HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-14-Regular Minutes286 May 14,1991 The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order at 7.05 P.M.,on Tuesday,May 14th,1991 at the Waukee City Hall.Mayor Floyd Rosenkranz was presiding. Marilyn F.Deets,City Treasurer was present and taking minutes. Roll was taken and the following councilmen were present. Clark,Scott,Gruber,Barrett,Bailey Moved by Scott,second by Gruber to approve the minutes of 4/9/91.Motion carried 5 to 0. Moved by Barrett,second by Gruber to approve the bid of $3081.00 from Ed. M.Feld for Fire Department hose.Motion carried 5 to 0. The Mayor stated that this is the time and place for the FY 90/91 Budget Amendment Hearing. The council of the city of Waukee in said county met on May 14,1991,at the place and hour set in the notice,a copy of which accompanies this certificate and is certified as to publication.Upon taking up the proposed amendment,it was considered and taxpayers were heard for or against the amendment. The Council,after hearing all taxpayers wishing to be heard and considering the statements made by them,gave final consideration to the proposed amendments to the bUdget and modifications proposed at the hearing,if any.Thereupon,the following resolution was introduced. RESOLUTION NO.168 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CURRENT BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30,1991 AS AMENDED LAST ON MARCH 12,1991. Be it Resolved by the Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa. Section 1.Following notice published May 2,1991,and the pUblic hearing held May 14,1991,the current budget (as previously amended)is amended as set out herein and in the detail by fund type and activity that support this resolution which was considered at that hearing: REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET AS CERTIFIED OR LAST AMEND CURRENT AMENDMENT TOTAL AFTER AMEND taxes Levied on property 403345 403345 Less uncollected property taxes -Net current property taxes 403345 403345 De1inguent Property taxes TIF Revenues Other City Taxes Licenses and Permits Transfers Out 90000 90000 - 154928 154928 1000000 1000000 61598 114850 176448 1709871 114850 1824721 635000 635000 2344871 114850 2459721 297114 8000 305114 128075 11500 139575 2043127 3000 2046127 89063 92350 181413 2557379 114850 2672229 161725 161725 650598 650598 1745056 1745056 25000 25000 Use of Money and Property Intergovernmental Charges for Services Special Assessments Miscellaneous SUb-Total Revenue OtherFinancing Sources Transfers In Total revenues Community Protection Human Development Home &Community Protection Policy &Administration Total Expenditures Less Debt Service Capital Projects Net operating Expenditures 287 May 14 1991 Total Expenditures/Transfers Out 2582379 114850 2697229 Excess of Revenues (237508)(237508) Ending Fund Balance June 30 703549 703549BeginningFundBalanceJuly1 466041 466041 Reason:Correction in beginning balances,increased operating costs and increased Engineering costs for projects. Passed this 14th day of May 1991 City Clerk Mayor Moved by Gruber,second by Clark to approve the FY 90/91 BUdget Amendment. Roll Call: Ayes:Gruber,Scott,Clark,Barrett,Bailey Nays:None Recorded Motion carried 5 to 0. The Mayor then asked if there were any objections to the plans and specifications for the Industrial Park Sewer Line.None were noted. Council Member Clark introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption,seconded by Council Member Bailey,and after due consideration thereof by the Council,the Mayor put the question upon the motion and the roll being called,the following named Council Members voted: Ayes: Nays: Motion Clark,Bailey,Scott, None Recorded carried 5 to 0. Gruber,Barrett Whereupon,the Mayor declared the said motion duly carried and the resolution adopted as follows: RESOLUTION NO.169 Finally approving and confirming plans,specifications and form of contract for the 1990 Industrial Park Utility