HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-12-18-Regular MinutesThe December 18,1995 Waukee City Council meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by Mayor Chedester with Toni Lestina taking minutes.This meeting will not be on video due to camera failure. Roll call.A roll call vote was taken and the following Council members were present:Don Bailey,Jr.,Nick Gruber,Monica Lihs,Dan Lugar and Terry Strain. Pledge of Allegiance.Everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Open Forum. Tom Davis -Midwest Mobile Home Park,has information from the surrounding communities regarding the insurance requirements for Waste Haulers. Councihnan Bailey presented Mayor Chedester with a plaque of appreciation for his two years of service as Mayor. Agenda Additions.Councilman Strain would like to discuss the handling of insurance claims under the Mayor's report. Agenda Approval.Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilman Bailey,to approve the agenda.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain,Bailey,Lugar,Gruber and Lihs. Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Consent Agenda.A)12/4/95 Council Minutes;and B)Salary &Bill Presentation - $364,808.26.Motion by Councihnan Gruber,seconded by Councihnan Bailey,to approve the consent agenda.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Bailey,Lihs,Strain and Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. SALARY PRESENTATION Donald L.Bailey,Jr. Robert P.Barrett Gregory A.Breuer Chet Chedester James E.DeWitt,Jr. David S.DeZeeuw Robert G.Evans Elizabeth A.Ford Lisa M.Gukeisen-Thielen Nicholas Gruber Don Hensen Robert D.Herrick Kenneth E.Hopper $40.79 $520.18 $1,005.27 $5.87 $834.58 $772.45 $738.43 $604.25 $237.51 $46.17 $60.00 $765.52 $882.48 1 Robin R.Horkey Toni L.Lestina Monica E.Lihs Daniel W.Lugar Linda M.Mack Terence P.McNamara Larry J.Phillips Clint H.Robinson Timothy L.Royer Nathan G.Ruble Kurt A.Rueckel Terry L.Strain Joy E.Tofleland Dianna L.VanZee John C.Wesselmann Danny L.White Christal D.Zook Brenton State Bank Telco Comm Credit Union DM Metro Credit Union Clerk of District Court U nipac Service Corporation Total Bill Presentation AT&T All Makes Office Equipment American Heart Assoc. American Meter Company Aramark Uniform Services Auditor of State Baker &Taylor Books Bankers Trust Company Bankers Trust Company Best Buy Company Brenton State Bank Broderick Animal Clinic Business Communications Carpenter Uniform Co Central Tractor $707.88 $592.31 $46.17 $46.17 $608.71 $616.52 $1,020.80 $60.03 $851.05 $111.70 $1,099.00 $46.17 $546.73 $401.43 $728.13 $804.12 $92.47 $5,746.59 $621.00 $230.61 $124.10 $115.00 $21,730.19 Long distance service Legal file,lock BLS video/completion cards 300 meters Entrance mat cleaning FY94-95 audit servies material Agent fee Transfer of funds Material Petty cash disbursements Animal board Radio repair Jumpsuits Merchandise 2 $19.56 $356.00 $175.00 $25,553.74 $44.05 $14,300.00 $1.77 $1,950.00 $168,044.82 $35.97 $198.48 $200.00 $50.00 $243.65 $199.99 I Copy Center Dallas County News Dawson DEMCO OM Register OM Water Works Dorrian Heating &Cooling Earlham Savings Bank Electro-Serv,Inc. Emergency Medical Prod Farmer's Coop Fuller Standard Service Gas Products Sales Groebner &Associates Huscher,Paul E. Hy-Vee Food &Drug I ngram Library Services I nstitute Public Affairs IA Communications Network MidAmerican Energy Jim Coons Trucking Keye Productivity Center Kragel,Wade Lease Consultants Corp Lerner Publications Co. Linch Auto Parts Mack,Linda M. McNamara,Terence P. Mel Northey Co Mid States Ford Truck Mid-Land Equipment Co Midwest Business Products Midwest Radar &Equipment Municipal Supply Murphy,Jim NetlNS Newman Traffic Signs O'Halioran International Olson Brothers Padgett-Thompson Payless Cashways,Inc. Plumb Supply Company Presto-X Company Business cards 11/95 Pubiications Materiai Supplies Annexation notice Water useage Fasco motor RVBB CD #8590 Relocate switch,add plug Medical supplies 11/95 purchases 11/95 Fuller purchases Misc.supplies Misc.parts Examined Downing platting Employee moral enhancement Materiais Municipal poiicy leaders handbook 10/95 monthly service Monthly Service Hauling sand Payroll seminar Auto damage claim Copier lease payment Material Misc.parts Mileage,supplies Snow management conf mil Southfork Street lights Parts Install hydrauiics Supplies 5 certs Supples Supplies 11/95 InterNet Service Signs OH1 11/95 Purchases Organizing files seminar Light panels,staple Gas stop Monthly pest control 3 $85.00 $229.29 $490.92 $28.09 $18.88 $8,189.71 $276.66 $51,654.88 $129.77 $408.50 $540.04 $150.23 $2,064.60 $521.34 $87.50 $370.68 $612.86 $84.00 $2.81 $2,744.76 $280.19 $139.00 $449.00 $72.31 $64.67 $123.20 $117.85 $52.20 $1,628.31 $35.91 $510.47 $235.98 $225.00 $3,808.20 $60.74 $30.00 $210.70 $15.66 $217.95 $290.00 $19.75 $33.46 $21.50 Prosecuting Attorneys Quality Ford ofW.D.M. Genex Redden-Miller,Inc. Rueckel,Kurt A. Sam's Club Steck-Vaughn