HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-01-09-Regular MinutesII I 137 January 9,1990 The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order on January 9,1990 at 7:30 p.m.by Mayor pro-tern,Ray Clark. A roll call was taken as follows:Present--Bailey,Scott,Barrett, Clark.Absent--Gruber and Mayor Rosenkranz. Guests and staff attending this meeting were:Rick Ross,Jeff Abbas, Frank Hoifeldt,Doyle Thomas,Chuck Christianson,John Gambrall,Scott Thomas,Ben Phillips,Don Henson,Cecil Reynolds,Paul Huscher, Al Munsterman,Jack Inman,Bart Weller,Dick Chambers,Jim Thompson, Jerry Yonker and Brian Redshaw. Rick Ross of Tomrik,Inc.,spoke to the Council about a proposed 1990 Homeshow. Moved by Scott,second by Barrett,to waive water hookup and gas hook- ups for 13 homes with building permits waived and 50%of reg.bldg permit fees..allowed for Zoning Administrator.City will also provide snowfencing and traffic control.Carried 4 to o. Jack Inman of Woodwright Construction presented the preliminary plat of Mary Ann Estates #4 and construction drawings. Moved by Scott,second by Barrett,to approve the preliminary plat and construction drawings for Mary Ann Estates Plat #4 and pay the cost difference between 8"and 12"water main on Laurel St.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Barrett,second by Bailey,to name Brenton State Bank as official depository with Raccoon Valley State Bank,Valley National Bank and American Federal as alternates.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Scott,second by Barrett,to name the Dallas County News as official newspaper with Des Moines Register as alternate.Carried 4 to o. Moved by Bailey,second by Barrett,to appoint Paul E Huscher as City Attorney with retainer of $375.00 per month.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Barrett,second by Scott,to appoint Snyder &Associates as City Engineer at a retainer of $150.00 per month.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Bailey,second by Scott,to appoint Larry Phillips as Police Chief.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Scott,second by Barrett,to reappoint all city employees at present salary levels.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Scott,second by Bailey,to approve the Treasurer's report. Carried 4 to O. Moved by Bailey,second by Scott,to approve the bill presentation as follows: A &W Electrical Cont Accurate,Inc. Alexander &Alexander Aller's Auto upholstery B &B Sanitation Blue Cross/Blue Shield Booklist Brown Supply Co Bruce Engine Business Communications Chicago Northwestern Carpenter Uniforms Casey's General Store Commerce,NOAA,NCDC Dallas County Auditor Dahl's Food Center Dallas County News DEMCO Des Moines Waterworks maint supplies office supplies renew public bond PD repairs PD/Maint pickups 1-1 to 2-1 library books water/gas supplies carb kit fire dept supplies 12"water main PD uniforms firemen coffee climatological data FY 90-91 budget kit employee's Christmas monthly publications library supplies 11-30 to 12-27 $272.87 43.33 200.00 55.00 40.00 5122.15 56.00 340.88 16.74 47.00 180.00 343.49 16.94 15.00 13.50 329.54 199.91 77.09 8070.02 138 January 9,1990---cont Electronic Engineering Emergency Medical Prod Farmer's Co-op Elevator Quality Ford Hallett Construction Paul E Huscher LA.M.U. Ingram Dist Group Intoximeters,Inc. Ia Mun Finance Officers Iowa Power Iowa Signal &Elec Ia State Univ.Press Iowa State Industries J.L.M.Enterprises Harry N Jones Lerner Publications Co Aratex Services,Inc. McCoy Auto Supply Menard Cashway Lumber Metro Uniforms Midwest Office Tech Midco Supply Co Midland Transportation M.O.C.LC. Municipal Supply National Geographic Soc. Banknote Printing Northway Well &Pump u.S.West Communications Olson Bros Panda Resources Payless Cashways,Inc. Plexco-Fairfield Plumb Supply Carey Salt,Inc. R &R Welding Rinehart Construction Floyd Rosenkranz Heart of America Sears Roebuck &Co Seifert Ribbon &Carbon Snyder &Associates Spry Auto &Marine U.S.News University Photo Utility Consultants Water Products Waukee Hardware Waukee Municipal Gas Waukee Pronto Store Waukee Vet Clinic Westpointe Car Wash pager/PD and FD rep/supp FR battery pack gasoline P-l repairs street sand 1-90 retainer NMDG litigation assess Dec billing books Alco-Sensor II 5-1-90 to 5-1-91 11-14 to 12-15 service call library books street signs gun repair/supplies 12-10 to 1-9 library books PD mats maint supplies maint supplies PD uniforms toner/repair ring gasket skid plastic pipes PD fees maint supplies library subscription notary stamp booster pump repair 12-10 to 1-9 City/PD gas 12-1 to 12-31 Makita drill CTS pipe maint supplies bulk salt container R&D 7-1 to 1-1 1-90 Mayor