HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11-13-Regular Minutes238 November 7,1990 The special meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order at 6:30 P.M.Brian Redshaw was present and taking minutes. A roll call was taken and the following named City councilmen were present:Gruber,Bailey,Scott,Barrett,Clark Paul E.Huscher recommended a mandamus action to compel the City Development Board to act on the voluntary petitions. Moved by Barrett,second by Scott,to authorize the City Attorney to file a mandamus action to compel the City Development Board to take action on the voluntary petitions in the disputed area. Ayes: Nays: Gruber,Bailey,Scott,Barrett,Clark None Recorded Mayor Floyd W.Rosenkranz was absent from this meeting.Mayor Pro-tem Raymond Clark presided in his absence. Moved by Scott,second by Bailey to adjourn at 6:33 P.M. Carried 5 to O. M yo . November 13,1990 The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order at 7:31 P.M.on November 13,1990.Mayor Floyd W.Rosenkranz was presiding. Roll Call was answered by:Gruber,Bailey,Scott,Barrett,Clark. Marilyn Deets,Treasurer,was present and taking minutes. Motion by Clark,second by Scott to approve the minutes of 10/9,10/16, 10/20,11/1,and 11/7/1990.Motion carried 5 to O. Ann Ford presented Ray Wheeler of Heart of America. requirements for signage of hazardous materials and Personnel. He discussed the the training of City Moved-by Gruber,second by Clark to proceed with this program.Motion carried 5 to O. Carol DeJong from Story Kenworthy presented a revised plan for City Hall remodeling.Remodeling proposal to be done in phases to be brought to the Council along with budgetary figures. Bob Barrett introduced Robin Horkey,.new Officer for the Waukee Police Department. Scott Thomas,Fire Chief,introduced John Snyder with Voorhees Design Company.Estimate for new Fire Station $700,650.00.No action was taken.- Moved by Clark,second by Gruber to approve the Treasurers Report as presented.Carried 5 to O. Moved by Bailey,second by Scott,to approve the Bill Presentation as amended in the amount of $206,170.94.Carried 5 to O. November 13,1990 meeting continued 23~ FINAL BILL PRESENTATION TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 13 1990 MARILYN F.DEETS,TREASURER ALEXANDER &ALEXANDER AMERICAN METER AMERICAN PUBLIC GAS AMERICAN SALT ARATEX AT &T B &B SANITATION BANKERS LEASING BANKERS TRUST BANKNOTE PRINTING BINGS BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD BROWN SUPPLY BUTTERFIELD,CRAIG CARPENTER UNIFORMS CLARK,VIRGINIA COOKS CUSTOM CODE D.C.MUFFLER DECOURSEY BUSINESS SYSTEM DEETS,MARILYN DEMCO DES MOINES REGISTER DES MOINES WATER WORKS ED M.FELD ELECTRONIC ENGINEER. ENERGY ECONOMICS EQUIMTETER FARMERS COOP FINDLEY,DIANE GAS PRODUCT SALES ,GRIMES ASPHALT GROEBNER &ASSOC. GRUBER,MARK H.W.WILSON HEART OF AMERICA HUSCHER,PAUL I.A.M.U. I.B.M. INGRAM IOWA LAW ENFORCEMEMT ACADEMY IOWA PIPELINE IOWA POWER IOWA RADAR CALIBRATION J &N ENTERPRISES JONES,HARRY K.F.L.SHOOTING KAR'PRODUCTS KI\Y UNIFORMS LAW'ENFORCEMENT,EQUIP. LEYDEN,"ltl\.TT MACK,LINDA MANNING,KATHI MARTIN MARIETTA MCCOY AUTO METRO UNIFORM MICHAEL TODD CORP. MIDCO MIDLAND TRANSPORT MIDWEST OFFICE TECH. MOSS BROTHERS MUNICIPAL SUPPLY NEWMAN SIGNS NORTHERN MUNICIPAL DIST. O'HALLORNA INTERNATIONAL, OLSON BROTHERS ORKIN PAYLESS CASHWAYS PERRY PAINT PIN OAK GALLERY PLEXCO PRESTO-X IT 90/91 WORKERS COMP. GAS METER FOR DOWNEY PRINTING CO. 1991 APGA DUES BULK ROAD SALT POLICE DEPT.MATS 10/10/90-01/10/91 10/90 GARBAGE P.U.FEE LIBRARY COPY MACHINE LEASE BOND PAYMENTS WATER G.O.BONDS POLICE DEPT.OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/01/90 