HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-16-Regular Minutes-98- The WaukeeCity Council meeting was called to order at 7:06 P.M.on MondayMarch 16,1992 by Mayor Floyd Rosenkranz with Bob Barrett taking minutes. Roll call was taken and the following Councilmenwere present:DonBailey,Ray Clark,Nick Gruber and Curtis Scott.Frank Duray was absent. The following staff and guests were present:Brian Redshaw,Paul Huscher,Steve Pierce, Tim Royer,Dan White,Rick Ross,Louis Baer,Al Scholes,Mark Currie,HannahWeil,Joy Riggs,Jeff Abbas,Jeff Logsdon,Liz Garst,Mark Casey,Tyler Casey,Oscar Stokka,Frank Bailey,Dennis McKinney,Ken Moll,Mark Broderick,Brad Lathrop and DonMiller. Approva1 of 3/2 Minutes.Corrections noted to the printed minutes of the March 2,1992 council meeting were:under FY 92-93 Library Budget include the following omitted motion "CouncilmanScott moved to publish a library budget of $65,000.00,seconded by Councilman Bailey.A roll call vote was taken.Ayes:Clark,Scott.Nayes:Bailey,Duroy,Gruber. Motion failed 2 to 3.";Hickman Road Trunk sewer for clarification "After thorough discussic a motion was made by Councilman Duroy,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to authorize the Mayor.-: to sign the contract with Veenstra &Kirrm,Inc.for extension of a sanitary sewer trunk line from the lift station East along Highway6 to the entrance to the Midwest Mobile HomeCourt at an estimated cost of $470,000.00 and to meet informally with affected property owners and property owners East and South beyond the scope of this project."; Conmittee Reports.Library -Clark,delete and insert "Library addition plans have been partially drawn."Movedby Councilman Clark,seconded by CouncilmanBailey,to approve 3/02/92 council minutes as amended.Motion carried 4 to O. Guests: Hannah Weil -seventh Street Utilities.Hannahasked for clarification as to utility rehookup cost responsibility when 7th Street is extended South and the utility hookups to the Weil's property are moved.It was the consensus of the Council that since the hookup move is for the benefit and convenience of the City that,in this instance,the City shall bear the costs involved. Jeff Logsdon -Highway 6 Bike Trail.Jeff has been asked by DOTto work with local governments on the location of the bike trail along Highway6.Jeff asked for the City's recommendationfor location of the trial to take back to DOT.After much discussion of various route alternatives,the impact on existing businesses,and the property owners safety and convenience of the trail users,and the safety and convenience of the highway users,it was movedby Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Clark,to recommendto DOT the following bike/recreation trail route thru Waukeeincorporating hexad directional modifications:beginning at the present trail.termination point at the West edge of Waukee North along R22 to North boundary of Industrial Park,East to Sixth Street (extended), South to existing City utility easement,East to Fourth Street (extended),South to _ Highway6,East along Highway6.A roll call vote was taken.Ayes:Bailey,Clark,Gruber and Scott.Nayes:none recorded.Absent:Duray.Motion carried 4 to O. Mark CUrrie -FY 92-93 Insurance.Mark eu=ie of Insurance Associates of Iowa,Inc.reviewed City insurance coverages and proposed certain benefical changes.Movedby Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Clark,to approve the insurance proposal presented with an lCAP coverage limit of $5,000,000.00 at an annual cost of $30,692.00.A roll call vote was taken.Ayes:Bailey,Clark,Gruber,Scott.Nayes:none recorded.Absent:Duroy. Motion ca=ied 4 to O. Frank Bailey -Building Code