Company The Building Inspectors Tofteland,Joy E. Toyne's IA Fire Trk Ser Treas,State of Iowa Treas,State of Iowa Treas,State of Iowa Triple T Enterprises Triplett Off Essentials US Energy Services,Inc. US Postal Service US West Communications Utility Consultants,Inc/ VISA Waste Management of IA Waukee First Responders Waukee Hardware Waukee Municipal Gas Wityk,Debra OWl/Major Traffic Offense Misc.repairs Oxygen &acetylene Copier drum unit Modem Supplies Material 11/95 buiiding permits Mileage Adjustable shelf 11/95 Sales tax deposit 11/95 sales tax deposit 11/95 sales tax deposit Motor vehicle &criminal law book Nameplate Gas usage Postage Service 11/95 Laboratory testing Monthly purchases 11/95 residential service Supplies 11/95 purchases Gas usage 11/95 custodial service Total $5.00 $309.56 $43.52 $245.00 $68.24 $227.83 $37.83 $2,569.00 $12.22 $50.00 $1,259.22 $90.27 $3,199.03 $204.00 $9.00 $35,939.26 $779.75 $519.48 $336.00 $450.98 $6,657.14 $618.22 $471.86 $145.06 $125.00 I $343,078.07 Final Plat -Windfield Plat 4.The special assessments have been paid for this project.There are several items on the punch list that have been taken care of by the developer.Pat Shepard, CEC,explained the reasons why some items on the punch list had not been completed. Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilman Strain,to approve the Final Plat - Windfield Plat 4 with the stipulation that all the items on the punch list will be completed by June I,1996 or the City will exercise their right to use the performance bonds. Paul Huscher stated Councilman Lugar will need to use an additional performance bond for the items on the punch list.Councilman Lugar withdrew his motion. Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to table this item until the January 8th City Council meeting. 4 I 1996 Planning &Zoning Commission.The Planning and Zoning Commission would like the City Council to review and approve their proposed 1996 P &Z Review Schedule which they have approved. Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to approve the Planning & Zoning schedule for 1996 and agree to follow the schedule.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote: Ayes:Lugar,Gruber,Strain,Lihs and Bailey.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Licensing of Waste Haulers Ordinance 213 -3rd Reading.This ordinance essentially raises the insurance limits required of Waste Haulers in Waukee.All the haulers have been notified that this would be the third reading. One call was received at City Hall from BFI who suggested that having the City named as an additional named insured was not necessary in his opinion unless the City had a contract with a hauler. Mr.Schuman's current insurance carrier can not provide this much commercial coverage -but estimated the additional cost to be $800 per year.$800 per year equates to about $0.33 per stop per month.Another carried suggests it would cost $2,000 per year or $0.83 per unit per month. This issue comes down to what is fair.The City has $5,000,000 of umbrella coverage and the City requires the same from Waste Management as well. Tom Davis handed out the copies of Des Moines Waste Haulers contract,which included the insurance limits for Waste Haulers. Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to table until the January 8th meeting.The Council directed Kurt to gather information from the surrounding communities and check with our insurance carrier.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain,Lugar, Gruber,Bailey and Strain.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Mobile Home Park -Resetting of Homes.Jim Tucker,The Building Inspectors,recapped the activity regarding 25 dwelling units installed at the Midwest Mobile Home Park in lat 1993 to early 1994,whose owners have indicated questions with the installations.The current status is as follows:six (6)dwelling units have been reset and final inspection completed;six (6)dwelling units taken permits to reset,not [mal inspected;nine (9)have been inspected,not properly set,no permit taken;and four (4)no contact in regard to any problems or united moved,now a vacant lot. Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilman Gruber,that based on the information received from Mr.Tucker that the homes are being and will be set to specified recommendations that this matter be closed and no action be taken on the recommendation of the Board of Adjustments.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar,Gruber,and Bailey.Nays:Lihs 5 and Strain.Motion carried 3 to 2. Mayor Chedester vetoed the motion. Van Purchase.John Wessehnann,Public Works Director,is asking for Council permission to purchase a 3.4 ton cargo van from Charles Gabus Ford for the amount of $17,149.80 utilitizing the 3 year financing program through Ford Motor Credit.This will enable the City to outfit the van with part bins and shelving that is necessary in this line of work.Payment of $6,431.93 due at inception,2nd payment of$6,13 1.93 due next year,and the final payment of $6,13 1.93 due the next year. Motion by Councihnan Strain,seconded by Councilman Lihs,to go out for bid,specs to be drawn by Kurt and John.