HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-12-07-Regular Minutes-182- the new maintenance building.Motion carried 5 to o. Holiday Turkeys And HaII5.To enhance worker productivity and as a small token of the Council and City's appreciation of all City staff's dedicated work ethic,a motion was made by Councilman Gruber and seconded by Councilman Bailey to approve the purchase of turkeys or hams for all full-time City employees and part-time employees regularly scheduled to work 20 hours or more per week,cost not to exceed $20.00 per person. Motion carried 5 to o. City Office Hours 12/24 and 12/31.Motion by Councilman Gruber and seconded by Councilman Duroy to close city offices at noon on 12/24 and 12/31 in conformity with traditional business practices.Motion carried 5 to O. Tine Management Study.Brian explained a program offered thru Iowa State University Extension Service where all city departments and personnel usage is reviewed and recommendations for staffing are made to the Council to better plan future staffing needs at a cost of $500.00.Motion by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilman Bailey to approve the ISU Extension Service personnel study at a cost of $500.00.Motion carried 5 to O. lldjounmecrt.There being no further business to consider,Councilman Gruber moved and Councilman Scott seconded to adjourn. Motion carried 5 to O.Meeting adjourned at 7:49 P.M. ATTEST: - The December 7,1992 Waukee City Council regular meeting was called to order at 7.08 P.M. by Mayor Floyd Rosenkranz with Bob Barrett present and taking minutes. Roll was taken and the following Councilmen were present:Don Bailey,Jr.,Ray Clark, Frank Duroy,Nick Gruber and Curtis Scott. Staff and guests present were:Brian Redshaw,Chuck Christianson,Dan White,Steve Pierce,_ Paul E.Huscher,Don Henson,Mark Gruber and Marilyn Rutz. Agenda Additions.None Approval of 11/16 and 11/30 Minutes.Motion by Councilman Duray and seconded by Councilman Scott to approve the minutes of November 16,1992 and November 30,1992 as presented. Motion carried 5 to O. Open Forum.Don Henson,Fire Chief,spoke to the Council to explore ideas to improve the fire station.Ideas discussed ranged from remodeling the existing station;demolishing the present building and building a larger station at the present site;purchasing a site and building a new station;or building a new station on land the City presently owns.The lot size of the present fire station site does not make the first two options feasible;attention will be directed to exploring the last two options. Bill Presentation.Motion by Councilman Duroy and seconded by Councilman Clark to approve payment of claims submitted totaling $47,598.40.Motion carried 5 to O. Vendor ARATEX SERVICES ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT ATLANTIC BOTTLING BAER AG. BANKERS LEASING ROBERT BARRETT BEN FRANKLIN BINGS OFFICE SUPPLY BLUE CROSS BRODERICK ANIMAL CLINIC BRCWN SUPPLY BUSINESS CCMMUNlCATIONS CLASSIC FLORAL COPY SYSTEMS DALLAS COUNTY NEWS DAWSON DEMCO OM ASPHALT DM WATERWORKS ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Purpose POLICE MAT CLEANING ONE-CALL VENDING MACHINE SUPPLIES BOOTS COPIER PAYMENT EXPENSES SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES INSURANCE SERVICES SUPPLIES RADIO SERVICE SERVICES COPIER MAINTENANCE 11/92 PUBLICATIONS BOCKS OFFICE SUPPLIES ROAD MATERIAL WATER USAGE PAGERS,MONTHLY SERVICE Amount $45.00 104.33 133.20 76.00 57.61 17 .01 110.20 20.22 10,406.91 10.00 1,295.65 205.00 23.00 30.42 297.83 97.61 317.05 402.25 9,121.06 83.80 - FARMER'S COOP FULLER STANDARD GARDINER&CO. GAS PRODUCTSSALES MARK GRUBER PAUL E.HUSCHER IMWCA INGRAMBOOK CO. MIDWESTPOWER HARRYJONES TONI LESTINA LINDA MACK MENARDS MUNICIPAL SUPPLY OLSON BROTHERS ORKIN PEST CONTROL QUALITY FORD QUILL CORP GENEX R-WAYCONCRETE R.D.MCKINNEY S &RS PUBLISHERS MILREE SPARKS SPRY AUTO THE BUILDING INSPECTORS JOY TOFTELAND U.S.CELLULAR U.S.POSTAL SERVICE U.S.WEST CCI'1MUN. UNIVERSITY PHOTO UTILITY CONSULTANTS WASTEMANAGEMENT WATERPROSUPPLIES WAUKEEFIREMANS ASSOC. WAUKEEHARDWARE WAUKEEMUNI GAS WAUKEEVET CLINIC WCS DEBRAWITYK TOTAL -183- 11/92 PURCHASES 11/92 PURCHASES 11/92 SERVICES GAS SUPPLIES 11/92 BUILDING PERMITS 12/92 RETAINER WORKERSCOMP. BOOKS 11/92 USAGE CD SYSTEM EXPENSES EXPENSES LIGHT BULBS WATERSUPPLIES 11/92 PURCHASES MONTHLYSERVICES SERVICE,REPAIRS OFFICE SUPPLIES OXYGEN CONCRETE SEWERLINE REPAIR BOOK INTEREST DUE REPAIRS 11/92 BUILDING PERMITS EXPENSES SERVICE POSTAGESTAMPS SERVICE FILM PROCESSING LAB TESTS 11/92 SERVICE WATERSUPPLIES TRAINING TAPES SUPPLIES 11/92 USAGE BOARDINGFEES CITY HALL CLEANING LIBRARY CLEANING 709.64 223.18 3,140.00 674.92 711.50 375.00 1.228.00 179.43 4,088.76 274.94 40.04 41.16 119.59 1,442.46 797.02 25.00 943.07 12.41 44.40 618.00 834.95 25.00 350.00 140.13 3,606.00 52.26 143.99 29.00 878.37 27.36 200.00 411.33 189.26 100.00 681.84 881.24 90.00 300.00 115.00 $47,598.40 Monument Sign Qalinance.After reviewing and discussing the proposed ordinance changes to allow monument signs,Councilman Clark introduced"Ordinance No.2165.An Ordinance To Amend Chapter 301.Waukee Municipal Code,Comprehensive