Improvements,Contract 2 -Sewers, Lift Station,Force Main and Water Main Project. WHEREAS,this Council has heretofore approved plans,specifications and form of contract for the proposed 1990 Industrial Park Utility Improvements,Contract 2 -Sewers,Lift Station,Force Main and Water Main Project (the "Project"),as described in the resolution providing for a notice of hearing on proposed plans and specifications,proposed form of contact and estimate of cost of the Project and the taking of bids therefor,and WHEREAS,hearing has been held on objections to the proposed plans, specifications and form of contract and to the cost of the Project and all objections thereto have been overruled, NOW,THEREFORE,IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,as follows: Section 1.The plans,specifications and form of contract referred to in the preamble hereof be and the same are hereby finally approved,and the prior action of the Council approving them is hereby finally confirmed, and the Project,as provided for in the plans,specifications and form of contract,is necessary and desirable. Section 2. herewith be and conflict. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such 288 May 14 1991 Passed and approved this 14th day of May,1991. Floyd W.Rosenkranz,Mayor ATTEST: Brian J.Redshaw,City Clerk The Mayor then stated that this is the time and place for the opening of bids for the Industrial Park Sewer Line Project. Bids were as follows: Van Hauen Keller 967077.00 Correll Contractors 1066917.50 Langman Construction 1096185.40 Winter Construction 1089975.00 Barbarossa &Sons 983848.88 Kenko Construction 916858.94 The Council further considered proposals received for the proposed 1990 Industrial Park Utility Improvements,Contract 2 -Sewers,Lift Station, Force Main and Water Main Project and embodied its findings in the resolution next hereinafter referred to. Council Member Clark introduced a resolution entitled:"Resolution awarding contract for the 1990 Industrial Park Utility Improvements,Contract 2 - Sewers,Lift Station,Force Main,and Water Main Project",and moved that the said resolution be adopted;seconded by Council Member Barrett,;and after due consideration thereof by the council,the Mayor put the question upon the motion and the roll being called,the following named Council Members voted: Roll Call Ayes:Barrett,Bailey,Scott,Clark,Gruber Nays:None recorded Motion carried 5 to 0 Whereupon,the Mayor declared the said motion duly carried and the said resolution duly adopted. RESOLUTION NO.170 Awarding contract for the 1990 Industrial Park Utility Improvements, Contract 2 -Sewers,Lift Station,Force Main and Water Main Project WHEREAS,pursuant to notice duly published in the manned and form prescribed by resolution of this Council and as required by law,bids and proposals were received by this Council for the 1990 Industrial Park Utility Improvements,Contract 2 -Sewers,Lift Station,Force Main and Water Main Project (the "Project");and WHEREAS,all of the said bids and proposals have been carefully considered,and it is necessary and advisable that provision be made for the award of the contact for the Project; NOW,THEREFORE,IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,as follows: 289 Section 1.The bid for the project sUbmitted by the following contractor is fUlly responsive to the plans and specifications for the Project,heretofore approved by the Council,and is in the best interest of the City,such bid being as follows: Kenko Inc.Minnesota $916858.94 Section 2.The contract for the Project be and the same is hereby. awarded to such contractor at the total estimated cost set out above,the final settlement to be made on the basis of the unit prices therein set out and the actual final quantities of each class of materials furnished,the said contract to be subject to the terms of the aforementioned resolution, the notice of hearing and letting,the plans and specifications and the terms of the bidder's written proposal. Section 