'Jaukee'I~UNICIPAL regulatlng the placement of mobile h ',owa,by (6)feet separation from buildin s ome~,reqUlrlng six adjoining lots in "R-6"District.g an structures on BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Waukee: ,Section 1.Section 301.15 of Chapter 301 MunldclPdalbCode,Zoning Ordinance of the City,is l'Jaukee amen,e ,y ~eleting therefrom subsection E (4),anhder~~: sertlng ln lleu thereof the following:IE.(4 )The individual mobile home lot shall contaln not less than four thousand two hundred seventy-five (4,275)square f~et and shall m:asure at least forty- flve (45)by nlnety-five (95)feet Each lot shall have a front yard not less than twenty (20)feet in death me~sured from the edge of the surfa~ed prlvate ,street to the closest point of the moblle home.Side and rear yards shall b~provided and maintained so as t?provlde a minimum separation at the nearest point betwe2n mobile homes and other mobile homes on adjoining lo~s of at .least ten (10)feet;and between moo i I s homes,and other bUildings and structures on adjoining lots f t1t'(,OaeasSlX6)feet;however,side yards a~so described shall not be less than flve .(5)feet,and rear yards as so desc~lbed shall not be less than eight ~8)Leet,for any structure.No build- l~gS,or structures shall be placed wlthl~twenty (20)feet of the frontlotIlne. b ,sefction 2.Effective date.Th i sef ordinance shall~n e ect after its final passage,catl'approval,and publi-on as requlred by law. Passed by the Council and approved this ~7 the ...2l-.day of q..".u/ day of -4".......;1989. 1989, It was moved by Councilman Gruber,and seconded by Councilman Brown,IthattheOrdinanceentitled:."AN ORDINANCE TO Al1END CHAP':'ER301,i IJAUKEE,MUNICIPAL CODE,ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOHA,: BY REGULATING THE PLACEl1ENT OF HOBILE HOMES,REQUIRING SIX (6),., FEET SEPARATION FROli BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ON ADJOINING LOTS IN "R-6"DISTRICT"be now put upon its final passage and adoption. The Mayor put the question on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes:Gruber,Brovm,Hoifeldt Nays:None recorded Absent:Scott,lloifeldt Whereupon,the Hayor declared said Ordinance duly adopted and passed, and signed his approval to said Ordinance. Curtis Scott arrived at 7:20 p.il. Harry Jones spoke to the Council regarding the bids for a Flail mower. lioved by Gruber,second by Scott,to purchase the John Deere Flail I I 97June27,1989---cont mower from Great American Outdoor in amount of $1839.48. call vote was taken as follows: A roll Ayes:Scott,Gruber,Brown,Hoifeldt Nays:None recorded Absent:Barrett Councilman Gruber introduced an Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE AlffiNDINGCHAPTER 501 OF TIlE tJAUKEE HmnCIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA,BY AlffiNDINGSECTION 501.91'TO ESTABLISH A SPEED LIHIT ON l52nd STREET OF 35 MILES PER HOUr.FROH A DISTANCE OF 2640 FEET SOUTH OF THE CENTER LINE OF HICKMAN ROAD (HIGHVJAY 6)TO THE NORTH LINE OF UNPIERSITY AVENUE IN THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOHA". It was moved by Councilman Hoffeldt,and seconded by Councilman Gruber,that the Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE flJVIENDIl!SCFAPTER 5-1 OF THE HAUKEE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF HAm~EE,lot-lA,BY AlffiNDINGSECTION 50L 91'TO ESTABLISH A SPEED LIMIT ON 152ND STREET OF 35 HILES PER HOUR FROM A DISTAlICE OF 2640 FEET SOUTH OF THE CENTER LINE OF HICK1'1ANROAD (HIGIIIIAY6)TO THE NORTH LINE OF UnIV- ERSITY A\ll~mjEIN THE CITY OF IJAUKEE,.IOWA"be now read by the City Clerk.The Hayor put the question 011 the motion,and the roll being called,the following named Counc i Lmen voted: Ayes:Scott,Gruber,Brown,TIoifeldt Nays:None recorded Absent:Barrett Whereupon,the Hayor declared the motion duly carried. ORDINANCE NO.2116 AN ORIiINANCE Al1ENDING CHAPTER 501 OF THE WAUKEE HUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF HAUImE,IOWA,BY AMENDING SECTION 501.91'TO ESTABLISH A SPEED LUfIT ON 152ND STREET OF 35 HILES PER HOUR FR0l1 A DISTANCE OF 2640 FEET SOUTH OF THE CENTER LINE OF HIClQ1AN ROAD (HIGHHAY 6)TO THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY AVENUE IN THE CITY OF tJAmCEE,IotlA. BE IT OP~AINED by the Council of the City of Waukee: Section 1.Section 501.91'of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Waukee,Iowa,is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: (3)The speed limit on 152nd Street from a distance of 2640 feet South of the Center line of Hickman Road (Highway 6) to the North line of University Avenue in the City of tJaukee, Iowa,is 35 miles per hour. Section 2.Effective Date.This ordinance shall be.in effect after its final passage,approval,and publication as required by law. Passed by the Council this 27th day of June,1989,and approved this 27th day of June,1989. It was moved by Counci Lman Hoifeldt,arid seconded by Councilman Scott, that the rule that an ordinance must be received and filed at two meetings prior to the meeting when final action is taken or,if published in summary,be received and filed at one meeting prior to the meeting of final action;be dispensed with.The Mayor put the question on the motion,and the roll being passed,the followinf named Councilmen voted: Ayes:Scott,Gruber,Brown,Hoifeldt Nays:None recorded Absent:Barrett IJhereupon,the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. It was moved by Councilman Hoifeldt,and seconded by Councilman Brown,that the Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE AlffiNDINGCHAPTER 501 OF THE WAUKEE HUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOvJA,BY AMENDING SECTION 501.91'TO ESTABLISH A SPEED LIMIT ON 152ND STREET OF 35 MILES PER HOUR FR0l1 A DISTANCE OF 26LfO FEET SOUTH OF TIlE CENTER LINE OF HICKMAN ROAD (HIGHWAY 6)TO THE NORTH LINE OF 98 June 27,1989---cont UNIVERSITY AVENUE IN THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOii'A"be no",put upon its;f;inalpass'age and adoption.The Mayo'r put the question on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance,and the roll being called, the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes:Hoifeldt,Brown,Gruber,Scott Nays:None recorded Absent:Barrett ~i'hereupon,the Nayor declared said Ordinance duly adopted and passed, and signed his approval to said Ordinance. Councilman Hoifeldt,introduced an Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE TO AJffiNDCHAPTER 501 ~i'AUKEE,11UNICIPAL CODE,REGULATION OF TRAFFIC UPON,AND USE OF THE STREETS OF ~-JAUKEE,IOHA,BY A1'1ENDINGSECTION 501.18,SCHEDULE A,TO INCLUDE AS A 4-~'lAYSTOP INTERSECTION,THE INTERSECTION OF 6th STREET AND LOCUST STREET;BY ADDING SCHEDULE A TO SECTION S01.20B;AND'JDELETING SCHEDULE B FRON SECTION 501.22. It was moved by Councilman Brown,and seconded by Councilman Hoifeldt, that the Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE TO AJ1ENDCHAPTER 501, HUAKEE,NUNICPAL OCDE,REGULATION OF TRAFFIC UPON,AND.USE OF THE STREETS OF liJAUKEE,IO~IA,BY Al1ENDING SECTION 501.18,SCHEDULE A,TO INCLUDE AS A 4-~'JAYSTOP INTERSEC!ION,THE INTERSECTION OF 6!1C!STREET AND LOCUST STREET;BY ADDING SCHEDULE A TO SECTION 501.20B;AJm DELETING SCHEDULE B FR011 SECTION 501.22'"be now read by the City Clerk.The l1ayor put the question on the motion,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes:Scott,Gruber,Brown,Hoifeldt Nay s :None recorded Absent:Barrett o RD I 'JANC E NO.