Zoning Regulations,By Amending Section 301.23,Signage,To Provide For Monument Signs In Residential Districts For Directory Purposes."It was moved by Councilman Gruber and seconded by Councilman Bailey that the aforementioned ordinance be read.The Mayor put the question on the motion and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted:Ayes:Bailey,Clark,Duray, Gruber and Scott.Nayes:None recorded.Motion ca=ied 5 to O.Whereupon,the Mayor declared the motion dUly ca=ied and declared that said ordinance had been given its initial passage.Paul Huscher read the following ordinance: ORDllWCE 00.2165 AN ORDINANCETO AMENDCHAPTER 301,WAUKEEMUNICIPAL CODE,COMPREHENSIVEZONING REGULATIONS,BY AMENDINGSECTION 301.23,SIGNAGE,TO PROVIDE FOR MONUMENTSIGNS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS FOR DIRECTORY PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINEDby the Council of the City of Waukee: Section 1.1IIrendrrent.Chapter 301,Waukee Municipal Code,Comprehensive Zoning Regulations,is hereby amended by adding to the second paragraph of Section 301.23, the following: provided,however,in addition to signs hereinafter permitted,in any "A"Agricultural District,"R-l"Single Family Residential District,"R-2"One and Two Family Residential District,"R-3"Multi-Family Residential District (District,"R-4"Row Dwelling and Condominium Dwelling District,"R-5"Planned Unit Development District,and "R-6"Mobile Home Residential District,one monument sign containing only the development name,per individually named and platted development,shall be permitted for directory purposes only.The entire sign shall not be larger than 5 square feet per letter in one name of the development;and the letters in the name of the development -184- shall not be larger than one foot high and one foot wide.The Council may,in its approval of the platting of a developmentpermit other or different signage compatible with such development. So that said paragraph shall read as follows: Sign Area:The area using actual dimensions, excluding air space,painted background,or the support- ing structure which does not form a part of the sign proper or the display.The area of a sign composedof characters or words attached directly to a building or wall surface shall be the sumof the smallest rectangles which enclose the individual characters,numerals,or letters;provided,however,in addition to signs herein- after permitted,in any "A"Agricultural District,"R-1" Single Family Residential District,"R-2"One and Two Family Residential District,"R-3"Multi-Family Resident- ial District,"R-4"RowDwelling and CondominiumDwell- ing District,"R-5"Planned Unit DevelopmentDistrict, and "R-6"Mobile HomeResidential District,one monument sign containing only the development name,per individu- ally namedand platted development,shall be permitted for directory purposes only.The entire sign shall not be the larger of either 5 square feet per letter in one nameof the development,or a perimeter of 50 feet with a maximumheightof 5 feet above':grade;and the,letters in the nameof the developmentshall not be larger than one foot high and one foot wide.The council may,in its approval of the platting of a developmentpermit other or dif- ferent signage compatible with such development. Section 2.Repealer.All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3.severability Clause.If any section,provision or part of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitu- tional,such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section,provision,or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4.Effective Date.This ordinance shall be in effect upon its final passage,approval and publication as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,this 7th day of December,1992,and approved this 7th day of December, 1992. Floyd Rosenkranz Floyd Rosenkranz MAYOR Attested: Brian J.Redshaw Brian J.Redshaw,City Clerk It was movedby CouncilmanGruber and seconded by CouncilmanClark that the statutory rule requiring said ordinance to be considered and voted on for passage at two Council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be finally passed be suspended.The Mayorput the question on the motion and the roll being called"the following named Councilmenvoted:Ayes:Bailey,Clark,Duroy,Gruber and scott ,Nayes:none recorded. Motion carxaed 5 to O.Whereupon,the Mayordeclared the motion duly ca=ied. It was movedby CouncilmanScott and seconded by CouncilmanDuroy that the ordinance entitled "Ordinance No.2165.An Ordinance To AmendChapter 301,WaukeeMunicipal Code, ComprehensiveZoning Regulations,By AmendingSection 301.23,Signage,To Provide For MonumentSigns In Residential Districts For Directory Purposes"nowbe put upon its final passage and adoption.The Mayorput the question on the final passage and adoption of said ordinance and the roll being called,the following namedCouncilmenvoted:Ayes: Bailey,Clark,Duray,Gruber and Scott.Nayes:Nonerecorded.Motion carried 5 to O. Whereupon,the Mayordeclared the motion duly ca=ied and said ordinance duly adopted. CouncilmanScott introduced an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance To AmendChapter 303, WaukeeMunicipal Code,Land Subdivision Regulations,By AmendingSection 303.64, Preliminary Plat To Provide For MonumentSigns In Residential Districts For Directory Purposes". - -185- It was moved by Councilman Duroy and seconded by Councilman Clark that the aforementioned ordinance be read by the City Clerk,The Mayor put the question on the motion and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted:Aye:Bailey,Clark,Duroy, Gruber and Scott.Nayes:None recorded.Motion carried 5 to O.Whereupon,the Mayor declared the motion duly carried and declared that said ordinance had been given its initial passage.Brian read the following ordinance: ANORDINANCETO AMENDCHAPTER303,WAUKEEMUNICIPALCODE,LANDSUBDIVISION REGULATIONS,BY AMENDINGSECTION303.64,PRELIMINARYPLATTO PROVIDEFORMONUMENTSIGNS - IN RESIDENTIALDISTRICTSFORDIRECTORYPURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINEDby the Council of the City of Waukee: Section 1.AmendnEnt.Chapter 303,Waukee Municipal Code, Land Subdivision Regulations,is hereby amended by deleting Section 303.64,and inserting in lieu thereof the following: §303.64.Location and name of the subdivision to be approved;Location and names of adjacent subdivisions and owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land;and, if subdivider desires,in any residence district, application for approval of any mcnument directory sign or signs varying in size or any other respect from the provisions of §301.23,Waukee Municipal Code. Sections 2.Repealer.All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3.Severability Clause.If any section,provision or part of this ordinance shall be adjUdged invalid or unconstitutional,such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section,provision,or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4.Effective Date.This ordinance shall be in effect upon its final passage,approval and publication as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,this 1992,and approved this'day of ,1992.' ___day of ' Floyd Rosenkranz Floyd Rosenkranz MAYOR Attested: Brian J.Redshaw Brian J.Redshaw,City Clerk BoaI:d of .Adjustment Fees.After discussion,Councilman Clark moved to set the fee for appeals to the Board of Adjustment at $35.00,seconded by Councilman Duroy.The Mayor put the question on the motion and the roll being called,the following named Councilmen voted:Ayes:Bailey,Clark,Duroy,Gruber and Scott.Nayes:none recorded.Motion carried 5 to O. Oouncilman Duray introduced an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance To Amend Chapter 301, Waukee Municipal Code,Conprehensive Zoning Regulations,By Amending Section 301.25E, Board Of Adjustment -Procedure,Powers And Duties,To Increase The Fee For Appeal From $5.00 to $35.00." It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilman Gruber that the aforementioned ordinance be read.The Mayor put the question on the motion and the roll being called, the following named Councilmen voted:Ayes:Bailey,Clark,Duroy,Gruber and Scott. Nayes:none recorded.Motion carried 5 to O.Whereupon,the Mayor declared the motion duly carrded and declared that said ordinance had been given its initial passage.Paul Huscher read the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCETO AMENDCHAPTER301,WAUKEEMUNICIPALCODE,CCMPREHENSIVEZONING REGULATIONS,BY AMENDINGSECTION301.25E,BOARDOF ADJUSTMENT-PROCEDURE,PC»JERSAND DUTIES,TO INCREASETHE FEE FORAPPEALFRCM$5.00 TO $35.00. BE IT ORDAINEDby the Council of the City of Waukee: Section 1.AmendnEnt.Chapter 301,Waukee Municipal Code,Comprehensive Zoning Regulations,is hereby amended by deleting from Section 301.25E the words,"five (5) dollars,"and inserting in lieu thereof the words,"thirty-five (35)dollars,"so that said paragraph shall read as follows: §301.25E.Hearings,Notice.The Board shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing on the appeal,give public notice thereof as due notice to the parties -186- thereto,and decide the same within a reasonable time.At the hearing,any party may appear in person or by agent,or by attorney.Before an appeal is filed with the Board,the appellant shall pay a fee of thirty-five (35)dollars to be credited to the general fund of the City of Waukee. Section 2.Repealer.All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3.Severability Clause.If any section,provision or part of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional,such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section,provision,or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4.Effective Date.This ordinance shall be in effect upcn its final passage,approval and pUblication as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,this day of _ 1992,and approved this day of ,1992.