3.The Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and ordered to enter into a written contract with said contractor for the Project,said contract not to be binding until approved by resolution of this Council. Section 4.The amount of the Contractor's performance and/or payment bonds is hereby fixed and determined to be 100%of the amount of the contract. Passed and approved this 14th day of May,1991. Attest: (S)Floyd W.Rosenkranz,Mayor (S)Brian J.Redshaw,City Clerk Moved by Barrett,second by Clark to approve the Treasurers Report.Motion carried 5 to 0. Moved by Bailey,second by Barrett,to approve the bill presentation. Motion carried 5 to 0. A.Y.MCDONALD SUPPL ALLSTATE GUTTER, ARATEX SERVICES,IN ATLANTIC BOTTLING C B&B SANITATION BAKER AND TAYLOR BANKERS LEASING BANKNOTE PRINTING, BELL BROTHERS BINGS OFFICE SUPPLY BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD BORDER'S BOOK SHOP BRITSON SIDING &AW BRODART CO BROWN SUPPLY CO, BUSINESS COMMUNICAI CRAIG BUTTERFIELD CLASSIC FLORAL &GI CLEMENT COMMUNICAIT COPY SYSTEMS,INC. 12.56 D C MUFFLER SHOP DALLAS COUNTY NEWS DAWSON DEMCO DES MOINES WATERWOR FLOOR DIFFUSER IN CITY HALL GUTTER P.D.MATS APRIL BILLING APRIL GARBAGE PICKUP LIBRARY BOOK COPIER RENT AGREEMENT 2500 #10 ENVELOPES REPAIR OF FURNACE CHAIRMAT 36/48 BINDERS 05/01/91-06/01/91 LIBRARY BOOKS 11P AURORA CASEMENT CASSETTE POUCH 8 MIL VIN MISC.MAINT.SUPPLIES P.D.RADIO REPAIR O.V.CONSULT OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTER DISPLAY FRAMES EXTENSIONS CAR REPAIR 04/91 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS PARENTS MAGAZINE SUBSCRI SUPPLIES OPERATION/MAINT COST 03/26/91-04/26/91 FIRE COATS/BUNKER PANTSEDM.FELD EQUIPMEN EDDY WALKER EQUIPME ELECTRO-SERV,INC. ELECTRONIC ENGINEER RECOUPLE HOSES INSTAL NEW THROTEL CABLE ELECTRICAL WORK CITY HAL RADIO REPAIR/ 96.62 135.00 59.84 78.80 55.00 13.56 57.06 82.00 64.00 181.55 6,816.52 16.93 400.93 7.25 1451.92 206.00 270.00 109.31 147.49 80.40 354.30 17.60 93.80 42,023.24 884.50 149.05 2,364.34 290 EMERGENCY MEDICAL P QUARTERLY PAGING UNIT AMBU BAG,BABY, ASSORTED STIFNECK COLLAR 04/91 FUEL 05/15 CREDIT UNION MILEAGE/WORKSHOP EXPENSE CUL-DE-SAC MISC.MAINT.TOOLS 04/91 BUILDING PERMIT WEST INFORMATION NOTICE P.D.MAILING TEST KIT,THERMOMETER WASHED FILL SAND ROAD STONE MISC.MEDICAL SUPPLIES STREET SIGNS ANNEXATION COURT FILING MAY RETAINER ANNEXATION FILINGS R.FARREN DRUG PROGRAM LIBRARY BOOKS INCREASED TRUCK INS. INCREASED RESCUE INSURAN MEMBERSHIP &FORUM MACK T.ROYER DRUG TESTING S.DROST DRUG TESTING 03/19/91-04/18/91 REPAIR,CALIBRATE,CERTIFY B.FINDLAY MEMBERSHIP 04/91 IPERS 04/91 IPERS CASE OF WINCHESTER 9 MM MISC.MAINT.TOOLS POLICE SUPPLIES HEARTLAND AEA 30 MI @.21 04/91 DISABILITY ROAD STONE OIL FILTERS,MISC SUPPLI BREACH OF CONTRACT FEE OPEN STRAW FOR FIRE DEPT PICNIC TABELS D.WOODS DEFIBRILLATION TRAINING NAVY ZIPPER SHIRT TONER/TRAY FOR COPIER MAINT AGREEMENT/FAX REPAIR 5 1/4F2500 BF KIT CLOW 1 MAG.LAYOUT 88 DODGE D-150 REPAIR 04/91 FUEL/SUPPLIES 04/91 PEST CONTROL MISC.MAINT SUPPLIES TAPPING T'S FIRE DEPT.FRAMING 2 INK ROLLAR PAK MISC.GAS SUPPLIES CARPET CLEANING&DEODER. CAR REPAIR 85 FORD CV REPAIR 04/19/91 NEWSLETTER SUPPL CONTAINER R&D TAM BOOKS MISC.P.D.SUPPLIES DALLAS COUNTY DEVELOPMENT SEPTIC TANK REPAIR VACCUUM CLEANER PAPER TOWELS EMBROIDERED EMBLEMS P.D.VEHICLE REPAIR RESPONDER VEHICLE REPAIR PAY EST.NO.1 SEEDING CITY HALL SAFE REPAIR LABOR RECOAT HT F DOWNEY PRINTING SEPTIC 4X4 WOOD POSTS FARMER'S CO-OP ELEV FARMER COOP CREDIT B.DIANE FINDLAY G &G POURED FOUNDA G.P.TOOLS MARK L.GRUBER EXPRESS PRINT HACH CHEMICAL HALLETT CONSTRUCTIO HEART OF AMERICA HERRINGTON DISPLAY, PAUL E.HUSCHER PAUL R.HUSCHER IA.ASSOC.MUNICIPA INGRAM DISTRIBUTION IOWA CO~~.POOLS AD IOWA LIBRARY ASSOC. IOWA METHODIST MEDI IOWA POWER &LIGHT IOWA RADAR CALIBRAT IOWA SMALL LIBRARY IPERS-POLICE IPERS-REGULAR J.L.M.ENTERPRISES KAR PRODUCTS LAVINE'S SALES CO. LINDA M.MACK , MADISON NATIONAL LI MARTIN MARIETTA AGG MCCOY AUTO SUPPLY, MCKINNEY LAW OFFICE J.DENNIS MCKINNEY