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1995-10-16-Regular Minutes
The October 16,1995 Waukee City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Mayor Chedester with Bob Barrett taking minutes. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.Everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL.A roll call vote was taken and the following Council members were present: Don Bailey,Jr.,Nick Gruber,Monica Lihs,Dan Lugar and Terry Strain. OPEN FORUM.None. AGENDA ADDITIONS.None. APPROVAL OF AGENDA.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.The motion carried 5 to O. CONSENT AGENDA.A)10/2/95 Council Minutes;B)Salary &Bill Presentation;C)Beer Permit/Liquor license -Beverage Dist ofIa. SALARY PRESENTATION Donald L.Bailey,Jr. Robert P.Barrell GregoryA.Breuer Claire L.Chedester James E.DeWill,Jr. Robert G.Evans Elizabeth A.Ford Lisa M.Gukeisen-Thielen Nicholas C.Gruber Don C.Henson Robert D.Herrick Kenneth E.Hopper Robin R.Horkey Toni L.Lestina Monica E.Lihs Linda M.Mack Larry L.Phillips Clint H.Robinson Timothy L.Royer Kurt A.Rueckel Terry L.Strain Joy E.Tofteland Dianna L.Van Zee John C.Wesselmann Danny L.White David S.DeZeeuw Daniel W.Lugar $40.79 $519.02 $868.71 $5.87 $525.72 $773.79 $670.93 $154.26 $46.17 $60.00 $694.47 $739.92 $723.61 $592.32 $46.17 $608.71 $1,020.80 $60.03 $723.00 $1,099.00 $46.17 $546.73 $612.43 $728.13 $770.35 $669.84 $46.17 Terence P.McNamara $616.52 !Nathan G.Ruble $104.73 Christal D.Zook $138.57 Brenton State Bank $5,425.85 Telco Comm CU $410.00 DM Metro Corp $230.61 UNIPAC Serv Corp $115.00 Brenton State Bank $212.24 TOTAL $20,646.71 BILL PRESENTATION Aramark Uniform Services Entrance mat cleaning $41.32 Arnold Motor Supply 2"ball $9.11 Baker &Taylor Books Material $26.86 Blair,Sherri Refund $57.70 Border's Book Shop Material $25.25 Brenton State Bank Replenish petty cash $47.08 Craig Butterfield,Psych Professional services $100.00 JCarpenterUniformCo.Shirts $170.85 City of Johnston Street sweeping $910.00 Classic Floral &Gifts Hospitalization expression $57.50 Cole Publications 95 DM city directory $119.00 Contractors Supply,Inc.quadra-flex rigid stand $413.29 Dallas County News 9/95 publications $432.56 Dawson Material $21.96 DEMCO Misc.supplies $285.38 DM Water Works Water usage $8,740.28 Electro-Serv,Inc.Outside lighting repair $115.42 Emergency Medical Prod Supplies $47.97 Farmer's Coop Elevator 9/95 purchases $1,565.14 Fuller Standard Service 9/95 purchases $283.66 Gas Products Sales Misc.supplies $2,856.57 Great American Outdoor Mower parts $84.95 Gruber,Mark L.9/95 building permits $348.25 Fastpro International Inc.First Aide supplies $23.65 Hunt Company Hydro-jet &vacuum lines $10,137.20 Huscher,Paul E.9/95 defense of suit $312.50 IA Dept of Job Service 3rd qtr 1995 SUTA $261.00 IIngramLibraryServicesMaterial$786.25 2 IA Chapter -American IA Communications Network IA Dept of Transportation IA Pipeline Associates MidAmerican Energy IA Windshield Repair K-L Auto Parts korpanty,Eric &Linda Leak Specialists Lease Consultants Corp Lerner Publications Co Mack,Linda M. Matt Parrott &Sons Co McNamara,Terence P. Municipal Supply NAPA Auto Parts Store National Fire Protection NetiNS Olson Brothers Pay less Cashways,Inc. PCNET Services,Inc. Peterson,Gary Presto-X Company Quality Ford ofw'D.M. Genex R-way Concrete Rapid Printing Service Redden-Miller,Inc. Roland Dippold Roy R.Estel Rueckel,Kurt A. Sam's Club Simon &Schuster Storey-Kenworthy Co The Building Inspectors Tofteland,Joy E. US Postal Service US West Communications Utiiity Consultants,Inc. Van-Wall Equip,Inc VISA Warren Industries,Inc. Waste Management of IA Waukee Hardware &Variety 1995 snowplow rodeo 8/95 Monthly service Operating supplies 5m rotary meter set Monthly service Chip repair Parts Supplies for program Leak survey Copier lease payment #30 Material Expenses/supplies Delinq notices/utility bills Uniforms Sewer dye -yellow Alternator Unit #365 NFPA Membership/posters 9/95 monthly service 9/95 purchases Misc.supplies Tapes driveway repair Monthly pest control Mise repairs Oxygen &acetylene M-4 mix SepUOct Newsletters Copier repair Handwriting opinion Jointly purchased material External modem Supplies Books File compressor