- Floyd Rosenkranz Floyd Rosenkranz MAYOR Attested: Brian J.Redshaw Brian J.Redshaw,City Clerk Back£low Prevention Ordinance.After discussion,Councilman Duroy introduced an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance AmendingThe Plumbing Code Of The City Of WaukeeBy Establishing A cross Connection Control Program For The City Of Waukee." It was movedby Councilman Gruber and seconded by Councilman Scott that the aforementioned ordinance be read.The Mayor put the question on the motion and the roll being called, the following named Councilmenvoted:Ayes:Bailey,Clark,Duroy,Gruber and Scott. Nayes:None recorded.Motion carried 5 to O.Whereupcn,the Mayor declared the motion duly carried and declared that said ordin"nce had been given its initial passage.Brian read the following ordinance: ANORDINANCEAMENDINGTHEPLUMBINGCODEOF THECITYOFWAUKEEBYESTABLISHINGACROSS CONNECTIONCONTROLPRCGRAMFORTHECITYOFWAUKEE. WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Waukeedesires to protect the public potable water supply of the City of Waukeefrom the possibility of contamination or pollution by isolating,within its customers internal water distribution system,such contaminants or pollutants which could backflow or back-siphon into the public potable water distribution system,and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Waukeedesires to promote the elimination or control of existing cross connections actual or potential,bet.~en its customers in-plant potable water system and non potable water system,and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa has previously adopted the 1991 edition to the Uniform Plumbing Code as the plumbing code for the City of Waukee,Iowa. NOiI,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOF THECITYOFWAUKEE,IOiIAAS FOLLOiIS: The 1991 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC)previously adopted as the Plumbing Code adopted by the City of Waukeeis hereby amendedby adding the following: "Section l003A.Cross Connection Control-Containment Provisions. 1.Definitions.The following definitions shall apply only to Section l003A.For the purpcse of this section,these definitions supersede definitions given elsewhere in this code. a.Approvedbackflow prevention assembly for containment. A backflow prevention assembly which is listed by the University of Southern California-Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research as having met the requirements of ANSI-AWWAStandard C5l0-89,"Double Check Valve Backflow-Prevention Assemblies",or ANSI- AWWAStandard C511-89,"Reduced-Pressure Principle Backflow-Prevention Assemblies"for containment.The listing shall include the limitations of used based on the degree of hazard.The backflow prevention assembly must also be listed by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officals. -187- b.Approved backflow prevention assembly for containment in a fire proection system.A backflow prevention assembly to be used in a fire protection system which meets the requirements of Factory Mutual Research Corpcration (FM)and Underwriters Laboratory (UL),in addition to the requirements of paragraph 1 (a). c.Auxiliary water supply.Any water supply on or available to the premises other than the water purveyor's approved public water supply such as,but not limited to a private well,pond,or river. d.Containment.A method of backflow prevention which required the installation of a backflow prevention assembly at the water service entrance. e.Cross connection.Any connection or arrangement, physical or otherwise,between a potable water supply system and any plumbing fixture or tank,receptacle, equipment,or device,through which it may be possible for a non-potable,used,unclean,polluted,and contaminated water,or other substance,to enter into any part of such potable water system under any condition. f.Customer.TIle owner,operator,or occupant of a building or property which has a water service from a pub.Li,cwater system,or the owner or operator of a private water system which has a water service from a public water system. g.Degree of hazard.TIle rating of a cross connection or water service which indicates if it has the potential to cause contamination or pollution. h.Double check valve backf Low prevention assembly.A backflow prevention device consisting of two independently acting internally loaded check valves, four properly located test cocks,and two isolation valves. i.High hazard cross connection.A high hazard cross connection is a cross connection which may cause an impairment of the quality of the potable water by creating an actual hazard to the public health,through poisoning or through the spread fo disease by sewage, industrial fluids or waste. j.Isolation.A mehtod of backflow prevention in which a backflow prevention assembly is located at the cross- connection rather than at the water service entrance. k.Low hazard cross connection.A low hazard cross connection is a cross connection which may cuase an impairment of the quality of potable water to a degree which does not create a hazard to the public health,but which does adversely and unreasonably affect the aesthetic qualities of such potable waters for domestic use. 1.Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly. A backflow prevention device consisting of two independently acting internally loaded check valves,a different pressure relief valve,four properly located test cocks,and two isolation valves. m.Registered backflow prevention assembly technician.a person who is registered by law to test or repair backflow prevention assemblies and report on the condition of those assembles. n.Thermal expansion.volumetric increase of water due to heating resulting in increased pressure in a closed system. o ,Water service.Depending on the context,water service is the physical connection between a public water system and a customer's building,property,or private water system,or the act of providing potable water to a customer. -188- 2.Administrative authority. a.For the purposes of Section 1003A only,the administrative authority is the City Council acting through such persons or agencies the City Council shall designate by Resolution. b.The administrative authority shall have the right to enter,with the consent of the customer or upon the basis of a suitable warr'arrtissued by a court of appropriate jurisdiction,any property to inspect for possible cross-connections. c.The administrative authority may approve training programs for backflow prevention assembly technicians and register backflow prevention assembly technicians who successfully complete an approved training program. d.The administrative authority may administration of this program. deemed appropriate.) collect fees for the (Add fee schedule as (Delete paragraphs e and g when technicians are registered by the state.) e.The administrative authority may recognize backflow prevention assembly technicians registered by other administrative authorities. f.The administrative authority shall maintain records of cross connection hazard surveys,and the installation, testing,and repair of all back flow prevention assemblies installed for containment purposes. g.The administrative authority shall maintain,records of registration of backflow prevention assembly technicians and shall maintain a current list of all backflow prevention assembly technicians registered by the administrative authority. 3.New Water Services. a.Plans shall be submitted to the administrative authority for review on all new water services in order to determine the degree of hazard. b.The administrative authority shall determine the type of backflow prevention assembly required for containment based on the degree of hazard. c.The administrative authority shall require the installation of the appropriate backflow preventio assembly for containment before the initiation of water service. 4.Existing Water Services. a.Upgrade of existing water services shall be created as new water services for the purpose of Section 1003A. b.Within six (6)months after adoption of this ordinance, the administrative authority shall publish and make available to each customer a copy of the standards used to determine the degree of hazard. c.Within (three (3)months)after publication of the standards,the administrative authority shall,in writing,notify customers whose premises are classified as single family residential of the provisions of this ordinance and shall require compliance therewith. d.Within (three (3)months)after publications of the standards,customers whose premises are not classified as single family residential shall complete and return to the administrative authority a cross-connection hazard survey to be used to determine the type of containment device. -189- e.The administrative authority shall,on the basis of information received from customers or gathered through on-premise investigations or surveys,determine the type of backflow prevention assembly required for containment based on the degree of hazard. f.Within the timeframe specified in writing by the administrative authority,the customer shall install a backflow prevention assembly for containment required by the administrative authority. g.For existing water services,the administrative authority may inspec the premises to determine the degree of hazard.When high hazard cross connections are found,the administrative authority shall,at its sole discretion:1)develop a schedule of compliance which the customer shall follow or 2)terminate the water service until a backflow prevention assembly for containment required by the administrative authority has been installed. h.Failure of the administrative authority to notify a customer that they are belived to have a high hazard cross connection and that they shall install backflow prevention assemblies for containment in no way relieves a customer of the responsibility to comply with all requirements of this section. 5.Customer. a.The customer shall be responsible for ensuring that no cross connections exist without approved backflow protection within his or her premise starting at the point of service from the public potable water system. b.The customer shall,at his or her own expense,cuase installation,operation,testing and maintenance of the backflow prevention assemblies required by the administrative authority. c.The customer shall ensure the administrative authority is provided with copies of records of the installation and of all tests and repairs made to the backflow prevention assembly on the approved form within fifteen (15)days after testing and/or repairs are completed. d.In the event of a backflow incident,the customer shall irrmediately notify the local water supplier (insert correct proper name)of the incident and take steps to confine the contamination or pollution. 