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain,Lihs,Bailey,Gruber and Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Gas Main Break -Murphy Brothers.On November 14,Murphy Brothers hit the City's HIGH pressure gas main at the corner of Highway 6 and Warrior Lane.In order to relight the pilot lights faster,we notified the Mutual Aid Assistance Coordinator.The Communities who helped have sent the City bills for their time spent and the use of their vehicles.Murphy Brothers have been notified of the cost -$8,536.24,they have agreed to reimburse the City. Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilman Bailey,to reimburse the various entities their expenses and have Murphy Brothers reimburse the City.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar,Bailey,Strain,Lihs and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Drug and Alcohol Policy.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Bailey,to authorize the Personnel Committee and several employees to review the Drug and Alcohol Policy and bring their recommendations back to the Council.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Bailey,Strain,Lihs and Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. REAP Grant.Paul Huscher,City Attorney,review the proposed lease with the Council. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to direct Paul Huscher, Councilman Lugar and Kurt Rueckel to visit with the school regarding the lease agreement.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Lugar,Bailey,Strain and Gruber.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 to O. Calling of Hickman Trunk Sewer Special Assessment Bonds.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Bailey,to pass Resolution No.95-12,providing for prepayment of$85,000 Special Assessment Sewer Improvement Notes,dated May I,1993.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Bailey,Lugar,Gruber and Strain.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O.I6 Refunding of Water Bonds.Options exist to refund some of the City's outstanding bonds to take advantage oflower interest rates.Two possible bonds could be refunded,series 1989 and 1992.Because the savings for the 1992 issue is no minimal,Ruan Securities does not recommend refunding of that series at this time.The reissuance of the 1989 series could save the City $14,272.50 over the next six years. Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Bailey,to have Kurt direct Ruan Securities and Dorsey &Whitney to prepare the proper paperwork to refund the 1989 series bonds.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Bailey,Lugar,Strain and Lihs. Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Refunding of Sewer Bonds.Options exist to refund some of the City's outstanding bonds to take advantage oflower interest rates.Two possible bonds could be refunded,the 1992 series and 1989 series.Because the savings for the 1989 issue is small,Ruan Securities is not recommending refunding of that series at this time.The reissuance of the 1992 series could save the City $28,700.00 over the next sixteen years. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to have Kurt direct Ruan Securities and Dorsey &Whitney prepare the proper paperwork to refund the 1992 series bonds. The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Lugar,Strain,Bailey and Gruber.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 to O. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to give Kurt Rueckel the authority to stop the process of refunding the bonds if it would not be beneficial to the City.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Lugar,Strain,Bailey and Gruber.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 to O. V &K Bills -Reimbursement Update.Kurt Rueckel,City Administrator,gave the Council a written report of the status of reimbursement for the V &K bills. City Administrator/Clerk Six Month Evaluation &Salary Review.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to grant Kurt a yearly pay increase of $2,000 retroactive to July 1,1995,based upon the Council's evaluation on *****1995 The next evaluation will be January 8,1995 as per employment agreement.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Lugar,Strain,Bailey and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Mayor's Report.Mayor Chedester gave the Council a copy of the letter from the Governor regarding the Highway 6 Project. Councihnan Strain reported to the Council the handling of insurance claims by the City's insurance carrier. Adjournment.Motion to adjourn by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilman Lugar at 7 IO:52pm.Upon a voice vote the motion was passed 5 to O. &~$fA7 Claire L.Chedester,Mayor I Attested: Kurt A.Rueckel,City Clerk I 8