MENARD CASHWAY LUMB MERCY MEDICAL CENTER METRO UNIFORMS MIDWEST OFFICE TECH MTC SYSTEMS MUNICIPAL SUPPLY NOVA GRAPHICS OlSON BODY &PAINT OLSON BROTHERS ORKIN PEST CONTROL PAYLESS CASHWAYS, PERFECTION CORPORAT PIN OAK GALLERY PITNEY-BOWES PLEXCO-FAIRFIELD QUALITY CARPET CARE QUALITY FORD OF W.D QUIK PRINT R &R WELDING R.C.BOOTH RADIO SHACK ROSENKRANZ,FLOYD W ROTO-ROOTER SEARS AND ROEBUCK SINK PAPER CO SPRINGBROOK INSIGNI SPRY AUTO AND MARIN STERNQUIST CONSTRUC STRAUSS SAFE AND LOCK T.D.WILLIAMSON INC THOMAS BROS.SEPTIC MICHAEL TODD CORP 233.17 167.00 1,042.27 496.38 60.83 14,250.00 488.90 79.00 189.34 49.70 49.60 180.27 384.01 3,523.00 2,555.00 50.00 691.96 275.00 30.00 27.30 3,482.58 65.28 5.00 1,560.16 1,465.14 178.00 39.68 14.00 8.40 155.28 2,413.24 31.80 17.00 447.50 527.94 25.00 29.95 336.84 549.00 459.17 695.00 816.98 624.24 25.00 273.91 440.69 43.47 57.00 124.77 35.00 142.28 106.64 34.00 41.69 172.82 25.26 148.80 127.97 70.83 172.00 195.35 2,280.00 852.55 32.60 180.00 69.40 TREAS,STATE OF IOWA U.S.POSTAL SERVICE U.S.WEST UNIVERSITY OF HYGIENIC UNIVERSITY PHOTO UTILITY CONSULTANTS DIANNA VAN ZEE VEENSTRA &KIMM WASHPOINTID WATER PRODUCTS COMP WAUKEE CARPET STORE WAUKEE HARDWARE WAUKEE MUNICIPAL GAS WAUKEE WOOD SPECIAL WAYNE MANUFACTURING DEBRA WITYK CAPITAL SANITARY CITY OF WAUKEE ENERGY ECONOMICS EQUIMETER,INC. FARM &FAMILY CENTE MISC. GAS PRODUCT SALES IA.ASSOC.MUNICIPA IOWA POWER WAUKEE ELECTRONICS TOTAL 04/91 STATE WITHHOLDING 1 ROLL OF STAMPS 04/10/91-05/09/91 01/91-03/91 TESTING FEES 100-12 FUJI FILM 04/91 TESTING FEES 40 MILES @.21 05/91 ENGINEERING FEES CAR WASH GRADE 30 GSKTS THRESHOLD &FLOOR BOLT 04/91 BILLING 03/25/91-04/26/91 COUNTER TOPS &SHELVES MISC.CITY HALL REMODEL I MISC.MAINT.SUPPLIES MAY CLEANING BLACK FINGERTIP MAT 04/91 GAS TRANSFER REPAIR OF METERS ENCODED METERS MAINT.SUPPLIES MALLEABLE IRON 1 &2 GAS SUPPLIES GAS SAFETY TRAINING RELOCATE WESTBRANCH DRI TAPES 291 1,082.06 29.00 766.61 50.00 5.43 200.00 8.40 6,656.99 3.67 57.00 37.44 515.22 688.26 100.00 219.36 100.00 221.50 16,839.16 365.70 2,031.74 67.32 INCMISC. 630.00 75.00 447.01 8.49 131,856.87 Moved by Scott,second by Barrett to approve Pay estimate #1 on supplemental agreement for Sternquist Construction in the amount of$2280.00.Motion carried 5 to 0. Moved by Scott,second by Bailey to place Dianna Van Zee on permanent status With a 5%wage increase effective May 16th.Motion carried 5 to 0. Highway 6 -Discussion was held and no decision was made at this time. Moved by Clark,second by Gruber to have a Recreational Trail be included in all proposals of the Highway 6 Study.Motion carried 5 to 0. Moved by Bailey,second by Clark to approve the bid of $5370.23 from Iowa Power to put overhead electric into the lift station.Motion carried 5 to0. Sewer Line Easements Dennis Felt stated that he would not take less than $3000.00 plus a five year contingency for $2000.00 if the yard has to be torn up.Decision was tabled until the May 20th meeting. Railroad Permit Sewer Project Application fee to cross Railroad wasraised$250.00. Moved by Clark,second by Bailey to adopt the Resolution to execute theagreement. 292 May 14,1991 RESOLUTION 171 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Waukee,Iowa to approve the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Agreement and payment of $1450.00 for the Industrial Park sewerline Project. Motion by Clark,second by Bailey, Motion carried 5 to 0. (S)Floyd W.Rosenkranz,Mayor ATTEST: (S)Brian J.Redshaw,City Clerk Roll Call Ayes:Gruber,Barrett,Scott,Clark,Bailey Nays:None Recorded Motion carried 5 to 0 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS,Hunger remains a pervasive intrusion on the quality of life for millions of Americans,and, WHEREAS,An estimated one of every five children is unable to maintain a minimally adequate diet,and requests for emergency food nationally have increased almost 40 percent in a 2-year period;and, Hunger is a problem we can do something about it by working