salary maint first aid PD/MD supplies IBM ribbons Dec retainer fee FR/MD repairs library subscriptions PD photos lagoon tests--12-89 water supplies 12-89 billing 11-22 to 12-19 PD gas Dec billing car washes 448.68 60.00 947.28 367.60 53.40 375.00 393.46 298.41 440.00 35.00 3771.66 45.00 51.24 198.00 145.82 15.90 25.00 36.68 66.64 328.28 12.95 478.47 9.00 61.38 100.00 156.60 10.95 18.50 675.00 309.72 434.95 78662.67 14 9.00 589.50 119.13 775.71 122.10 3337.50 80.00 47.70 114.14 64.56 4885.00 89.61 39.75 34.5,0 200.00 44.50 553.85 1272.08 32.77 190.00 50.25 I I$117,263.99TOTAL Carried 4 to O. Mayor pro-tern Clark asked for any questions or objections to the proposed water rate ordinance.None were received. Councilman Barrett introduced an Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 203,WAUKEE,MUNICIPAL CODE,WATER RATE ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING WATER RATES TO BE CHARGED BY THE WATER WORKS OPERATED BY THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA". It was moved by Councilman Barrett and seconded by Councilman Scott, that the Ordinance entitled:'AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 203, WAUKEE,MUNICIPAL CODE,WATER RATE ORDINANCE.AN ORDINANCE AMEENDING WATER RATES TO BE CHARGED BY THE WATER WORKS OPERATED BY THE ~l~ OF WAUKEE,IOWA"be now read by the City Clerk.The Mayod11ul:the question on the motion,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: I I January 9,1990---cont Ayes:Bailey,Scott,Barrett,Clark Nays:None recorded Absent:Gruber Whereupon,the Mayor pro-tern declared the motion dUly carried. The Clerk read the proposed ordinance as follows: ORDINANCE NO.2123 AN ORDINANCE TO M1END CHAPTER 203,WAUKEE,I1UNICIPAL CODE,WATER RATE ORDINANCE.AN ORDINANCE AI1ENDING \~ATER RATES TO BE CHARGED BY THE WATERS WORKS OPERATED BY THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Waukee: Section 1.Section 203.2 of Chapter 203 Waukee Muncipal Code,is hereby amended by deleting said section and insert- ing in lieu thereof the following: §203.2 Water Rates.Water shall be furnished at the following monthly rates per meter within the city limi ts : First 3,000 galions or lesser amount per month $13.00 per month (minimum monthly bill ) $.00400 per gallon per month Allover 3,000 gallons All users outside the City of Waukee will be charged $26.00 per month minimum and two times the above designated rates per meter. Section 2. effect after its required by law. Effective Date.This ordinance shall be final passage,approval,and publication In as Passed by the approved this Council-:]±l day of January, ,1990. 1990,and It was moved by Councilman Scott,and seconded by Councilman Scott, that the rule that an ordinance must be received and filed at two meetings prior to the meeting when final action is taken or,if pUblished in summary,be received and filed at one meeting prior to the meeting of final action,be dispensed with.The Mayor pro-tern put the question on the motion,and the roll being passed,the following named councilmen voted: Ayes:Clark,Barrett,Scott,Bailey Nays:None recorded Absent:Gruber Whereupon,the Mayor pro-tern declared the motion duly carried. It was moved by Councilman Scott,and seconded by Councilman Barrett, that the Ordinance .entitIed:"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 203, WAUKEE,MUNICIPAL CODE,WATER RATE ORDINANCE.AN ORDINANCE AMENDING WATER RATES TO BE CHARGED BY THE WATER WORK OPERATED BY THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA"be now put upon its final passage and adoption.The Mayor pro-tern put the question on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes:Bailey,Scott,Barrett,Clark Nays:None recorded Absent:Gruber 13~1 140 January 9,1990---cont Whereupon,the Mayor pro-tem declared said Ordinance duly adopted and passed,and signed his approval to said Ordinance. Moved by Bailey,second by Scott,to make rates effective with the February billing.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Scott,second by Bailey,to approve the Library Purchase Option proposal.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Scott,second by Bailey,to approve FY90-91 fire budget as presented and township fire agreements.A roll call vote was taken as follows: Ayes:Bailey,Scott,Barrett,Clark Nays:None recorded Absent:Gruber The City Council received voluntary annexation petitions from Dorothy ·1 Woods and Ronald Olson.The Council delayed action on the petitions pending determination of the County's position on cost sharing for the 142nd St.paving project. Jerald Yonker and his legal counsel,Dick Chambers,spoke to the Council regarding the operation of a dog kennel in an R-2 zone. Doyle Thomas defended his right to continue this operation.The Council agreed to investigate the matter and take action at its next regular meeting. Moved by Bailey,second by Scott,to approve change order #1 for Holbrook Construction in amount of $960.00 for testing the 8"water line between well #2 and the water plant for possible conversion into a water distribution main.