HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-03-Regular MinutesP
The June 3,1996 Waukee City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.by Mayor
Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,with Toni Lestina taking minutes.
Roll Call.A roll call vote was taken and the following Council members were present:Nick
Gruber,Robyn Heath,Monica Lihs,Dan Lugar and Terry Strain.
Open Forum.Mayor Bailey read a letter from Phyllis Hinkson regarding a open burning
Agenda Additions -Agenda Approval.Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by
Councilwoman Lihs,to approve the agenda.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried
Consent Agenda -A)5/20/96 Council Minutes;and B)Salary &Bill Presentation.Motion
by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councihnan Lugar,to approve the Consent Agenda.The
Mayor asked for a roll call vote.Ayes:Lihs,Lugar,Strain,Heath and Gruber.Nays:None.
Motion carried 5 to O.
Salary list for May 31,1996
Robert P.Barrett
Gregory A.Breuer
James E.DeWitt,Jr.
David S.DeZeeuw
Robert G.Evans
Elizabeth A.Ford
Lisa M.Gukeisen-Thielen
Robert D.Herrick
Howard O.Holmstrom
Kenneth E.Hopper
Robin R.Horkey
Bryan 1.Kammerer
Toni L.Lestina
Linda M.Mack
Terence P.McNamara
Larry J.Phillips
Timothy L.Royer
Nathan G.Ruble
Kurt A.Rueckel
Joy E.Tofteland
Dianna L.Van Zee
John C.Wessel mann
Danny L.White
Corey M.Wilkerson
Christal D.Zook
Brenton Bank
Telco Community Credit Union
Clerk of District Court
Treasurer -State of Iowa
June 3,1996 Bill Presentation
Annear Equipment Inc
Aramark Uniform Services
Arnold Motor Supply
Bankers Trust Company
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Craig Butterfield,Psych
CT Farm &Country
Classic Floral &Gifts
Computer Management
Contractors Machinery Inc.
Contractors Rental Co
Copy Center
Copy Systems
D C Muffler Shop,Inc.
Electronic Engineering Co
Gall's Inc.
Gruber,Mark L.
Hartman,Ron &Jane
Hawkeye Auto Supply
Hawkeye Telephone Service
Hunt Company
Huscher,Paul E.
Imaging Technologies
IA Health System
MidAmerican Energy
IA State University
Jim Coons Trucking
Fire School
Motor for roller/oil/filter
Entrance mat cleaning
Air filter
Monthly P &I deposit
Monthly premium
Professional services
4/96 Central Tractor
L Horkey flowers
Annual software maintenance
Pump gental 5/09
Film processing
Monthly copier maintenance
Quarterly display paging
5/96 building permits
5/96 City Hall Cleaning
RD flshspd
Telephone repair
Fire school
Jetted lines Hwy 6/Warrior Lane
6/96 retainer
Telephone pad
Monthly service
4/96 service
Fire school
$2,017.87 I2
Kiernan Construction
Kinko's Inc.
Linch Auto Parts
Madison National Life
Mel Northey Co,Inc
Merit Printing Co
Metro Uniforms
Municipal Supply
Olson Brothers
Payless Cashways,Inc.
Pitney Bowes,Inc.
Plumb Supply Company
Precision Computer System
Spring Valley Radio Corp
Squire Cogswell Company
Stitzell Electric Supply
Superior Signals,Inc
The Building Inspectors
United States Cellular
US Energy Services,Inc.
US West Cellular
US West Communications
Veenstra &Kimm,Inc
Wash pointe Autowash
Waukee Mini Storage
Waukee Municipal Gas
Straw at Windfield Park
Business stationary
Fire school
6/96 premium
Long distance services
Southfork street lights
Fire school
Violation ticket books
Seat organizer
Orange punch
Yellow paint
Misc purchases
Mailbox cedar post
Meter rental to 9/30/96
50 black nipples
Update diskette charge
Misc service
Lagoon blower motor
Southfork street lights
Split arrow light
5/96 building permits
Fire school
Monthly cellular service
Monthly cellular service
Monthly service
Monthly purchases
4/96 auto washes
6/96 unit C16 rental
gas use
Fire school
YMCA Task Force.Bill Spratt is interested in being on the Task Force.
Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to appoint Councilwoman Lihs
to the YMCA Task Force and have her appoint the other members.The Mayor asked for a roll
call vote:Ayes:Lugar,Gruber,Heath,Strain and Lihs.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O.
Ordinance Changing Solid Waste Monthly Fees.Jim Thompson addressed the Council letting
them know he does not feel it is appropriate for the City to have the citizens start pay the per
capita landfill fees.
This item was tabled until the June 17 Council meeting.
Wastewater Plant Facility Study.The City will need to consider the expansion of its
Wastewater Treatment Plant within the next few years.This expansion will not only handle the
future growth,but also to meet annnonia nitrogen discharge limitations which the City currently
does not meet at certain times ofthe year,but will need to meet by August 14,1998 as allowed
under an interim permit by the IDNR.