together;and, WHEREAS, WHEREAS,The Boy Scouts of America has an enviable reputation in conducting quality Good Turns demonstrating concern for fellow mankind and the important role VOlunteers,both youth and adUlt,have in our community,and, The Boy Scouts of America will coordinate with other groups to conduct a SCOUTING FOR FOOD National Good Turn May 11 and 18 in this community and throughout the country in a positive example of it's long-standing commitment to service and of direct benefit to the less fortunate among us. WHEREAS, NOW, THEREFORE,I,Floyd W.Rosenkranz,Mayor of the City of Waukee,do here by proclaim the period of May 11 -18 1991 as: SCOUTING FOR FOOD GOOD TURN WEEK in the City of WaUkee,I urge our 2540 fellow residents to join with me in expressing the gratitude of an appreciative' community and I ask that each contribute as best as we are able to this worthwhile endeavor.~ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Seal of the City of Waukee to be affixed,at Waukee this 14th day of May,in the year of our Lord, Nineteen Hundred Ninety-one. Floyd W.Rosenkranz,Mayor City of Waukee Use of Official Vehicles-Brian to check into insurance policy for family members riding if City Vehicles and report back to the Council. Moved by Gruber,second by Bailey to sign up with One Call for City locates.Motion carried 5 to 0. 293 May 14,1991 Moved by Gruber,second by Clark to remove the fees for digging permits. Motion carried 5 to 0. Moved by Gruber,second by Clark to set May~0th,1991 at 7:30 P.M.at Waukee City Hall for a BUdget Amendment hearing.Motion carried 5 to 0. It was moved by Councilman Clark,and seconded by Councilman Gruber,that the Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 303.161 OF CHAPTER 303,WAUKEE,MUNICIPAL CODE.AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 303.161 PROVIDING FOR PERCOLATION TESTS REQUIRED BY THE DALLAS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AS WELL AS THE CITY'S ENGINEER,AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR DRY SEWERS WHERE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IS NOT AVAILABLE."Receive it's second reading by the City Clerk.The Mayor put the questions on the Motion,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes:Barrett,Bailey,Gruber,Scott,Clark, Nays:None recorded Whereupon,the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. ORDINANCE NO.2138 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 303.161 OF CHAPTER 303,WAUKEE, MUNICIPAL CODE.AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 303.161 PROVIDING FOR PERCOLATION TESTS REQUIRED BY THE DALLAS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AS WELL AS THE CITY'S ENGINEER,AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR DRY SEWERS WHERE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IS NOT AVAILABLE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Waukee: Section 1.Section 303.161 of Chapter 303,Waukee Municipal Code,is hereby amended by deleting the following paragraph: "Where a public sanitary sewer is not available,the minimum lot areas shall conform to the requirements of Section 303.130 of this ordinance.The subdivider shall make,or cause to be made, percolation tests of the soil as required by the City's Engineer. These tests shall be the basis for design of individual sanitation facilities." And inserting in lieu thereof as follows: "Where a public sanitary sewer is not available,the minimum lot areas shall conform to the requirements of Section 303.130 of this ordinance.The sUbdivider shall make,or cause to be make, percolation tests of the soil as required by the Dallas County Health Department and City's Engineer.These tests shall be the basis for design of individual sanitation facilities.Dry sewer shall be provided in addition to other sanitation facilities unless this requirement shall have been waived by the City Council upon recommendation of the commission." Section 2.Effective Date.This ordinance shall be in effect after its