HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-11-04-Regular MinutesThe November 4,1996 Waukee City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Mayor Donald L.Bailey,JI. Roll Call.A roll call vote was taken and the following Council Members were present:Nick Gruber,Monica Lihs,Dan Lugar,and Terry Strain.Absent:Robyn Heath. Open Forum.Clint Robinson -spoke to the Council regarding approval to purchase a new hydraulic tool including cutter,spreader and hydraulic generator at a cost of approximately $9,000 and sell the old hydraulic tool.Put on the agenda for 11/18/96 Council meeting. Agenda Additions -Agenda Approval.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to approve the agenda.Motion carried 4 to o. Consent Agenda -A)10/21/96 Council Minutes and B)Salary and Bill Presentation. Salary Presentation: Name Gregory Breuer Jay C.Dacre Robert Evans Elizabeth Ford Robert Herrick Kenueth Hopper Robin Horkey Harry Jones Toni Lestina Michael 1.Liskey Linda Mack Devon Murphy-Peterson Larry Phillips Timothy Royer Kurt Rueckel Joy Tofteland Dianua VanZee John Wesse1manu DanuyWhite Brian Wright Charlene Wilson David A.Canada David DeZeeuw Gregory S.Fetterman Bryan T.Kammerer Terry McNamara Pay $975.56 $422.54 $820.50 $654.75 $735.32 $879.59 $761.61 $219.20 $640.77 $582.19 $659.23 $277.32 $1,089.58 $786.30 $1,155.68 $586.65 $616.74 $1,143.03 $715.01 $864.29 $802.60 $570.46 $778.93 $290.62 $545.86 $815.13 1 Valerie 1.Ohnemus TELCO BRENTON BANK IPERS IPERS TOTAL $175.69 $200.00 $6,462.62 $2,278.30 $3,117.43 $30,623.50 APPROVAL OF BILLS PERIOD ENDING:11/04/96 VENDOR NAME Adams Door Co ADEL TV &APPL Aggregate Equip &Supply American Speedy Printing AmerUs Insurance Aramark Uniform Services Baer Ag Supply Banknote Printing,Inc. Blue Cross/Blue Shield Bob's Mobile Toilet Serv Brenton State Bank Brittain's Standard Parts Broderick Animal Clinic Brown Supply Co,Inc. Butterfield Management Carpenter Uniform Co City of Johnston Copy Center Copy Systems,Inc Creative Printers,Inc Crouse Cartage Co Custom Homes,Inc. DARE America Denton,Lorri DMRegister Don's Janitorial Serv Dorrian Heating Electro-Serv,Inc. Farmer's Coop Elev Feslers Inc DESCRIPTION Trolley Operator Furnace Power Trowel Envelopes Bonding Insurance Floor Mats Lime Window envelopes Oct.&Nov.'96 Premo Two Mobile Toilets Police Petty Cash Demurrage EuthCat Marking Flags-Gas Meeting with ChiefPhill Emblems Street Sweeping Film Process Copy Machine Maint Oct.Newsletter Air Blower Freight Util Refund Wookbooks Util Refund Ad for help Janitorial Service Oct96 Service Call Electrical Supplies &La Bam Lime Police Equip 2 AMOUNT 620.00 2,050.00 40.70 157.60 162.00 92.52 85.00 135.97 18,423.39 100.00 160.07 140.00 16.00 1,035.95 100.00 33.75 2,372.50 9.60 28.56 98.00 95.63 18.94 72.00 55.78 984.00 200.00 48.00 261.92 236.07 127.46 ] I Fisher Controls IntI,Inc Frank Dunn Co. Gas Products Sales Gruber,Mark L. Hach Company Herrick,Robert D. IA Municipalities Work IA Law Enforcernnt Interstate Battery Syst IA Rlty Relocation MidAmerican Energy IA One Call J.J.Keller &Associates James W Bell Co.,Inc Jim Coons Trucking Jim's Johns Linch Auto Parts Logan Contractors MAC Tools -G Purdy Madison National Life MCI Mercy Regional Emerg Mercy-West Med Metro Uniforms Metro Sales Co MID CO SUPPLY CO Mid-Iowa Sales Co Mid-Land EquipCo Genex R-Way Concrete VISA Redden-Miller,Inc Secretary of State The Building Inspect The State Chemical Mfg Co Triplett Off Essentials Truck Eqnipment,Inc USABlueBook US Energy Serv,Inc US Postal Service AirTouch Cellular USWestComm Utility Consultants Inc Gas Relief Valve Size 3 Col-Tar Sealant Misc.Supplies Oct.Bdlg.Inspec. Chemicals Reimb.State Test Water! Work Comp Prem Basic Personal DT Two Batteries Util Refund 9/12/96 -10/14/96 Locates OSHA Safety Train Concrete Breaker Repair Road Stone Two Port.toilets/C Park Shock Absorbers Crackseal Pour Pot Saw Repair LD Service EMT-D Upgrade Shot-K.Hooper Uniforms Mise Metro Area Wall map Scotch Coat PE Pipe Ultra Violet Labor and Parts Low Pressure Acetylene M-4 Concrete Monthly purchases Copy 9/16/96-10/15/96 Notary Public-K.Rueckel Oct.Bdlg.Inspec. SPW Special Lub Name Plate Headlight for Plows Meters Gas Supplies Postage Monthly service Phone Service Lab Test 3 1,513.00 185.00 4,427.61 696.22 137.50 86.10 1,126.00 25.00 99.90 27.66 1,382.05 129.00 175.19 144.54 2,037.72 80.00 51.04 276.00 65.00 233.98 5.40 750.00 62.00 254.00 225.50 177.60 57.36 544.15 36.54 301.75 514.84 108.17 30.00 4,121.90 298.61 15.90 65.02 716.50 23,072.15 589.89 62.09 344.48 336.00 Veenstra &Kinnn,Inc.Engineering fees Viking Oil Mirobes Washpointe Autowash Auto Wash Waterpro Supplies Water Supplies Waukee Hardware Supplies Waukee Municipal Gas 9/19/96 -10/21/96 WearGuard Sweatshirts Webster Electric Service Call ***TOTAL FOR BANK 17 ***GRAND TOTAL *** 14,492.64 503.04 15.95 319.00 333.48 307.83 196.70 40.00 89,744.35 89,744.35 I Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to approve the consent agenda. The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Lugar,Strain,and Lihs.Nays:None. Motion carried 4 to O. Mat Austin -Appreciation for Painting the Shelters at Centeunial Park.Mayor Bailey