MISC.MAINT.SUPPLIES POLICE EVALUATIONS POLICE DEPT.UNIFORMS LIBRARY CONF.FEES LIBRARY SUPPLIES COMPUTER SUPPORT FEE POLICE DEPT.VEHICLE REPAIR CITY HALL OFFICE SUPPLIES I.M.F.O.A.GAS MILEAGE LIBRARY SUPPLIES LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION 09/25/90-10/29/90 FIRE DEPT.SUPPLIES 10/90 RENTAL FEE/FIRE DEPT.SCANNER GAS SUPPLIES GAS METERS 10/90 STATEMENT LIBRARY SUPPLIES/MILEAGE MISC.GAS SUPPLIES WARRIOR LANE RAILROAD REPAIR GAS SUPPLIES 10/90 BUILDING PERMITS LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION MAINT.MEDICAL SUPPLIES 11/90 RETAINER DRUG TESTING MAINT.CONTRACT LIBRARY BOOKS POLICE EVALUATIONS GAS INSTALLATION FEE 09/21/90-10/19/90 POLICE DEPT.EQUIPI1ENT REPAIR GAS TRAKING INST. 10/10/90-11/09/90 POLICE ,DEPT.COLORING BOOKS MISC.MAINT.SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT.UNIFORMS POLICE:DEPT .':SUPPLIES LIBRARY FIHE:EXTINGUISHER )" LIBRARY OPEN HOUSE PUCH REIMBURSEMENT 10/90 CITY HALL CLEANING ROAD STONE DITCH WITCH SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT.UNIFORMS WOOD POSTS GAS SUPPLIES GAS PIPE SHIPPING FEE COPIER MAINT.AGREEMENT MAINT.SUPPLIES GAS SUPPLIES STREET SIGNS NMDG ASSESSMENT INC 1991 INTERN.TRUCK 10/90 STATEMENT LIBRARY PEST CONTROL MAINT.SUPPLIES WARRIOR LANE RAILROAD AGREEMENT LIBRARY FRAMING GAS SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT.PEST CONTROL 2570.00 1993.80 137.00 783.60 32.29 22.48 45.00 116.97 48783.97 332.95 65.51 4780.89 6518.17 765.00 78.69 20.00 19.53 45.00 71.00 296.10 25.20 745.90 45.50 9832.43 293.50 1449.50 154.70 860.10 908.36 54.69 269.01 156.00 89.66 261.00 160.00 39.93 375.00 225.00 600.30 206.04 70.00 2482.34 3309.32 119.75 1145.73 15.90 100.00 35.07 524.80 335.20 80.00 13.18 169.00 1423.80 9.21 126.40 131.27 6.46 166.26 326.03 35.75 580.30 126.00 894.64 25209.00 1337.96 25.00 241.09 39.00 38.20 1743.00 250.00 240November 13,1990 meeting continued QUALITY FORD QUILL CORPT. R &R WELDING RADIO SHACK ROSENKRANZ,FLOYD SEARS SMEAL FIRE EQUIPMENT SNYDER &ASSOC. SPRY AUTO STATE HISTORICALSOCIETY STERNQUIST CONSTRUCTION STOREY KENWORTHY TRAFFIC MARKING SERVICE TRIPLE T.ENTERPRISE TRIPLETT U.S.NEWS U.S.POST OFFICE U.S.WEST U.S.WEST UNIVERSITY HYGENIC LAB UNIVERSITY PHOTO UPSTART UTILITY CONSULTANTS UTILITY CONSULTANTS V &K ENGINEERING VAN HORN PLASTICS VANZEE,CHRIS WASHPOINTE WAUKEE FIRE ASSOC. WAUKEE HARDWARE IfAUKEE MUNICIPAL GAS WAUKEE VET CLINIC WITYK,DEB TOTALS POLICE DEPT.VEHICLE REPAIR LIBRARY SUPPLIES 02 REFILLS/CONTANIER RENTAL CITY HALL TAPES 11/90 MAYOR FEE FIRE DEPT.CARPET CLEANING FIRE DEPT.AIR MASK/EQUIPMENT WARRIOR LANE CONST. MISC.MAINT.SUPPLIE LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION PAY EST.#2 CITY HALL/MAINT.DEPT.SUPPLIES STREET MARKING UNIVERSITY POLICE DEPT.HANDBOOK MAILING LABELS LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION FIRST RESP.RENTAL/LIBRARY STAMPS 10/10/90-11/09/90 REPAIR 14317 UNIVERSITY WATER TESTING FEES POLICE DEPT.FILM PROCESSING LIBRARY BOOKS 10/90 TESTING FEE ANODES 10/90 STATEMENT LIBRARY DESK COVER 2 HRS @ 5.00 10/90 P.D.CARWASHING 1ST 1/2 FY 90/91 FEE 10/90 BILLING 09/28/90-10/29/90 10/90;STl\.TEMENT . LIBRF:RY CLEA-~ING,CONTRACT 36.69 191.60 43.20 12.70 80.00 45.95 1250.00 4192.88 9.88 10.00 51310.12 375.89 3520.00 45.50 93.28 7.95 31.50 541.30 151.17 50.00 51.04 16.50 200.00 350.40 16334.54 30.23 10.00 60.53 800.00 392.04 306.62 180.00 100,00 206170.94 Moved by Gruber,second by Clark,to approve the Class C Liquor License for The Bank.Carried 5 to O. Bob Barrett:Recommendation from the Personnel Committee to hire Sam Drost to fill the maintenance position. Moved by Gruber,second by Clark to hire Sam Drost effective November 19th at an annual rate of $15,500.00.Motion carried 5 to O. Ruth Reel of Iowa Realty,spoke to the Council regarding incentives from the City to have Grocery Store locate in Waukee.Denny Langel spoke against offering incentives.Not fair to businesses that have located on their own.Council did not feel incentives were necessary at this time. FY 90-91 1. 