Inspections.DonBailey introduced t:he concept:of hiring -local people to do plumbing,electrial,mechanical and building inspections instead of contracting with an outside firm to perform the inspections.After discussing the pros arrio:us of both concepts it was determined that the most efficient and cost effective choice for the City at this time would be to contract with an inspection firm until such time as inspection demands and fee income would support the additional staff person.It is the goal of the Council to select a building inspector by 4/20/92 and to begin improving building codes. Bill Presentation.Movedby CouncilmanBailey,seconded by Councilman Scott,to approve payment of bills as presented in the amount of $39,745.69.Motion carried 4 to O. ABCELECTRICINC OF DM ALLERIS AUTOUPHOLSTERY ARATEX SERVICES,INC. BANKERSTRUSTCCMPANY BANKERSLEASING BATES&ASSOCIATES,INC. BORDER'SBOOKSHOP BRClrJNSUPPLYCO.INC. CARPENTER UNIFORM CO. CASE POWER&EQUIPMENT CLASSICFLORAL&GIFTS DALLASCOUNTYRECORDER DAWSON DESMOINESSTAMPMFG.CO. ELECTRONICENGINEERING EQUIMETER,INC. $1.561.67 70.00 22.05 750.00 57.06 31.92 49.13 714.90 354.50 257.71 80.91 70.00 26.37 31.80 50.10 5;193:15L -99- FARMER'S CO-OP ELEVAIDR 1,108.59 FINDLAY,B.DIANE 3.69 FRIENDS OF WAUKEELIBRARY 110.00 GAS PRODUCT SALES 841.71 HALLETT CONSTRUCTION CO.24.86 FASTPRO INTERNATIONAL INC 164.35 HERMANM.BROVN COMPANY 494.17 HINES PRODUCTS CORP.210.00 PAUL E.HUSCHER 798.00 PAUL R.HUSCHER 1,106.00 I.C.M.A.42.50 INDEPENDENT SALT CCMPANY 788.02 INGRAM DISTRIBUTION GROUP INV.304.14 IA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 41.00 IA PAINT 29.30 IA PIPELINE ASSOCIATE 4,893.50 IA POWER 1,552.57 IA STATE UNIVERSITY 156.00 J.P.COOKE CO.55.60 JONES,HARRY N.100.00 LIND M.MACK 7.28 MENARDS 145.95 MID-LAND EQUIPMENT CO.2,777.78 MIDWEST PRINTING SERVICES MAGNETS 797.50 MUNICIPAL SUPPLY 1,249.15 NACMIONA UNIT,INC.75.00 NEWMANTRAFFIC SIGNS 250.00 OLSON BODY &PAINT 169.00 OLSON BROTHERS 753.99 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 25.00 PAYLESS CASHWAYS,INC.996.92 PRECISION CCMPUTER 715.00 QUALITY FORD OFW.D.M.12.60 R &R WELDING SUPPLY CO.42.00 R-WAY CONCRETE 755.00 RADIO SHACK 16.30 ROCKFORD-ECLIPSE 1,045.38 SMEAL FIRE EQUHMENT 328.85 STOREY-KENWORTHY 425.38 TOYNE's IA FIRE TRK SER.548.50 US POSTAL SERVICE 29.00 U S WEST CCMMUNICATIONS 53.51 UTILITY CONSULTANTS 200.00 VEENSTRA &KIMM,INC.5,066.20 W.W.GRAINGER,INC.428.41 WASHPOINTE AUTCJiVASH 51.90 WASTE MANAGEMENTOF IOWA 7.00 WATER PRODUCTS CCMPANY 161.92 WAUKEEELECTRONICS 16.49 WAUKEEHARDWARE 235.60 WAUKEEMUNICIPAL GAS 95.38 WITYK,DEBRA 110.00 WORKINGMOTHER 7.97 '"i FY 92-93 Budget Hearing.Motion b 9 Y c 9 0 3 unCilman Clar~,seconded by COouncilman Scott,to C,approve a resolution adopting FY 2-budget totallng $2,235,246.0 with a property tax \levy rate of $10,87508 per $1000 valuation and an agricultural land tax levy rate of $3.00375 per $1000 valuation as published in the Dallas County News.A roll call vote was taken.Ayes:Bailey,Clark,Gruber,Scott.Nayes:None recorded.Absent:Duray. Motion ca=ied 4 to O. Xenia Rural Water Agreement.Dan Miller,of Xenia Rural Water District,discussed status of talks between his finn and Waukee.Steve Pierce showed the Council a proposed service boundary between Xenia and Waukee.The next meeting is scheduled for March 18 to continue work on an agreement that will be brought back to the Council. Councilman Duroy arrived at 9:20 P.M. Brad Lathrop's Easement.Brad presented an ingress/egress easement to his property and informed the Council that he would have the two missing signatures tomorrow and would file the easement with the County.Paul Huscher recomnended that