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Bailey, position to June 8 hours per day. second by Barrett,to extend Tim Royer's part time 30,1990 with a maximum of 20 hours per week and Carried 4 to O. Moved by Scott,second by Bailey,to appoint Bart Weller to a 5 year term on the Board of Adjustment.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Scott,second by Barrett,to approve change order #2 in amount of $13,402.00 for Holbrook Construction to hook up the 8" raw water line to the distribution system should it pass the tests. Carried 4 to O. Moved by Bailey,second by Barrett,to approve change order #3 in amount of $20,464.50 for Holbrook Construction to extend water service to the balance of Seven Pines addition on 152nd St.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Barrett,second by Bailey,to accept the street project from Grimes Asphalt in the amount of $85,124.40 as it was in substantial conformance with the plans and specs.Carried 4 to O. Al Munsterman spoke to the Council regarding automated mapping.He is to check with the County to insure a coordinated effort.IMovedbyScott,second by Barrett,to approve the attendance of those interested in the Mayor/Council seminar to be held on January 29 from 4:00 p.m.to 9:00 p.m.in Nevada at a cost of $25.00 per person.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Bailey,second by Scott,to join the Dallas County Develop- ment Group at a cost of $.25 per capita through 6-30-90.Carried 4 to O. Moved by Scott,second by Barrett,to raise the salary of John Gabrall from $15,288 to $16,000 and Chuck Christianson and Scott Thomas'salaries from $14,560 to $16,000,effective 1-1-90.Carried 4 to O. I I 141 January 9,1990---cont Moved by Scott,second by Barrett,to approve the handbook changes regarding C-time and on-call time as recommended by the Personnel Committee.Carried 4 to O. Various committee reports were presented. Moved by Bailey,second by Barrett,to adjourn at 10:50 p.m. Carried 4 to O. Meeting adjourned. February 13,1990 The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to February 13,1990 at 7:30 p.m.by Mayor Floyd Rosenkranz. Redshaw was present and taking minutes. order on Brian J. A roll call was taken and the following named Councilmen were present: Gruber,Bailey,Barrett and Clark.Absent:Scott. The following guests and staff were also present:Paul Huscher,Marilyn Deets,Al Munsterman,Gary Smith,Rick Ross,Don Henson,Matt Wilson,B Diane Findlay,Virginia Clark,Harry Jones,Ben Phillips,Beth Dalbey, Lloyd Royer,Bob Christianson,Jim Berner,Verle Smith,Ray Rinard,Mike Brelsford,Tim Wagner,Scott Thomas,Chris Bourne,Linda Henson,Hannah Weil,Mark Roginske,Doyle thomas,John Gambrall,Darrell Engelen,Joe Stork,Jerald Yonker,Frank Hoifeldt,Ben Chambers,Mark Broderick,Ron Olson,Dennis Gardiner. Moved by Scott,second by Clark,to approve the minutes of January 9, 1990,correcting the motion waiving the 3 readings on the Water Rate Ordinance to read "It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilman Barrett".Carried 4 to O. Mike Brelsford requested access off of Highway 6 for his proposed car wash on the south side of Hickman Road between 4th &6th Streets.Bob Christianson of First Realty also addressed the Council on this issue. Moved by Gruber,second by Bailey,to set a date for hearing on the proposed Ordinance change for February 27,1990 at 7:30 p.m.A roll call vote was taken as follows: Ayes:Gruber,Bailey,Barrett,Clark Nays:None recorded Absent:Scott Rick Ross of Tomrik,Inc.requested closing of North Branch Drive to eliminate thru traffic from using Southfork Drive as a route to the proposed Country Club West project on the south side of Hickman Road between 142nd and 152nd Streets.No action was taken on this matter. Matt Wilson,president of the Student Council at Waukee High School, spoke to the Council regarding the renaming of East St. Moved by Gruber,second by Bailey,to rename East Street as Warrior Lane. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Ayes:Clark,Bailey,Barrett,Gruber Nays:None recorded Absent:Scott Jack Wearmouth was not able to attend the meeting due to illness. Virginia Clark presented the FY 90-91 Library budget which 47%from $23,665.00 to $45,795.00 due to increased operating proposed new facility.Diane Findlay,libary director, circulation. increases by costs at the spoke about