presented Mat Austin with a certificate of Appreciation for his hard work painting the shelters at Centennial Park. Blazanin and DeAnda -Deannexation.Paul Huscher,City Attorney,stated this would apply to Section 364.8 -Voluntary Application.The City would file this application with the state. Councilwoman Lihs feels this issue can be worked out without going to the measures of deannexation of the Blazanin and DeAnda property. ] The Mayor stated that the road is a private road and the city can not maintain or perform snow removal.There may be a possibility of making the road a class Broad. Councilman Gruber spoke to the Corp of Engineers and the engineers have not heard from any of the citizens of Sahu Acres. The road can not be dedicated to the City because it does not meet city code.The road is owned by the Homeowners Association of Sahu Acres,but the city has not been able to determine who the Homeowners Association is. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to deny the request for deaunexation of the DeAnda and Blazanin property and is requesting the homeowners to bring their abstract in for review to determine who is the owner of the road.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Lugar,Gruber,and Strain.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. Grubb Rezoning -8th &Cherry.Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to have the zoning revert back to R-2 as per the agreement.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain,Lihs,Gruber,and Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O.I 4 Proposed Redesign Agreement mOT -Highway 6.Councilwoman Lihs had a question regarding #2-Right of Way (pg 2)why isn't there a traffic signal at 6th Street and Hwy 6. Councilman Strain would like to know the exact dollar amount that this project will cost the city. Also a question with #11 -Utilities (pg 3)why would the city utilities have to be moved?#8 -Stonn Sewers (pg.3)concern with statement "the City shall be responsible for the remainder of the costs." Councilwoman Lihs is thinking of only safety regarding the bikers that use University,could the shoulders possibly be resurfaced to serve the bikers during the time of the detour. Resolution Approving Policy for Expenditure of Funds for Employee and Volunteer t.JcJ,0.-f. Recognition.Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councihnan Lugar,to accept rr.o .~+ Resolution No.96-24 approving the policy for expenditure of funds for employee and volunteer recognition and support except #8.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain,Lugar, Lihs,and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. Road Use Tax Resolution.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councihnan Lugar,to .J?AJ( pass Resolution No.96-25 approving the 1996 Street Finance Report,for the Fiscal Year Ending f t:;Z -'1.5 June 30,1996.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Lugar,Gruber,and Strain."'- Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. Review of Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs, seconded by Councilman Strain,to refer to the personnel committee to review the job description,and bring back to the December 2nd Council meeting.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 4 to O. Mayor's Report.Mayor Bailey reported the following:A meeting has been scheduled for the Library on November 18 at 6:00pm at city hall;the Van &Bonnie show was a great success;the Mayor visited the Syrvet open house to celebrate their 10th anniversary in business;visited with LeRoy and Linda Graham regarding the shoulder work on R-22;the Impact Fees meeting went well,but will need to schedule another meeting to finish the discuss of several items;the Budget Committee will need to meet soon;and read a Thank you from St.Boniface church thanking the Council for scheduling Beggar's Night on Thursday night. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councihnan Gruber,to accept the Mayor's Report. The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 4 to O. Administrator's Report.Kurt reported the following items:will need to set a date for the Budget meeting;the health insurance will be increasing 15%in January -surveys have been sent to all employees;would like to take bids for Liability Insurance;meeting Thursday,November 7th with the City of Clive and the Fire Chiefs from Clive and Waukee;University Truuk Sewer -V &K have completed their information;and Ragbrai -discuss at the next council meeting and 5 have Cheryl Humphrey attend. Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to approve the Administrator's Report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 4 to O. Attorney's Report.Paul spoke briefly regarding the annexation. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to accept the Attorney's Report. The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 4 to O. Adjourn.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to adjourn the meeting at 8:40pm.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried 4 to O. Attest: &~~Q¥ Donald 1.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor Kurt A.Rueckel,City Clerk I6