HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-08-21-Regular MinutesAUGUST 21,1995 COUNCIL MINUTES -1 The August 21,1995 Waukee City Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Mayor Chet Chedester with Toni Lestina taking minutes. A roll call vote was taken and the following council members were present:Don Bailey,Jr.,Nick Gruber,Monica Lihs,Dan Lugar and Terry Strain. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.Everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA ADDITIONS -APPROVAL OF AGENDA.Add Open Forum as 4A;Item 4C change to Sept 3rd;Item 4B change to Fall Festival-Lynn Schafer.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 5 to O. OPEN FORUM. Larry Dierking -Midwest Mobile Home Court Homeowners Association.Mr.Dierking represented the residents of the Mobile Home Court requesting to keep the current garbage hauler John Shoemann. Councilwoman Lihs stated that the Dallas County News is our official publication,and that the Burning Ordinance was published in the Dallas County News on August 17.Councilwoman Lihs would like the City Administrator to visit with the Police Department regarding the burning that has continued. The Mayor asked Lou Dierking to provide Kurt with information he has received from the surrounding communities,on recycling. Councilman Gruber explained the concerns the City has and why everyone should recycle. Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to accept the report from Lou Dierking regarding recycling/garbage collection.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes: Strain,Gruber,Lugar,Lihs and Bailey.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Paul Huscher stated his concerns with the contract with Waste Management ofIowa,and that he would review it again. Tom Davis -Manager of Midwest Mobile Home Park.Mr.Davis stated that he believes that the City is liable for any damages that might occur from garbage trucks driving through the mobile home parle.. FALL FESTIVAL -LYNN SCHAFER.The Fall Festival will be the weekend of September 30th through October 1st.Lynn explained the plans for the tent to be moved to Walnut Street between the triangle and Pin Oak Gallery,There will be a need for extra trash cans and some fencing around the tent. AUGUST 21,1995 COUNCIL MINUTES -2 CONSENT AGENDA.A)Salary &Bill Presentation;B)8/14/95 and 8/17/95 Minutes;and C) September 3rd Block Party. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Bailey,to approve the consent agenda (not to include the 817/95 minutes).The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Bailey, Gruber,Strain and Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. 817/95 MINUTES.Correction of 817/95 minutes on page 6,3rd paragraph should read "Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to strike Section 2l2.l(A)and section 2l2.2©from the Open Burning Ordinance.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber, Lihs and Lugar.Motion carried 3 to O. Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Bailey,to approve the 817/95 minutes as corrected.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Bailey,Lugar,Lihs and Strain. Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Motion by Councilman Bailey,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to approve the bill for Wade Motsinger -Red Cross Swimming Lessons Director in the amount of $200.00.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Bailey,Lihs,Strain,Lugar and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. RESOLUTION CALL FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION.On July 11th the Council received a petition containing 19 signatures calling for a special election.After contracting the County Auditors office was notified that the petition would need to have 91 signatures.A new petition has been received with 103 signatures. RESOLUTION 95-2 RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO FILL A CITY COUNCIL SEAT VACATED BY FRANK DUROY. WHEREAS a Waukee City Council seat was vacated by Frank Duroy on July 1,1995 and WHEREAS the Waukee City Council chose to fill this seat by appointment on August 7,1995; and WHEREAS a notice was published in the Dallas County News on August 3,1995 informing the eligible voters in Waukee of their right to file a petition within fourteen days calling for a special election;and WHEREAS a petition was filed on August 11,1995 at the office of the City Clerk; WHEREAS the Waukee City Council has reviewed the signatures on the petition during their AUGUST 21,1995 COUNCIL MINUTES -3 IregularlyscheduledCouncilmeetingofAugust21,1995,and has found them to be sufficient to warrant a valid petition. NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that the City Clerk of the City of Waukee,Iowa is hereby directed to file this petition with the Dallas County Auditors Office,on Tuesday,August 22, 1995 by 5 :OOpm. Approved this 21st day of August,1995. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Strain,to accept the petition calling for a special election and pass Resolution 95-2.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs, Strain,Lugar,Bailey and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. 1994 -UNIFORM FIRE CODE.The Council briefly discussed the 1994 UFC.Councilman Bailey made a motion to table this item until a later date,seconded by Councilman Gruber.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Bailey,Gruber,Strain,Lihs and Lugar.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 to O. BRODERICK REZONING VET CLINIC &DOG KENNEL.John Broderick is requesting to have his property rezoned from A -I to C-I.The Planning &Zoning Commission approved this a while back.In making their decision it was decided that because a majority of the business was for a vet clinic,it should be zoned C-I.Our current Ordinance does not address Dog Kennels, but the proposed Ordinance has Dog Kennels as A -I.The property owner wants to market this surrounding property for Commercial use. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to have the Ordinance read for the second time in title only.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Gruber,Strain, Bailey and Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. ORDINANCE NO.__ AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 30 I,WAUKEE MUNICIPAL CODE, ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA,BY RE-ZONING AND CHANGING CERTAIN PROPERTY THEREIN FROM A-I (AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT) TO C-I (COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT);AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO SHOW RE-ZONING. MINIMUM WATER BILL FOR CITY EMPLOYEES.The Waukee City Employees currently receive free minimum water equal to $24.75 per month.However,only some of the employees receive the benefit as those who live outside the City or live in apartments where they are not billed for water do not get a bill.IMotionbyCouncilmanStrain,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to eliminate this benefit and AUGUST 21,1995 COUNCIL MINUTES -4 incorporate into the new wage scale ($0.14).The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain, Lihs,Lugar,Bailey and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. 1995 SALARY RESOLUTION.Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to approve the Resolution adopting the new wage scale and putting employees in the appropriate steps in the scale.The resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION 95-3 WHEREAS there has been a study of Job Descriptions and an evaluation of the positions based upon a number of criteria;and WHEREAS from that information a wage scale has been created for all the positions in the City of Waukee,excepting the City Administrator/Clerk,Library positions,and part-time positions; and WHEREAS it is necessary for the city Council to place the City Employees in their appropriate place in the wage scale authorizing the expenditures; NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that the attached wage scale be adopted for the fiscal year ending June 30,1996 and that employees be placed in the appropriate grade and step in the wage scale as listed below,retroactive to July 1,1995. DIANNA VANZEE TONI LESTINA ELIZABETH A.FORD ROBERT D.HERRICK JAMES DE WITT,JR. TIMOTHY L.ROYER GREGORY BREUER ROBERT G.EVANS KENNETH E.HOPPER ROBIN R.HORKEY DANNYL.WHITE ROBERT BARRETT JOHN C.WESSELMANN LARRYJ.PHlLLIPS GRADE 1 I 1 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 10 11 PASSED,this 21st day of August,1995. STEP 3 1 2 START Yz 2 2 1 START Yz Yz 1 2 2 Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to have a separate check for the retroactive pay.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain,Gruber,Bailey,Lihs and AUGUST 21,1995 COUNCIL MINUTES -5 Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. RESOLUTION APPROVING FIRE CHIEF AND FIRST RESPONDER CAPTAIN COMPENSATION.In this year's budget we have increased the compensation for the First Responder Captain and the Fire Chief from $50 per month to $65 per month. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Bailey,to pass Resolution 95-4.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Bailey,Lugar,Gruber and Strain.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 to O.Resolution 95-4 is as follows: RESOLUTION 95-4 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING COMPENSATION FROM THE WAUKEE FIRE CHIEF AND FIRST RESPONDER CAPTAIN. WHEREAS the city of Waukee has a Volunteer Fire Department and First Responders Department;and WHEREAS there is a Fire Chief and First Responders Captain who spend a considerable amount of time and some personal expenses serving in that role;and IWHEREASthishelpisverymuchappreciatedbytheCityofWaukee;and WHEREAS some incentive and compensation is due to these positions; Now therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Waukee that the compensation of the Fire Chief and First Responders Captain be set at $65 per month (each)beginning July 1, 1995 and continuing until authorized by City Council. PASSED THIS 21st day of August,1995. PART-TIME WAGE RESOLUTION.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to pass Resolution 95-5.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs, Lugar,Bailey,Strain and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O.The resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION 95-5 A RESOLUTION SETTING THE PART-TIME WAGES IN THE CITY OF WAUKEE. WHEREAS the City of Waukee needs part-time help in the summer to help with the increased work load;and I AUGUST 21,1995 COUNCIL MINUTES -6 WHEREAS the hourly rate the city has had in the past is insufficient to attract and keep part-time individuals employed at the City of Waukee;and WHEREAS the City Clerk authorized the increase to help attract and retain part-time individuals earlier in the year; NOW THEREFORE be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Waukee,that the City set its part-time hourly rate at $6.25 per hour for all part-time public works employees retroactive to July 1,1995. PASSED THl S 21 st day of August,1995. BRODERICK WATER LINE EXTENSION.John Wesselmann spoke to the Council recommending V &K look into running a line from the water main down the ditch and over to the property, Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by councilman Bailey,to bring other alternatives to the Council.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Bailey,Strain,Gruber and Lugar. Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to o. WAUKEE COMMUNITY SCHOOL WAIVE OF BUILDING PERMIT FEES.It has been past practice for the City to waive the permit fees for small projects for certain non-profit organizations. The Waukee Schools are constructing a booth/tower to be used for football games to address the public and keep score.The permit fee would normally be $85.00. Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Bailey,to waive the permit fees.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Bailey,Strain,Lihs and Lugar.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 to o. SELECTIVEND GAS METER.While conducting the large meter testing this year,it was discovered that Selectivends meter was running slow and there was no room for any more calibration. The City has the meter and supplies ready,but need the Council's authorization to have Iowa Pipeline build and erect the meter set for this building.Iowa Pipeline is the same company the City has been using for several years for various gas projects.The City is currently losing revenue as a result of the gas meter running slow. Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to approve the replacement of the Selectivend Gas Meter.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Lugar,Lihs, Bailey and Strain.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to o. AUGUST 21,1995 COUNCIL MINUTES -7 JVEHICLEPURCHASEAUTHORIZATION.The Public Works Department has needed to replace the Water Department vehicle for several years.The Council wanted to know how much the vans were going for at auctions.Vans have been running from $4500 -$6,000 and pickups/cars are variable.$10,000 has been budgeted for a used vehicle. Motion by Councilman Bailey,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to give John Wesselmann the authorization to go to the mOT auction and purchase a vehicle not to exceed $10,000 and to check into purchasing a new van using the State Bid.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes: Bailey,Lihs,Gruber,Strain and Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. PURCHASE OF SCARIFIER BLADE FOR GRADER.Due to the increase in the amount of gravel roads that the City takes care of,the Public Works Department would like to purchase this blade for scarifying pot holes out of the road and getting a better finished product. Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to purchase a scarifier blade for $2,900.00.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain,Lihs,Gruber,Lugar and Bailey. Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. 2ND,3RD,5TH STREET REPAIRIREPLACEMENT.The City has asked V &K to do a cost comparison between asphalt and concrete for replacement of 2nd,3rd,and 5th Streets. JMotionbyCouncilmanGruber,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to have V &K give cost estimates on engineering design,and review of these street projects possibly a special assessment projects.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Lihs,LUg81',Strain and Bailey. Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by councilman Lugar,to get 3 bids for patching and overlay of cherry Street between 5th &6th Streets.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes: Lihs,Lugar,Gruber,Strain and Bailey.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. MAYOR'S REPORT.The Mayor and Council discussed gas meter replacements;the planning of the Fall Festival;Developers Fees;and a letter regarding the restrooms at the park. Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to change the September City council meeting to September 11th and September 25th.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote: Ayes:Gruber,Lugar,Strain and Bailey.Nays:Lihs.Motion carried 4 to 1. Mayor Chedester,Paul Huscher and the City Council discussed the filling of the vacant Council seat and the recommendations were made and the actions that were taken in filling the seat. There was a brief discuss about when a Council member can abstain.Councilman Strain stated on the record that a Council member can abstain for any reason they want to abstain,and other Council members should be respectful if they decide to do so.I AUGUST 21,1995 COUNCIL MINUTES -8 PLANNING &ZONING REPORT.No report received. HIRING OF NEW POLICE OFFICER -GRANT.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Strain,to form a committee with 1 member from the Safety committee;1 member from the Personnel Committee;the City Administrator and the Chief of Police to discuss the possibility of hiring a new officer with the COPS grant.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote: Ayes:Lihs and Strain.Nays:Lugar,Bailey and Gruber.Motion failed 2 to 3. Councilman Bailey commented that this should have been discussed before applying for the grant to hire another police officer. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to form a committee to discuss hiring another police officer.This committee will consist of 1 member from the following committees:Safety Committee,Personnel Committee,City Administrator and the Police Chief.Dan Lugar will take the place of Nick Gruber.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Gruber,Strain and Bailey.Nays:Lugar.Motion carried 4 to 1. Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to receive the Public Safety report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 5 to O. ATTORNEY'S REPORT.Paul Huscher reminded the Mayor and City Council of the 1:00 meeting with Clive on August 22nd at Clive City Hall. PUBLIC WORKS REPORT.John Wesselmann briefly discussed the happenings in the Public Works Department. Motion by Councilman Bailey,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to receive the Public Works Report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 5 to O. ADJOURNMENT.Motion by Councilman Bailey,seconded by Councilman Lugar to adjourn the meeting.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 5 to O. The meeting adjourned at 10:19pm. Attest:~/~Claire L.Chedester,Mayor Kurt A.Rueckel,City Clerk