HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-10-07-Regular MinutesThe October 7,1996 Waukee City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr. Roll Call.A roll call vote was taken and the following Council Members were present:Nick Gruber,Robyn Heath,Monica Lihs,and Terry Strain.Absent:Dan Lugar. Mayor Bailey introduced the new City Treasurer,Charlene Wilson. Open Forum. Roger Schlaefer,1070 Ist Street Place,would like the Council to give him permission to talk with the Engineer about moving the easement to the park behind his property or having the easement disbanded. Agenda Additions -Agenda Approval.Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to approve the agenda.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 4 to O. Consent Agenda -A)9/16/96 Council Minutes;B)Salary and Bill Presentation;and C) Renewal of Liquor License -Beverage Distributer of Iowa.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs, seconded by Councilman Strain,to approve the Consent Agenda.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Strain,Heath and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. 9/30/96 Salary Presentation Breuer,Gregory A. DeZeeuw,David S. Evans,Robert G. Fetterman,Gregory S. Ford,Elizabeth A. Herrick,Robert D. Hopper,Kenneth E. Horkey,Robin R. Johnes,Harry N. Kammerer,Bryan Lestina,Toni Mack,Linda M. McNamara,Terence P. Murphy-Petersen,Devon Ohnemus,Valerie J. Philiips,Larry J. Royer,Tim Rueckel,Kurt A. Tofteland,Joy E. $1,015.91 $964.47 $807.76 $240.11 $654.75 $700.96 $1,096.94 $939.55 $498.07 $428.40 $640.77 $659.23 $814.41 $251.17 $219.21 $1,089.58 $841.75 $1,155.68 $586.65 1 Van Zee,Dianna Wesselmann,John C. White,Danny L. Wright,Brian Brenton Bank OM Telco Community CU IPERS IPERS Total 10/7/96 Bill Presentation Accountemps Ross J.Huney mark Young Madison National Life US Postal Service VISA Grimes Asphalt &Paving Holt Tire Service IA Municipalities Workers IA concrete Products Co IA Dept Of Transportation IAOne Call Jerico Services,Inc. Jim Coons Trucking Mid-Iowa Sales Company Olson Brothers Genex R-Way Concrete Rhino Materials State Chem Mfg Co Veenstra &Kimm,Inc. American Speedy Printing Aramark Uniform Service Carpenter Uniform Co. Cily Wide Heating &AC Copy Systems,Inc. DARE America OM Register Fuller Standard Service $616.74 $1,143.03 $856.86 $993.84 $6,383.14 $200.00 $2,375.64 $2,772.80 ) $28,947.42 Temp Help Utility refund Utility refund Disability Postage Misc.supplies Cold mis 6 Titans/tire repair WC Prem -Install #3 Supplies Misc.supplies Notification Chloride for dust Roadstone Vehicle supplies Anti freeze Supplies Concrete Con Sol,Con Brick Custom strapper 96 Street Improvements Printing Floor mats Boots/rain cover Furnance Maintenance Copy main!.contract DARE Products Daily/Sun Register Vehicle gas $2,348.55 $59.77 $101.20 $711.69 $296.52 $765.93 $163.00 $2,085.00 $1,126.00 $75.09 $103.52 $94.05 $3,135.00 $2,443.50 $241.93 $101.95 $101.96 $1,836.56 $75.09 $214.10 $16,319.29 $424.05 $92.52 $1,131.92 $97.02 $26.91 $244.43 $47.45 $147.50 2 HRdirect IADA Services,Inc. MidAmerican Energy J.L.M.Shooters Supply Justex Systems,Inc Law Enforcement,Equip Presto X Company Quality Ford ofWD.M. Spring Valley Radio Corp Storey-Kenworthy Company Tee's Plus Screen Printing United States Cellular AirTouch Cellular US West Communications Waukee Municipal Gas Alert-All Corp Spring Valley Radio Corp Spry Auto parts &Service Waukee Fire Association Emergency Medical Prod Firefighters Bookstore Waukee First Responders The Building Inspectors Broderick Animal Clinic Brenton State Bank Capper Press Central Iowa Regional The Computer Supply Store Dallas County News Dawson Demco Electro-Serv,Inc. Ingram Library Services Iowa OCLC Users Group LeaseConsultants Lucent Books Linda M.Mack Marcive Incorporated NetlNS The Cinema Center Joy E.Tofteland Ulverscroft Upstart Labor Law Poster IADA Monthly service Bucksot,shell houser Polcie Labor Mag cuff case Pest control Vehicle maintenance Battery Radio Office Supplies DARE materials Cell phone service Police cell service Monthly service Gas usage Tot finder stickers Repair of elect equip check points/clean battery 1st 1/2 Firemans Association Adult bp cuff pathogens book Reimb for rescue/training Monthly service Vet services Misc.services matericals Public ISchool workshop Cable Newspaper Material Supplies Repair service Materials Dues Lease copy machine Material mileage Marc records Internet Services Material Mileage Material Bookmarks $36.85 $20.47 $5,686.47 $39.60 $97.00 $40.90 $21.50 $394.70 $75.00 $279.39 $99.58 $108.79 $60.08 $902.32 $426.84 $167.50 $3.00 $28.00 $800.00 $89.61 $55.95 $94.50 $3,135.00 $48.00 $97.40 $40.88 $10.00 $16.00 $234.73 $35.11 $493.15 $681.42 $389.95 $5.00 $72.31 $55.48 $145.56 $68.53 $25.00 $4.79 $28.80 $129.50 $34.20 3 Waukee Hardware Store Wityk,Debra World Almanac Education JoAnn Zimmerman Aggregate Equip Battery Patrol IA Once Call Municipal Pipe Tool,Co. United States Cellular Brown Supply Co KAR Products Municipal Supply Creative Printers,Inc. Don;s Janitorial Service IADA Services,Inc. MCI Redden Miller,Inc. Pitney Bowes Inc Waukee Mini Storage Gruber,Mark L. Berg,Angela Fisher Controls Inti Groebner &Assoc. IA Methodist Med Cntr iA Pipeline Associates Leak Specialists More than Toys Inc Northern Municipal Plumb Supply Co Safety-Kleen Corp US Energy Services,Inc. Total Paint Custodial Services Poster Material Rent trowel power 8V Notification Cleaning of Sanitary Servo Monthiy service Tapped/Circle clamp Pins &tie Misc.supplies Newsletter Monthly service IADA Flat rate Main!.contract 2 red ink rollers Oct storage Building permits Reimbursement Regulators Gas line Lab test Gas line Survey on mains Replace pager Assessment Rectorseal/Nipple Machine Service Gas supply $29.16 $125.00 $5.75 $63.00 $40.70 $35.95 $31.35 $5,110.40 $47.28 $579.66 $115.03 $142.84 $306.00 $200.00 $1,092.00 $5.40 $153.09 $62.89 $46.00 $672.50 $70.35 $2,495.74 $6,625.16 $33.00 $31,461.67 $292.50 $42.00 $625.00 $96.60 $82.75 $20,551.52 $158,679.21 Proclamation -Brain Injury Awareness Month.The Mayor designated October as Brain Injury Awareness Month.