6.Required Backflow Prevention Assemblies for Containment - Water Services. a.An air gap or an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly is required for water servies having one or more cross connections which the administrative authority classifies as high hazard. b.An approved double check valve assembly is required for water services having no high hazard cross connections but having one or more cross connections which the administrative authority has classified as low hazard. 7.Required Backflow Prevention Assemblies for Containment - Fire Protection Systems. a.A reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly shall be installed on all new and existing fire protetion systems which the administrative authority determines to have any of the following: 1.Direct connections from public water mains with an auxiliary water supply on or available to the premises for pumper connection,. -190- 2.Interconnections with auxiliary supplies such as reservoirs ,rivers,ponds,wells,mills,or other industrial water systems. 3.Use of antifreezes or other additives in the fire protection system. 4.Combined industrial and fire protection systems supplied from the public water mains only,with or without gravity storage or pump suction tanks. 5.Any other facility,connection,or condition which may cause contamination. b.A double check valve assembly will be required for all other fire protection systems.The double check valve shall be required on all new systems at the time of installation and on existing systems at the time that they are upgraded. - 8.Registration of Backflow Prevention Assembly Technicians. (Remove sections A-D when State adopts program.) a.Any person who tests or repairs backflow prevention assemblies shall be registered by the administrative authority. b.Any person who wishes to become a backflow prevention assembly technician must submit the following to the administrative authority in order to meet the registration requirements of the administrative authority. 1.A certificate of completion from a training program approved by the administrative authority.The training program shall provide at least 40 hours of class room and practical training which shall include an examination. 2.A fee of $25.00.- c.Registrations issued by the administrative authority shall be for a period not to exceed two years and shall expire on December 31st of even-numbered years. d.To renew the registration,the Backflow Prevention Assembly Technician must submit to the administration authority: 1.A certificate of completion from a continuing education course approved by the administrative authority. a.The certificate of completion shall indicate at least 5 contact hours of continuing education on backflow,backflow prevention devices and related topics. b.The certificate of completion must have been completed within the most recent registration period. 2.A fee of $5.00. e.A Backflow Prevention Assembly Technician registered by the state of Iowa shall include his or her registration number on all correspondence and forms required by or associated with this ordinance. 9.Registered Backflow Prevention Assembly Technician Noncompliance. a.The registration of a technician may be revoked or suspended for a period of up to two years for noncompliance with this ordinance. b.Any of the following conditions constitute non-compliance: -191- 1.Improper testing or repair of backflow prevention assemblies. 2.Improper reporting of the results of testing or of repairs made to backflo prevention assemblies. 3.Failure to meet registration requirements. 4.Related unethical practices. 10.Installation of Backflow Prevention Assembles. a.The required backflow prevention assemblies for containment shall be installed in horizontal plumbing immediately following the meter or as close to that location as deemed practical by the administrative authority.In any case,it shall be located upstream from any branch piping.Installation at this point does not eliminate the responsibility of the customer to protect the water supply system from containment or pollution between the backflow prevention assembly and the water main. b.Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed so as to be protected from flooding. c.Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies shall not be installed in underground vaults or pits. d.All backflow prevention assemblies shall be protected from freezing. e.If hot water is used within the water system,thermal expansion shall be provided for when installing a backflow prevention assembly for containment. f.Provisions shall be made to convey the discharge of water from reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies to a suitable drain. g.No backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in a place where it would create a safety hazard, such as but not limited to over an electrical panel, or above ceiling level. h.If interruption of water service during testing and repair of backflow prevention assemblies for containment is unacceptable to the customer,two backflow prevention assemblies,sized to handle the temporary water flow need during the time of test or repair,should be installed in parallel piping. i.All backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed so that they are accessible for testing as stated in Section 1003. j.All shut-off valves shall conform with the current edition of the Manual of Cross-Connection Control (University of Southern California)requirements for either baIlor resilient seat gate valves at the time of installation.Ball valves shall be used on assemblies installed in piping two inches and small and resilient seat gate valves on assemblies installed in piping larger than two inches. 11.Testing of Backflow Prevention Assemblies. a.Testing of backflow prevention assemblies shall be performed by a registered backflow prevention assembly technician.The costs of tests required in the following paragraphs B-E shall be borne by the customer. b.Backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested upon installation and tested and inspected at least annually. -192- c.Backflow prevention assemblies which are in place,but have been out of operation for more than three months, shall be tested before being put back into operation. Backflow prevention assemblies used in seasonal applications shall be tested before being put into operation each season. d.Any backflow prevention assembly which fails a periodic test shall be repaired or replaced.When water service has been terminated for non-compliance,the backflow prevention assebmly shall be repaired or replaced prior to the resumption of water service.Backflow prevention assemblies shall be retested by a registered back flow prevention assembly technician immediately after repair or replacement. e.The administrative authority may require backflow prevention assemblies to be tested at any time in addition to the annual testing requirement. f.The registered backflow prevention assembly technician shall report the successful test of a backflow prevention assembly to the customer and to the administrative authority on the form provided by the administrative authority within 15 days of the test. g.The administrative authority may require,at its own cost,additional tests of individual backflow prevention assemblies as it shall deem necessary to verify test procedures and results. 12.Repair of Backflow Prevention Assemblies. a.All repairs to backflow prevention assemblies shall be performed by registered backflow prevention assembly technicians. b.The registered backflow prevention assembly technician shall not change the design,material,or operational characteristics of a backflow prevention assembly during repair or maintenance,and shall use only original manufacturer replacement parts. c.The registered back flow prevention assembly technician shall report the repair of a backflow prevention assembly to the customer and to the administrative authority on the form provided by the administrative authority within 15 days of the repair.The repcrt shall include the list of materials or replacement parts used. 13.Customer Noncompliance. a.The water service may be discontinued in the case of noncompliance with Section 1003A.Noncompliance includes,but is not limited to,the following: 1.Refusal to allow the administrative authority access to the property to inspect for cross connections. 2.Removal of a backflow prevention assembly which has been required by the administrative authority. 3.Bypassing of a backflow prevention assembly which has been required by the administrative authority. 4.Providing inadequate backflow prevention when cross connections exist. 5.Failure to install a backflow prevention assembly which has been required by the administrative authority. 6.Failure to test and/or properly repair a backflow prevention assembly as required by the administrative authority. -193- 7.Failure to complywith the requirements of this ordinance. b.In addition to any other remedyprovided,a violation of this ordinance is a municipal infraction,punishable by a fine of $100 for the first offense and $200 for each offense thereafter,or the City may seek other appropriate relief to abate the violation. Section VALIDITY.Should any section or provision of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,that decision shall not effect the validity of the Ordinance,as a whole or any part thereof other than that part so declared to be invalid. Section EFFECTIVEDATE.This Ordinance shall be in full force and effective after its passage,approval and publication as provided by law. Passed by the City Council on the day of _ and approved this day of 19 19 Floyd Rosenkranz MAYOR ATTEST: Brian J.Redshaw Brian J.Redshaw,City Clerk Motion by CouncilmanDuroy and seconded by CouncilmanBailey to send ChuckChristianson to a Backflow Provention &Cross -Connection Control Course.Motion carried 5 to O. Pay Estimate #2 -(M Contracting,Inc.In the interest of finalizing the HickmanRoad Trunk Sewer Project and placing the improvementsinto service,it was moved by CouncilmanDuray and seconded by