after the easements were properly filed with the County that the City issue a building permit to Brad. Waukee Developnent Corporation.Councilman Clark informed the Council of a local effort to organize a non-profit Waukee Development Corporation.Motion by Councilman Duray, seconded by Councilman Gruber,to pass a resolution of support for a Waukee Development Corporation.Motion ca=ied 5 to O. -100- Proposed FY91-92Budget 1IIrendment.A budqet;hearing was set for April 20,1992 to amend Parks and Fire Department budgets. Pay Estllnate N:>.6-Kenko.Motion by CouncilmanBailey,seconded by Councilman Gruber, to approve payment of pay estimate #6 to Kenko in the arrount of $41,733.81.Motion carried 5 to O. IGIC Settlement.Motion by CouncilmanBailey,seconded by Councilman Clark,to authorize Brian to send letter to Northern Natural Gas Companyand upon acceptance of settlement proposal to remit payment of $8,165.28 in settlement of dispute.Motion carraed 4 to 0 with CouncilmanDuray abstaining. Scouting For Food Proclamation.Mayor Rosenkranz issued the following proclamation: PROCLAMATION WHEREAS,Hunger remains a pervasive intrusion on the quality of life for millions of Americans; and,- WHEREAS,An estimated one of every five children is un- able to maintain a minimally adequate diet,and requests for emergency food nationally have in- creased almost 40 percent in a 2-year period; and, WHEREAS,Hunger is a problem we can do something about by working together;and, WHEREAS,The Boy Scouts of America has an enviable repu- tation in conducting quality "GoodTurns"demon- strating concern for fellow mankind and the im- portant role volunteers,both youth and adult, have in our community;and, WHEREAS,The Boy Scouts of America will coordinate with other groups to conduct a SCOUTINGFORFOOD National GoodTurn March 14 and 21 in this com- munity and throughout the country in a posi- tive example of it's long-standing commitment to serve and of direct benefit to the less fortunate amongus. NOW,THEREFDRE,I,Floyd W.Rosenkranz,Mayor of the City of Waukee,Iowa of Waukee,do hereby proclaim March 14-21,1992 as: SCOUTINGFORFOODGOODWRN WEEK In the City of Waukeeand urge the citizens of Waukeeto join with me in expressing the gratitude of an appreciative communityand ask contributions be made to this worthwhile en- deavor. IN WITNESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Waukee,Iowa,to be affixed,this 16th day of March,in the year of our Lord, Nineteen HundnedNinety-two. - \, Prairie Meadows Resolution.Motion by Councilman Clark,seconded by CouncilmanDuroy,to approve a resolution supporting legislation to allow casino gaming at Prairie Meadows.A roll call vote was taken.Ayes:None recorded.Nayes:Bailey,Clark,Duroy,Gruber,Scott. Motion failed 0 to 5. Municipal Clerks'Institute July 6,1992. CouncilmanDuray,to authorize Bob Ba=ett in Ames.Motion ca=ied 5 to O. Announcementof Citizen of the Year Award.Mayor Rosenkranz announced that Jim Schwab would be the recipient of this years WaukeeCitizen of the Year Award.Presentation to the family will be March 23rd at 7:00 P.M.at the library. Maintenance ~t Cbncrete Bid.One bid was received to install a concrete floor Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by to attend Municipal Clerks'Institute July 6-10,1992 -101- in the new maintenance building.The Council delayed taking any action until additional bids are received. Street Cleaning Bids.One bid was received to clean city streets.The Council delayed taking any action until additional bids are received. WaukeeBusiness Association Items.CouncilmanClark reported that the Classic Bike Festival on May2 &3 would begin in Waukeewith