----,;l,L1t-1 +.1-- AN ORDINANCE TO A1\END CHAPTER 501,HAUKEE,tlUNICIPAL CODE,REGULATION OF,TF~'1FFIC UPON,AND USE OF THE STREETS OF WAUKEE,IOWA,BY A!1E~mING SECTION 501.18,SCHEDULE A,TO INCLUDE AS A 4-liTAYSTO?INTERSECTION,THE INTERSECTION OF 6th STREET AND LOCUST STREET;BY ADDING SCHEDULE A TO SECTION 501.20B;AND BY DELETI~iTGSCHEDULE B FROM SECTION 501.22. BE IT ORDAINED by the 20\.'ncilof the City of Waukee: Section 1.Section 501.18,Schedule A"4-\'Jay Stop Intersections,of Criap t.er 501 Waukee Muri i c i p a L Code, Regulations of Traffic Upon,and Use of the Streets of Waukee.Iowa,is hereby amended by adding thereto "6th Street and Locust Street". Section 2.Section 501.20B,of said Chapter,is amended by adding thereto Sche2ule A as follows: SCHEDULE A School Stop Intersections In accordance wi~h this Section the stop signs shall be placed at the following street intersec- tions between the hours of 7:30 a.m.and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday inclusive of each school day each week during which school is in session in the City of Haukee,Iewa: 1.At the c r os s wa Lk 349.0 feet south of the South li~e of Ashworth Drive on 4th Street controlling traffic on 4th Street. 2.At the intersection of 5th Locust Street,controlling Locust Street. Street and traffic on I I I June 27,1989---cont 99 At the intersection of East Road and Bel Aire Drive,controlling traffic on East Road. Section 3.Section 501.22,of said Chapter,is amended by deleting therefrom all of Schedule B. Section 4.Effective Date.This ordinance s~all.be in effect after its final passage,approval,and publlcatlon as required by law. Passed by the Council the 27 day of 9......../,1989,and approved this ,27 day of ?:JW!!''/,1989. 3. It was moved by Councilman Brown,and seconded by Councilman Gruber, that the rule that an ordinance must be received and filed at two meetings prior to the meeting when final action is taken or,if pub- lished in summary,be received and filed at one meeting prior to the meeting of final action,be dispensed with.The Hayor put the question on the motion,and the roll being passed,the followingnamedCouncilmenvoted: Ayes:Hoifeldt,Brown,Gruber,Scott Nays:None recorded Absent:Barrett Hhereupon,the Hayor declared the motion duly carried. It was moved by Councilman Brown,and seconded by Councilman Hoifeldt, that the Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 501, WAUKEE,MUNICIPAL CODE,REGULAT OF TRAFFIC UPON,AND USE OF THE STREETS OF HAUKEE,IOHA,BY AHEllDIHG SECTION 501.18,SCHEDULE A, TO INCLUDE AS A 4-\vAY STOP INTERSECTION,THE INTERSECTION OF 6TH STREET AND LOCUST STREET;BY ADDING SCHEDULE A TO SECTIOll 501.2013; AND BY DELETING SCHEDULE B FROM SECTION 501.22'"-be now put upon its final passage and adoption.The l1ayor put the question on the final pas~age and adoption of said Ordi-ance,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes;Scott,Gruber,Brown,Hoifeldt Nays:None recorded Absent:Barrett T,Vhereupon,the Mayor declared said Ordinance duly adopted and