CouncilmanClark that the City of Waukeeenters into a supplemental contract with GMContracting whereby the surface restoration along the areas of the lift station access drive and the frontage along the Broderick property be completed by no later than May15,1993;that GMContracting will issue a certified or cashier I s check to the City of Waukeein the amount twice that of the estimated value or $5,000.00;and that upon satisfactory completion of the outstanding restoration,the City of Waukeewill return the amount of $5,000.00 to GMContracting.The Mayorput the question on the motion and the roll being called,the following namedCouncilmenvoted: Ayes:Bailey,Clark,Duroy,Gruber and Scott.Nayes:Nonerecorded.Motion carried 5 to O. Motion by CouncilmanDuray and seconded by CouncilmanClark to accept the HickmanRoad Trunk Sewer Project.The Mayorput the question on the motion and the roll being called, the following namedCouncilmanvoted:Ayes:Bailey,Clark,Duray,Gruber and Scott. Nayes:Nonerecorded.Motion carried 5 to O. Motion by CouncilmanDuroy and seconded by CouncilmanGruber to approve final pay estimate of $176,471.77 to GMContracting.The Mayorput the question on the motion and the roll being called,the following namedCouncilmenvoted:Ayes:Bailey,Clark,Duray, Gruber and Scott.Nayes:none recorded.Motion carried 5 to O. Enforcenent Of Board Of Adjustment Decision.Attorney Paul Huscher was directed to contact the attorney of the property owner to advise that if the garage was not brought into zoning compliance by 12/21/92 that legal action will be taken. Health Insurance Proposal.Information was distributed to the Council for their review. Gas Locator Purchase.Action delayed until the December21 meeting. Matter Regarding Armexation Pending Before the City IJevel.opnentBoard.Paul updated the Council on the proceeding before the supreme Court. The proposed annexation agreement between the cities of Waukeeand Urbandale was discussed and changes made.Motion by CouncilmanDuroy and seconded by Councilman Scott to direct Paul Huscher to continue working with Urbandale toward an annexation agreement.Motion carried 5 to O. utilities cannittee -Duroy.Nomeeting. Planning &ZOning-Bailey.Nomeeting. Parks cannittee -SCott.Nomeeting. Mayor's Report.The Mayorasked for input from the Council with regard to including in -194- the FY93-94 budget and amount has compensation to the Fire Chief for the extraordinary amount of time necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the office.After considerable discussion,agreement was reached to include $600.00 as Fire Chief compensation in the FY93-94 Fire Budget. Administrator's Report.Clarification of eligibility for receipt of holiday hams or turkeys was requested.This gift is intended for all full-time employees and permanent part-time employees regularly scheduled to work 25 hours or more each week. Scott and Tim will attend the NACEgas seminar on corrosion control in Omaha on January 19-20,1993. Temporary employee Mike Perkin's last day with the City will be December 31,1992. lIdjourIlllEIlt.Motion by Councilman Scott and seconded by Councilman Bailey to adjourn. Motion carried 5 to O.Meeting adjourned at 10:19 P.M. ATTEST: ~~MAYOR ~ The December 21,1992 Waukee City Council special meeting was called to order at 7:07 P.M. by Mayor Floyd W.Rosenkranz with Bob Barrett present and taking minutes. Roll call was taken and the following Councilmen were present:Don Bailey,Jr.,Ray Clark, and Frank Duroy.Councilman Nick Gruber and Curtis Scott were absent. Staff and guests present were:Brian Redshaw,Paul Huscher,Jim DeWitt,Jr.,Oscar Stokka, Jim Kimm,John Kursitis,Steve Pierce,Don Henson,Brad Curtis"Jeff Downing,Jeff Abbas, and Linda Peterson. Agenda lIdditions.RISE application and Alice's Road waterline survey.Additions approved 3 to O. Approval of December 7th Minutes.The minutes were not ready. Guests: Dennis Pigneri -BOA Decision.No one attended meeting. Jim Kimn -Veenstra &Kimn.Jim informed the Council that he was retiring from Veenstra &Kimm effective 2-1-93 and thanked the Council for the professional relationship he has enjoyed with the City. Bill Presentation.Motion by Councilman Duroy and seconded by Councilman Clark to approve payment of claims submitted totaling $73,175.71.Motion carried 3 to O. Vendor AT &T ALEXANDERBATTERY AMERICANPUBLIC GAS ARATEX SERVICES ASPLUNDHTREE EXPERT BANKERSTRUST ROBERTBARRETT BINGS OFFICE SUPPLY BRITTAIN'S PARTS BROlINSUPPLY BUSINESS CCMMUNlCATIONS CARPENTERUNIFORM CLASSIC FLORAL COATESMFG CREATIVEPRINTERS DALLASCO NEWS DMWATERWORKS DITCH WITCH DORSEY&WHITNEY DRUMMONDAMERICAN ED M FELD EQUIP EDDYWALKEREQUIP. ELECTRONICENGINEERING EQUIMETER Purpose LONGDISTANCESERVICE BATTERIES DUES POLICE MAT CLEANING ONE-CALL BONDFEES EXPENSES OFFICE SUPPLIES PARTS SUPPLIES RADIO REPAIR FR UNIFORMS FLCWERS PARTS NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIP'J;'ION LAB ANALYSIS BOCMASSEMBLY LEGALSERVICES SUPPLIES PARTS FLIGHTS RADIO REPAIR METERS Amount $12.88 85.04 186.00 22.50 89.01 1,175.00 18.71 233.20 89.32 776.35 71.96 115.90 23.00 241.37 118.00 20.00 10.00 677.35 1,526.80 429.12 28.80 27.48 107.50 3,291.57