assembly 9/95 BUilding permits 9/95 expenses Roll of stamps Monthly service 9/95 Lab testing Mower parts Annual fee Workbooks 9/95 residential serv 9/95 purchases $100.00 $1.38 $455.01 $3,013.32 $468.91 $29.50 $8.78 $41.12 $973.50 $72.31 $104.57 $230.30 $1,117.06 $314.90 $39.95 $285.00 $278.90 $60.00 $523.47 $91.87 $172.50 $1,000.00 $21.50 $260.49 $40.80 $306.00 $346.35 $75.00 $100.00 $138.00 $112.33 $72.34 $138.00 $40.00 $2,140.00 $15.60 $32.00 $86.03 $336.00 $146.26 $10.00 $245.40 $6,672.81 $219.07 3 Waukee MunicipalGas Wityk,Debra 9/95 gas service 9/95 custodial service $21.46 $125.00 ITOTAL$49,363.89 Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to approve the Consent Agenda.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Gruber,Strain,Bailey and Lugar. Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. MOBILE HOME PARK -ADDRESSING GARBAGE PICKUP.Douglas Staskel attorney representing the Mobile Home Park,handed out several letters reference the solid waste and recycling ordinances and expressed that they thought that it would be more fair to treat the Mobile Home Park like the Apartments.He stated that none of the metro cities include mobile home parks in their curbside recycling programs,and that it would be no gain or loss to the City to allow the Park to participate under the Apartment Recycling Ordinance. The Council discussed many factors including that the City has passed this ordinance after having discussed it a number of times,and that the mobile home park residents should be treated just like the other home owners in the city,the ability of the road to handle the dump trucks,and that Waste Management did not care if they collected at the park.J Jay Oxenford -866 Collins Drive -Midwest Mobile Home Park,explained to the Council that the residents of the mobile home park do not want garbage trucks in the parks or have any changes made in regard to their garbage pickup.The residents are in 100%agreement that they want to keep the current garbage hauler. The Council asked Attorney Huscher look into the legality,of the City's Ordinance making the Mobile Home Park a part of the City's Contract with Waste Management,before the end of the meeting. WARRIOR LANE -METROPOLITAN STANDARDS.Kurt Rueckel briefly updated the Council regarding Warrior Lane. COPS GRANT -IDRING OF POLICE OFFICER.The City received notice several months ago that a grant for a new police officer was awarded to Waukee.The COPS Grant requires the new officer to spend a majority of their time in programs such as D.A.R.E.and neighborhood watch. Kurt briefed the Council on a number of points,Councilman Strain raised a number of questions about the grant and the how the City determines if it needs another officer.I 4 After a lengthy discussion,motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to not hire another officer at this time and that Larry ask for an extension to hire the new officer. The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar,Lihs,Strain and Gruber.Nays:Bailey. Motion carried 4 to 1. Kurt complimented Police Chief Phillips and his extra efforts in patrolling to keep overtime down. DISCUSSION OF HIRING A BUILDING INSPECTOR.The City of Waukee has discussed this issue often over the past eight months.It would take approximately 100 new housing permits to pay for a building inspection department. Motion by Councilman Bailey,seconded by Councilman Strain,to delay this subject for a while and then review it along with the number of permits that are issued.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Bailey,Strain,Lihs,Gruber and Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. REQUEST TO PURCHASE SMALL RECYCLING BINS -REVISITED.At the last meeting the City Council voted to authorize Kurt to purchase the recycling bins.Because the quote carne in higher than originally projected and a minimum of 500 bins are needed to be ordered,the item was brought back before the Council. Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Bailey,to put this item on hold.