final passage,approval,and publication as required by law. It was moved by Councilman Gruber,and seconded by Councilman Bailey,that the rule that an ordinance must be received and filed at two meetings prior to the meeting when final action is taken or,if published in summary,be received and filed at one meeting prior to the meeting of final action,be dispensed With.The Mayor put the question on the motion,and the roll being passed,the following named councilmen voted: Ayes: Nays: Motion Clark,Scott,Barrett, None recorded carried 5 to 0 Bailey,Gruber It was moved by Councilman Clark,and seconded by Councilman Gruber,that the Ordinance entitled."AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 303.161 PROVIDING 294 FOR PERCOLATION TESTS REQUIRED BY THE DALLAS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AS WELL AS THE CITY'S ENGINEER,AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR DRY SEWERS WHERE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IS NOT AVAILABLE."Be now put upon its final passage and adoption.The Mayor put the question on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes:Scott,Bailey,Gruber,Clark,Barrett Nays:None recorded Whereupon,the Mayor declared said Ordinance duly adopted and passed,and signed his approval to said Ordinance. ,.., Floyd W.Rosenkranz Mayor ATTEST: Brian J.Redshaw,City Clerk It was moved by Councilman Barrett,and seconded by Councilman Scott,that the Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 202,WAUKEE, MUNICIPAL CODE BY PROVIDING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A SCHEDULE OF FEES, CHARGES AND EXPENSES FOR THE EXTENSION OR INSTALLATION OF GAS SERVICE LINES BY THE CITY OF WAUKEE BY RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL."Now receive it's second reading by the City Clerk.The Mayor put the question on the motion,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes: Nays: Motion Clark,Gruber, None recorded carried 5 to 0 Scott,Bailey,Barrett It was moved by Councilman Gruber,and seconded by Councilman Clark,that the rule that an ordinance must be received and filed at two meetingS prior to the meeting when final action is taken or,if published in summary,be received and filed at one meeting prior to the meeting of final action,be dispensed with.The Mayor put the question on the motion,and the roll being passed,the following named councilmen voted: Ayes: Nays: Motion Bailey,Clark,Scott, None recorded carried 5 to 0. Barrett,Gruber It was moved by Councilman Gruber,and seconded by Councilman Bailey,that the Ordinance entitled."AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 202,WAUKEE, MUNICIPAL CODE BY PROVIDING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A SCHEDULE OF FEES, CHARGES AND EXPENSES FOR THE EXTENSION OR INSTALLATION OF GAS SERVICE LINE -BY THE CITY OF WAUKEE BY RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL."Be now put upon its final passage and adoption.The Mayor put the question on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: May 14 1991 Ayes: Nays: Motion Barrett,Scott, None Recorded Carried 5 to 0 Clark,Gruber,Bailey ORDINANCE 2139 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 202,WAUKEE,MUNICIPAL CODE BY PROVIDING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A SCHEDULE OF FEES,CHARGES AND EXPENSES FOR THE EXTENSION OR INSTALLATION OF GAS SERVICE LINES BY THE CITY OF WAUKEE BY RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL. 295 BE IT ORDAINED by the council of the City of Waukee: Section 1.Chapter 202,Waukee Municipal Code,is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph: SS 202.8.Fees,Charges and Expenses.The City Council shall,by resolution,establish a schedule of fees,charges and expenses for the extension or installation of gas service lines by the City of Waukee. The schedule of fees,charges and expenses shall be posted in the office of the administrative official,and may be altered or amended only by a resolution of the City