(See Proclamation Book -page 5). Determination of University Avenue Trunk Sewer Service Area.Kurt Rueckel,Charlene Wilson,and John Kursitis met with Tom Mehl and Robert Helmich of Dorsey and Whitney to discuss the following options: a)should the entire Southfork area be considered as a connection district;J b)only the residents on the western edge of Southfork,include the area along 4 142nd Street on the other side of Soutbfork requiring another main pumping station; c)include the residents on Boone Drive as a special assessment,connection fee district; d)include the 2,300 acre area north of the city which will require the city to increase the size of the main on University. The Council discussed the different options in great length and tabled the discussion until the October 21st City Council meeting. Highway 6 Reconstruction Update.Alan Sampson and John Cunningham,Iowa Department of Transportation,and Robert Holsinger,Snyder &Associations gave the Council a update on the Highway 6 Project. ) Safety Deposit Access Authorization.Motion by Councihnan Strain,seconded by Councihnanl ." Gruber,to pass the Resolution authorizing access to the Safety Deposit Box to the Mayor,City 'If,:.3 Treasurer,and the City Clerk/Administrator.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain, Gruber,Lihs,and Heath.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. First Responder Unit -Loan from Gas Fund.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by.!! Councilwoman Heath,to pass Resolution 96-23 authorizing a loan from the Gas Fund to the /.. General Fund for the purpose of purchasing a First Responder Unit and to set up the payment do c;!,,;;,4- schedule for repayment.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Heath,Lihs,and Strain.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O.(See Resolution Book). Gas Main Service to High School-Bids.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Strain,to award the High School Gas Main installation to Iowa Pipeline,Inc.not to exceed $26,810.00 not including the meter sets.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes: Gruber,Stram,Lihs,and Heath.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. MWR Telcom -Network Agreement.Motion by Councihnan Gruber,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to table this item.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Lihs, Strain,and Heath.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. Set a Date for Public Hearing -Subdivision Ordinance.Motion by Councilman Gruber, seconded by Councilman Strain,to set a date for a public hearing for .Subdivision Ordinance Amendment on October 21,1996 at 7:00pm at City Hall.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote: Ayes:Gruber,Strain,Heath,and Lihs.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. Library Report.Councilman Strain provided the Council with a written report.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to accept the Library Report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 4 to O. 5 Planning and Zoning Report.Councilwoman Heath provided a written report.Motion by Councilwoman Libs,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to accept the Planning and Zoning Report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 4 to O.) Mayor's Report.Mayor Bailey announced the following items:Homecoming Activities are street painting and bonfire on Thursday Night 6:30pm to 9:00pm and Parade on Friday afternoon at 1 :45pm;Mayor Bailey has received numerous complaints about the shoulder work along R22; the Fire Department has requested new updated maps of the city;Van and Bonnie will be taping their morning show from the Triangle on October 29th from 5:00am to 9:00am.They will go to the local cafe at 9:00am to interview several citizens. The Mayor would like Councilman Strain and one other Council member to meet with the Library to address ways of support. Motion by Councilwoman Libs,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to accept the Mayor's Report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 4 to O. Administrator's Report.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Strain,to approve the Administrator's Report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 4 to O. Attorney's Report. Landfill -Closed Session.Motion by Councilwoman Libs,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to ] enter into closed session under section 21.51 (C)"To discuss strategy with Counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation".The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Gruber,Heath,and Strain.Motion carried 4 to O. The Council entered into closed session at 9:52pm. The Council came out of closed session at 10:14pm. Motion to adjourn at 10:14pm by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilwoman by Lihs.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 4 to O. Attest:J0--L.t Kurt A.Rueckel,City Clerk I6