HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-08-22-Special Minutes114 August 8,1989---cont Ayes:Scott,Brown,Hoifeldt,Barrett Nays:None recorded Absent:Gruber The Capitol Improvements program was discussed. Moved by Hoifeldt,second by Scott,to adopt the Capitol Improve- ment program.A roll call vote was taken as follows: Ayes:Barrett,Hoifeldt,Brown,Scott Nays:None recorded Absent:Gruber No action was taken on the calcium chloride application. A short review of the long tern disability insurance was held. Brian Redshaw is to get another proposal. Hughes Drilling rezoning request to M-2 for portable concrete plant was referred to P &Z. The East St.projects were tabled until September 12 meetinp,. A water/sewer school,set for September 5 and 6,was discussed. It was decided to send 1 maintenance employee to water school and another to sewer school. ~foved by Scott,second by Barrett,to send John Gambrall and 1 other maintenance employee to water and sewer school.Carried 4 td O. There was no Public Safety report. Frank Hoifeldt reported that the shelter house at Southfork was completed. Bob Barrett gave the Utilities Committee report. There was no Administrator's report. The Council will meet August 22,29 and September 5 with planner, Jack Hearmouth. Moved by Brown,second by Scott,to adjourn at 10:L15 p.m.Carried 4 to O. Meeting adjourned. 'Clerk '\J August 22,1989 A special meeting of the Haukee City Council was called to on August 22,1989 at 7:30 p i m ,by Ma;.or Floyd Ros enk r arrz, J.Redshaw was present and t ak Lng minutes.All Councilmen order Brian- TJresent. Guests at this meeting vJere:Jack >-learElouth,Al Munsterman,Hark Broderick,Pastor Roger Schlaefer,Lloyd Royer and Curtis Scott's exchange student from Janan. Hoved by Gruber,second by Scott,to remove the fence boundzrry between Corene Acres Plat #10 and the City property unless there is a legal obligation to continue to maintain it.A roll call vote was taken as f o Ll.ows: Ayes: Nays: Scott,Gruber,Brown,Hoifeldt,Barrett Hone recorded Jack >iTearnouthof liTearmouthAssociates talked to the City Council regarding land use planning. l~elly Lint of United Equity Investors requested reconsideration of I I I I 115 August 22,1989---cont of Corene Acres Plat #12 50'ri~ht-of-wa:r.It was the consensus of the Council to allow l1r.Lint to resubmit the preliminarv nlat of Corene Acres 11'12allowing a 50'right-of-way on Uni vers ity·Ave. Luke Gruber left at 8·:·Lf5pvm , Hove d by Drown,second by Barrett,to adj ourn at 9:LfO p i m ,Carried Lf to O. Heeting adjourned. August 29,1989 A special meeting of the Haukee City Council liJaSheld August 29,1989 ·with 11ayor Rosenkranz presiding.Brian J.Redshaw was present and taking minutes. A roll call was taken with the following Councilmen present:Brown, Hoifeldt,and Barrett.Absent:Gruber and Scott. Al 11unsterman of Snyder &Associates presented a proposal easement agreement with Bill Knapp. Moved by Hoifeldt,second by Broliffi,to enter into agreement with Bill~napp and pay $300.00 for crop damage.A roll call vote was taken as follows: Ayes:Brown,Hoifeldt,Barrett Nays:None recorded Absent:Gruber and Scott Moved by Brown,second by Barrett,to give preliminary approval of the plans and specifications and set September 12,1989 at 7:30 p.m. for bid letting on 1989 Street Project.Carried 3 to O. Action was delayed on the 162nd St.streetli~ht until Councilmen can look at it. Corene Acres Plat #12 resolution was not acted on per City Engineer's reco1l1I!1endation. Nomination papers are due September 21.for 3 Council seats.Frank Hoifeldt,Luke Gruber and Curtis Scott's seats are open.The Vayor's seat is also open. Hoved by Hoifeldt,second by Brovffi,to continue with the Tim Royer on a part-time basis until December 31,1989. to O. services of Carried 3 Jack Wearmouth continued Part II of his planning discussion refarding facilities. Guests present at this mae t.Lng were:Rick Ross,Scott 111Or.Jas,Bart Weller,Al Munsterman,Don Henson,Bob HcKinney and Jack Pearmouth. Brian Redshaw advised the Council that Hannah Weil had submitted her resignation effective September 29,1989.The Council directed Redshaw to advertise this position in the Des Haines Register with a salary commensurate with e}~erience arid qualifications. l10ved by Brown,second by Barrett,to adjourn at 9:51 p s m,Carried 3 to O. Meeting adjourned.