Council. Section 2.Effective Date.This ordinance shall be in effect after its final passage,approval and publication as required by law. Nays:None recorded Whereupon,the Mayor declared said Ordinance duly adopted and passed,and signed his approval to said Ordinance. FLOYD W.ROSENKRANZ,MAYOR ATTEST: BRIAN J.REDSHAW,CITY CLERK It was moved by Councilman Bailey,and seconded by Councilman Clark,that the Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 304,WAUKEE, MUNICIPAL CODE.AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA,TO PROVIDE FOR THE FIXING OF FEES AND COSTS BY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL."Receive it's second reading by the City Clerk.The Mayor put the question on the Motion,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes, Nays: Motion Scott,Barrett, None recorded carried 5 to 0. Gruber,Clark,Bailey It was moved by Councilman Clark,and seconded by Councilman Bailey that the Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 201,WAUKEE, MUNICIPAL CODE.AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 201.1 (I)OF THE GAS BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA,BY ADDING AN EXEMPTION FORM REQUIREMENTS OF A STEAM FITTER'S LICENSE FOR THE CITY OF WAUKEE,ITS AGENTS,SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES."Be now read by the City Clerk.The Mayor put the question on the motion,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes: Nays: Motion Scott,Barrett, None recorded carried 5 to 0 Clark,Gruber,Bailey Councilman Barrett introduced an Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 110,WAUKEE,MUNICIPAL CODE,BY AMENDING THE AMOUNT TO BE PAID TO CITY COUNCIL PERSONS AND CITY COUNCIL PERSONS SERVING AS MAYOR PRO TEM." It was moved by Councilman Gruber,and seconded by Councilman Clark,that the Ordinance entitled:"AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 110,WAUKEE, MUNICIPAL CODE,BY AMENDING THE AMOUNT TO BE PAID TO CITY COUNCIL PERSONS AND CITY COUNCIL PERSONS SERVING AS MAYOR PRO TEM."Be now read by the city Clerk.The Mayor put the question on the motion,and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted: Ayes, Nays: Clark,Barrett,Gruber Scott,Bailey 297 ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 110,WAUKEE,MUNICIPAL CODE,BY AMENDING THE AMOUNT TO BE PAID TO CITY COUNCIL PERSONS AND CITY COUNCIL PERSONS SERVING AS MAYOR PRO TEM. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of Waukee,Iowa: Section 1.Section 110.1 of Chapter 110,Waukee Municipal code,is hereby amended by deleting the following paragraph: "The salary of each councilman shall be $20.00 for each meeting of the council,however,any councilman serving as mayor pro tem shall be paid $25.00 for the meeting at which he serves as mayor pro tem." And inserting in lieu thereof as follows: "The salary of each council person shall be $50.00 per month, however,any council person serving as mayor pro tem shall be paid $55.00 per month for each month that they remain appointed. Section 2.Effective Date.this ordinance shall be in effect beginning January 1,1992,after its final passage,approval,and pUblication as required by law. Moved by Gruber,second by Clark to have all bids received for City Ha11 cleaning with approval of a bid at the June 11th,Council meeting.Motion carried 5 to 0. Moved by Clark,second by Bailey to approve Credit Bureau Enterprises for collection of delinquent utility bills. Ayes:Clark,Barrett,Scott,Bailey Nays:None Recorded Abstain:Gruber Motion carried 4-0-1 Moved by Scott,second by Clark to approve $500.00 for the bands for the Ice Cream Socials which will be held 6 consecutive Wednesdays.Motion carried 5 to 0. Matters regarding annexation pending before the City Development Board General discussion was held Park Committee received a donation in the amount of $1500.00 for a Gazebo which will be placed in the triangle.Jaycees are going to build the Gazebo. Moved by Gruber,second by Scott to adjourn at 10:50 P.M.Motion carried 5 to 0.