HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-20-Special Minutes-83- The special meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order at 6:59 P.M.on Monday January 20,1992 by Mayor Floyd W.Rosenkranz with Robert Barrett taking minutes. Roll call was taken and the following Councilmen were present:Don Bailey,Ray Clark, Nick Gruber,Frank Duroy and Curtis Scott. The following staff and guests were present:Ca=ie MacRae,Sue MacRae,Charles Goodall, Jason Gruber,Cheryl Goodall,Karen Carlson,Laurie Pooch,Christa Pooch,Jessie Ash,Sarah Hanes,Sheri Treska,Kevin Sierzant,Jeremy Danilson,Caleb Vibein,Andy Fomka,Joe Dial, Ethan Gaps,Jonathon Gourley,Chris Garley,Gina Gaps,Shane Krugler,Aaron Mabrier,Tony Welch,Michael Welch,Mark B.Siegart,Virginia Clark,Jerry Purdy,Tim Wagner,Chris Pin, Larry Miller,John Bircher,William Lillis,Tim Royer,Jim DeWitt,Jr.,Toni Lestina,Steve Pierce,Brian Redshaw,Gary Smith and Mark Broderick. The Mayor addressed a visiting Cub Scout Troop about the procedures of the City Council and the Councilmen introduced themselves. Moved by Duray,seconded by Clark to approve 1/6/92 minutes.Motion ca=ied 5 to O. Open Forum:No comments written or oral received. Bill Presentation:Moved by Gruber, $12,081.88.Motion carried 5 to O. ARATEX,INC.: ASPLUNDHTREE EXPERT ATLANTICBOTTLING CO. BANKERSLEASING BASCCM-TURNERINSTRU. BINGS OFFICE SUPPLY BOB BRCWNCHEVROLET BRCWNSUPPLY CO,INC. CHICAGONORTHWESTERN CLASSIC FLORAL &GIF COPY SYSTEMS,INC. DES MOINES ASPHALT DOUBLEDAYBOCK CLUB EVERYDAYCLEANING E.O.DORSEY&ASSOCI FARMER's CO-OP ELEVATOR B.DIANE FINDLAY GALL'S INC. GAS PRODUCTSALES PAUL E.HUSCHER IFCA SECRETARY/TREAS. IA.MUN.FINANCE OFF IA STATE UNIV.PRESS INGRAMDISTRIBUTION IO/ilA FIRE EQUIPMENI IO/ilA POWER IA.PROSECUTINGATTO. AL JOLLIFFE M.O.C.I.C. MARTINMARIETTAAGGR. MATT PARROTT&SONS MID-LANDEQUUMENI C MUNICIPAL SUPPLY NATIONALINFD DATA C ORKIN PEST CONIROL OVERHEADDOCR CCMPANY PRECISION CCMPU'IER QUALITYCONTROLEQUI. QUALITY FORD OF W.D. QUIK PRINI R &R WELDINGSUPPLY THE STATE CHEMICALM TREAS,STA'IE OF IO/ilA U.S.POSTAL SERVICE US WEST CCMMUNlCATION U OF I HYGIENIC LAB WASHPOIN'IEAUTOWASH WAS'IEMANAGEMENTOF WAUKEEELECTRONICS WAUKEEHARDWARE WAUKEEMUNICIPAL GAS DEBRAWITYK ZIEGLER INC. seconded by Bailey to approve bills presented totaling The bills submitted and approved for payment are: $21.40 41.23 19.70 57.06 703.50 68.11 21.98 459.93 180.00 28.99 46.25 141.37 117.03 300.00 94.02 857.17 10.19 19.95 489.20 375.00 25.00 45.00 25.00 490.17 51.45 355.70 10.00 20.00 100.00 627.28 751.31 2,777.78 426.91 34.90 25.00 38.85 112.00 40.00 384.85 110.00 155.16 169.19 84.34 29.00 108.80 80.00 8.95 74.15 74.99 402.11 263.28 110.00 18.60 Guests: Gary Smith:Wiliiam J.Lillis,attorney representing Gary Smith and Mark Broderick,spoke -84- to the Council asking to rezone property from R3 to R4 or P.D.D.zoning,and about allowing access to the property by a permanenteasement along 7th Street extended south,and to develope the property to contain 6 buildings each containing 4 owner-occupiedtownhouses. The Council expressed their desire that both 7th and 8th Streets be extended south to provide both access to the property and orderly developmentof the area.The developers were also instructed to contact adjacent property owners about the proposed rezoning and development. Sheri Kyras:Sheri Kyras of the Des MoinesMetropolitan Transit Authority presented results of the MTAsurvey and asked the Council to study the survey results and to formulate questions. An MTArepresentative will return in a monthwith additional facts and cost projections and to answer questions. TimWagner:TimWagner,representing the Jaycees,asked the Council for permission to close the Triangle for a street dance on Saturday July 18,1992.Movedby Clark,seconded' Duroyto approve closing streets around the Triangle on July 18 to accommodatethe Jaycee' street dance.Motion carried 5 to o.- Curtis Scott left at 8:05 P.M. Larry Miller:Larry Miller,John Bircher,and Jerry Purdy representing the Sugar Creek Golf Course developmentappeared before the Council requesting a waiver to allow a septic tank in lieu of sanitary sewer serving the development;for permission to provide inital water service to the club house via a 1"service line from the north property line with the extension of a 12"water line along the east property to be completedwhenthe golf course is developed in the next phase of construction within three years;to showon the preliminary plat the general location of the sewer right of way and to delay until the final plat the exact location due to the unknownlayout of the final golf course.The Council refe=ed the dry sewer waiver request and the sewer right of way location questions to the Planning & Zoningand requested the developers to consider extending 12"water line south to just beyond the proposed driveway to provide better fire flow protection for the club house. Steve Pierce informed the Council that to provide water service to this developmentwould cost the City an estimated $77,500.00. Iowa Trust:BobBarrett reported to the Council that at the time of the Iowa Trust collapee the City had $279,630.29 on deposit and that to date we have received two paymentstotaling $78,401.44 representing 28%of our investment and that no further paymentscould be expected until pending lawsuits are settled. DeanFa=en Six MonthRaise:Movedby Duroy,seconded by Clark to approve a $500.00 annua" raise effective October 16,1991.A roll call vote was taken:Ayes -Bailey,Clark,Duroy and Gruber.Nayes -none recorded.Absent -Scott.Motion ca=ied 4 to o. Six MonthReviewfor DeWitt,Fartren and Lestina:Brian was directed to complete the six monthreviews of DeWitt,Farren and Lestina.The Mayorreiterated the assignment to the Personnel Committeeto complete performancereviews for the entire City Staff in a timely fashion.Brian was asked to research individuals or firms that write employeehandbooks and to have at least 3 quotes to present at the February 3rd Council Meeting. Departmentheads were directed not to exceed a 2-1/2%salary increase in budget planning for fiscal year 1992-1993. Motionby Clark,seconded by Gruber to repair the transmission and front seals and bearings on the 1979 Chevrolet at a cost not to exceed $500.00.A roll call vote was taken:Ayes - Bailey,Clark,Duroyand Gruber.Nayes -none recorded.Absent -Scott.Motion carried 4 to O. Adjournment:Motionby Gruber,secondedby Duroyto adjourn at 8:59 P.M.Motion ca=ied 4 to O.