passed, and signed his approval to said Ordinance. Harry Jones spoke to the Council regarding lagoon testing equipment. Moved by Hoifeldt,second by Brown,to expunge the motion passed on June 13 regarding a 5%across-the-board salary increase for FV.89-90budget.Carried 4 to O. Mayor Floyd Rosenkranz recommended an increase of $522.00 in the FY 89-90 City Administrator's salary. Moved l::>YGruber,second by Hoifeldt,to approve budgeted amount,by department,for FY 89-90 pay increases not including an additional pay inc;rease for the City Administrator.Carried 4 to O. .POLICE DEPARTIfENT L.J.PHILLIPS JAlfES 1j.SH GREG BREUER BOB EV1j.NS DAllNY IIHITE FY 88-89 $23,554.00 Q18,754.00 $18,456.00 $17,089.00 FY 89-90 $25,090.00 $19,700.00 $19,590.00 $18,290.00 $17,000.00 The de~our proposal for l62nd St.was discussed by the Council.The City Adnunistrator is to send a letter of interest to the Department of Transportation District Planner. 100 Jun 27,1989---cont Frank Hoifeldt spoke to the Council about gas rebates ~n June and De cambe-r • Moved by Gruber,second by Brown,to adjourn at 8:40p.m.Carried 4 to 00 Meeting adjourned. July 11,1989 The regular meeting of the Uaukee City Council 'las called to order at 7:30 p.m.on July 11,1989 by l1ayor Floyd Rosenrkanz with all Councilmen present. Guests and staff at this meeting were:Kelly Lint,Bill l1ikesch, Harry Copeland,Brian Redshaw,Ann Ford,Al l1unsterman,Joe Wood, David Pauling,Paul Huscher,Larry Phillips,Ed Huntley,Marcella Horan,Don Henson,Harry Jones,Tom Gratias,Rick Ross,Gary Hail, Marvin Cross,Ivendy Hansen-Hagner,Ray and Virginia Clark,Ron Olson,Verle Smith,Jeff Abbas,Steve Pierce,Kelly and Darcie Gruber,Nick Gruber,Bob l1cKinney and Larry Oetting. Moved by Hoife1dt,second by Barrett,to approve the minutes of June 13 and 27.Carried 5 to O. Gary Nail,manager of the Farmer's Co-op Elevator,requested approval from the Council for a propane pumping station on 6th Street,adja~ cent to the service station.This would be enclosed with a 6'chain link fence. Hoved by Scott,second by Hoife1dt,to a Ll.ow construction of a pro- pane pumping station at the Farmer's Co-op.Carried 5 to O. Roger Schlaefter was not present as had been on the agenda. Tom Gratias spoke to the Council regarding the 1990 Home Show with requests that 1)fire department clean streets twice,2)$125.00 flat fee for building permits for homes to be in the show,3)free water hookups for home to be in show,4)police protection,S) snow fencing,tent and possible concession stand. Hoved hy Hoifeldt,second by Scott,to provide the above requests and directed Mr.Gratias to rpoceed with proposal for the 1990 Home Show.Carried 5 to O. Moved by Gruber,second by Brovm,to approve the Treasurer's report. Carried 5 to O. Moved by Scott,second by Brown,to approve the bill presentation as follows: $84.19 358.50 58.00 20.00 181.50 67.95 3205.09 sleeves6l8.58 65.86 75.00 1775.00 24.97 90C).lS %.30 88.32 33.90 203.25 Alexander BattenJ Co All Makes Office Equip. American Ivater l'Jorks B &B San i.t at Lon Bankers Trust Co Ben Franklin Blue Cross/Blue Shield Brown Supply Buckeye Sports Supply Business.Communications Copy Systems,Inc. Central Tractor Dallas County News DMACC Dorrian Heating «A/C Connie Drost Electronic Engineering FD pager battery -PD files 10-1-89 to 10-1-90 6-89 pickups bond registrar fee PD film 7-1 to 8-1 naint,flat,wtr PD ammo siren,portable rep. Fax machine electrode 6-1 to 6-30 FR class FS air condo FR DHACC books FD radio repair :1':