2. Street Program: Post Office drainage problem. University Moved by Bailey,second by Clark to accept Grimes Ashpalt's bid of $24,850.00 to correct drainage problem on Walnut Street.Project to be completed by December 14,1990.Motion carried 5 to O. -" East Side Sewer Extension Policy.Discussion was held to placing dry sewers west of Southfork.Recommended by the Planning and Zoning Committee,not to allow septic tanks west of Southfork.Council forwarded this to the Utility Committee. Industrial Park Waterline.Extension 12"line on Broderick Property. Change order #1 to Van Hauen-Keller $17,502.00.Moved by Clark,second by Scott to approve Change order #1 in the amount of $17,502.00. Carried 5 to O. Voluntary Annexation Petitions: Moved by Gruber,second by Clark to accept the Voluntary Annexation Petition from Sanemah Enterprises,Resolution No.154. November 13,1990 meeting continued 241 Ayes: Nays: Barrett,Clark,Gruber,Scott,Bailey None Recorded Moved by Clark,second by Scott,to accept the Voluntary Annexation Petition from Fannie Fox,Resolution No.155. Ayes: Nays: Clark,Barrett,Scott,Gruber,Bailey None Recorded Moved by Scott,second by Gruber,to accept the Voluntary Annexation Petition from Harold Keller,Resolution No.156. ""ses: Nays: Bailey,Barrett,Clark,Gruber,Scott None Recorded Moved by Clark,second by Gruber,to accept the Voluntary Annexation Petitions from Sanemah Enterprises,Resolution No.157. Ayes: Nayes: Scott,Barrett,Bailey, None Recorded Clark,Gruber Moved by Barrett,second by Clark to approve the Dallas County 28E Agreement.Carried 5 to O. Moved by Gruber,second by Clark,to sign letter agreement from Baer Ag.Carried 5 to O. Parks Committee:Bridge needs repaired. Planning &zoning Committee:Subdivision Ordinances are being worked on. Development Committee:Grocery Store Incentives,Banknote Printing. Moved by Gruber,second by Clark,to adjourn at 10:50 P.M. Motion carried 5 to O. Meeting Adjourned. Mayor November 20,1990 The special meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M.by Mayor Floyd W.Rosenkranz. A roll call was taken and the following named Councilmen were present: Bailey,Scott,Barrett,and Clark.Absent:Gruber Councilman Clark introduced an Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 609,WAUKEE MUNICIPAL CODE,OTHER CRIMES,BY AMENDING SECTION 609.10,TO PERMIT THE DISCHARGE OF FIREARMES WITHIN THE CITY OF WAUKEE ON PROPERTY ZONED A-I,AND TO PROHIBIT THE DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS WITHIN 200 YARDS OF AN INHABITED BUILDING OR FEEDLOT,AND PROVIDING DEFINITIONS." It was moved by Councilman Scott,and seconded by Councilman Bailey, that the Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 609,WAUKEE MUNICIPAL CODE,OTHER CRIMES,BY AMENDING SECTION 609.10,TO PERMIT THE DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS WITHIN THE CITY OF WAUKEE ON PROPERTY ZONED A-I, AND TO PROHIBIT THE DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS WITHIN 200 YARDS OF AN INHABITED BUILDING OR FEEDLOT,AND PROVIDING DEFINITIONS."be now read by the City Clerk.The Mayor put the question on the motion,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes:Bailey,Barrett,Clark,and Scott Nays:None Recorded Absent:Gruber Whereupon,the Mayor delcared the motion duly carried.