The current plant has a capacity of approximately 4,000 residents.
Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to have Kurt Rueckel send a
letter to the DNR requesting an extension regarding the Sewage Lagoons.The Mayor asked for a
roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar,Lihs,Heath,Strain and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O.
1996 -Street Projects.There are streets that are in serious need of removal and replacement.A
casual glance at these streets you will see that they have deteriorated beyond repair.They are
now alligatored with the asphalt in little chunks.There are too many cracks for these streets to
be crack sealed.
The City Council has discussed possible street projects,with one of the issues being the funding
of the projects.Engineering on Fifth Street and Cherry Street has been started but not yet for
Second and Third Streets.
Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to move the Staff
recommendation to prepare the bid specifications for Fifth Street,Cherry Street,Second Street
and Third Street and the City seek bids for the work to be done this fall.Kurt Rueckel is to
research how these projects can be paid for without special assessment.The Mayor asked for a
roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar,Lihs,Gruber,and Heath.Nays:Strain.Motion carried 4 to I.
Councilman Lugar and Councilwoman Lihs withdrew their motion.
Councilman Lugar would like the Council to get all the information on the street projects and
then make a decision.
Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to have all the facts and figures
and a break down of cost for the street projects.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Lihs,
Gruber,Strain,Heath,and Lihs.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O.
4 I28EAgreementWithmOT-Alice's Road.Mayor Bailey and Kurt Rueckel met with
representatives of the Iowa Department of Transportation regarding their offer to pay for half of
the paving of Alice's Road for the 1998 detour of Hickman Road.
Their offer still stands,they will pay for one half of Alice's Road plus engineering supervision
and administration,the City will pay for the other half of Alice's Road plus the engineering
design fees.
The IDOT will also pay for the necessary repairs to University Avenue.When the Hickman
Road Project is completed they will pay for any repairs needed on University to bring it up to the
condition prior to the project.
Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to accept their proposal and
have Kurt Rueckel inquire if they can do the repairs to University now and get an extension on
the payment and stagger the projects.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Lugar,
Heath,Strain,and Lihs.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O.
28E Agreement With IDOT -Maintenance of Roads.Table until the June 17th meeting.
Mower Bids.The mower bids were opened on May 29th for a 72 inch front mount riding
mower to be used in the Waukee Parks.
Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Strain,to make the reconnnendation to
accept the low bid of $13,495 for a 1996 John Deere F1l45 from Van Wall of Perry including
trade in of the old mower at $995.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Strain,
Gruber,Heath,and Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O.
Wastewater Conference &Safety Seminar.John Wesselmann would like to attend the
Wastewater Conference &Safety Seminar in order to acquire some ofthe needed continued
education units for the extension of his Wastewater license.
The Safety Seminar consists of current regulations,quick programs to implement for safety and
drug testing policies.The Wastewater conference itself goes into detail concerning various
laboratory and regulatory issues.
Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to allow John Wesselmann to
attend the Wastewater Conference &Safety Seminar.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:
Ayes:Gruber,Lugar,Heath,Lihs,and Strain.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O.
Windfield Plat 5 -Gas Main Installation.With Laurel Street being almost complete it is time
for the gas mains to be installed.The gas main installation is paid for by the developers.It
makes good sense to hire out the installation of the mains since the City reimburses the developer
at a later date when the lots are developed.
Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to recommend hiring Iowa
Pipeline to install the gas mains at a cost of$II,875.00.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:
Ayes:Strain,Gruber,Heath,and Lugar.Nays:Lihs.Motion carried 4 to I.
Planning and Zoning Report.A)Variance in process for the All State Gutter expansion;B)
approval for the Waukee State Bank;and C)all the corrections to the zoning,and subdivision
ordinances should be presented to the Council after the first meeting in July.
Mayor's Report.Mayor Bailey updated the Council on all his activities in the past several
Response to the Mike DeAnda Letter.Remind Mr.DeAnda of the pending offer from the
Operating Engineering School.
Attorney's Report.
A)South Dallas County LandfIll-Closed Session.Paul had nothing to report.
B)Annexation -Closed Session.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman
Lugar,to enter into closed session 21.51 (C)"To discuss strategy with Counsel in matters that
are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to
prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation".The mayor
asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Lugar,Heath,Strain,and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion
carried 5 to O.
The Council entered into closed session at 9:56 p.m.
The Council came out of closed session at 10:24 p.m.
Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to enter into closed session
21.51 (I)"To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment,hiring,
performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable
injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session."The Mayor
asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Lugar,Heath,Strain,and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion
carried 5 to O.
The Council entered into closed session at 10:26 p.m.
The Council came out of closed session at 10:49 p.m.
Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to give the City Treasurer the
opportunity to submit a letter of resignation effective July 1,1996.The Mayor asked for a roll
call vote:Ayes:Strain,Lugar,Lih and Heath.Nays:Gruber.Motion carried 4 to O.
6 I
Motion to adjourn at 10:51 p.m.by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilwoman Libs.The
Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried.
Kurt A.Rueckel,City Administrator