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Bailey and Lugar.Nays:Lihs and Strain. Motion carried 3 to 2. REQUEST PURCHASE POLICE VEHICLE.The Chief briefed the Council about the Police Vehicle and the bids.Councilman Strain asked a number of questions about the vehicle and noted that options could be dropped saving the City money and that a Chevy Lumina could be purchased instead of the Ford that is currently available at a savings of approximately $2,000. After a brief discussion,motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to give Police Chief Phillips permission to seek quotes and to bring them back to the City Council. Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Lugar,Bailey,Strain and Gruber.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 to O. SIGN ORDINANCE -BANNERS -1ST.READING.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,to introduce "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 301.23,SIGNAGE,WAUKEE MUNICIPAL CODE,BY EXCLUDING BANNERS FROM THE DEFINITION OF SIGNS, AND PROVIDING THAT BANNERS MAYBE DISPLAYED BY APPROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCIL." Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to have the Ordinance read for the first time,title only.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar,Lihs,Bailey,Strain and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. 5 REQUEST TO PLACE UTILITY EASEMENTS IN FRONT OF LOTS -WINDFIELD PLAT 4.Regency is requesting to put a utility easement in the front of the lots in Windfield 1 Plat 4.This is similar to what was done in Southfork and Country Club Woods 4.The topography on the lots along Marshall Drive makes this necessary,and the only lots where this would be done are long the railroad tracks. Paul Huscher suggested that this should be taken to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar to tabled the issue and take it to the Planning and Zoning Commission.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Lugar, Gruber,Bailey and Strain.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. CITY/SCHOOL AGREEMENT URBAN NATURE RESERVE.Mayor Chedester table this item until a later date. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar to have this item tabled.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote.Ayes:Lihs,Lugar,Strain,Bailey and Gruber.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 to O. MAYOR'S REPORT.The Mayor spoke on the following:A)October 17 at 7:00 is "Meet the Candidates Night"at the Library;2)The Mayor stated that he thought the Fall Festival was a success. JPUBLICSAFETYREPORT.A written report was given to the Council and Mayor. Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Bailey,to receive the Public Safety Report.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Bailey,Strain,Lugar and Lihs. Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. LIBRARY REPORT.Councilman Bailey gave a brief summary of the written Library report. Motion by Councilman Bailey,seconded by councilman Lihs,to receive the Library Report.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Bailey,Lihs,Gruber,Strain and Lugar.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 to O. ATTORNEY'S REPORT.Paul Huscher explained that the solid waste collection is considered a utility and that the City can legally include the mobile home court in the contract with Waste Management. Motion by Councilman Bailey,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to have Paul Huscher draw up an ordinance for solid waste collection and recycling at the Mobile Home Park and Apartments complexes.The Mayor asked for a roll call votes:Ayes:Bailey,Gruber,Lugar.Nays:Strain and Lihs.Motion carried 3 to 2.I Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to enter into closed session pursuant to the Iowa code section 21.51©"To discuss strategy with Counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the govermnental body in that litigation".The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Lugar,Strain,Bailey and Lihs.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. The Council entered closed session at 9:47pm. The Council carne out of closed session at 9:56pm. Motion to adjourn by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lugar at 1O:04pm. ~~Z~ Attested:Claire L.Chedester,Mayor Kurt A.Rueckel,City Clerk 7