a pancake breakfast from 6:30 to 11:30 A.M. Saturday May2 sponsored by the WaukeeBusiness Association. Public safety Report.CouncilmanGruber reported that surroundtnq corrmunities are implementing a system of requiring a secure lock box on the outside of commerical building with fire departments,first responders and police having access.Inside the box would be keys to the building and also information about location of dangerous materials. Additional research is being conducted about the benefits of such a system.Nick also asked about the lack of sidewalks along Laurel in Mary Ann Estates.City Staff will research. 1\dministrator's Report.Brian asked the Council to review the list of residents that are not utility customers and to make any additions and corrections. The Personnel Committeemet and completed Tim Royer's annual review and also reviewed 3 other employees.The Personnel Committeerecommendedthat Tim Royer be made a permanent full-time employee.Movedby CouncilmanDuray,seconded by CouncilmanGruber,to place Tim Royer on pennanent full-time status with next pay review to be July 1,1992.A roll call vote was taken.Ayes:Bailey,Clark,Duray,Gruber,Scott.Nayes:none recorded. Motion carried 5 to O. The playground equipment model will be taken to the next Southfork Association Meeting and volunteers will be sought for construction help. lIdjournment.Motion by CouncilmanGruber,seconded by CouncilmanScott,to adjourn. Motion ca=ied 5 to O. Meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M. YOR The WaukeeCity Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.on MondayApril 6,1992 by MayorPro-tem DonBailey with Bob Barrett taking minutes. Roll Call was taken and the following Councilmenwere present:DonBailey,Ray Clark and Nick Gruber.MayorRosenkranz,Councilm~nFrank Duray and Curtis Scott were absent. The following staff and guests were present:Eric Sheldahl,Louis Baer,Luke Gruber,Joy Riggs,Jeff Abbas,Ben Phillips,Jack Inman,Gary Smith,Mark Broderick,Helen Lockwood, Steve Pierce,Bob Underberg,Brad Lathrop,DonWhite,Tim Royer,Paul Huscher,Harry Jones, John Olsasky,Brian Redshawand James Schlatter. Approval of 3/16 Minutes.Movedby CouncilmanClark,seconded by CouncilmanGruber to approve minutes of the March 16,1992 Council Meeting as printed.Motion ca=ied 3 to O. Guests:Chet Chedester -State &Federal Grants.Chet asked whyWaukeehadn't filed applications for State or Federal grants or low interest loans sinFe 1987.Chet has a list of finns that assist in filing applications and he will provide the list to Brian.Brian said that in the past Waukeedid work with a firm to complete an application and that he has completed an application himself and that in both cases the applications were rejected because of high per capita income in Waukeeand Dallas County. Councilmancurtis Scott arrived at 7:16 P.M. Chet Chedester -Fanners Market.Chet reported on last year's Farmers Market and made recommendationsfor improvements.Movedby CouncilmanGruber,seconded by CouncilmanClark to allow a Fanner's Market from June 6 thru October 31st each Saturday morning from 7:00 A.M. to Noonpermitting sales of garden produce,baked goods and crafts.Motion carried 4 to O. Eric Sheldahl -senior Citizen Housing Project.Mr.Sheldahl reviewed his proposed senior citizen housing project and answered council questions.Motion by CouncilmanGruber,seconded by CouncilmanClark,to send proposal to Planning &Zoning.Motion ca=ied 4 to O. Bill Presentation.Motion by CouncilmanScott,seconded by CouncilmanGruber to approve payment of bills as presented in the amount of $53,605.70.Motion carr-ted 4 to O. A.Y.MCDONALDSUPPLY ARATEXSERVICES,INC. s 503.30 22.05